vendor/mpdf/mpdf/src/Mpdf.php line 1049

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  1. <?php
  2. namespace Mpdf;
  3. use Mpdf\Config\ConfigVariables;
  4. use Mpdf\Config\FontVariables;
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  18.  * mPDF, PHP library generating PDF files from UTF-8 encoded HTML
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  20.  * based on FPDF by Olivier Plathey
  21.  *      and HTML2FPDF by Renato Coelho
  22.  *
  23.  * @license GPL-2.0
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  530.      * Set timeout for cURL
  531.      *
  532.      * @var int
  533.      */
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  535.     /**
  536.      * Set execution timeout for cURL
  537.      *
  538.      * @var int
  539.      */
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  541.     /**
  542.      * Set to true to follow redirects with cURL.
  543.      *
  544.      * @var bool
  545.      */
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  547.     /**
  548.      * Set your own CA certificate store for SSL Certificate verification when using cURL
  549.      *
  550.      * Useful setting to use on hosts with outdated CA certificates.
  551.      *
  552.      * Download the latest CA certificate from
  553.      *
  554.      * @var string The absolute path to the pem file
  555.      */
  556.     var $curlCaCertificate;
  557.     /**
  558.      * Set to true to allow unsafe SSL HTTPS requests.
  559.      *
  560.      * Can be useful when using CDN with HTTPS and if you don't want to configure settings with SSL certificates.
  561.      *
  562.      * @var bool
  563.      */
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  565.     /**
  566.      * Set the proxy for cURL.
  567.      *
  568.      * @see
  569.      *
  570.      * @var string
  571.      */
  572.     var $curlProxy;
  573.     /**
  574.      * Set the proxy auth for cURL.
  575.      *
  576.      * @see
  577.      *
  578.      * @var string
  579.      */
  580.     var $curlProxyAuth;
  581.     /**
  582.      * Set the User-Agent header in the HTTP requests sent by cURL.
  583.      *
  584.      * @see
  585.      *
  586.      * @var string User Agent header
  587.      */
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  1274.     public function cleanup()
  1275.     {
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  1285.     private function initConfig(array $config)
  1286.     {
  1287.         $configObject = new ConfigVariables();
  1288.         $defaults $configObject->getDefaults();
  1289.         $config array_intersect_key($config $defaults$defaults);
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  1291.             $this->{$var} = $val;
  1292.         }
  1293.         return $config;
  1294.     }
  1295.     private function initConstructorParams(array $config)
  1296.     {
  1297.         $constructor = [
  1298.             'mode' => '',
  1299.             'format' => 'A4',
  1300.             'default_font_size' => 0,
  1301.             'default_font' => '',
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  1307.             'margin_footer' => 9,
  1308.             'orientation' => 'P',
  1309.         ];
  1310.         foreach ($constructor as $key => $val) {
  1311.             if (isset($config[$key])) {
  1312.                 $constructor[$key] = $config[$key];
  1313.             }
  1314.         }
  1315.         return array_values($constructor);
  1316.     }
  1317.     private function initFontConfig(array $config)
  1318.     {
  1319.         $configObject = new FontVariables();
  1320.         $defaults $configObject->getDefaults();
  1321.         $config array_intersect_key($config $defaults$defaults);
  1322.         foreach ($config as $var => $val) {
  1323.             $this->{$var} = $val;
  1324.         }
  1325.         return $config;
  1326.     }
  1327.     function _setPageSize($format, &$orientation)
  1328.     {
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  1331.                 $format 'A4';
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  1333.             // e.g. A4-L = A4 landscape, A4-P = A4 portrait
  1334.             $orientation $orientation ?: 'P';
  1335.             if (preg_match('/([0-9a-zA-Z]*)-([P,L])/i'$format$m)) {
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  1692.         // $h - absolute length or % or auto or cover | contain
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  1708.                 // Same as resize==3
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  1723.                 }
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  1725.                 if (stristr($size['w'], '%')) {
  1726.                     $size['w'] = (float) $size['w'];
  1727.                     $size['w'] /= 100;
  1728.                     $size['w'] = ($cw $size['w']);
  1729.                 }
  1730.                 if (stristr($size['h'], '%')) {
  1731.                     $size['h'] = (float) $size['h'];
  1732.                     $size['h'] /= 100;
  1733.                     $size['h'] = ($ch $size['h']);
  1734.                 }
  1735.                 if ($size['w'] == 'auto' && $size['h'] == 'auto') {
  1736.                     $w $imw;
  1737.                     $h $imh;
  1738.                 } elseif ($size['w'] == 'auto' && $size['h'] != 'auto') {
  1739.                     $w $imw $size['h'] / $imh;
  1740.                     $h $size['h'];
  1741.                 } elseif ($size['w'] != 'auto' && $size['h'] == 'auto') {
  1742.                     $h $imh $size['w'] / $imw;
  1743.                     $w $size['w'];
  1744.                 } else {
  1745.                     $w $size['w'];
  1746.                     $h $size['h'];
  1747.                 }
  1748.             }
  1749.             return [$w$h$repx$repy];
  1750.         } elseif ($resize == && $imw $cw) {
  1751.             $h $imh $cw $imw;
  1752.             return [$cw$h$repx$repy];
  1753.         } elseif ($resize == && $imh $ch) {
  1754.             $w $imw $ch $imh;
  1755.             return [$w$ch$repx$repy];
  1756.         } elseif ($resize == 3) {
  1757.             $w $imw;
  1758.             $h $imh;
  1759.             if ($w $cw) {
  1760.                 $h $h $cw $w;
  1761.                 $w $cw;
  1762.             }
  1763.             if ($h $ch) {
  1764.                 $w $w $ch $h;
  1765.                 $h $ch;
  1766.             }
  1767.             return [$w$h$repx$repy];
  1768.         } elseif ($resize == 4) {
  1769.             $h $imh $cw $imw;
  1770.             return [$cw$h$repx$repy];
  1771.         } elseif ($resize == 5) {
  1772.             $w $imw $ch $imh;
  1773.             return [$w$ch$repx$repy];
  1774.         } elseif ($resize == 6) {
  1775.             return [$cw$ch$repx$repy];
  1776.         }
  1777.         return [$imw$imh$repx$repy];
  1778.     }
  1779.     function SetBackground(&$properties, &$maxwidth)
  1780.     {
  1781.         if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']) && ($properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'] == 'border-box' || $properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'] == 'content-box')) {
  1782.             $origin $properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'];
  1783.         } else {
  1784.             $origin 'padding-box';
  1785.         }
  1786.         if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'])) {
  1787.             if (stristr($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'], 'contain')) {
  1788.                 $bsw $bsh 'contain';
  1789.             } elseif (stristr($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'], 'cover')) {
  1790.                 $bsw $bsh 'cover';
  1791.             } else {
  1792.                 $bsw $bsh 'auto';
  1793.                 $sz preg_split('/\s+/'trim($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE']));
  1794.                 if (count($sz) == 2) {
  1795.                     $bsw $sz[0];
  1796.                     $bsh $sz[1];
  1797.                 } else {
  1798.                     $bsw $sz[0];
  1799.                 }
  1800.                 if (!stristr($bsw'%') && !stristr($bsw'auto')) {
  1801.                     $bsw $this->sizeConverter->convert($bsw$maxwidth$this->FontSize);
  1802.                 }
  1803.                 if (!stristr($bsh'%') && !stristr($bsh'auto')) {
  1804.                     $bsh $this->sizeConverter->convert($bsh$maxwidth$this->FontSize);
  1805.                 }
  1806.             }
  1807.             $size = ['w' => $bsw'h' => $bsh];
  1808.         } else {
  1809.             $size false;
  1810.         } // mPDF 6
  1811.         if (preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/'$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'])) {
  1812.             return ['gradient' => $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'], 'origin' => $origin'size' => $size];
  1813.         } else {
  1814.             $file $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'];
  1815.             $sizesarray $this->Image($file0000''''falsefalsefalsefalsetrue);
  1816.             if (isset($sizesarray['IMAGE_ID'])) {
  1817.                 $image_id $sizesarray['IMAGE_ID'];
  1818.                 $orig_w $sizesarray['WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;  // in user units i.e. mm
  1819.                 $orig_h $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] * Mpdf::SCALE;  // (using $this->img_dpi)
  1820.                 if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESOLUTION'])) {
  1821.                     if (preg_match('/from-image/i'$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESOLUTION']) && isset($sizesarray['set-dpi']) && $sizesarray['set-dpi'] > 0) {
  1822.                         $orig_w *= $this->img_dpi $sizesarray['set-dpi'];
  1823.                         $orig_h *= $this->img_dpi $sizesarray['set-dpi'];
  1824.                     } elseif (preg_match('/(\d+)dpi/i'$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESOLUTION'], $m)) {
  1825.                         $dpi $m[1];
  1826.                         if ($dpi 0) {
  1827.                             $orig_w *= $this->img_dpi $dpi;
  1828.                             $orig_h *= $this->img_dpi $dpi;
  1829.                         }
  1830.                     }
  1831.                 }
  1832.                 $x_repeat true;
  1833.                 $y_repeat true;
  1834.                 if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'])) {
  1835.                     if ($properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] == 'no-repeat' || $properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] == 'repeat-x') {
  1836.                         $y_repeat false;
  1837.                     }
  1838.                     if ($properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] == 'no-repeat' || $properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] == 'repeat-y') {
  1839.                         $x_repeat false;
  1840.                     }
  1841.                 }
  1842.                 $x_pos 0;
  1843.                 $y_pos 0;
  1844.                 if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-POSITION'])) {
  1845.                     $ppos preg_split('/\s+/'$properties['BACKGROUND-POSITION']);
  1846.                     $x_pos $ppos[0];
  1847.                     $y_pos $ppos[1];
  1848.                     if (!stristr($x_pos'%')) {
  1849.                         $x_pos $this->sizeConverter->convert($x_pos$maxwidth$this->FontSize);
  1850.                     }
  1851.                     if (!stristr($y_pos'%')) {
  1852.                         $y_pos $this->sizeConverter->convert($y_pos$maxwidth$this->FontSize);
  1853.                     }
  1854.                 }
  1855.                 if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'])) {
  1856.                     $resize $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'];
  1857.                 } else {
  1858.                     $resize 0;
  1859.                 }
  1860.                 if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'])) {
  1861.                     $opacity $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'];
  1862.                 } else {
  1863.                     $opacity 1;
  1864.                 }
  1865.                 return ['image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $sizesarray['itype'], 'origin' => $origin'size' => $size];
  1866.             }
  1867.         }
  1868.         return false;
  1869.     }
  1870.     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  1871.     function PrintBodyBackgrounds()
  1872.     {
  1873.         $s '';
  1874.         $clx 0;
  1875.         $cly 0;
  1876.         $clw $this->w;
  1877.         $clh $this->h;
  1878.         // If using bleed and trim margins in paged media
  1879.         if ($this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_LR'] || $this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_TB']) {
  1880.             $clx $this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_LR'] - $this->pageDim[$this->page]['bleedMargin'];
  1881.             $cly $this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_TB'] - $this->pageDim[$this->page]['bleedMargin'];
  1882.             $clw $this->$clx;
  1883.             $clh $this->$cly;
  1884.         }
  1885.         if ($this->bodyBackgroundColor) {
  1886.             $s .= 'q ' $this->SetFColor($this->bodyBackgroundColortrue) . "\n";
  1887.             if ($this->bodyBackgroundColor[0] == 5) { // RGBa
  1888.                 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor[4]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  1889.             } elseif ($this->bodyBackgroundColor[0] == 6) { // CMYKa
  1890.                 $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor[5]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  1891.             }
  1892.             $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', ($clx Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly Mpdf::SCALE), $clw Mpdf::SCALE$clh Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
  1893.         }
  1894.         /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  1895.         if ($this->bodyBackgroundGradient) {
  1896.             $g $this->gradient->parseBackgroundGradient($this->bodyBackgroundGradient);
  1897.             if ($g) {
  1898.                 $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($clx$cly$clw$clh, (isset($g['gradtype']) ? $g['gradtype'] : null), $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true);
  1899.             }
  1900.         }
  1901.         if ($this->bodyBackgroundImage) {
  1902.             if (isset($this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient']) && $this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/'$this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient'])) {
  1903.                 $g $this->gradient->parseMozGradient($this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient']);
  1904.                 if ($g) {
  1905.                     $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($clx$cly$clw$clh$g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true);
  1906.                 }
  1907.             } elseif ($this->bodyBackgroundImage['image_id']) { // Background pattern
  1908.                 $n count($this->patterns) + 1;
  1909.                 // If using resize, uses TrimBox (not including the bleed)
  1910.                 list($orig_w$orig_h$x_repeat$y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($this->bodyBackgroundImage['orig_w'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['orig_h'], $clw$clh$this->bodyBackgroundImage['resize'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['x_repeat'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['y_repeat']);
  1911.                 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $clx'y' => $cly'w' => $clw'h' => $clh'pgh' => $this->h'image_id' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'itype' => $this->bodyBackgroundImage['itype']];
  1912.                 if (($this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity'] > || $this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity'] === '0') && $this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity'] < 1) {
  1913.                     $opac $this->SetAlpha($this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
  1914.                 } else {
  1915.                     $opac '';
  1916.                 }
  1917.                 $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q'$n$opac, ($clx Mpdf::SCALE), ($cly Mpdf::SCALE), $clw Mpdf::SCALE$clh Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
  1918.             }
  1919.         }
  1920.         /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  1921.         return $s;
  1922.     }
  1923.     function _setClippingPath($clx$cly$clw$clh)
  1924.     {
  1925.         $s ' q 0 w '// Line width=0
  1926.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // start point TL before the arc
  1927.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($cly $clh)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BL
  1928.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx $clw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($cly $clh)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BR
  1929.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx $clw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TR
  1930.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($cly)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TL
  1931.         $s .= ' W n '// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  1932.         return $s;
  1933.     }
  1934.     function PrintPageBackgrounds($adjustmenty 0)
  1935.     {
  1936.         $s '';
  1937.         ksort($this->pageBackgrounds);
  1938.         foreach ($this->pageBackgrounds as $bl => $pbs) {
  1939.             foreach ($pbs as $pb) {
  1940.                 if ((!isset($pb['image_id']) && !isset($pb['gradient'])) || isset($pb['shadowonly'])) { // Background colour or boxshadow
  1941.                     if ($pb['z-index'] > 0) {
  1942.                         $this->current_layer $pb['z-index'];
  1943.                         $s .= "\n" '/OCBZ-index /ZI' $pb['z-index'] . ' BDC' "\n";
  1944.                     }
  1945.                     if ($pb['visibility'] != 'visible') {
  1946.                         if ($pb['visibility'] == 'printonly') {
  1947.                             $s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC' "\n";
  1948.                         } elseif ($pb['visibility'] == 'screenonly') {
  1949.                             $s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC' "\n";
  1950.                         } elseif ($pb['visibility'] == 'hidden') {
  1951.                             $s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC' "\n";
  1952.                         }
  1953.                     }
  1954.                     // Box shadow
  1955.                     if (isset($pb['shadow']) && $pb['shadow']) {
  1956.                         $s .= $pb['shadow'] . "\n";
  1957.                     }
  1958.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  1959.                         $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
  1960.                     }
  1961.                     $s .= 'q ' $this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true) . "\n";
  1962.                     if ($pb['col'] && $pb['col'][0] === '5') { // RGBa
  1963.                         $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][4]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  1964.                     } elseif ($pb['col'] && $pb['col'][0] === '6') { // CMYKa
  1965.                         $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][5]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  1966.                     }
  1967.                     $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q'$pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE$pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
  1968.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  1969.                         $s .= 'Q' "\n";
  1970.                     }
  1971.                     if ($pb['visibility'] != 'visible') {
  1972.                         $s .= 'EMC' "\n";
  1973.                     }
  1974.                     if ($pb['z-index'] > 0) {
  1975.                         $s .= "\n" 'EMCBZ-index' "\n";
  1976.                         $this->current_layer 0;
  1977.                     }
  1978.                 }
  1979.             }
  1980.             /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  1981.             foreach ($pbs as $pb) {
  1982.                 if ((isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) || (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id'])) {
  1983.                     if ($pb['z-index'] > 0) {
  1984.                         $this->current_layer $pb['z-index'];
  1985.                         $s .= "\n" '/OCGZ-index /ZI' $pb['z-index'] . ' BDC' "\n";
  1986.                     }
  1987.                     if ($pb['visibility'] != 'visible') {
  1988.                         if ($pb['visibility'] == 'printonly') {
  1989.                             $s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC' "\n";
  1990.                         } elseif ($pb['visibility'] == 'screenonly') {
  1991.                             $s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC' "\n";
  1992.                         } elseif ($pb['visibility'] == 'hidden') {
  1993.                             $s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC' "\n";
  1994.                         }
  1995.                     }
  1996.                 }
  1997.                 if (isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) {
  1998.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  1999.                         $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
  2000.                     }
  2001.                     $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
  2002.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  2003.                         $s .= 'Q' "\n";
  2004.                     }
  2005.                 } elseif (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id']) { // Background Image
  2006.                     $pb['y'] -= $adjustmenty;
  2007.                     $pb['h'] += $adjustmenty;
  2008.                     $n count($this->patterns) + 1;
  2009.                     list($orig_w$orig_h$x_repeat$y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat'], $pb['bpa'], $pb['size']);
  2010.                     $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $pb['x'], 'y' => $pb['y'], 'w' => $pb['w'], 'h' => $pb['h'], 'pgh' => $this->h'image_id' => $pb['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'itype' => $pb['itype'], 'bpa' => $pb['bpa']];
  2011.                     $x $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2012.                     $y = ($this->$pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2013.                     $w $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2014.                     $h = -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2015.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  2016.                         $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
  2017.                     }
  2018.                     if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) { // Write each (tiles) image rather than use as a pattern
  2019.                         $iw $pb['orig_w'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
  2020.                         $ih $pb['orig_h'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
  2021.                         $w $pb['w'];
  2022.                         $h $pb['h'];
  2023.                         $x0 $pb['x'];
  2024.                         $y0 $pb['y'];
  2025.                         if (isset($pb['bpa']) && $pb['bpa']) {
  2026.                             $w $pb['bpa']['w'];
  2027.                             $h $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2028.                             $x0 $pb['bpa']['x'];
  2029.                             $y0 $pb['bpa']['y'];
  2030.                         }
  2031.                         if (isset($pb['size']['w']) && $pb['size']['w']) {
  2032.                             $size $pb['size'];
  2033.                             if ($size['w'] == 'contain') {
  2034.                                 // Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest
  2035.                                 // size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
  2036.                                 // Same as resize==3
  2037.                                 $ih $ih $pb['bpa']['w'] / $iw;
  2038.                                 $iw $pb['bpa']['w'];
  2039.                                 if ($ih $pb['bpa']['h']) {
  2040.                                     $iw $iw $pb['bpa']['h'] / $ih;
  2041.                                     $ih $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2042.                                 }
  2043.                             } elseif ($size['w'] == 'cover') {
  2044.                                 // Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest
  2045.                                 // size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
  2046.                                 $ih $ih $pb['bpa']['w'] / $iw;
  2047.                                 $iw $pb['bpa']['w'];
  2048.                                 if ($ih $pb['bpa']['h']) {
  2049.                                     $iw $iw $ih $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2050.                                     $ih $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2051.                                 }
  2052.                             } else {
  2053.                                 if (NumericString::containsPercentChar($size['w'])) {
  2054.                                     $size['w'] = NumericString::removePercentChar($size['w']);
  2055.                                     $size['w'] /= 100;
  2056.                                     $size['w'] = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $size['w']);
  2057.                                 }
  2058.                                 if (NumericString::containsPercentChar($size['h'])) {
  2059.                                     $size['h'] = NumericString::removePercentChar($size['h']);
  2060.                                     $size['h'] /= 100;
  2061.                                     $size['h'] = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $size['h']);
  2062.                                 }
  2063.                                 if ($size['w'] == 'auto' && $size['h'] == 'auto') {
  2064.                                     $iw $iw;
  2065.                                     $ih $ih;
  2066.                                 } elseif ($size['w'] == 'auto' && $size['h'] != 'auto') {
  2067.                                     $iw $iw $size['h'] / $ih;
  2068.                                     $ih $size['h'];
  2069.                                 } elseif ($size['w'] != 'auto' && $size['h'] == 'auto') {
  2070.                                     $ih $ih $size['w'] / $iw;
  2071.                                     $iw $size['w'];
  2072.                                 } else {
  2073.                                     $iw $size['w'];
  2074.                                     $ih $size['h'];
  2075.                                 }
  2076.                             }
  2077.                         }
  2078.                         // Number to repeat
  2079.                         if ($pb['x_repeat']) {
  2080.                             $nx ceil($pb['w'] / $iw) + 1;
  2081.                         } else {
  2082.                             $nx 1;
  2083.                         }
  2084.                         if ($pb['y_repeat']) {
  2085.                             $ny ceil($pb['h'] / $ih) + 1;
  2086.                         } else {
  2087.                             $ny 1;
  2088.                         }
  2089.                         $x_pos $pb['x_pos'];
  2090.                         if (stristr($x_pos'%')) {
  2091.                             $x_pos = (float) $x_pos;
  2092.                             $x_pos /= 100;
  2093.                             $x_pos = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $x_pos) - ($iw $x_pos);
  2094.                         }
  2095.                         $y_pos $pb['y_pos'];
  2096.                         if (stristr($y_pos'%')) {
  2097.                             $y_pos = (float) $y_pos;
  2098.                             $y_pos /= 100;
  2099.                             $y_pos = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $y_pos) - ($ih $y_pos);
  2100.                         }
  2101.                         if ($nx 1) {
  2102.                             while ($x_pos > ($pb['x'] - $pb['bpa']['x'])) {
  2103.                                 $x_pos -= $iw;
  2104.                             }
  2105.                         }
  2106.                         if ($ny 1) {
  2107.                             while ($y_pos > ($pb['y'] - $pb['bpa']['y'])) {
  2108.                                 $y_pos -= $ih;
  2109.                             }
  2110.                         }
  2111.                         for ($xi 0$xi $nx$xi++) {
  2112.                             for ($yi 0$yi $ny$yi++) {
  2113.                                 $x $x0 $x_pos + ($iw $xi);
  2114.                                 $y $y0 $y_pos + ($ih $yi);
  2115.                                 if ($pb['opacity'] > && $pb['opacity'] < 1) {
  2116.                                     $opac $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
  2117.                                 } else {
  2118.                                     $opac '';
  2119.                                 }
  2120.                                 $s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q"$opac$iw Mpdf::SCALE$ih Mpdf::SCALE$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y $ih)) * Mpdf::SCALE$pb['image_id']) . "\n";
  2121.                             }
  2122.                         }
  2123.                     } else {
  2124.                         if (($pb['opacity'] > || $pb['opacity'] === '0') && $pb['opacity'] < 1) {
  2125.                             $opac $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
  2126.                         } else {
  2127.                             $opac '';
  2128.                         }
  2129.                         $s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q'$n$opac$x$y$w$h) . "\n";
  2130.                     }
  2131.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  2132.                         $s .= 'Q' "\n";
  2133.                     }
  2134.                 }
  2135.                 if ((isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) || (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id'])) {
  2136.                     if ($pb['visibility'] != 'visible') {
  2137.                         $s .= 'EMC' "\n";
  2138.                     }
  2139.                     if ($pb['z-index'] > 0) {
  2140.                         $s .= "\n" 'EMCGZ-index' "\n";
  2141.                         $this->current_layer 0;
  2142.                     }
  2143.                 }
  2144.             }
  2145.             /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  2146.         }
  2147.         return $s;
  2148.     }
  2149.     function PrintTableBackgrounds($adjustmenty 0)
  2150.     {
  2151.         $s '';
  2152.         /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  2153.         ksort($this->tableBackgrounds);
  2154.         foreach ($this->tableBackgrounds as $bl => $pbs) {
  2155.             foreach ($pbs as $pb) {
  2156.                 if ((!isset($pb['gradient']) || !$pb['gradient']) && (!isset($pb['image_id']) || !$pb['image_id'])) {
  2157.                     $s .= 'q ' $this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true) . "\n";
  2158.                     if ($pb['col'][0] == 5) { // RGBa
  2159.                         $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][4]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  2160.                     } elseif ($pb['col'][0] == 6) { // CMYKa
  2161.                         $s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col'][5]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  2162.                     }
  2163.                     $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s Q'$pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE$pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE'f') . "\n";
  2164.                 }
  2165.                 if (isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) {
  2166.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  2167.                         $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
  2168.                     }
  2169.                     $s .= $this->gradient->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
  2170.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  2171.                         $s .= 'Q' "\n";
  2172.                     }
  2173.                 }
  2174.                 if (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id']) { // Background pattern
  2175.                     $pb['y'] -= $adjustmenty;
  2176.                     $pb['h'] += $adjustmenty;
  2177.                     $n count($this->patterns) + 1;
  2178.                     list($orig_w$orig_h$x_repeat$y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat']);
  2179.                     $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $pb['x'], 'y' => $pb['y'], 'w' => $pb['w'], 'h' => $pb['h'], 'pgh' => $this->h'image_id' => $pb['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'itype' => $pb['itype']];
  2180.                     $x $pb['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2181.                     $y = ($this->$pb['y']) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2182.                     $w $pb['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2183.                     $h = -$pb['h'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  2184.                     // mPDF 5.7.3
  2185.                     if (($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) && (!isset($pb['clippath']) || $pb['clippath'] == '')) {
  2186.                         // Set clipping path
  2187.                         $pb['clippath'] = sprintf(' q 0 w %.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l W n '$x$y$x$y $h$x $w$y $h$x $w$y$x$y);
  2188.                     }
  2189.                     if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) {
  2190.                         $s .= $pb['clippath'] . "\n";
  2191.                     }
  2192.                     // mPDF 5.7.3
  2193.                     if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) { // Write each (tiles) image rather than use as a pattern
  2194.                         $iw $pb['orig_w'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
  2195.                         $ih $pb['orig_h'] / Mpdf::SCALE;
  2196.                         $w $pb['w'];
  2197.                         $h $pb['h'];
  2198.                         $x0 $pb['x'];
  2199.                         $y0 $pb['y'];
  2200.                         if (isset($pb['bpa']) && $pb['bpa']) {
  2201.                             $w $pb['bpa']['w'];
  2202.                             $h $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2203.                             $x0 $pb['bpa']['x'];
  2204.                             $y0 $pb['bpa']['y'];
  2205.                         } // At present 'bpa' (background page area) is not set for tablebackgrounds - only pagebackgrounds
  2206.                         // For now, just set it as:
  2207.                         else {
  2208.                             $pb['bpa'] = ['x' => $x0'y' => $y0'w' => $w'h' => $h];
  2209.                         }
  2210.                         if (isset($pb['size']['w']) && $pb['size']['w']) {
  2211.                             $size $pb['size'];
  2212.                             if ($size['w'] == 'contain') {
  2213.                                 // Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
  2214.                                 // Same as resize==3
  2215.                                 $ih $ih $pb['bpa']['w'] / $iw;
  2216.                                 $iw $pb['bpa']['w'];
  2217.                                 if ($ih $pb['bpa']['h']) {
  2218.                                     $iw $iw $pb['bpa']['h'] / $ih;
  2219.                                     $ih $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2220.                                 }
  2221.                             } elseif ($size['w'] == 'cover') {
  2222.                                 // Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
  2223.                                 $ih $ih $pb['bpa']['w'] / $iw;
  2224.                                 $iw $pb['bpa']['w'];
  2225.                                 if ($ih $pb['bpa']['h']) {
  2226.                                     $iw $iw $ih $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2227.                                     $ih $pb['bpa']['h'];
  2228.                                 }
  2229.                             } else {
  2230.                                 if (NumericString::containsPercentChar($size['w'])) {
  2231.                                     $size['w'] = NumericString::removePercentChar($size['w']);
  2232.                                     $size['w'] /= 100;
  2233.                                     $size['w'] = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $size['w']);
  2234.                                 }
  2235.                                 if (NumericString::containsPercentChar($size['h'])) {
  2236.                                     $size['h'] = NumericString::removePercentChar($size['h']);
  2237.                                     $size['h'] /= 100;
  2238.                                     $size['h'] = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $size['h']);
  2239.                                 }
  2240.                                 if ($size['w'] == 'auto' && $size['h'] == 'auto') {
  2241.                                     $iw $iw;
  2242.                                     $ih $ih;
  2243.                                 } elseif ($size['w'] == 'auto' && $size['h'] != 'auto') {
  2244.                                     $iw $iw $size['h'] / $ih;
  2245.                                     $ih $size['h'];
  2246.                                 } elseif ($size['w'] != 'auto' && $size['h'] == 'auto') {
  2247.                                     $ih $ih $size['w'] / $iw;
  2248.                                     $iw $size['w'];
  2249.                                 } else {
  2250.                                     $iw $size['w'];
  2251.                                     $ih $size['h'];
  2252.                                 }
  2253.                             }
  2254.                         }
  2255.                         // Number to repeat
  2256.                         if (isset($pb['x_repeat']) && $pb['x_repeat']) {
  2257.                             $nx ceil($pb['w'] / $iw) + 1;
  2258.                         } else {
  2259.                             $nx 1;
  2260.                         }
  2261.                         if (isset($pb['y_repeat']) && $pb['y_repeat']) {
  2262.                             $ny ceil($pb['h'] / $ih) + 1;
  2263.                         } else {
  2264.                             $ny 1;
  2265.                         }
  2266.                         $x_pos $pb['x_pos'];
  2267.                         if (NumericString::containsPercentChar($x_pos)) {
  2268.                             $x_pos NumericString::removePercentChar($x_pos);
  2269.                             $x_pos /= 100;
  2270.                             $x_pos = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $x_pos) - ($iw $x_pos);
  2271.                         }
  2272.                         $y_pos $pb['y_pos'];
  2273.                         if (NumericString::containsPercentChar($y_pos)) {
  2274.                             $y_pos NumericString::removePercentChar($y_pos);
  2275.                             $y_pos /= 100;
  2276.                             $y_pos = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $y_pos) - ($ih $y_pos);
  2277.                         }
  2278.                         if ($nx 1) {
  2279.                             while ($x_pos > ($pb['x'] - $pb['bpa']['x'])) {
  2280.                                 $x_pos -= $iw;
  2281.                             }
  2282.                         }
  2283.                         if ($ny 1) {
  2284.                             while ($y_pos > ($pb['y'] - $pb['bpa']['y'])) {
  2285.                                 $y_pos -= $ih;
  2286.                             }
  2287.                         }
  2288.                         for ($xi 0$xi $nx$xi++) {
  2289.                             for ($yi 0$yi $ny$yi++) {
  2290.                                 $x $x0 $x_pos + ($iw $xi);
  2291.                                 $y $y0 $y_pos + ($ih $yi);
  2292.                                 if ($pb['opacity'] > && $pb['opacity'] < 1) {
  2293.                                     $opac $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
  2294.                                 } else {
  2295.                                     $opac '';
  2296.                                 }
  2297.                                 $s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q"$opac$iw Mpdf::SCALE$ih Mpdf::SCALE$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y $ih)) * Mpdf::SCALE$pb['image_id']) . "\n";
  2298.                             }
  2299.                         }
  2300.                     } else {
  2301.                         if (($pb['opacity'] > || $pb['opacity'] === '0') && $pb['opacity'] < 1) {
  2302.                             $opac $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
  2303.                         } else {
  2304.                             $opac '';
  2305.                         }
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  2815.      *
  2816.      * @return int
  2817.      */
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  2910.         $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $out);
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  2919.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert('rgb(' $r ',' $g ',' $b ')'$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  2923.         $out $this->SetDColor($col$return);
  2924.         return $out;
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  2927.     {
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  2930.         if (($r == and $g == and $b == && $col4 == -1) or $g == -1) {
  2931.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert($r$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  2933.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert('rgb(' $r ',' $g ',' $b ')'$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  2935.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert('cmyk(' $r ',' $g ',' $b ',' $col4 ')'$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  2937.         $out $this->SetFColor($col$return);
  2938.         return $out;
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  2941.     {
  2942.         // Set color for text
  2943.         $col = [];
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  2945.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert($r$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  2947.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert('rgb(' $r ',' $g ',' $b ')'$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  2949.             $col $this->colorConverter->convert('cmyk(' $r ',' $g ',' $b ',' $col4 ')'$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  2950.         }
  2951.         $out $this->SetTColor($col$return);
  2952.         return $out;
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  2954.     function _getCharWidth(&$cw$u$isdef true)
  2955.     {
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  2973.     {
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  2976.             return false;
  2977.         }
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  2979.             $w = (ord($cw[$u 2]) << 8) + ord($cw[$u 1]);
  2980.         }
  2981.         return (bool) $w;
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  3007.                 $nb_spaces 0;
  3008.             }
  3009.             $w += $this->fixedlSpacing + ($nb_spaces $this->minwSpacing);
  3010.         }
  3011.         return ($w);
  3012.     }
  3013.     function GetCharWidthNonCore($c$addSubset true)
  3014.     {
  3015.         // Get width of a single character in the current Non-Core font
  3016.         $c = (string) $c;
  3017.         $w 0;
  3018.         $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($c$addSubset);
  3019.         $char $unicode[0];
  3020.         /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  3021.         if ($this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type0') { // CJK Adobe fonts
  3022.             if ($char == 173) {
  3023.                 return 0;
  3024.             } // Soft Hyphens
  3025.             elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][$char])) {
  3026.                 $w+=$this->CurrentFont['cw'][$char];
  3027.             } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) {
  3028.                 $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'];
  3029.             } else {
  3030.                 $w += 500;
  3031.             }
  3032.         } else {
  3033.             /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  3034.             if ($char == 173) {
  3035.                 return 0;
  3036.             } // Soft Hyphens
  3037.             elseif (($this->textvar TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS) && isset($this->upperCase[$char])) { // mPDF 5.7.1
  3038.                 $charw $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $this->upperCase[$char]);
  3039.                 if ($charw !== false) {
  3040.                     $charw $charw $this->smCapsScale $this->smCapsStretch 100;
  3041.                     $w+=$charw;
  3042.                 } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) {
  3043.                     $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'];
  3044.                 } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) {
  3045.                     $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'];
  3046.                 } else {
  3047.                     $w += 500;
  3048.                 }
  3049.             } else {
  3050.                 $charw $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $char);
  3051.                 if ($charw !== false) {
  3052.                     $w+=$charw;
  3053.                 } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) {
  3054.                     $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'];
  3055.                 } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) {
  3056.                     $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'];
  3057.                 } else {
  3058.                     $w += 500;
  3059.                 }
  3060.             }
  3061.         } // *CJK-FONTS*
  3062.         $w *= ($this->FontSize 1000);
  3063.         if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
  3064.             if ($c == ' ') {
  3065.                 $nb_spaces 1;
  3066.             } else {
  3067.                 $nb_spaces 0;
  3068.             }
  3069.             $w += $this->fixedlSpacing + ($nb_spaces $this->minwSpacing);
  3070.         }
  3071.         return ($w);
  3072.     }
  3073.     function GetCharWidth($c$addSubset true)
  3074.     {
  3075.         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  3076.             return $this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c$addSubset);
  3077.         } else {
  3078.             return $this->GetCharWidthCore($c);
  3079.         }
  3080.     }
  3081.     function GetStringWidth($s$addSubset true$OTLdata false$textvar 0$includeKashida false)
  3082.     {
  3083.     // mPDF 5.7.1
  3084.         // Get width of a string in the current font
  3085.         $s = (string) $s;
  3086.         $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
  3087.         $w 0;
  3088.         $kerning 0;
  3089.         $lastchar 0;
  3090.         $nb_carac 0;
  3091.         $nb_spaces 0;
  3092.         $kashida 0;
  3093.         // mPDF ITERATION
  3094.         if ($this->iterationCounter) {
  3095.             $s preg_replace('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/''\\1'$s);
  3096.         }
  3097.         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  3098.             $discards substr_count($s"\xc2\xad"); // mPDF 6 soft hyphens [U+00AD]
  3099.             $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($s$addSubset);
  3100.             if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
  3101.                 $nb_spaces mb_substr_count($s' '$this->mb_enc);
  3102.                 $nb_carac count($unicode) - $discards// mPDF 6
  3103.                 // mPDF 5.7.1
  3104.                 // Use GPOS OTL
  3105.                 if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  3106.                     if (isset($OTLdata['group']) && $OTLdata['group']) {
  3107.                         $nb_carac -= substr_count($OTLdata['group'], 'M');
  3108.                     }
  3109.                 }
  3110.             }
  3111.             /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  3112.             if ($this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type0') { // CJK Adobe fonts
  3113.                 foreach ($unicode as $char) {
  3114.                     if ($char == 0x00AD) {
  3115.                         continue;
  3116.                     } // mPDF 6 soft hyphens [U+00AD]
  3117.                     if (isset($cw[$char])) {
  3118.                         $w+=$cw[$char];
  3119.                     } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) {
  3120.                         $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'];
  3121.                     } else {
  3122.                         $w += 500;
  3123.                     }
  3124.                 }
  3125.             } else {
  3126.                 /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  3127.                 foreach ($unicode as $i => $char) {
  3128.                     if ($char == 0x00AD) {
  3129.                         continue;
  3130.                     } // mPDF 6 soft hyphens [U+00AD]
  3131.                     if (($textvar TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS) && isset($this->upperCase[$char])) {
  3132.                         $charw $this->_getCharWidth($cw$this->upperCase[$char]);
  3133.                         if ($charw !== false) {
  3134.                             $charw $charw $this->smCapsScale $this->smCapsStretch 100;
  3135.                             $w+=$charw;
  3136.                         } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) {
  3137.                             $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'];
  3138.                         } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) {
  3139.                             $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'];
  3140.                         } else {
  3141.                             $w += 500;
  3142.                         }
  3143.                     } else {
  3144.                         $charw $this->_getCharWidth($cw$char);
  3145.                         if ($charw !== false) {
  3146.                             $w+=$charw;
  3147.                         } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) {
  3148.                             $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'];
  3149.                         } elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) {
  3150.                             $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'];
  3151.                         } else {
  3152.                             $w += 500;
  3153.                         }
  3154.                         // mPDF 5.7.1
  3155.                         // Use GPOS OTL
  3156.                         // ...GetStringWidth...
  3157.                         if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && ($this->CurrentFont['useOTL'] & 0xFF) && !empty($OTLdata)) {
  3158.                             if (isset($OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['wDir']) && $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['wDir'] == 'RTL') {
  3159.                                 if (isset($OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceR']) && $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceR']) {
  3160.                                     $w += $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceR'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  3161.                                 }
  3162.                             } else {
  3163.                                 if (isset($OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceL']) && $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceL']) {
  3164.                                     $w += $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceL'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  3165.                                 }
  3166.                             }
  3167.                             // Kashida from GPOS
  3168.                             // Kashida is set as an absolute length value (already set as a proportion based on useKashida %)
  3169.                             if ($includeKashida && isset($OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida_space']) && $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida_space']) {
  3170.                                 $kashida += $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida_space'];
  3171.                             }
  3172.                         }
  3173.                         if (($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) && $lastchar) {
  3174.                             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$lastchar][$char])) {
  3175.                                 $kerning += $this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$lastchar][$char];
  3176.                             }
  3177.                         }
  3178.                         $lastchar $char;
  3179.                     }
  3180.                 }
  3181.             } // *CJK-FONTS*
  3182.         } else {
  3183.             if ($this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats') {
  3184.                 $s str_replace(chr(173), ''$s);
  3185.             }
  3186.             $nb_carac $l strlen($s);
  3187.             if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
  3188.                 $nb_spaces substr_count($s' ');
  3189.             }
  3190.             for ($i 0$i $l$i++) {
  3191.                 if (($textvar TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS) && isset($this->upperCase[ord($s[$i])])) {  // mPDF 5.7.1
  3192.                     $charw $cw[chr($this->upperCase[ord($s[$i])])];
  3193.                     if ($charw !== false) {
  3194.                         $charw $charw $this->smCapsScale $this->smCapsStretch 100;
  3195.                         $w+=$charw;
  3196.                     }
  3197.                 } elseif (isset($cw[$s[$i]])) {
  3198.                     $w += $cw[$s[$i]];
  3199.                 } elseif (isset($cw[ord($s[$i])])) {
  3200.                     $w += $cw[ord($s[$i])];
  3201.                 }
  3202.                 if (($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) && $i 0) { // mPDF 5.7.1
  3203.                     if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i 1)]][$s[$i]])) {
  3204.                         $kerning += $this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i 1)]][$s[$i]];
  3205.                     }
  3206.                 }
  3207.             }
  3208.         }
  3209.         unset($cw);
  3210.         if ($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) {
  3211.             $w += $kerning;
  3212.         } // mPDF 5.7.1
  3213.         $w *= ($this->FontSize 1000);
  3214.         $w += (($nb_carac $nb_spaces) * $this->fixedlSpacing) + ($nb_spaces $this->minwSpacing);
  3215.         $w += $kashida Mpdf::SCALE;
  3216.         return ($w);
  3217.     }
  3218.     function SetLineWidth($width)
  3219.     {
  3220.         // Set line width
  3221.         $this->LineWidth $width;
  3222.         $lwout = (sprintf('%.3F w'$width Mpdf::SCALE));
  3223.         if ($this->page && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth'] != $lwout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth']))) {
  3224.             $this->writer->write($lwout);
  3225.         }
  3226.         $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth'] = $lwout;
  3227.     }
  3228.     function Line($x1$y1$x2$y2)
  3229.     {
  3230.         // Draw a line
  3231.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S'$x1 Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y1) * Mpdf::SCALE$x2 Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y2) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  3232.     }
  3233.     function Arrow($x1$y1$x2$y2$headsize 3$fill 'B'$angle 25)
  3234.     {
  3235.         // F == fill // S == stroke // B == stroke and fill
  3236.         // angle = splay of arrowhead - 1 - 89 degrees
  3237.         if ($fill == 'F') {
  3238.             $fill 'f';
  3239.         } elseif ($fill == 'FD' or $fill == 'DF' or $fill == 'B') {
  3240.             $fill 'B';
  3241.         } else {
  3242.             $fill 'S';
  3243.         }
  3244.         $a atan2(($y2 $y1), ($x2 $x1));
  3245.         $b $a deg2rad($angle);
  3246.         $c $a deg2rad($angle);
  3247.         $x3 $x2 - ($headsize cos($b));
  3248.         $y3 $this->- ($y2 - ($headsize sin($b)));
  3249.         $x4 $x2 - ($headsize cos($c));
  3250.         $y4 $this->- ($y2 - ($headsize sin($c)));
  3251.         $x5 $x3 - ($x3 $x4) / 2// mid point of base of arrowhead - to join arrow line to
  3252.         $y5 $y3 - ($y3 $y4) / 2;
  3253.         $s '';
  3254.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S'$x1 Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y1) * Mpdf::SCALE$x5 Mpdf::SCALE$y5 Mpdf::SCALE);
  3255.         $this->writer->write($s);
  3256.         $s '';
  3257.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l '$x5 Mpdf::SCALE$y5 Mpdf::SCALE$x3 Mpdf::SCALE$y3 Mpdf::SCALE$x2 Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y2) * Mpdf::SCALE$x4 Mpdf::SCALE$y4 Mpdf::SCALE$x5 Mpdf::SCALE$y5 Mpdf::SCALE);
  3258.         $s .= $fill;
  3259.         $this->writer->write($s);
  3260.     }
  3261.     function Rect($x$y$w$h$style '')
  3262.     {
  3263.         // Draw a rectangle
  3264.         if ($style == 'F') {
  3265.             $op 'f';
  3266.         } elseif ($style == 'FD' or $style == 'DF') {
  3267.             $op 'B';
  3268.         } else {
  3269.             $op 'S';
  3270.         }
  3271.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s'$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE$w Mpdf::SCALE, -$h Mpdf::SCALE$op));
  3272.     }
  3273.     function AddFontDirectory($directory)
  3274.     {
  3275.         $this->fontDir[] = $directory;
  3276.         $this->fontFileFinder->setDirectories($this->fontDir);
  3277.     }
  3278.     function AddFont($family$style '')
  3279.     {
  3280.         if (empty($family)) {
  3281.             return;
  3282.         }
  3283.         $family strtolower($family);
  3284.         $style strtoupper($style);
  3285.         $style str_replace('U'''$style);
  3286.         if ($style == 'IB') {
  3287.             $style 'BI';
  3288.         }
  3289.         $fontkey $family $style;
  3290.         // check if the font has been already added
  3291.         if (isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) {
  3292.             return;
  3293.         }
  3294.         /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  3295.         if (in_array($family$this->available_CJK_fonts)) {
  3296.             if (empty($this->Big5_widths)) {
  3297.                 require __DIR__ '/../data/CJKdata.php';
  3298.             }
  3299.             $this->AddCJKFont($family); // don't need to add style
  3300.             return;
  3301.         }
  3302.         /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  3303.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  3304.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("mPDF Error - problem with Font management");
  3305.         }
  3306.         $stylekey $style;
  3307.         if (!$style) {
  3308.             $stylekey 'R';
  3309.         }
  3310.         if (!isset($this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey]) || !$this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey]) {
  3311.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Font "%s%s%s" is not supported'$family$style ' - ' ''$style));
  3312.         }
  3313.         /* Setup defaults */
  3314.         $font = [
  3315.             'name' => '',
  3316.             'type' => '',
  3317.             'desc' => '',
  3318.             'panose' => '',
  3319.             'unitsPerEm' => '',
  3320.             'up' => '',
  3321.             'ut' => '',
  3322.             'strs' => '',
  3323.             'strp' => '',
  3324.             'sip' => false,
  3325.             'smp' => false,
  3326.             'useOTL' => 0,
  3327.             'fontmetrics' => '',
  3328.             'haskerninfo' => false,
  3329.             'haskernGPOS' => false,
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  3331.             'BMPselected' => false,
  3332.             'GSUBScriptLang' => [],
  3333.             'GSUBFeatures' => [],
  3334.             'GSUBLookups' => [],
  3335.             'GPOSScriptLang' => [],
  3336.             'GPOSFeatures' => [],
  3337.             'GPOSLookups' => [],
  3338.             'rtlPUAstr' => '',
  3339.         ];
  3340.         $fontCacheFilename $fontkey '.mtx.json';
  3341.         if ($this->fontCache->jsonHas($fontCacheFilename)) {
  3342.             $font $this->fontCache->jsonLoad($fontCacheFilename);
  3343.         }
  3344.         $ttffile $this->fontFileFinder->findFontFile($this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey]);
  3345.         $ttfstat stat($ttffile);
  3346.         $TTCfontID = isset($this->fontdata[$family]['TTCfontID'][$stylekey]) ? isset($this->fontdata[$family]['TTCfontID'][$stylekey]) : 0;
  3347.         $fontUseOTL = isset($this->fontdata[$family]['useOTL']) ? $this->fontdata[$family]['useOTL'] : false;
  3348.         $BMPonly in_array($family$this->BMPonly) ? true false;
  3349.         $regenerate false;
  3350.         if ($BMPonly && !$font['BMPselected']) {
  3351.             $regenerate true;
  3352.         } elseif (!$BMPonly && $font['BMPselected']) {
  3353.             $regenerate true;
  3354.         }
  3355.         if ($fontUseOTL && $font['useOTL'] != $fontUseOTL) {
  3356.             $regenerate true;
  3357.             $font['useOTL'] = $fontUseOTL;
  3358.         } elseif (!$fontUseOTL && $font['useOTL']) {
  3359.             $regenerate true;
  3360.             $font['useOTL'] = 0;
  3361.         }
  3362.         if ($this->fontDescriptor != $font['fontmetrics']) {
  3363.             $regenerate true;
  3364.         } // mPDF 6
  3365.         if (empty($font['name']) || $font['originalsize'] != $ttfstat['size'] || $regenerate) {
  3366.             $generator = new MetricsGenerator($this->fontCache$this->fontDescriptor);
  3367.             $generator->generateMetrics(
  3368.                 $ttffile,
  3369.                 $ttfstat,
  3370.                 $fontkey,
  3371.                 $TTCfontID,
  3372.                 $this->debugfonts,
  3373.                 $BMPonly,
  3374.                 $font['useOTL'],
  3375.                 $fontUseOTL
  3376.             );
  3377.             $font $this->fontCache->jsonLoad($fontCacheFilename);
  3378.             $cw $this->fontCache->load($fontkey '.cw.dat');
  3379.             $glyphIDtoUni $this->fontCache->load($fontkey '.gid.dat');
  3380.         } else {
  3381.             if ($this->fontCache->has($fontkey '.cw.dat')) {
  3382.                 $cw $this->fontCache->load($fontkey '.cw.dat');
  3383.             }
  3384.             if ($this->fontCache->has($fontkey '.gid.dat')) {
  3385.                 $glyphIDtoUni $this->fontCache->load($fontkey '.gid.dat');
  3386.             }
  3387.         }
  3388.         if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['sip-ext']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['sip-ext']) {
  3389.             $sipext $this->fontdata[$family]['sip-ext'];
  3390.         } else {
  3391.             $sipext '';
  3392.         }
  3393.         // Override with values from config_font.php
  3394.         if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['Ascent']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['Ascent']) {
  3395.             $desc['Ascent'] = $this->fontdata[$family]['Ascent'];
  3396.         }
  3397.         if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['Descent']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['Descent']) {
  3398.             $desc['Descent'] = $this->fontdata[$family]['Descent'];
  3399.         }
  3400.         if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['Leading']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['Leading']) {
  3401.             $desc['Leading'] = $this->fontdata[$family]['Leading'];
  3402.         }
  3403.         $i count($this->fonts) + $this->extraFontSubsets 1;
  3404.         $this->fonts[$fontkey] = [
  3405.             'i' => $i,
  3406.             'name' => $font['name'],
  3407.             'type' => $font['type'],
  3408.             'desc' => $font['desc'],
  3409.             'panose' => $font['panose'],
  3410.             'unitsPerEm' => $font['unitsPerEm'],
  3411.             'up' => $font['up'],
  3412.             'ut' => $font['ut'],
  3413.             'strs' => $font['strs'],
  3414.             'strp' => $font['strp'],
  3415.             'cw' => $cw,
  3416.             'ttffile' => $ttffile,
  3417.             'fontkey' => $fontkey,
  3418.             'used' => false,
  3419.             'sip' => $font['sip'],
  3420.             'sipext' => $sipext,
  3421.             'smp' => $font['smp'],
  3422.             'TTCfontID' => $TTCfontID,
  3423.             'useOTL' => $fontUseOTL,
  3424.             'useKashida' => (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['useKashida']) ? $this->fontdata[$family]['useKashida'] : false),
  3425.             'GSUBScriptLang' => $font['GSUBScriptLang'],
  3426.             'GSUBFeatures' => $font['GSUBFeatures'],
  3427.             'GSUBLookups' => $font['GSUBLookups'],
  3428.             'GPOSScriptLang' => $font['GPOSScriptLang'],
  3429.             'GPOSFeatures' => $font['GPOSFeatures'],
  3430.             'GPOSLookups' => $font['GPOSLookups'],
  3431.             'rtlPUAstr' => $font['rtlPUAstr'],
  3432.             'glyphIDtoUni' => $glyphIDtoUni,
  3433.             'haskerninfo' => $font['haskerninfo'],
  3434.             'haskernGPOS' => $font['haskernGPOS'],
  3435.             'hassmallcapsGSUB' => $font['hassmallcapsGSUB'],
  3436.         ];
  3437.         if (!$font['sip'] && !$font['smp']) {
  3438.             $subsetRange range(32127);
  3439.             $this->fonts[$fontkey]['subset'] = array_combine($subsetRange$subsetRange);
  3440.         } else {
  3441.             $this->fonts[$fontkey]['subsets'] = [=> range(0127)];
  3442.             $this->fonts[$fontkey]['subsetfontids'] = [$i];
  3443.         }
  3444.         if ($font['haskerninfo']) {
  3445.             $this->fonts[$fontkey]['kerninfo'] = $font['kerninfo'];
  3446.         }
  3447.         $this->FontFiles[$fontkey] = [
  3448.             'length1' => $font['originalsize'],
  3449.             'type' => 'TTF',
  3450.             'ttffile' => $ttffile,
  3451.             'sip' => $font['sip'],
  3452.             'smp' => $font['smp'],
  3453.         ];
  3454.         unset($cw);
  3455.     }
  3456.     function SetFont($family$style ''$size 0$write true$forcewrite false)
  3457.     {
  3458.         $family strtolower($family);
  3459.         if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) {
  3460.             if ($family == 'sans' || $family == 'sans-serif') {
  3461.                 $family $this->sans_fonts[0];
  3462.             }
  3463.             if ($family == 'serif') {
  3464.                 $family $this->serif_fonts[0];
  3465.             }
  3466.             if ($family == 'mono' || $family == 'monospace') {
  3467.                 $family $this->mono_fonts[0];
  3468.             }
  3469.         }
  3470.         if (isset($this->fonttrans[$family]) && $this->fonttrans[$family]) {
  3471.             $family $this->fonttrans[$family];
  3472.         }
  3473.         if ($family == '') {
  3474.             if ($this->FontFamily) {
  3475.                 $family $this->FontFamily;
  3476.             } elseif ($this->default_font) {
  3477.                 $family $this->default_font;
  3478.             } else {
  3479.                 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("No font or default font set!");
  3480.             }
  3481.         }
  3482.         $this->ReqFontStyle $style// required or requested style - used later for artificial bold/italic
  3483.         if (($family == 'csymbol') || ($family == 'czapfdingbats') || ($family == 'ctimes') || ($family == 'ccourier') || ($family == 'chelvetica')) {
  3484.             if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
  3485.                 if ($family == 'csymbol' || $family == 'czapfdingbats') {
  3486.                     throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Symbol and Zapfdingbats cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a).");
  3487.                 }
  3488.                 if ($family == 'ctimes' || $family == 'ccourier' || $family == 'chelvetica') {
  3489.                     if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) {
  3490.                         $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Core Adobe font " ucfirst($family) . " cannot be embedded in mPDF, which is required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a. (Embedded font will be substituted.)";
  3491.                     }
  3492.                     if ($family == 'chelvetica') {
  3493.                         $family 'sans';
  3494.                     }
  3495.                     if ($family == 'ctimes') {
  3496.                         $family 'serif';
  3497.                     }
  3498.                     if ($family == 'ccourier') {
  3499.                         $family 'mono';
  3500.                     }
  3501.                 }
  3502.                 $this->usingCoreFont false;
  3503.             } else {
  3504.                 $this->usingCoreFont true;
  3505.             }
  3506.             if ($family == 'csymbol' || $family == 'czapfdingbats') {
  3507.                 $style '';
  3508.             }
  3509.         } else {
  3510.             $this->usingCoreFont false;
  3511.         }
  3512.         // mPDF 5.7.1
  3513.         if ($style) {
  3514.             $style strtoupper($style);
  3515.             if ($style == 'IB') {
  3516.                 $style 'BI';
  3517.             }
  3518.         }
  3519.         if (!$size) {
  3520.             $size $this->FontSizePt;
  3521.         }
  3522.         $fontkey $family $style;
  3523.         $stylekey $style;
  3524.         if (!$stylekey) {
  3525.             $stylekey "R";
  3526.         }
  3527.         if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
  3528.             if (!isset($this->fonts[$fontkey]) || count($this->default_available_fonts) != count($this->available_unifonts)) { // not already added
  3529.                 /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  3530.                 if (in_array($fontkey$this->available_CJK_fonts)) {
  3531.                     if (!isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) { // already added
  3532.                         if (empty($this->Big5_widths)) {
  3533.                             require __DIR__ '/../data/CJKdata.php';
  3534.                         }
  3535.                         $this->AddCJKFont($family); // don't need to add style
  3536.                     }
  3537.                 } else { // Test to see if requested font/style is available - or substitute /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  3538.                     if (!in_array($fontkey$this->available_unifonts)) {
  3539.                         // If font[nostyle] exists - set it
  3540.                         if (in_array($family$this->available_unifonts)) {
  3541.                             $style '';
  3542.                         } // elseif only one font available - set it (assumes if only one font available it will not have a style)
  3543.                         elseif (count($this->available_unifonts) == 1) {
  3544.                             $family $this->available_unifonts[0];
  3545.                             $style '';
  3546.                         } else {
  3547.                             $found 0;
  3548.                             // else substitute font of similar type
  3549.                             if (in_array($family$this->sans_fonts)) {
  3550.                                 $i array_intersect($this->sans_fonts$this->available_unifonts);
  3551.                                 if (count($i)) {
  3552.                                     $i array_values($i);
  3553.                                     // with requested style if possible
  3554.                                     if (!in_array(($i[0] . $style), $this->available_unifonts)) {
  3555.                                         $style '';
  3556.                                     }
  3557.                                     $family $i[0];
  3558.                                     $found 1;
  3559.                                 }
  3560.                             } elseif (in_array($family$this->serif_fonts)) {
  3561.                                 $i array_intersect($this->serif_fonts$this->available_unifonts);
  3562.                                 if (count($i)) {
  3563.                                     $i array_values($i);
  3564.                                     // with requested style if possible
  3565.                                     if (!in_array(($i[0] . $style), $this->available_unifonts)) {
  3566.                                         $style '';
  3567.                                     }
  3568.                                     $family $i[0];
  3569.                                     $found 1;
  3570.                                 }
  3571.                             } elseif (in_array($family$this->mono_fonts)) {
  3572.                                 $i array_intersect($this->mono_fonts$this->available_unifonts);
  3573.                                 if (count($i)) {
  3574.                                     $i array_values($i);
  3575.                                     // with requested style if possible
  3576.                                     if (!in_array(($i[0] . $style), $this->available_unifonts)) {
  3577.                                         $style '';
  3578.                                     }
  3579.                                     $family $i[0];
  3580.                                     $found 1;
  3581.                                 }
  3582.                             }
  3583.                             if (!$found) {
  3584.                                 // set first available font
  3585.                                 $fs $this->available_unifonts[0];
  3586.                                 preg_match('/^([a-z_0-9\-]+)([BI]{0,2})$/'$fs$fas); // Allow "-"
  3587.                                 // with requested style if possible
  3588.                                 $ws $fas[1] . $style;
  3589.                                 if (in_array($ws$this->available_unifonts)) {
  3590.                                     $family $fas[1]; // leave $style as is
  3591.                                 } elseif (in_array($fas[1], $this->available_unifonts)) {
  3592.                                     // or without style
  3593.                                     $family $fas[1];
  3594.                                     $style '';
  3595.                                 } else {
  3596.                                     // or with the style specified
  3597.                                     $family $fas[1];
  3598.                                     $style $fas[2];
  3599.                                 }
  3600.                             }
  3601.                         }
  3602.                         $fontkey $family $style;
  3603.                     }
  3604.                 }
  3605.             }
  3606.             // try to add font (if not already added)
  3607.             $this->AddFont($family$style);
  3608.             // Test if font is already selected
  3609.             if ($this->FontFamily == $family && $this->FontFamily == $this->currentfontfamily && $this->FontStyle == $style && $this->FontStyle == $this->currentfontstyle && $this->FontSizePt == $size && $this->FontSizePt == $this->currentfontsize && !$forcewrite) {
  3610.                 return $family;
  3611.             }
  3612.             $fontkey $family $style;
  3613.             // Select it
  3614.             $this->FontFamily $family;
  3615.             $this->FontStyle $style;
  3616.             $this->FontSizePt $size;
  3617.             $this->FontSize $size Mpdf::SCALE;
  3618.             $this->CurrentFont = &$this->fonts[$fontkey];
  3619.             if ($write) {
  3620.                 $fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET'$this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
  3621.                 if ($this->page && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']))) {
  3622.                     $this->writer->write($fontout);
  3623.                 }
  3624.                 $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;
  3625.             }
  3626.             // Added - currentfont (lowercase) used in HTML2PDF
  3627.             $this->currentfontfamily $family;
  3628.             $this->currentfontsize $size;
  3629.             $this->currentfontstyle $style;
  3630.             $this->setMBencoding('UTF-8');
  3631.         } else {  // if using core fonts
  3632.             if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
  3633.                 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Core Adobe fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a) - cannot use option to use core fonts.');
  3634.             }
  3635.             $this->setMBencoding('windows-1252');
  3636.             // Test if font is already selected
  3637.             if (($this->FontFamily == $family) and ( $this->FontStyle == $style) and ( $this->FontSizePt == $size) && !$forcewrite) {
  3638.                 return $family;
  3639.             }
  3640.             if (!isset($this->CoreFonts[$fontkey])) {
  3641.                 if (in_array($family$this->serif_fonts)) {
  3642.                     $family 'ctimes';
  3643.                 } elseif (in_array($family$this->mono_fonts)) {
  3644.                     $family 'ccourier';
  3645.                 } else {
  3646.                     $family 'chelvetica';
  3647.                 }
  3648.                 $this->usingCoreFont true;
  3649.                 $fontkey $family $style;
  3650.             }
  3651.             if (!isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) {
  3652.                 // STANDARD CORE FONTS
  3653.                 if (isset($this->CoreFonts[$fontkey])) {
  3654.                     // Load metric file
  3655.                     $file $family;
  3656.                     if ($family == 'ctimes' || $family == 'chelvetica' || $family == 'ccourier') {
  3657.                         $file .= strtolower($style);
  3658.                     }
  3659.                     require __DIR__ '/../data/font/' $file '.php';
  3660.                     if (!isset($cw)) {
  3661.                         throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Could not include font metric file "%s"'$file));
  3662.                     }
  3663.                     $i count($this->fonts) + $this->extraFontSubsets 1;
  3664.                     $this->fonts[$fontkey] = ['i' => $i'type' => 'core''name' => $this->CoreFonts[$fontkey], 'desc' => $desc'up' => $up'ut' => $ut'cw' => $cw];
  3665.                     if ($this->useKerning && isset($kerninfo)) {
  3666.                         $this->fonts[$fontkey]['kerninfo'] = $kerninfo;
  3667.                     }
  3668.                 } else {
  3669.                     throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException(sprintf('Font %s not defined'$fontkey));
  3670.                 }
  3671.             }
  3672.             // Test if font is already selected
  3673.             if (($this->FontFamily == $family) and ( $this->FontStyle == $style) and ( $this->FontSizePt == $size) && !$forcewrite) {
  3674.                 return $family;
  3675.             }
  3676.             // Select it
  3677.             $this->FontFamily $family;
  3678.             $this->FontStyle $style;
  3679.             $this->FontSizePt $size;
  3680.             $this->FontSize $size Mpdf::SCALE;
  3681.             $this->CurrentFont = &$this->fonts[$fontkey];
  3682.             if ($write) {
  3683.                 $fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET'$this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
  3684.                 if ($this->page && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']))) {
  3685.                     $this->writer->write($fontout);
  3686.                 }
  3687.                 $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;
  3688.             }
  3689.             // Added - currentfont (lowercase) used in HTML2PDF
  3690.             $this->currentfontfamily $family;
  3691.             $this->currentfontsize $size;
  3692.             $this->currentfontstyle $style;
  3693.         }
  3694.         return $family;
  3695.     }
  3696.     function SetFontSize($size$write true)
  3697.     {
  3698.         // Set font size in points
  3699.         if ($this->FontSizePt == $size) {
  3700.             return;
  3701.         }
  3702.         $this->FontSizePt $size;
  3703.         $this->FontSize $size Mpdf::SCALE;
  3704.         $this->currentfontsize $size;
  3705.         if ($write) {
  3706.             $fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET'$this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
  3707.             // Edited mPDF 3.0
  3708.             if ($this->page && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']))) {
  3709.                 $this->writer->write($fontout);
  3710.             }
  3711.             $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;
  3712.         }
  3713.     }
  3714.     function AddLink()
  3715.     {
  3716.         // Create a new internal link
  3717.         $n count($this->links) + 1;
  3718.         $this->links[$n] = [00];
  3719.         return $n;
  3720.     }
  3721.     function SetLink($link$y 0$page = -1)
  3722.     {
  3723.         // Set destination of internal link
  3724.         if ($y == -1) {
  3725.             $y $this->y;
  3726.         }
  3727.         if ($page == -1) {
  3728.             $page $this->page;
  3729.         }
  3730.         $this->links[$link] = [$page$y];
  3731.     }
  3732.     function Link($x$y$w$h$link)
  3733.     {
  3734.         $l = [$x Mpdf::SCALE$this->hPt $y Mpdf::SCALE$w Mpdf::SCALE$h Mpdf::SCALE$link];
  3735.         if ($this->keep_block_together) { // don't write yet
  3736.             return;
  3737.         } elseif ($this->table_rotate) { // *TABLES*
  3738.             $this->tbrot_Links[$this->page][] = $l// *TABLES*
  3739.             return; // *TABLES*
  3740.         // *TABLES*
  3741.         elseif ($this->kwt) {
  3742.             $this->kwt_Links[$this->page][] = $l;
  3743.             return;
  3744.         }
  3745.         if ($this->writingHTMLheader || $this->writingHTMLfooter) {
  3746.             $this->HTMLheaderPageLinks[] = $l;
  3747.             return;
  3748.         }
  3749.         // Put a link on the page
  3750.         $this->PageLinks[$this->page][] = $l;
  3751.         // Save cross-reference to Column buffer
  3752.         $ref count($this->PageLinks[$this->page]) - 1// *COLUMNS*
  3753.         $this->columnLinks[$this->CurrCol][(int) $this->x][(int) $this->y] = $ref// *COLUMNS*
  3754.     }
  3755.     function Text($x$y$txt$OTLdata = [], $textvar 0$aixextra ''$coordsys ''$return false)
  3756.     {
  3757.         // Output (or return) a string
  3758.         // Called (internally) by Watermark() & _tableWrite() [rotated cells] & TableHeaderFooter() & WriteText()
  3759.         // Called also from classes/svg.php
  3760.         // Expects Font to be set
  3761.         // Expects input to be mb_encoded if necessary and RTL reversed & OTL processed
  3763.         $s 'q ';
  3764.         if ($this->falseBoldWeight && strpos($this->ReqFontStyle"B") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle"B") === false) {
  3765.             $s .= '2 Tr 1 J 1 j ';
  3766.             $s .= sprintf('%.3F w ', ($this->FontSize 130) * Mpdf::SCALE $this->falseBoldWeight);
  3767.             $tc strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
  3768.             if ($this->FillColor != $tc) {
  3769.                 $s .= $tc ' ';
  3770.             }  // stroke (outline) = same colour as text(fill)
  3771.         }
  3772.         if (strpos($this->ReqFontStyle"I") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle"I") === false) {
  3773.             $aix '1 0 0.261799 1 %.3F %.3F Tm';
  3774.         } else {
  3775.             $aix '%.3F %.3F Td';
  3776.         }
  3777.         $aix $aixextra $aix;
  3778.         if ($this->ColorFlag) {
  3779.             $s .= $this->TextColor ' ';
  3780.         }
  3781.         $this->CurrentFont['used'] = true;
  3782.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  3783.             $txt2 str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $txt);
  3784.         } else {
  3785.             $txt2 str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $txt);
  3786.         }
  3787.         $px $x;
  3788.         $py $y;
  3789.         if ($coordsys != 'SVG') {
  3790.             $px $x Mpdf::SCALE;
  3791.             $py = ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  3792.         }
  3793.         /** ************** SIMILAR TO Cell() ************************ */
  3794.         // IF corefonts AND NOT SmCaps AND NOT Kerning
  3795.         // Just output text
  3796.         if ($this->usingCoreFont && !($textvar TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS) && !($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING)) {
  3797.             $txt2 $this->writer->escape($txt2);
  3798.             $s .= sprintf('BT ' $aix ' (%s) Tj ET'$px$py$txt2);
  3799.         } // IF NOT corefonts [AND NO wordspacing] AND NOT SIP/SMP AND NOT SmCaps AND NOT Kerning AND NOT OTL
  3800.         // Just output text
  3801.         elseif (!$this->usingCoreFont && !($textvar TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS) && !($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) && !(isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && ($this->CurrentFont['useOTL'] & 0xFF) && !empty($OTLdata['GPOSinfo']))) {
  3802.             // IF SIP/SMP
  3803.             if ($this->CurrentFont['sip'] || $this->CurrentFont['smp']) {
  3804.                 $txt2 $this->UTF8toSubset($txt2);
  3805.                 $s .=sprintf('BT ' $aix ' %s Tj ET'$px$py$txt2);
  3806.             } // NOT SIP/SMP
  3807.             else {
  3808.                 $txt2 $this->writer->utf8ToUtf16BigEndian($txt2false);
  3809.                 $txt2 $this->writer->escape($txt2);
  3810.                 $s .=sprintf('BT ' $aix ' (%s) Tj ET'$px$py$txt2);
  3811.             }
  3812.         } // IF NOT corefonts [AND IS wordspacing] AND NOT SIP AND NOT SmCaps AND NOT Kerning AND NOT OTL
  3813.         // Not required here (cf. Cell() )
  3814.         // ELSE (IF SmCaps || Kerning || OTL) [corefonts or not corefonts; SIP or SMP or BMP]
  3815.         else {
  3816.             $s .= $this->applyGPOSpdf($txt2$aix$px$py$OTLdata$textvar);
  3817.         }
  3818.         /*         * ************** END ************************ */
  3819.         $s .= ' ';
  3820.         if (($textvar TextVars::FD_UNDERLINE) && $txt != '') { // mPDF 5.7.1
  3821.             $c strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
  3822.             if ($this->FillColor != $c) {
  3823.                 $s.= ' ' $c ' ';
  3824.             }
  3825.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['up']) && $this->CurrentFont['up']) {
  3826.                 $up $this->CurrentFont['up'];
  3827.             } else {
  3828.                 $up = -100;
  3829.             }
  3830.             $adjusty = (-$up 1000 $this->FontSize);
  3831.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['ut']) && $this->CurrentFont['ut']) {
  3832.                 $ut $this->CurrentFont['ut'] / 1000 $this->FontSize;
  3833.             } else {
  3834.                 $ut 60 1000 $this->FontSize;
  3835.             }
  3836.             $olw $this->LineWidth;
  3837.             $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w'$ut Mpdf::SCALE));
  3838.             $s .= ' ' $this->_dounderline($x$y $adjusty$txt$OTLdata$textvar);
  3839.             $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w'$olw Mpdf::SCALE));
  3840.             if ($this->FillColor != $c) {
  3841.                 $s.= ' ' $this->FillColor ' ';
  3842.             }
  3843.         }
  3844.         // STRIKETHROUGH
  3845.         if (($textvar TextVars::FD_LINETHROUGH) && $txt != '') { // mPDF 5.7.1
  3846.             $c strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
  3847.             if ($this->FillColor != $c) {
  3848.                 $s.= ' ' $c ' ';
  3849.             }
  3850.             // Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment (now for striked-through texts)
  3851.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight']) && $this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight']) {
  3852.                 $ch $this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight'];
  3853.             } else {
  3854.                 $ch 700;
  3855.             }
  3856.             $adjusty = (-$ch 1000 $this->FontSize) * 0.35;
  3857.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['ut']) && $this->CurrentFont['ut']) {
  3858.                 $ut $this->CurrentFont['ut'] / 1000 $this->FontSize;
  3859.             } else {
  3860.                 $ut 60 1000 $this->FontSize;
  3861.             }
  3862.             $olw $this->LineWidth;
  3863.             $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w'$ut Mpdf::SCALE));
  3864.             $s .= ' ' $this->_dounderline($x$y $adjusty$txt$OTLdata$textvar);
  3865.             $s .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w'$olw Mpdf::SCALE));
  3866.             if ($this->FillColor != $c) {
  3867.                 $s.= ' ' $this->FillColor ' ';
  3868.             }
  3869.         }
  3870.         $s .= 'Q';
  3871.         if ($return) {
  3872.             return $s " \n";
  3873.         }
  3874.         $this->writer->write($s);
  3875.     }
  3876.     /* -- DIRECTW -- */
  3877.     function WriteText($x$y$txt)
  3878.     {
  3879.         // Output a string using Text() but does encoding and text reversing of RTL
  3880.         $txt $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
  3881.         if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
  3882.             $txt $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
  3883.         }
  3884.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  3885.             $txt mb_convert_encoding($txt$this->mb_enc'UTF-8');
  3886.         }
  3887.         // DIRECTIONALITY
  3888.         if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregRTLchars "])/u"$txt)) {
  3889.             $this->biDirectional true;
  3890.         } // *OTL*
  3891.         $textvar 0;
  3892.         $save_OTLtags $this->OTLtags;
  3893.         $this->OTLtags = [];
  3894.         if ($this->useKerning) {
  3895.             if ($this->CurrentFont['haskernGPOS']) {
  3896.                 $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' kern';
  3897.             } else {
  3898.                 $textvar = ($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING);
  3899.             }
  3900.         }
  3901.         /* -- OTL -- */
  3902.         // Use OTL OpenType Table Layout - GSUB & GPOS
  3903.         if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  3904.             $txt $this->otl->applyOTL($txt$this->CurrentFont['useOTL']);
  3905.             $OTLdata $this->otl->OTLdata;
  3906.         }
  3907.         /* -- END OTL -- */
  3908.         $this->OTLtags $save_OTLtags;
  3909.         $this->magic_reverse_dir($txt$this->directionality$OTLdata);
  3910.         $this->Text($x$y$txt$OTLdata$textvar);
  3911.     }
  3912.     function WriteCell($w$h 0$txt ''$border 0$ln 0$align ''$fill 0$link ''$currentx 0)
  3913.     {
  3914.         // Output a cell using Cell() but does encoding and text reversing of RTL
  3915.         $txt $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
  3916.         if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
  3917.             $txt $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
  3918.         }
  3919.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  3920.             $txt mb_convert_encoding($txt$this->mb_enc'UTF-8');
  3921.         }
  3922.         // DIRECTIONALITY
  3923.         if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregRTLchars "])/u"$txt)) {
  3924.             $this->biDirectional true;
  3925.         } // *OTL*
  3926.         $textvar 0;
  3927.         $save_OTLtags $this->OTLtags;
  3928.         $this->OTLtags = [];
  3929.         if ($this->useKerning) {
  3930.             if ($this->CurrentFont['haskernGPOS']) {
  3931.                 $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' kern';
  3932.             } else {
  3933.                 $textvar = ($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING);
  3934.             }
  3935.         }
  3936.         /* -- OTL -- */
  3937.         // Use OTL OpenType Table Layout - GSUB & GPOS
  3938.         if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  3939.             $txt $this->otl->applyOTL($txt$this->CurrentFont['useOTL']);
  3940.             $OTLdata $this->otl->OTLdata;
  3941.         }
  3942.         /* -- END OTL -- */
  3943.         $this->OTLtags $save_OTLtags;
  3944.         $this->magic_reverse_dir($txt$this->directionality$OTLdata);
  3945.         $this->Cell($w$h$txt$border$ln$align$fill$link$currentx00'M'0false$OTLdata$textvar);
  3946.     }
  3947.     /* -- END DIRECTW -- */
  3948.     function ResetSpacing()
  3949.     {
  3950.         if ($this->ws != 0) {
  3951.             $this->writer->write('BT 0 Tw ET');
  3952.         }
  3953.         $this->ws 0;
  3954.         if ($this->charspacing != 0) {
  3955.             $this->writer->write('BT 0 Tc ET');
  3956.         }
  3957.         $this->charspacing 0;
  3958.     }
  3959.     function SetSpacing($cs$ws)
  3960.     {
  3961.         if (intval($cs 1000) == 0) {
  3962.             $cs 0;
  3963.         }
  3964.         if ($cs) {
  3965.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET'$cs));
  3966.         } elseif ($this->charspacing != 0) {
  3967.             $this->writer->write('BT 0 Tc ET');
  3968.         }
  3969.         $this->charspacing $cs;
  3970.         if (intval($ws 1000) == 0) {
  3971.             $ws 0;
  3972.         }
  3973.         if ($ws) {
  3974.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tw ET'$ws));
  3975.         } elseif ($this->ws != 0) {
  3976.             $this->writer->write('BT 0 Tw ET');
  3977.         }
  3978.         $this->ws $ws;
  3979.     }
  3980.     // WORD SPACING
  3981.     function GetJspacing($nc$ns$w$inclCursive, &$cOTLdata)
  3982.     {
  3983.         $kashida_present false;
  3984.         $kashida_space 0;
  3985.         if ($w && $inclCursive && isset($this->CurrentFont['useKashida']) && $this->CurrentFont['useKashida'] && !empty($cOTLdata)) {
  3986.             for ($c 0$c count($cOTLdata); $c++) {
  3987.                 for ($i 0$i strlen($cOTLdata[$c]['group']); $i++) {
  3988.                     if (isset($cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida']) && $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'] > 0) {
  3989.                         $kashida_present true;
  3990.                         break 2;
  3991.                     }
  3992.                 }
  3993.             }
  3994.         }
  3995.         if ($kashida_present) {
  3996.             $k_ctr 0;  // Number of kashida points
  3997.             $k_total 0;  // Total of kashida values (priority)
  3998.             // Reset word
  3999.             $max_kashida_in_word 0;
  4000.             $last_kashida_in_word = -1;
  4001.             for ($c 0$c count($cOTLdata); $c++) {
  4002.                 for ($i 0$i strlen($cOTLdata[$c]['group']); $i++) {
  4003.                     if ($cOTLdata[$c]['group'][$i] == 'S') {
  4004.                         // Save from last word
  4005.                         if ($max_kashida_in_word) {
  4006.                             $k_ctr++;
  4007.                             $k_total $max_kashida_in_word;
  4008.                         }
  4009.                         // Reset word
  4010.                         $max_kashida_in_word 0;
  4011.                         $last_kashida_in_word = -1;
  4012.                     }
  4013.                     if (isset($cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida']) && $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'] > 0) {
  4014.                         if ($max_kashida_in_word) {
  4015.                             if ($cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'] > $max_kashida_in_word) {
  4016.                                 $max_kashida_in_word $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'];
  4017.                                 $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$last_kashida_in_word]['kashida'] = 0;
  4018.                                 $last_kashida_in_word $i;
  4019.                             } else {
  4020.                                 $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'] = 0;
  4021.                             }
  4022.                         } else {
  4023.                             $max_kashida_in_word $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'];
  4024.                             $last_kashida_in_word $i;
  4025.                         }
  4026.                     }
  4027.                 }
  4028.             }
  4029.             // Save from last word
  4030.             if ($max_kashida_in_word) {
  4031.                 $k_ctr++;
  4032.                 $k_total $max_kashida_in_word;
  4033.             }
  4034.             // Number of kashida points = $k_ctr
  4035.             // $useKashida is a % value from CurrentFont/config_fonts.php
  4036.             // % ratio divided between word-spacing and kashida-spacing
  4037.             $kashida_space_ratio intval($this->CurrentFont['useKashida']) / 100;
  4038.             $kashida_space $w $kashida_space_ratio;
  4039.             $tatw $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], 0x0640);
  4040.             // Only use kashida if each allocated kashida width is > 0.01 x width of a tatweel
  4041.             // Otherwise fontstretch is too small and errors
  4042.             // If not just leave to adjust word-spacing
  4043.             if ($tatw && (($kashida_space $k_ctr) / $tatw) > 0.01) {
  4044.                 for ($c 0$c count($cOTLdata); $c++) {
  4045.                     for ($i 0$i strlen($cOTLdata[$c]['group']); $i++) {
  4046.                         if (isset($cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida']) && $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida'] > 0) {
  4047.                             // At this point kashida is a number representing priority (higher number - higher priority)
  4048.                             // We are now going to set it as an actual length
  4049.                             // This shares it equally amongst words:
  4050.                             $cOTLdata[$c]['GPOSinfo'][$i]['kashida_space'] = ($k_ctr) * $kashida_space;
  4051.                         }
  4052.                     }
  4053.                 }
  4054.                 $w -= $kashida_space;
  4055.             }
  4056.         }
  4057.         $ws 0;
  4058.         $charspacing 0;
  4059.         $ww $this->jSWord;
  4060.         $ncx $nc 1;
  4061.         if ($nc == 0) {
  4062.             return [000];
  4063.         } // Only word spacing allowed / possible
  4064.         elseif ($this->fixedlSpacing !== false || $inclCursive) {
  4065.             if ($ns) {
  4066.                 $ws $w $ns;
  4067.             }
  4068.         } elseif ($nc == 1) {
  4069.             $charspacing $w;
  4070.         } elseif (!$ns) {
  4071.             $charspacing $w / ($ncx );
  4072.             if (($this->jSmaxChar 0) && ($charspacing $this->jSmaxChar)) {
  4073.                 $charspacing $this->jSmaxChar;
  4074.             }
  4075.         } elseif ($ns == ($ncx )) {
  4076.             $charspacing $w $ns;
  4077.         } else {
  4078.             if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  4079.                 $cs = ($w * ($this->jSWord)) / ($ncx );
  4080.                 if (($this->jSmaxChar 0) && ($cs $this->jSmaxChar)) {
  4081.                     $cs $this->jSmaxChar;
  4082.                     $ww - (($cs * ($ncx )) / $w);
  4083.                 }
  4084.                 $charspacing $cs;
  4085.                 $ws = ($w * ($ww) ) / $ns;
  4086.             } else {
  4087.                 $cs = ($w * ($this->jSWord)) / ($ncx $ns);
  4088.                 if (($this->jSmaxChar 0) && ($cs $this->jSmaxChar)) {
  4089.                     $cs $this->jSmaxChar;
  4090.                     $ww - (($cs * ($ncx $ns)) / $w);
  4091.                 }
  4092.                 $charspacing $cs;
  4093.                 $ws = (($w * ($ww) ) / $ns) - $charspacing;
  4094.             }
  4095.         }
  4096.         return [$charspacing$ws$kashida_space];
  4097.     }
  4098.     /**
  4099.      * Output a cell
  4100.      *
  4101.      * Expects input to be mb_encoded if necessary and RTL reversed
  4102.      *
  4103.      * @since mPDF 5.7.1
  4104.      */
  4105.     function Cell($w$h 0$txt ''$border 0$ln 0$align ''$fill 0$link ''$currentx 0$lcpaddingL 0$lcpaddingR 0$valign 'M'$spanfill 0$exactWidth false$OTLdata false$textvar 0$lineBox false)
  4106.     {
  4107.         // NON_BREAKING SPACE
  4108.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  4109.             $txt str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $txt);
  4110.         } else {
  4111.             $txt str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $txt);
  4112.         }
  4113.         $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  4114.         // Automatic page break
  4115.         // Allows PAGE-BREAK-AFTER = avoid to work
  4116.         if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl])) {
  4117.             $bottom $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom'];
  4118.         } else {
  4119.             $bottom 0;
  4120.         }
  4121.         if (!$this->tableLevel
  4122.             && (
  4123.                 ($this->$this->divheight $this->PageBreakTrigger)
  4124.                 || ($this->$h $this->PageBreakTrigger)
  4125.                 || (
  4126.                     $this->+ ($h 2) + $bottom $this->PageBreakTrigger
  4127.                         && (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid'])
  4128.                 )
  4129.             )
  4130.             && !$this->InFooter
  4131.             && $this->AcceptPageBreak()
  4132.         ) { // mPDF 5.7.2
  4133.             $x $this->x// Current X position
  4134.             // WORD SPACING
  4135.             $ws $this->ws// Word Spacing
  4136.             $charspacing $this->charspacing// Character Spacing
  4137.             $this->ResetSpacing();
  4138.             $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  4139.             // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
  4140.             $x += $this->MarginCorrection;
  4141.             if ($currentx) {
  4142.                 $currentx += $this->MarginCorrection;
  4143.             }
  4144.             $this->$x;
  4145.             // WORD SPACING
  4146.             $this->SetSpacing($charspacing$ws);
  4147.         }
  4148.         // Test: to put line through centre of cell: $this->Line($this->x,$this->y+($h/2),$this->x+50,$this->y+($h/2));
  4149.         // Test: to put border around cell as it is specified: $border='LRTB';
  4150.         /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  4151.         // COLS
  4152.         // COLUMN CHANGE
  4153.         if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
  4154.             if ($currentx) {
  4155.                 $currentx += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  4156.             }
  4157.             $this->+= $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  4158.         }
  4159.         // COLUMNS Update/overwrite the lowest bottom of printing y value for a column
  4160.         if ($this->ColActive) {
  4161.             if ($h) {
  4162.                 $this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->$h;
  4163.             } else {
  4164.                 $this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->$this->divheight;
  4165.             }
  4166.         }
  4167.         /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  4168.         if ($w == 0) {
  4169.             $w $this->$this->rMargin $this->x;
  4170.         }
  4171.         $s '';
  4172.         if ($fill == && $this->FillColor) {
  4173.             if ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'] != $this->FillColor) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'])) {
  4174.                 $s .= $this->FillColor ' ';
  4175.             }
  4176.             $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'] = $this->FillColor;
  4177.         }
  4178.         if ($lineBox && isset($lineBox['boxtop']) && $txt) { // i.e. always from WriteFlowingBlock/finishFlowingBlock (but not objects -
  4179.             // which only have $lineBox['top'] set)
  4180.             $boxtop $this->$lineBox['boxtop'];
  4181.             $boxbottom $this->$lineBox['boxbottom'];
  4182.             $glyphYorigin $lineBox['glyphYorigin'];
  4183.             $baseline_shift $lineBox['baseline-shift'];
  4184.             $bord_boxtop $bg_boxtop $boxtop $boxtop $baseline_shift;
  4185.             $bord_boxbottom $bg_boxbottom $boxbottom $boxbottom $baseline_shift;
  4186.             $bord_boxheight $bg_boxheight $boxheight $boxbottom $boxtop;
  4187.             // If inline element BACKGROUND has bounding box set by parent element:
  4188.             if (isset($lineBox['background-boxtop'])) {
  4189.                 $bg_boxtop $this->$lineBox['background-boxtop'] - $lineBox['background-baseline-shift'];
  4190.                 $bg_boxbottom $this->$lineBox['background-boxbottom'] - $lineBox['background-baseline-shift'];
  4191.                 $bg_boxheight $bg_boxbottom $bg_boxtop;
  4192.             }
  4193.             // If inline element BORDER has bounding box set by parent element:
  4194.             if (isset($lineBox['border-boxtop'])) {
  4195.                 $bord_boxtop $this->$lineBox['border-boxtop'] - $lineBox['border-baseline-shift'];
  4196.                 $bord_boxbottom $this->$lineBox['border-boxbottom'] - $lineBox['border-baseline-shift'];
  4197.                 $bord_boxheight $bord_boxbottom $bord_boxtop;
  4198.             }
  4199.         } else {
  4200.             $boxtop $this->y;
  4201.             $boxheight $h;
  4202.             $boxbottom $this->$h;
  4203.             $baseline_shift 0;
  4204.             if ($txt != '') {
  4205.                 // FONT SIZE - this determines the baseline caculation
  4206.                 $bfs $this->FontSize;
  4207.                 // Calculate baseline Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment
  4208.                 $bfx $this->baselineC;
  4209.                 $baseline $bfx $bfs;
  4210.                 if ($textvar TextVars::FA_SUPERSCRIPT) {
  4211.                     $baseline_shift $this->textparam['text-baseline'];
  4212.                 } elseif ($textvar TextVars::FA_SUBSCRIPT) {
  4213.                     $baseline_shift $this->textparam['text-baseline'];
  4214.                 } elseif ($this->bullet) {
  4215.                     $baseline += ($bfx 0.7) * $this->FontSize;
  4216.                 }
  4217.                 // Vertical align (for Images)
  4218.                 if ($valign == 'T') {
  4219.                     $va = (0.5 $bfs $this->normalLineheight);
  4220.                 } elseif ($valign == 'B') {
  4221.                     $va $h - (0.5 $bfs $this->normalLineheight);
  4222.                 } else {
  4223.                     $va 0.5 $h;
  4224.                 } // Middle
  4226.                 // spanfill or spanborder are set in FlowingBlock functions
  4227.                 if ($spanfill || !empty($this->spanborddet) || $link != '') {
  4228.                     $exth 0.2// Add to fontsize to increase height of background / link / border
  4229.                     $boxtop $this->$baseline $va - ($this->FontSize * ($exth 2) * (0.5 $bfx));
  4230.                     $boxheight $this->FontSize * ($exth);
  4231.                     $boxbottom $boxtop $boxheight;
  4232.                 }
  4233.                 $glyphYorigin $baseline $va;
  4234.             }
  4235.             $boxtop -= $baseline_shift;
  4236.             $boxbottom -= $baseline_shift;
  4237.             $bord_boxtop $bg_boxtop $boxtop;
  4238.             $bord_boxbottom $bg_boxbottom $boxbottom;
  4239.             $bord_boxheight $bg_boxheight $boxheight $boxbottom $boxtop;
  4240.         }
  4241.         $bbw $tbw $lbw $rbw 0// Border widths
  4242.         if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  4243.             if (!isset($this->spanborddet['B'])) {
  4244.                 $this->spanborddet['B'] = ['s' => 0'style' => '''w' => 0];
  4245.             }
  4246.             if (!isset($this->spanborddet['T'])) {
  4247.                 $this->spanborddet['T'] = ['s' => 0'style' => '''w' => 0];
  4248.             }
  4249.             if (!isset($this->spanborddet['L'])) {
  4250.                 $this->spanborddet['L'] = ['s' => 0'style' => '''w' => 0];
  4251.             }
  4252.             if (!isset($this->spanborddet['R'])) {
  4253.                 $this->spanborddet['R'] = ['s' => 0'style' => '''w' => 0];
  4254.             }
  4255.             $bbw $this->spanborddet['B']['w'];
  4256.             $tbw $this->spanborddet['T']['w'];
  4257.             $lbw $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
  4258.             $rbw $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
  4259.         }
  4260.         if ($fill == || $border == || !empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  4261.             if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  4262.                 if ($fill == 1) {
  4263.                     $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f ', ($this->$lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bg_boxtop $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($w $lbw $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, (-$bg_boxheight $tbw $bbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4264.                 }
  4265.                 $s.= ' q ';
  4266.                 $dashon 3;
  4267.                 $dashoff 3.5;
  4268.                 $dot 2.5;
  4269.                 if ($tbw) {
  4270.                     $short 0;
  4271.                     if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dashed') {
  4272.                         $s .= sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d '$tbw $dashon Mpdf::SCALE$tbw $dashoff Mpdf::SCALE);
  4273.                     } elseif ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dotted') {
  4274.                         $s .= sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d '0.001$tbw $dot Mpdf::SCALE, -$tbw Mpdf::SCALE);
  4275.                         $short $tbw 2;
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  4277.                         $s .= ' 0 j 0 J [] 0 d ';
  4278.                     }
  4279.                     if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] != 'dotted') {
  4280.                         $s .= 'q ';
  4281.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($this->$lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4282.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->$w $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4283.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->$w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4284.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($this->x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4285.                         $s .= ' h W n '// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  4286.                     }
  4287.                     $c $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['T']['c'], true);
  4288.                     if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'double') {
  4289.                         $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w '$c$tbw Mpdf::SCALE);
  4290.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->$lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$w $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 6) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4291.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->$lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 6) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$w $rbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 6) * Mpdf::SCALE);
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  4293.                         $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w '$c$tbw Mpdf::SCALE);
  4294.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->$lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$w $rbw $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 2) * Mpdf::SCALE);
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  4296.                         $s .= sprintf(' %s %.3F w '$c$tbw Mpdf::SCALE);
  4297.                         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ', ($this->$lbw) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$w $rbw $short) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bord_boxtop $tbw 2) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4298.                     }
  4299.                     if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] != 'dotted') {
  4300.                         $s .= ' Q ';
  4301.                     }
  4302.                 }
  4303.                 if ($bbw) {
  4304.                     $short 0;
  4305.                     if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'dashed') {
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  4478.             // Just output text; charspacing and wordspacing already set by charspacing (Tc) and ws (Tw)
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  4515.                 $sub .='] TJ ';
  4516.                 $sub .=' ET';
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  4519.                 $sub $this->applyGPOSpdf($txt$aix$px$py$OTLdata$textvar);
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  4521.             /** ************** END SIMILAR TO Text() ************************ */
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  4550.                     $glyphYorigin;
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  4552.                 $sub .= ' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J '$ut Mpdf::SCALE));
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  4561.                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
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  4571.                     $ut $this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['strs'] / 1000 $decorationfontsize;
  4572.                 } // else use underlineThickness from post if available
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  4576.                     $ut 50 1000 $decorationfontsize;
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  4578.                 // Use yStrikeoutPosition from OS/2 if available
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  4580.                     $up $this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['strp'];
  4581.                     $adjusty = (-$up 1000 $decorationfontsize);
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  4588.                     }
  4589.                     $adjusty = (-$ch 1000 $decorationfontsize) * $this->baselineS;
  4590.                 }
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  4593.                 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J '$ut Mpdf::SCALE));
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  4595.                 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J '$olw Mpdf::SCALE));
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  4597.                     $sub .= ' ' $this->FillColor ' ';
  4598.                 }
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  4600.             // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
  4601.             // OVERLINE
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  4603.                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
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  4607.                 }
  4608.                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
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  4611.                 if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut']) && $this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut']) {
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  4614.                     $ut 60 1000 $decorationfontsize;
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  4616.                 if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['desc']['CapHeight']) && $this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['desc']['CapHeight']) {
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  4619.                     $ch 700;
  4620.                 }
  4621.                 $adjusty = (-$ch 1000 $decorationfontsize) * $this->baselineO;
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  4623.                 $olw $this->LineWidth;
  4624.                 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J '$ut Mpdf::SCALE));
  4625.                 $sub .=' ' $this->_dounderline($this->$dx$this->$obaseline $adjusty$txt$OTLdata$textvar);
  4626.                 $sub .=' ' . (sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J '$olw Mpdf::SCALE));
  4627.                 if ($this->FillColor != $c) {
  4628.                     $sub .= ' ' $this->FillColor ' ';
  4629.                 }
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  4631.             // TEXT SHADOW
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  4640.                     } elseif ($ts['col'][0] == && $ts['col'][2] == && ord($ts['col'][3]) < 100) { // Gray
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  4642.                     }
  4643.                     $s .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.4F %.4F cm'$ts['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$ts['y'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
  4644.                     $s .= $sub;
  4645.                     $s .= ' Q ';
  4646.                 }
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  4648.             $s .= $sub;
  4649.             // COLOR
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  4652.             }
  4653.             // LINK
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  4661.         // WORD SPACING
  4662.         if ($this->ws && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
  4663.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET'$this->charspacing));
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  4665.         $this->lasth $h;
  4666.         if (strpos($txt"\n") !== false) {
  4667.             $ln 1// cell recognizes \n from <BR> tag
  4668.         }
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  4670.             // Go to next line
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  4673.                 // Move to next line
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  4681.             $this->x+=$w;
  4682.         }
  4683.     }
  4684.     function applyGPOSpdf($txt$aix$x$y$OTLdata$textvar 0)
  4685.     {
  4686.         $sipset = (isset($this->CurrentFont['sip']) && $this->CurrentFont['sip'])
  4687.             || (isset($this->CurrentFont['smp']) && $this->CurrentFont['smp']);
  4688.         $smcaps = ($textvar TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS);
  4689.         $fontid $sipset
  4690.             $last_fontid $original_fontid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][0]
  4691.             : $last_fontid $original_fontid $this->CurrentFont['i'];
  4692.         $SmallCapsON false;  // state: uppercase/not
  4693.         $lastSmallCapsON false// state: uppercase/not
  4694.         $last_fontsize $fontsize $this->FontSizePt;
  4695.         $last_fontstretch $fontstretch 100;
  4696.         $groupBreak false;
  4697.         $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($txt);
  4698.         $GPOSinfo = (isset($OTLdata['GPOSinfo']) ? $OTLdata['GPOSinfo'] : []);
  4699.         $charspacing = ($this->charspacing 1000 $this->FontSizePt);
  4700.         $wordspacing = ($this->ws 1000 $this->FontSizePt);
  4701.         $XshiftBefore 0;
  4702.         $XshiftAfter 0;
  4703.         $lastYPlacement 0;
  4704.         $tj $sipset
  4705.             '<'
  4706.             '(';
  4707.         for ($i 0$i count($unicode); $i++) {
  4708.             $c $unicode[$i];
  4709.             $tx '';
  4710.             $XshiftBefore $XshiftAfter;
  4711.             $XshiftAfter 0;
  4712.             $YPlacement 0;
  4713.             $groupBreak false;
  4714.             $kashida 0;
  4715.             if (!empty($OTLdata)) {
  4716.                 // YPlacement from GPOS
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  4719.                     $groupBreak true;
  4720.                 }
  4721.                 // XPlacement from GPOS
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  4723.                     if (!isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir']) || $GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir'] !== 'RTL') {
  4724.                         if (isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['BaseWidth'])) {
  4725.                             $GPOSinfo[$i]['XPlacement'] -= $GPOSinfo[$i]['BaseWidth'];
  4726.                         }
  4727.                     }
  4728.                     // Convert to PDF Text space (thousandths of a unit );
  4729.                     $XshiftBefore += $GPOSinfo[$i]['XPlacement'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  4730.                     $XshiftAfter += -$GPOSinfo[$i]['XPlacement'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  4731.                 }
  4732.                 // Kashida from GPOS
  4733.                 // Kashida is set as an absolute length value, but to adjust text needs to be converted to
  4734.                 // font-related size
  4735.                 if (isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['kashida_space']) && $GPOSinfo[$i]['kashida_space']) {
  4736.                     $kashida $GPOSinfo[$i]['kashida_space'];
  4737.                 }
  4738.                 if ($c == 32) { // word spacing
  4739.                     $XshiftAfter += $wordspacing;
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  4741.                 if (substr($OTLdata['group'], ($i 1), 1) !== 'M') { // Don't add inter-character spacing before Marks
  4742.                     $XshiftAfter += $charspacing;
  4743.                 }
  4744.                 // ...applyGPOSpdf...
  4745.                 // XAdvance from GPOS - Convert to PDF Text space (thousandths of a unit );
  4746.                 if (((isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir']) && $GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir'] !== 'RTL') || !isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir'])) && isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['XAdvanceL']) && $GPOSinfo[$i]['XAdvanceL']) {
  4747.                     $XshiftAfter += $GPOSinfo[$i]['XAdvanceL'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  4748.                 } elseif (isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir']) && $GPOSinfo[$i]['wDir'] === 'RTL' && isset($GPOSinfo[$i]['XAdvanceR']) && $GPOSinfo[$i]['XAdvanceR']) {
  4749.                     $XshiftAfter += $GPOSinfo[$i]['XAdvanceR'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  4750.                 }
  4751.             } else { // Character & Word spacing - if NOT OTL
  4752.                 $XshiftAfter += $charspacing;
  4753.                 if ($c == 32) {
  4754.                     $XshiftAfter += $wordspacing;
  4755.                 }
  4756.             }
  4757.             // IF Kerning done using pairs rather than OTL
  4758.             if ($textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) {
  4759.                 if ($i && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($i 1)]][$unicode[$i]])) {
  4760.                     $XshiftBefore += $this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($i 1)]][$unicode[$i]];
  4761.                 }
  4762.             }
  4763.             if ($YPlacement !== $lastYPlacement) {
  4764.                 $groupBreak true;
  4765.             }
  4766.             if ($XshiftBefore) {  // +ve value in PDF moves to the left
  4767.                 // If Fontstretch is ongoing, need to adjust X adjustments because these will be stretched out.
  4768.                 $XshiftBefore *= 100 $last_fontstretch;
  4769.                 if ($sipset) {
  4770.                     $tj .= sprintf('>%d<', (-$XshiftBefore));
  4771.                 } else {
  4772.                     $tj .= sprintf(')%d(', (-$XshiftBefore));
  4773.                 }
  4774.             }
  4775.             // Small-Caps
  4776.             if ($smcaps) {
  4777.                 if (isset($this->upperCase[$c])) {
  4778.                     $c $this->upperCase[$c];
  4779.                     // $this->CurrentFont['subset'][$this->upperCase[$c]] = $this->upperCase[$c];    // add the CAP to subset
  4780.                     $SmallCapsON true;
  4781.                     // For $sipset
  4782.                     if (!$lastSmallCapsON) { // Turn ON SmallCaps
  4783.                         $groupBreak true;
  4784.                         $fontstretch $this->smCapsStretch;
  4785.                         $fontsize $this->FontSizePt $this->smCapsScale;
  4786.                     }
  4787.                 } else {
  4788.                     $SmallCapsON false;
  4789.                     if ($lastSmallCapsON) {  // Turn OFF SmallCaps
  4790.                         $groupBreak true;
  4791.                         $fontstretch 100;
  4792.                         $fontsize $this->FontSizePt;
  4793.                     }
  4794.                 }
  4795.             }
  4796.             // Prepare Text and Select Font ID
  4797.             if ($sipset) {
  4798.                 for ($j 0$j 99$j++) {
  4799.                     $init array_search($c$this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]);
  4800.                     if ($init !== false) {
  4801.                         if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j] != $last_fontid) {
  4802.                             $groupBreak true;
  4803.                             $fontid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j];
  4804.                         }
  4805.                         $tx sprintf("%02s"strtoupper(dechex($init)));
  4806.                         break;
  4807.                     }
  4808.                     if (count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]) < 255) {
  4809.                         $n count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]);
  4810.                         $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j][$n] = $c;
  4811.                         if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j] != $last_fontid) {
  4812.                             $groupBreak true;
  4813.                             $fontid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j];
  4814.                         }
  4815.                         $tx sprintf("%02s"strtoupper(dechex($n)));
  4816.                         break;
  4817.                     }
  4818.                     if (!isset($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($j 1)])) {
  4819.                         $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($j 1)] = [=> 0];
  4820.                         $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][($j 1)] = count($this->fonts) + $this->extraFontSubsets 1;
  4821.                         $this->extraFontSubsets++;
  4822.                     }
  4823.                 }
  4824.             } else {
  4825.                 $tx UtfString::code2utf($c);
  4826.                 if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  4827.                     $tx iconv('UTF-8''ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT'$tx);
  4828.                 } else {
  4829.                     $tx $this->writer->utf8ToUtf16BigEndian($txfalse);
  4830.                 }
  4831.                 $tx $this->writer->escape($tx);
  4832.             }
  4833.             // If any settings require a new Text Group
  4834.             if ($groupBreak || $fontstretch != $last_fontstretch) {
  4835.                 $tj .= $sipset
  4836.                     '>] TJ '
  4837.                     ')] TJ ';
  4838.                 if ($fontid != $last_fontid || $fontsize != $last_fontsize) {
  4839.                     $tj .= sprintf(' /F%d %.3F Tf '$fontid$fontsize);
  4840.                 }
  4841.                 if ($fontstretch != $last_fontstretch) {
  4842.                     $tj .= sprintf('%d Tz '$fontstretch);
  4843.                 }
  4844.                 if ($YPlacement != $lastYPlacement) {
  4845.                     $tj .= sprintf('%.3F Ts '$YPlacement);
  4846.                 }
  4847.                 $tj .= $sipset
  4848.                     '[<'
  4849.                     '[(';
  4850.             }
  4851.             // Output the code for the txt character
  4852.             $tj .= $tx;
  4853.             $lastSmallCapsON $SmallCapsON;
  4854.             $last_fontid $fontid;
  4855.             $last_fontsize $fontsize;
  4856.             $last_fontstretch $fontstretch;
  4857.             // Kashida
  4858.             if ($kashida) {
  4859.                 $c 0x0640// add the Tatweel U+0640
  4860.                 if (isset($this->CurrentFont['subset'])) {
  4861.                     $this->CurrentFont['subset'][$c] = $c;
  4862.                 }
  4863.                 $kashida *= 1000 $this->FontSizePt;
  4864.                 $tatw $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], 0x0640);
  4865.                 // Get YPlacement from next Base character
  4866.                 $nextbase $i 1;
  4867.                 while ($OTLdata['group'][$nextbase] !== 'C') {
  4868.                     $nextbase++;
  4869.                 }
  4870.                 if (isset($GPOSinfo[$nextbase]) && isset($GPOSinfo[$nextbase]['YPlacement']) && $GPOSinfo[$nextbase]['YPlacement']) {
  4871.                     $YPlacement $GPOSinfo[$nextbase]['YPlacement'] * $this->FontSizePt $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  4872.                 }
  4873.                 // Prepare Text and Select Font ID
  4874.                 if ($sipset) {
  4875.                     for ($j 0$j 99$j++) {
  4876.                         $init array_search($c$this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]);
  4877.                         if ($init !== false) {
  4878.                             if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j] != $last_fontid) {
  4879.                                 $fontid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j];
  4880.                             }
  4881.                             $tx sprintf("%02s"strtoupper(dechex($init)));
  4882.                             break;
  4883.                         }
  4884.                         if (count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]) < 255) {
  4885.                             $n count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j]);
  4886.                             $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$j][$n] = $c;
  4887.                             if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j] != $last_fontid) {
  4888.                                 $fontid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$j];
  4889.                             }
  4890.                             $tx sprintf("%02s"strtoupper(dechex($n)));
  4891.                             break;
  4892.                         }
  4893.                         if (!isset($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($j 1)])) {
  4894.                             $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($j 1)] = [=> 0];
  4895.                             $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][($j 1)] = count($this->fonts) + $this->extraFontSubsets 1;
  4896.                             $this->extraFontSubsets++;
  4897.                         }
  4898.                     }
  4899.                 } else {
  4900.                     $tx UtfString::code2utf($c);
  4901.                     $tx $this->writer->utf8ToUtf16BigEndian($txfalse);
  4902.                     $tx $this->writer->escape($tx);
  4903.                 }
  4904.                 if ($kashida $tatw) {
  4905.                     // Insert multiple tatweel characters, repositioning the last one to give correct total length
  4906.                     $fontstretch 100;
  4907.                     $nt = (int) ($kashida $tatw);
  4908.                     $nudgeback = (($nt 1) * $tatw) - $kashida;
  4909.                     $optx str_repeat($tx$nt);
  4910.                     if ($sipset) {
  4911.                         $optx .= sprintf('>%d<', ($nudgeback));
  4912.                     } else {
  4913.                         $optx .= sprintf(')%d(', ($nudgeback));
  4914.                     }
  4915.                     $optx .= $tx// #last
  4916.                 } else {
  4917.                     // Insert single tatweel character and use fontstretch to get correct length
  4918.                     $fontstretch = ($kashida $tatw) * 100;
  4919.                     $optx $tx;
  4920.                 }
  4921.                 $tj .= $sipset
  4922.                     '>] TJ '
  4923.                     ')] TJ ';
  4924.                 if ($fontid != $last_fontid || $fontsize != $last_fontsize) {
  4925.                     $tj .= sprintf(' /F%d %.3F Tf '$fontid$fontsize);
  4926.                 }
  4927.                 if ($fontstretch != $last_fontstretch) {
  4928.                     $tj .= sprintf('%d Tz '$fontstretch);
  4929.                 }
  4930.                 $tj .= sprintf('%.3F Ts '$YPlacement);
  4931.                 $tj .= $sipset
  4932.                     '[<'
  4933.                     '[(';
  4934.                 // Output the code for the txt character(s)
  4935.                 $tj .= $optx;
  4936.                 $last_fontid $fontid;
  4937.                 $last_fontstretch $fontstretch;
  4938.                 $fontstretch 100;
  4939.             }
  4940.             $lastYPlacement $YPlacement;
  4941.         }
  4942.         $tj .= $sipset
  4943.             '>'
  4944.             ')';
  4945.         if ($XshiftAfter) {
  4946.             $tj .= sprintf('%d', (-$XshiftAfter));
  4947.         }
  4948.         if ($last_fontid != $original_fontid) {
  4949.             $tj .= '] TJ ';
  4950.             $tj .= sprintf(' /F%d %.3F Tf '$original_fontid$fontsize);
  4951.             $tj .= '[';
  4952.         }
  4953.         $tj $sipset
  4954.             preg_replace('/([^\\\])<>/''\\1 '$tj)
  4955.             : preg_replace('/([^\\\])\(\)/''\\1 '$tj);
  4956.         return sprintf(' BT ' $aix ' 0 Tc 0 Tw [%s] TJ ET '$x$y$tj);
  4957.     }
  4958.     function _kern($txt$mode$aix$x$y)
  4959.     {
  4960.         if ($mode === 'MBTw') { // Multibyte requiring word spacing
  4961.             $space ' ';
  4962.             // Convert string to UTF-16BE without BOM
  4963.             $space $this->writer->utf8ToUtf16BigEndian($spacefalse);
  4964.             $space $this->writer->escape($space);
  4965.             $s sprintf(' BT ' $aix$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  4966.             $t explode(' '$txt);
  4967.             foreach ($t as $i => $iValue) {
  4968.                 $tx $iValue;
  4969.                 $tj '(';
  4970.                 $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($tx);
  4971.                 foreach ($unicode as $ti => $tiValue) {
  4972.                     if ($ti && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($ti 1)]][$tiValue])) {
  4973.                         $kern = -$this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($ti 1)]][$tiValue];
  4974.                         $tj .= sprintf(')%d('$kern);
  4975.                     }
  4976.                     $tc UtfString::code2utf($tiValue);
  4977.                     $tc $this->writer->utf8ToUtf16BigEndian($tcfalse);
  4978.                     $tj .= $this->writer->escape($tc);
  4979.                 }
  4980.                 $tj .= ')';
  4981.                 $s .= sprintf(' %.3F Tc [%s] TJ'$this->charspacing$tj);
  4982.                 if (($i 1) < count($t)) {
  4983.                     $s .= sprintf(' %.3F Tc (%s) Tj'$this->ws $this->charspacing$space);
  4984.                 }
  4985.             }
  4986.             $s .= ' ET ';
  4987.             return $s;
  4988.         }
  4989.         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  4990.             $s '';
  4991.             $tj '(';
  4992.             $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($txt);
  4993.             foreach ($unicode as $i => $iValue) {
  4994.                 if ($i && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($i 1)]][$iValue])) {
  4995.                     $kern = -$this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($i 1)]][$iValue];
  4996.                     $tj .= sprintf(')%d('$kern);
  4997.                 }
  4998.                 $tx UtfString::code2utf($iValue);
  4999.                 $tx $this->writer->utf8ToUtf16BigEndian($txfalse);
  5000.                 $tj .= $this->writer->escape($tx);
  5001.             }
  5002.             $tj .= ')';
  5003.             $s .= sprintf(' BT ' $aix ' [%s] TJ ET '$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE$tj);
  5004.             return $s;
  5005.         }
  5006.         $s '';
  5007.         $tj '(';
  5008.         $l strlen($txt);
  5009.         for ($i 0$i $l$i++) {
  5010.             if ($i && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$txt[($i 1)]][$txt[$i]])) {
  5011.                 $kern = -$this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$txt[($i 1)]][$txt[$i]];
  5012.                 $tj .= sprintf(')%d('$kern);
  5013.             }
  5014.             $tj .= $this->writer->escape($txt[$i]);
  5015.         }
  5016.         $tj .= ')';
  5017.         $s .= sprintf(' BT ' $aix ' [%s] TJ ET '$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE$tj);
  5018.         return $s;
  5019.     }
  5020.     function MultiCell(
  5021.         $w,
  5022.         $h,
  5023.         $txt,
  5024.         $border 0,
  5025.         $align '',
  5026.         $fill 0,
  5027.         $link '',
  5028.         $directionality 'ltr',
  5029.         $encoded false,
  5030.         $OTLdata false,
  5031.         $maxrows false
  5032.     ) {
  5033.         // maxrows is called from mpdfform->TEXTAREA
  5034.         // Parameter (pre-)encoded - When called internally from form::textarea -
  5035.         // mb_encoding already done and OTL - but not reverse RTL
  5036.         if (!$encoded) {
  5037.             $txt $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
  5038.             if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
  5039.                 $txt $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
  5040.             }
  5041.             if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  5042.                 $txt mb_convert_encoding($txt$this->mb_enc'UTF-8');
  5043.             }
  5044.             if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregRTLchars "])/u"$txt)) {
  5045.                 $this->biDirectional true;
  5046.             }
  5047.             /* -- OTL -- */
  5048.             if (!is_array($OTLdata)) {
  5049.                 unset($OTLdata);
  5050.             }
  5051.             // Use OTL OpenType Table Layout - GSUB & GPOS
  5052.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  5053.                 $txt $this->otl->applyOTL($txt$this->CurrentFont['useOTL']);
  5054.                 $OTLdata $this->otl->OTLdata;
  5055.             }
  5056.             if ($directionality == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional) {
  5057.                 if (!isset($OTLdata)) {
  5058.                     $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($txtfalse);
  5059.                     $is_strong false;
  5060.                     $this->getBasicOTLdata($OTLdata$unicode$is_strong);
  5061.                 }
  5062.             }
  5063.             /* -- END OTL -- */
  5064.         }
  5065.         if (!$align) {
  5066.             $align $this->defaultAlign;
  5067.         }
  5068.         // Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks
  5069.         $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
  5070.         if ($w == 0) {
  5071.             $w $this->$this->rMargin $this->x;
  5072.         }
  5073.         $wmax = ($w - ($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR));
  5074.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  5075.             $s str_replace("\r"''$txt);
  5076.             $nb strlen($s);
  5077.             while ($nb and $s[$nb 1] == "\n") {
  5078.                 $nb--;
  5079.             }
  5080.         } else {
  5081.             $s str_replace("\r"''$txt);
  5082.             $nb mb_strlen($s$this->mb_enc);
  5083.             while ($nb and mb_substr($s$nb 11$this->mb_enc) == "\n") {
  5084.                 $nb--;
  5085.             }
  5086.         }
  5087.         $b 0;
  5088.         if ($border) {
  5089.             if ($border == 1) {
  5090.                 $border 'LTRB';
  5091.                 $b 'LRT';
  5092.                 $b2 'LR';
  5093.             } else {
  5094.                 $b2 '';
  5095.                 if (is_int(strpos($border'L'))) {
  5096.                     $b2 .= 'L';
  5097.                 }
  5098.                 if (is_int(strpos($border'R'))) {
  5099.                     $b2 .= 'R';
  5100.                 }
  5101.                 $b is_int(strpos($border'T')) ? $b2 'T' $b2;
  5102.             }
  5103.         }
  5104.         $sep = -1;
  5105.         $i 0;
  5106.         $j 0;
  5107.         $l 0;
  5108.         $ns 0;
  5109.         $nl 1;
  5110.         $rows 0;
  5111.         $start_y $this->y;
  5112.         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  5113.             $inclCursive false;
  5114.             if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregCURSchars "])/u"$s)) {
  5115.                 $inclCursive true;
  5116.             }
  5117.             while ($i $nb) {
  5118.                 // Get next character
  5119.                 $c mb_substr($s$i1$this->mb_enc);
  5120.                 if ($c === "\n") { // Explicit line break
  5121.                     // WORD SPACING
  5122.                     $this->ResetSpacing();
  5123.                     $tmp rtrim(mb_substr($s$j$i $j$this->mb_enc));
  5124.                     $tmpOTLdata false;
  5125.                     /* -- OTL -- */
  5126.                     if (isset($OTLdata)) {
  5127.                         $tmpOTLdata $this->otl->sliceOTLdata($OTLdata$j$i $j);
  5128.                         $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdatafalsetrue);
  5129.                         $this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp$directionality$tmpOTLdata);
  5130.                     }
  5131.                     /* -- END OTL -- */
  5132.                     $this->Cell($w$h$tmp$b2$align$fill$link000'M'0false$tmpOTLdata);
  5133.                     if ($maxrows != false && isset($this->form) && ($this->$start_y) / $h $maxrows) {
  5134.                         return false;
  5135.                     }
  5136.                     $i++;
  5137.                     $sep = -1;
  5138.                     $j $i;
  5139.                     $l 0;
  5140.                     $ns 0;
  5141.                     $nl++;
  5142.                     if ($border and $nl == 2) {
  5143.                         $b $b2;
  5144.                     }
  5145.                     continue;
  5146.                 }
  5147.                 if ($c == " ") {
  5148.                     $sep $i;
  5149.                     $ls $l;
  5150.                     $ns++;
  5151.                 }
  5152.                 $l += $this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c);
  5153.                 if ($l $wmax) {
  5154.                     // Automatic line break
  5155.                     if ($sep == -1) { // Only one word
  5156.                         if ($i == $j) {
  5157.                             $i++;
  5158.                         }
  5159.                         // WORD SPACING
  5160.                         $this->ResetSpacing();
  5161.                         $tmp rtrim(mb_substr($s$j$i $j$this->mb_enc));
  5162.                         $tmpOTLdata false;
  5163.                         /* -- OTL -- */
  5164.                         if (isset($OTLdata)) {
  5165.                             $tmpOTLdata $this->otl->sliceOTLdata($OTLdata$j$i $j);
  5166.                             $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdatafalsetrue);
  5167.                             $this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp$directionality$tmpOTLdata);
  5168.                         }
  5169.                         /* -- END OTL -- */
  5170.                         $this->Cell($w$h$tmp$b2$align$fill$link000'M'0false$tmpOTLdata);
  5171.                     } else {
  5172.                         $tmp rtrim(mb_substr($s$j$sep $j$this->mb_enc));
  5173.                         $tmpOTLdata false;
  5174.                         /* -- OTL -- */
  5175.                         if (isset($OTLdata)) {
  5176.                             $tmpOTLdata $this->otl->sliceOTLdata($OTLdata$j$sep $j);
  5177.                             $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdatafalsetrue);
  5178.                         }
  5179.                         /* -- END OTL -- */
  5180.                         if ($align === 'J') {
  5181.                             // JUSTIFY J using Unicode fonts (Word spacing doesn't work)
  5182.                             // WORD SPACING UNICODE
  5183.                             // Change NON_BREAKING SPACE to spaces so they are 'spaced' properly
  5184.                             $tmp str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $tmp);
  5185.                             $len_ligne $this->GetStringWidth($tmpfalse$tmpOTLdata);
  5186.                             $nb_carac mb_strlen($tmp$this->mb_enc);
  5187.                             $nb_spaces mb_substr_count($tmp' '$this->mb_enc);
  5188.                             // Take off number of Marks
  5189.                             // Use GPOS OTL
  5190.                             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && ($this->CurrentFont['useOTL'])) {
  5191.                                 if (isset($tmpOTLdata['group']) && $tmpOTLdata['group']) {
  5192.                                     $nb_carac -= substr_count($tmpOTLdata['group'], 'M');
  5193.                                 }
  5194.                             }
  5195.                             list($charspacing$ws$kashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac$nb_spaces, ((($wmax) - $len_ligne) * Mpdf::SCALE), $inclCursive$tmpOTLdata);
  5196.                             $this->SetSpacing($charspacing$ws);
  5197.                         }
  5198.                         if (isset($OTLdata)) {
  5199.                             $this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp$directionality$tmpOTLdata);
  5200.                         }
  5201.                         $this->Cell($w$h$tmp$b2$align$fill$link000'M'0false$tmpOTLdata);
  5202.                         $i $sep 1;
  5203.                     }
  5204.                     if ($maxrows != false && isset($this->form) && ($this->$start_y) / $h $maxrows) {
  5205.                         return false;
  5206.                     }
  5207.                     $sep = -1;
  5208.                     $j $i;
  5209.                     $l 0;
  5210.                     $ns 0;
  5211.                     $nl++;
  5212.                     if ($border and $nl == 2) {
  5213.                         $b $b2;
  5214.                     }
  5215.                 } else {
  5216.                     $i++;
  5217.                 }
  5218.             }
  5219.             // Last chunk
  5220.             // WORD SPACING
  5221.             $this->ResetSpacing();
  5222.         } else {
  5223.             while ($i $nb) {
  5224.                 // Get next character
  5225.                 $c $s[$i];
  5226.                 if ($c === "\n") {
  5227.                     // Explicit line break
  5228.                     // WORD SPACING
  5229.                     $this->ResetSpacing();
  5230.                     $this->Cell($w$hsubstr($s$j$i $j), $b2$align$fill$link);
  5231.                     if ($maxrows != false && isset($this->form) && ($this->$start_y) / $h $maxrows) {
  5232.                         return false;
  5233.                     }
  5234.                     $i++;
  5235.                     $sep = -1;
  5236.                     $j $i;
  5237.                     $l 0;
  5238.                     $ns 0;
  5239.                     $nl++;
  5240.                     if ($border and $nl == 2) {
  5241.                         $b $b2;
  5242.                     }
  5243.                     continue;
  5244.                 }
  5245.                 if ($c === ' ') {
  5246.                     $sep $i;
  5247.                     $ls $l;
  5248.                     $ns++;
  5249.                 }
  5250.                 $l += $this->GetCharWidthCore($c);
  5251.                 if ($l $wmax) {
  5252.                     // Automatic line break
  5253.                     if ($sep == -1) {
  5254.                         if ($i == $j) {
  5255.                             $i++;
  5256.                         }
  5257.                         // WORD SPACING
  5258.                         $this->ResetSpacing();
  5259.                         $this->Cell($w$hsubstr($s$j$i $j), $b2$align$fill$link);
  5260.                     } else {
  5261.                         if ($align === 'J') {
  5262.                             $tmp rtrim(substr($s$j$sep $j));
  5263.                             // JUSTIFY J using Unicode fonts (Word spacing doesn't work)
  5264.                             // WORD SPACING NON_UNICODE/CJK
  5265.                             // Change NON_BREAKING SPACE to spaces so they are 'spaced' properly
  5266.                             $tmp str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $tmp);
  5267.                             $len_ligne $this->GetStringWidth($tmp);
  5268.                             $nb_carac strlen($tmp);
  5269.                             $nb_spaces substr_count($tmp' ');
  5270.                             $tmpOTLdata = [];
  5271.                             list($charspacing$ws$kashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac$nb_spaces, ((($wmax) - $len_ligne) * Mpdf::SCALE), false$tmpOTLdata);
  5272.                             $this->SetSpacing($charspacing$ws);
  5273.                         }
  5274.                         $this->Cell($w$hsubstr($s$j$sep $j), $b2$align$fill$link);
  5275.                         $i $sep 1;
  5276.                     }
  5277.                     if ($maxrows != false && isset($this->form) && ($this->$start_y) / $h $maxrows) {
  5278.                         return false;
  5279.                     }
  5280.                     $sep = -1;
  5281.                     $j $i;
  5282.                     $l 0;
  5283.                     $ns 0;
  5284.                     $nl++;
  5285.                     if ($border and $nl == 2) {
  5286.                         $b $b2;
  5287.                     }
  5288.                 } else {
  5289.                     $i++;
  5290.                 }
  5291.             }
  5292.             // Last chunk
  5293.             // WORD SPACING
  5294.             $this->ResetSpacing();
  5295.         }
  5296.         // Last chunk
  5297.         if ($border and is_int(strpos($border'B'))) {
  5298.             $b .= 'B';
  5299.         }
  5300.         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  5301.             $tmp rtrim(mb_substr($s$j$i $j$this->mb_enc));
  5302.             $tmpOTLdata false;
  5303.             /* -- OTL -- */
  5304.             if (isset($OTLdata)) {
  5305.                 $tmpOTLdata $this->otl->sliceOTLdata($OTLdata$j$i $j);
  5306.                 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($tmpOTLdatafalsetrue);
  5307.                 $this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp$directionality$tmpOTLdata);
  5308.             }
  5309.             /* -- END OTL -- */
  5310.             $this->Cell($w$h$tmp$b2$align$fill$link000'M'0false$tmpOTLdata);
  5311.         } else {
  5312.             $this->Cell($w$hsubstr($s$j$i $j), $b2$align$fill$link);
  5313.         }
  5314.         $this->$this->lMargin;
  5315.     }
  5316.     /* -- DIRECTW -- */
  5317.     function Write($h$txt$currentx 0$link ''$directionality 'ltr'$align ''$fill 0)
  5318.     {
  5319.         if (empty($this->directWrite)) {
  5320.             $this->directWrite = new DirectWrite($this$this->otl$this->sizeConverter$this->colorConverter);
  5321.         }
  5322.         $this->directWrite->Write($h$txt$currentx$link$directionality$align$fill);
  5323.     }
  5324.     /* -- END DIRECTW -- */
  5325.     /* -- HTML-CSS -- */
  5326.     function saveInlineProperties()
  5327.     {
  5328.         $saved = [];
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  5330.         $saved['style'] = $this->FontStyle;
  5331.         $saved['sizePt'] = $this->FontSizePt;
  5332.         $saved['size'] = $this->FontSize;
  5333.         $saved['HREF'] = $this->HREF;
  5334.         $saved['textvar'] = $this->textvar// mPDF 5.7.1
  5335.         $saved['OTLtags'] = $this->OTLtags// mPDF 5.7.1
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  5338.         $saved['drawcolor'] = $this->DrawColor;
  5339.         $saved['textparam'] = $this->textparam;
  5340.         $saved['lSpacingCSS'] = $this->lSpacingCSS;
  5341.         $saved['wSpacingCSS'] = $this->wSpacingCSS;
  5342.         $saved['I'] = $this->I;
  5343.         $saved['B'] = $this->B;
  5344.         $saved['colorarray'] = $this->colorarray;
  5345.         $saved['bgcolorarray'] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
  5346.         $saved['border'] = $this->spanborddet;
  5347.         $saved['color'] = $this->TextColor;
  5348.         $saved['bgcolor'] = $this->FillColor;
  5349.         $saved['lang'] = $this->currentLang;
  5350.         $saved['fontLanguageOverride'] = $this->fontLanguageOverride// mPDF 5.7.1
  5351.         $saved['display_off'] = $this->inlineDisplayOff;
  5352.         return $saved;
  5353.     }
  5354.     function restoreInlineProperties(&$saved)
  5355.     {
  5356.         $FontFamily $saved['family'];
  5357.         $this->FontStyle $saved['style'];
  5358.         $this->FontSizePt $saved['sizePt'];
  5359.         $this->FontSize $saved['size'];
  5360.         $this->currentLang $saved['lang'];
  5361.         $this->fontLanguageOverride $saved['fontLanguageOverride']; // mPDF 5.7.1
  5362.         $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); // Restore ColorFlag as well
  5363.         $this->HREF $saved['HREF'];
  5364.         $this->textvar $saved['textvar']; // mPDF 5.7.1
  5365.         $this->OTLtags $saved['OTLtags']; // mPDF 5.7.1
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  5369.         $this->textparam $saved['textparam'];
  5370.         $this->inlineDisplayOff $saved['display_off'];
  5371.         $this->lSpacingCSS $saved['lSpacingCSS'];
  5372.         if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS === '0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
  5373.             $this->fixedlSpacing $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->lSpacingCSS$this->FontSize);
  5374.         } else {
  5375.             $this->fixedlSpacing false;
  5376.         }
  5377.         $this->wSpacingCSS $saved['wSpacingCSS'];
  5378.         if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
  5379.             $this->minwSpacing $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->wSpacingCSS$this->FontSize);
  5380.         } else {
  5381.             $this->minwSpacing 0;
  5382.         }
  5383.         $this->SetFont($FontFamily$saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], false);
  5384.         $this->currentfontstyle $saved['style'];
  5385.         $this->currentfontsize $saved['sizePt'];
  5386.         $this->SetStylesArray(['B' => $saved['B'], 'I' => $saved['I']]); // mPDF 5.7.1
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  5388.         $this->FillColor $saved['bgcolor'];
  5389.         $this->colorarray $saved['colorarray'];
  5390.         $cor $saved['colorarray'];
  5391.         if ($cor) {
  5392.             $this->SetTColor($cor);
  5393.         }
  5394.         $this->spanbgcolorarray $saved['bgcolorarray'];
  5395.         $cor $saved['bgcolorarray'];
  5396.         if ($cor) {
  5397.             $this->SetFColor($cor);
  5398.         }
  5399.         $this->spanborddet $saved['border'];
  5400.     }
  5401.     // Used when ColActive for tables - updated to return first block with background fill OR borders
  5402.     function GetFirstBlockFill()
  5403.     {
  5404.         // Returns the first blocklevel that uses a bgcolor fill
  5405.         $startfill 0;
  5406.         for ($i 1$i <= $this->blklvl$i++) {
  5407.             if ($this->blk[$i]['bgcolor'] || $this->blk[$i]['border_left']['w'] || $this->blk[$i]['border_right']['w'] || $this->blk[$i]['border_top']['w'] || $this->blk[$i]['border_bottom']['w']) {
  5408.                 $startfill $i;
  5409.                 break;
  5410.             }
  5411.         }
  5412.         return $startfill;
  5413.     }
  5414.     // -------------------------FLOWING BLOCK------------------------------------//
  5415.     // The following functions were originally written by Damon Kohler           //
  5416.     // --------------------------------------------------------------------------//
  5417.     function saveFont()
  5418.     {
  5419.         $saved = [];
  5420.         $saved['family'] = $this->FontFamily;
  5421.         $saved['style'] = $this->FontStyle;
  5422.         $saved['sizePt'] = $this->FontSizePt;
  5423.         $saved['size'] = $this->FontSize;
  5424.         $saved['curr'] = &$this->CurrentFont;
  5425.         $saved['lang'] = $this->currentLang// mPDF 6
  5426.         $saved['color'] = $this->TextColor;
  5427.         $saved['spanbgcolor'] = $this->spanbgcolor;
  5428.         $saved['spanbgcolorarray'] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
  5429.         $saved['bord'] = $this->spanborder;
  5430.         $saved['border'] = $this->spanborddet;
  5431.         $saved['HREF'] = $this->HREF;
  5432.         $saved['textvar'] = $this->textvar// mPDF 5.7.1
  5433.         $saved['textshadow'] = $this->textshadow;
  5434.         $saved['linewidth'] = $this->LineWidth;
  5435.         $saved['drawcolor'] = $this->DrawColor;
  5436.         $saved['textparam'] = $this->textparam;
  5437.         $saved['ReqFontStyle'] = $this->ReqFontStyle;
  5438.         $saved['fixedlSpacing'] = $this->fixedlSpacing;
  5439.         $saved['minwSpacing'] = $this->minwSpacing;
  5440.         return $saved;
  5441.     }
  5442.     function restoreFont(&$saved$write true)
  5443.     {
  5444.         if (!isset($saved) || empty($saved)) {
  5445.             return;
  5446.         }
  5447.         $this->FontFamily $saved['family'];
  5448.         $this->FontStyle $saved['style'];
  5449.         $this->FontSizePt $saved['sizePt'];
  5450.         $this->FontSize $saved['size'];
  5451.         $this->CurrentFont = &$saved['curr'];
  5452.         $this->currentLang $saved['lang']; // mPDF 6
  5453.         $this->TextColor $saved['color'];
  5454.         $this->spanbgcolor $saved['spanbgcolor'];
  5455.         $this->spanbgcolorarray $saved['spanbgcolorarray'];
  5456.         $this->spanborder $saved['bord'];
  5457.         $this->spanborddet $saved['border'];
  5458.         $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); // Restore ColorFlag as well
  5459.         $this->HREF $saved['HREF'];
  5460.         $this->fixedlSpacing $saved['fixedlSpacing'];
  5461.         $this->minwSpacing $saved['minwSpacing'];
  5462.         $this->textvar $saved['textvar'];  // mPDF 5.7.1
  5463.         $this->textshadow $saved['textshadow'];
  5464.         $this->LineWidth $saved['linewidth'];
  5465.         $this->DrawColor $saved['drawcolor'];
  5466.         $this->textparam $saved['textparam'];
  5467.         if ($write) {
  5468.             $this->SetFont($saved['family'], $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], truetrue); // force output
  5469.             $fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET'$this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
  5470.             if ($this->page && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']))) {
  5471.                 $this->writer->write($fontout);
  5472.             }
  5473.             $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;
  5474.         } else {
  5475.             $this->SetFont($saved['family'], $saved['style'], $saved['sizePt'], false);
  5476.         }
  5477.         $this->ReqFontStyle $saved['ReqFontStyle'];
  5478.     }
  5479.     function newFlowingBlock($w$h$a ''$is_table false$blockstate 0$newblock true$blockdir 'ltr'$table_draft false)
  5480.     {
  5481.         if (!$a) {
  5482.             if ($blockdir == 'rtl') {
  5483.                 $a 'R';
  5484.             } else {
  5485.                 $a 'L';
  5486.             }
  5487.         }
  5488.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['width'] = ($w Mpdf::SCALE);
  5489.         // line height in user units
  5490.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['is_table'] = $is_table;
  5491.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['table_draft'] = $table_draft;
  5492.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['height'] = $h;
  5493.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['lineCount'] = 0;
  5494.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['align'] = $a;
  5495.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['font'] = [];
  5496.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['content'] = [];
  5497.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['contentB'] = [];
  5498.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth'] = 0;
  5499.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockstate'] = $blockstate;
  5500.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['newblock'] = $newblock;
  5501.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['valign'] = 'M';
  5502.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockdir'] = $blockdir;
  5503.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['cOTLdata'] = []; // mPDF 5.7.1
  5504.         $this->flowingBlockAttr['lastBidiText'] = ''// mPDF 5.7.1
  5505.         if (!empty($this->otl)) {
  5506.             $this->otl->lastBidiStrongType '';
  5507.         } // *OTL*
  5508.     }
  5509.     function finishFlowingBlock($endofblock false$next '')
  5510.     {
  5511.         $currentx $this->x;
  5512.         // prints out the last chunk
  5513.         $is_table $this->flowingBlockAttr['is_table'];
  5514.         $table_draft $this->flowingBlockAttr['table_draft'];
  5515.         $maxWidth = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['width'];
  5516.         $stackHeight = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['height'];
  5517.         $align = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['align'];
  5518.         $content = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['content'];
  5519.         $contentB = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['contentB'];
  5520.         $font = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['font'];
  5521.         $contentWidth = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth'];
  5522.         $lineCount = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['lineCount'];
  5523.         $valign = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['valign'];
  5524.         $blockstate $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockstate'];
  5525.         $cOTLdata = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['cOTLdata']; // mPDF 5.7.1
  5526.         $newblock $this->flowingBlockAttr['newblock'];
  5527.         $blockdir $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockdir'];
  5528.         // *********** BLOCK BACKGROUND COLOR *****************//
  5529.         if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] && !$is_table) {
  5530.             $fill 0;
  5531.         } else {
  5532.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  5533.             $fill 0;
  5534.         }
  5535.         $hanger '';
  5536.         // Always right trim!
  5537.         // Right trim last content and adjust width if needed to justify (later)
  5538.         if (isset($content[count($content) - 1]) && preg_match('/[ ]+$/'$content[count($content) - 1], $m)) {
  5539.             $strip strlen($m[0]);
  5540.             $content[count($content) - 1] = substr($content[count($content) - 1], 0, (strlen($content[count($content) - 1]) - $strip));
  5541.             /* -- OTL -- */
  5542.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  5543.                 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($cOTLdata[count($cOTLdata) - 1], falsetrue);
  5544.             }
  5545.             /* -- END OTL -- */
  5546.         }
  5547.         // the amount of space taken up so far in user units
  5548.         $usedWidth 0;
  5549.         // COLS
  5550.         $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  5551.         if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) {
  5552.             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  5553.         } // *COLUMNS*
  5554.         // Print out each chunk
  5555.         /* -- TABLES -- */
  5556.         if ($is_table) {
  5557.             $ipaddingL 0;
  5558.             $ipaddingR 0;
  5559.             $paddingL 0;
  5560.             $paddingR 0;
  5561.         } else {
  5562.             /* -- END TABLES -- */
  5563.             $ipaddingL $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'];
  5564.             $ipaddingR $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'];
  5565.             $paddingL = ($ipaddingL Mpdf::SCALE);
  5566.             $paddingR = ($ipaddingR Mpdf::SCALE);
  5567.             $this->cMarginL $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
  5568.             $this->cMarginR $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'];
  5569.             // Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
  5570.             $fpaddingR 0;
  5571.             $fpaddingL 0;
  5572.             /* -- CSS-FLOAT -- */
  5573.             if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
  5574.                 list($l_exists$r_exists$l_max$r_max$l_width$r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
  5575.                 if ($r_exists) {
  5576.                     $fpaddingR $r_width;
  5577.                 }
  5578.                 if ($l_exists) {
  5579.                     $fpaddingL $l_width;
  5580.                 }
  5581.             }
  5582.             /* -- END CSS-FLOAT -- */
  5583.             $usey $this->0.002;
  5584.             if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 0)) {
  5585.                 $usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
  5586.             }
  5587.             /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  5588.             // If float exists at this level
  5589.             if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) {
  5590.                 $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w'];
  5591.             }
  5592.             if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) {
  5593.                 $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w'];
  5594.             }
  5595.             /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  5596.         // *TABLES*
  5597.         $lineBox = [];
  5598.         $this->_setInlineBlockHeights($lineBox$stackHeight$content$font$is_table);
  5599.         if ($is_table && count($content) == 0) {
  5600.             $stackHeight 0;
  5601.         }
  5602.         if ($table_draft) {
  5603.             $this->+= $stackHeight;
  5604.             $this->objectbuffer = [];
  5605.             return 0;
  5606.         }
  5607.         // While we're at it, check if contains cursive text
  5608.         // Change NBSP to SPACE.
  5609.         // Re-calculate contentWidth
  5610.         $contentWidth 0;
  5611.         foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
  5612.             $this->restoreFont($font[$k], false);
  5613.             if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  5614.                 // Soft Hyphens chr(173)
  5615.                 if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  5616.                     /* -- OTL -- */
  5617.                     // mPDF 5.7.1
  5618.                     if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  5619.                         $this->otl->removeChar($chunk$cOTLdata[$k], "\xc2\xad");
  5620.                         $this->otl->replaceSpace($chunk$cOTLdata[$k]);
  5621.                         $content[$k] = $chunk;
  5622.                     } /* -- END OTL -- */ else {  // *OTL*
  5623.                         $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace("\xc2\xad"''$chunk);
  5624.                         $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
  5625.                     } // *OTL*
  5626.                 } elseif ($this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats') {
  5627.                     $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace(chr(173), ''$chunk);
  5628.                     $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
  5629.                 }
  5630.                 $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunktrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  5631.             } elseif (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]) {
  5632.                 // LIST MARKERS    // mPDF 6  Lists
  5633.                 if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'image' && isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarker']) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarker'] && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarkerposition'] == 'outside') {
  5634.                     // do nothing
  5635.                 } else {
  5636.                     $contentWidth += $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  5637.                 }
  5638.             }
  5639.         }
  5640.         if (isset($font[count($font) - 1])) {
  5641.             $lastfontreqstyle = (isset($font[count($font) - 1]['ReqFontStyle']) ? $font[count($font) - 1]['ReqFontStyle'] : '');
  5642.             $lastfontstyle = (isset($font[count($font) - 1]['style']) ? $font[count($font) - 1]['style'] : '');
  5643.         } else {
  5644.             $lastfontreqstyle null;
  5645.             $lastfontstyle null;
  5646.         }
  5647.         if ($blockdir == 'ltr' && $lastfontreqstyle && strpos($lastfontreqstyle"I") !== false && strpos($lastfontstyle"I") === false) { // Artificial italic
  5648.             $lastitalic $this->FontSize 0.15 Mpdf::SCALE;
  5649.         } else {
  5650.             $lastitalic 0;
  5651.         }
  5652.         // Get PAGEBREAK TO TEST for height including the bottom border/padding
  5653.         $check_h max($this->divheight$stackHeight);
  5654.         // This fixes a proven bug...
  5655.         if ($endofblock && $newblock && $blockstate == && !$content) {
  5656.             $check_h 0;
  5657.         }
  5658.         // but ? needs to fix potentially more widespread...
  5659.         // if (!$content) {  $check_h = 0; }
  5660.         if ($this->blklvl && !$is_table) {
  5661.             if ($endofblock && $blockstate 1) {
  5662.                 if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid']) {
  5663.                     $check_h += $stackHeight;
  5664.                 }
  5665.                 $check_h += ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
  5666.             }
  5667.             if (($newblock && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && $lineCount == 0) || ($endofblock && $blockstate == && $lineCount == 0)) {
  5668.                 $check_h += ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w']);
  5669.             }
  5670.         }
  5671.         // Force PAGE break if column height cannot take check-height
  5672.         if ($this->ColActive && $check_h > ($this->PageBreakTrigger $this->y0)) {
  5673.             $this->SetCol($this->NbCol 1);
  5674.         }
  5675.         // Avoid just border/background-color moved on to next page
  5676.         if ($endofblock && $blockstate && !$content) {
  5677.             $buff $this->margBuffer;
  5678.         } else {
  5679.             $buff 0;
  5680.         }
  5681.         // PAGEBREAK
  5682.         if (!$is_table && ($this->$check_h) > ($this->PageBreakTrigger $buff) and ! $this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
  5683.             $bak_x $this->x// Current X position
  5684.             // WORD SPACING
  5685.             $ws $this->ws// Word Spacing
  5686.             $charspacing $this->charspacing// Character Spacing
  5687.             $this->ResetSpacing();
  5688.             $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  5689.             $this->$bak_x;
  5690.             // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
  5691.             $currentx += $this->MarginCorrection;
  5692.             $this->+= $this->MarginCorrection;
  5693.             // WORD SPACING
  5694.             $this->SetSpacing($charspacing$ws);
  5695.         }
  5696.         /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  5697.         // COLS
  5698.         // COLUMN CHANGE
  5699.         if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
  5700.             $currentx += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  5701.             $this->+= $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  5702.             $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  5703.         }
  5704.         if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) {
  5705.             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  5706.         }
  5707.         /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  5708.         // TOP MARGIN
  5709.         if ($newblock && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top']) && $lineCount == && !$is_table) {
  5710.             $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'], $this->blklvl 1true$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse']);
  5711.             if ($this->ColActive) {
  5712.                 $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  5713.             } // *COLUMNS*
  5714.         }
  5715.         if ($newblock && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && $lineCount == && !$is_table) {
  5716.             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0'] = $this->y;
  5717.             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] = $this->page;
  5718.             if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float']) {
  5719.                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] = $this->y;
  5720.             }
  5721.             if ($this->ColActive) {
  5722.                 $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  5723.             } // *COLUMNS*
  5724.         }
  5725.         // Paragraph INDENT
  5726.         $WidthCorrection 0;
  5727.         if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && ($align != 'C')) {
  5728.             $ti $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'], $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'], false);  // mPDF 5.7.4
  5729.             $WidthCorrection = ($ti Mpdf::SCALE);
  5730.         }
  5731.         // PADDING and BORDER spacing/fill
  5732.         if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top']) || ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top'])) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table)) {
  5733.             // $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
  5734.             $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'], -3truefalse1);
  5735.             if ($this->ColActive) {
  5736.                 $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  5737.             } // *COLUMNS*
  5738.             $this->$currentx;
  5739.         }
  5740.         // Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
  5741.         $fpaddingR 0;
  5742.         $fpaddingL 0;
  5743.         /* -- CSS-FLOAT -- */
  5744.         if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
  5745.             list($l_exists$r_exists$l_max$r_max$l_width$r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
  5746.             if ($r_exists) {
  5747.                 $fpaddingR $r_width;
  5748.             }
  5749.             if ($l_exists) {
  5750.                 $fpaddingL $l_width;
  5751.             }
  5752.         }
  5753.         /* -- END CSS-FLOAT -- */
  5754.         $usey $this->0.002;
  5755.         if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 0)) {
  5756.             $usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
  5757.         }
  5758.         /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  5759.         // If float exists at this level
  5760.         if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) {
  5761.             $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w'];
  5762.         }
  5763.         if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) {
  5764.             $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w'];
  5765.         }
  5766.         /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  5767.         if ($content) {
  5768.             // In FinishFlowing Block no lines are justified as it is always last line
  5769.             // but if CJKorphan has allowed content width to go over max width, use J charspacing to compress line
  5770.             // JUSTIFICATION J - NOT!
  5771.             $nb_carac 0;
  5772.             $nb_spaces 0;
  5773.             $jcharspacing 0;
  5774.             $jkashida 0;
  5775.             $jws 0;
  5776.             $inclCursive false;
  5777.             $dottab false;
  5778.             foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
  5779.                 if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  5780.                     $nb_carac += mb_strlen($chunk$this->mb_enc);
  5781.                     $nb_spaces += mb_substr_count($chunk' '$this->mb_enc);
  5782.                     // mPDF 6
  5783.                     // Use GPOS OTL
  5784.                     $this->restoreFont($font[$k], false);
  5785.                     if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  5786.                         if (isset($cOTLdata[$k]['group']) && $cOTLdata[$k]['group']) {
  5787.                             $nb_marks substr_count($cOTLdata[$k]['group'], 'M');
  5788.                             $nb_carac -= $nb_marks;
  5789.                         }
  5790.                         if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregCURSchars "])/u"$chunk)) {
  5791.                             $inclCursive true;
  5792.                         }
  5793.                     }
  5794.                 } else {
  5795.                     $nb_carac ++;  // mPDF 6 allow spacing for inline object
  5796.                     if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'dottab') {
  5797.                         $dottab $this->objectbuffer[$k]['outdent'];
  5798.                     }
  5799.                 }
  5800.             }
  5801.             // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
  5802.             $chunkorder range(0count($content) - 1); // mPDF 6
  5803.             /* -- OTL -- */
  5804.             // mPDF 6
  5805.             if ($blockdir == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional) {
  5806.                 $this->otl->bidiReorder($chunkorder$content$cOTLdata$blockdir);
  5807.                 // From this point on, $content and $cOTLdata may contain more elements (and re-ordered) compared to
  5808.                 // $this->objectbuffer and $font ($chunkorder contains the mapping)
  5809.             }
  5810.             /* -- END OTL -- */
  5811.             // Remove any XAdvance from OTL data at end of line
  5812.             // And correct for XPlacement on last character
  5813.             // BIDI is applied
  5814.             foreach ($chunkorder as $aord => $k) {
  5815.                 if (count($cOTLdata)) {
  5816.                     $this->restoreFont($font[$k], false);
  5817.                     // ...FinishFlowingBlock...
  5818.                     if ($aord == count($chunkorder) - && isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'])) { // Last chunk on line
  5819.                         $nGPOS strlen($cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) - 1// Last character
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  5825.                             }
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  5829.                             $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceR'] = 0;
  5830.                         }
  5831.                         // If last character has an XPlacement set, adjust width calculation, and add to XAdvance to account for it
  5832.                         if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XPlacement'])) {
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  5837.                             $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceR'] = $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XPlacement'];
  5838.                         }
  5839.                     }
  5840.                 }
  5841.             }
  5842.             // if it's justified, we need to find the char/word spacing (or if orphans have allowed length of line to go over the maxwidth)
  5843.             // If "orphans" in fact is just a final space - ignore this
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  5847.             } else {
  5848.                 $CJKoverflow false;
  5849.             }
  5850.             if ((((($contentWidth $lastitalic) > $maxWidth) && ($content[(count($chunkorder) - 1)] != ' ') ) ||
  5851.                 (!$endofblock && $align == 'J' && ($next == 'image' || $next == 'select' || $next == 'input' || $next == 'textarea' || ($next == 'br' && $this->justifyB4br)))) && !($CJKoverflow && $this->allowCJKoverflow)) {
  5852.                 // WORD SPACING
  5853.                 list($jcharspacing$jws$jkashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac$nb_spaces, ($maxWidth $lastitalic $contentWidth $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL $paddingR + (($fpaddingL $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) )), $inclCursive$cOTLdata);
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  5858.                     $content[(count($chunkorder) - 1)] = mb_substr($content[(count($chunkorder) - 1)], 0mb_strlen($content[(count($chunkorder) - 1)], $this->mb_enc) - 1$this->mb_enc);
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  5860.                     $contentWidth -= $this->GetStringWidth($hanger) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  5861.                     $nb_carac -= 1;
  5862.                     list($jcharspacing$jws$jkashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac$nb_spaces, ($maxWidth $lastitalic $contentWidth $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL $paddingR + (($fpaddingL $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) )), $inclCursive$cOTLdata);
  5863.                 }
  5864.             } /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  5865.             // Check if will fit at word/char spacing of previous line - if so continue it
  5866.             // but only allow a maximum of $this->jSmaxWordLast and $this->jSmaxCharLast
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  5869.                     $jws $this->jSmaxWordLast;
  5870.                 }
  5871.                 if ($this->charspacing $this->jSmaxCharLast) {
  5872.                     $jcharspacing $this->jSmaxCharLast;
  5873.                 }
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  5876.                     $jcharspacing 0;
  5877.                     $jws 0;
  5878.                 }
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  5881.             $empty -= ($jcharspacing * ($nb_carac 1)); // mPDF 6 nb_carac MINUS 1
  5882.             $empty -= ($jws $nb_spaces);
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  5887.                 $this->maxPosL min($this->maxPosL, ($this->lMargin $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $empty));
  5888.             }
  5889.             $arraysize count($chunkorder);
  5890.             $margins = ($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) + ($ipaddingL $ipaddingR $fpaddingR $fpaddingR );
  5891.             if (!$is_table) {
  5892.                 $this->DivLn($stackHeight$this->blklvlfalse);
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  5916.                     $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-X'] += $xadj;
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  5967.                 // mPDF 5.7.1
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  5970.                 // Use GPOS OTL
  5971.                 if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  5972.                     if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) && $cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) {
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  5994.                     // mPDF 5.7.1
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  6006.                     if (strpos($contentB[$k], 'R') !== false && $aord != $arraysize 1) {
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  6012.                     $fill $save_fill;
  6013.                     $spanfill 0;
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  6026.         /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
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  6032.             // If float exists at this level
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  6046.                 $this->$currentx;
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  6050.         // PADDING and BORDER spacing/fill
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  6053.             // and does not force pagebreak
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  6056.                 // predicted height
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  6058.                 if ($h1 < ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_height'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'])) {
  6059.                     $extra = ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_height'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top']) - $h1;
  6060.                 }
  6061.                 if ($this->$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $extra $this->PageBreakTrigger) {
  6062.                     $extra $this->PageBreakTrigger - ($this->$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
  6063.                 }
  6064.             }
  6065.             // $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
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  6067.             $this->$currentx;
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  6073.         if (($endofblock) && ($blockstate 1) && (!$is_table)) {
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  6076.         // BOTTOM MARGIN
  6077.         if (($endofblock) && ($blockstate 1) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom']) && (!$is_table)) {
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  6080.                 if ($this->ColActive) {
  6081.                     $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  6082.                 } // *COLUMNS*
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  6096.             $k 1;
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  6136.                 // Create a dummy entry in the _out/columnBuffer with position sensitive data,
  6137.                 // linking $y-1 in the Columnbuffer with entry in $this->columnAnnots
  6138.                 // and when columns are split in length will not break annotation from current line
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  6149.                     $texto $objattr['text'];
  6150.                 }
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  6163.                         $empty /= 2;
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  6165.                         break;
  6166.                     case 'R':
  6167.                         $empty $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] - $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
  6168.                         $x += $empty;
  6169.                         break;
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  6175.                 $this->SetLineWidth($oldlinewidth);
  6176.                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
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  6385.                         $objattr['showtext'],
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  6396.                         $col,
  6397.                         $objattr['btype'],
  6398.                         $objattr['bsupp'],
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  6400.                         $k
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  6415.                             function ($col) {
  6416.                                 return intval(255 floatval($col));
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  6418.                             explode(" "$this->SetColor($objattr['bgcolor'], 'CodeOnly'))
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  6425.                                 return intval(255 floatval($col));
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  6473.                 $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
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  6527.                     // NB If change marker-offset, also need to alter in function _getListMarkerWidth
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  6533.                         // Use these lines to set as marker-offset, right-aligned - default
  6534.                         $align 'R';
  6535.                         $this->-= $adjx;
  6536.                         $this->-= $w;
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  6550.                     $dots ' ' str_repeat('.'$nb) . ' ';
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  6552.                     $dots ' ';
  6553.                 }
  6554.                 $col $this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  6555.                 if (isset($objattr['colorarray']) && ($objattr['colorarray'])) {
  6556.                     $col $objattr['colorarray'];
  6557.                 }
  6558.                 $this->SetTColor($col);
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  6561.                 $save_textvar $this->textvar// mPDF 5.7.1
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  6576.             // TEXTAREA
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  6580.             // SELECT
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  6583.             }
  6584.             // INPUT/BUTTON as IMAGE
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  6600.             /* -- END FORMS -- */
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  6607.     function _printListBullet($x$y$size$type$color)
  6608.     {
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  6610.         $fcol $this->SetTColor($colortrue);
  6611.         $lcol strtoupper($fcol); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
  6612.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('q %s %s'$lcol$fcol));
  6613.         $this->writer->write('0 j 0 J [] 0 d');
  6614.         if ($type == 'square') {
  6615.             $size *= 0.85// Smaller to appear the same size as circle/disc
  6616.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f', ($x $size 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$y $size 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($size) * Mpdf::SCALE, (-$size) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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  6619.         } elseif ($type == 'circle') {
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  6621.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F w '$lw Mpdf::SCALE));
  6622.             $this->Circle($x$y$size $lw 2'S'); // Stroke
  6623.         }
  6624.         $this->writer->write('Q');
  6625.     }
  6626.     // mPDF 6
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  6629.     {
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  6647.         }
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  6650.     // Get previous character
  6651.     function _getPrevChar($contentctr$charctr$content)
  6652.     {
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  6654.         $charctr--;
  6655.         while ($charctr 0) { // go back to previous $content[]
  6656.             $contentctr--;
  6657.             if ($contentctr 0) {
  6658.                 return false;
  6659.             }
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  6666.         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
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  6669.             $lastchar mb_substr($content[$contentctr], $charctr1$this->mb_enc);
  6670.         }
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  6673.     function WriteFlowingBlock($s$sOTLdata)
  6674.     {
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  6687.         $content = & $this->flowingBlockAttr['content'];
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  6695.         // *********** BLOCK BACKGROUND COLOR ***************** //
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  6698.         } else {
  6699.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  6700.             $fill 0;
  6701.         }
  6702.         $font[] = $this->saveFont();
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  6705.         $cOTLdata[] = $sOTLdata// mPDF 5.7.1
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  6708.         $Oikomi false// mPDF 6
  6709.         $hanger '';
  6710.         // COLS
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  6723.             // Added mPDF 3.0
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  6727.             /* -- END TABLES -- */
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  6735.             $cpaddingadjustR = -$this->cMarginR;
  6736.             // Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
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  6738.             $fpaddingL 0;
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  6743.                     $fpaddingR $r_width;
  6744.                 }
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  6747.                 }
  6748.             }
  6749.             /* -- END CSS-FLOAT -- */
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  6751.             if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 0)) {
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  6753.             }
  6754.             /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  6755.             // If float exists at this level
  6756.             if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) {
  6757.                 $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w'];
  6758.             }
  6759.             if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) {
  6760.                 $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w'];
  6761.             }
  6762.             /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  6763.         // *TABLES*
  6764.         // OBJECTS - IMAGES & FORM Elements (NB has already skipped line/page if required - in printbuffer)
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  6766.             $objattr $this->_getObjAttr($s);
  6767.             $h_corr 0;
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  6770.             // *TABLES*
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  6772.                 if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table)) {
  6773.                     $h_corr $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
  6774.                 }
  6775.                 $maximumW = ($maxWidth Mpdf::SCALE) - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'] + $fpaddingL $fpaddingR );
  6776.             } // *TABLES*
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  6778.             // SET LINEHEIGHT for this line ================ RESET AT END
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  6780.             $this->objectbuffer[count($content) - 1] = $objattr;
  6781.             // if (isset($objattr['vertical-align'])) { $valign = $objattr['vertical-align']; }
  6782.             // else { $valign = ''; }
  6783.             // LIST MARKERS    // mPDF 6  Lists
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  6785.                 // do nothing
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  6787.                 $contentWidth += ($objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE);
  6788.             }
  6789.             return;
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  6795.             }
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  6797.                 $rbw $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
  6798.             }
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  6802.         } else {
  6803.             $clen mb_strlen($s$this->mb_enc);
  6804.         }
  6805.         // for every character in the string
  6806.         for ($i 0$i $clen$i++) {
  6807.             // extract the current character
  6808.             // get the width of the character in points
  6809.             if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  6810.                 $c $s[$i];
  6811.                 // Soft Hyphens chr(173)
  6812.                 $cw = ($this->GetCharWidthCore($c) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  6813.                 if (($this->textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) && $i 0) { // mPDF 5.7.1
  6814.                     if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i 1)]][$c])) {
  6815.                         $cw += ($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i 1)]][$c] * $this->FontSizePt 1000 );
  6816.                     }
  6817.                 }
  6818.             } else {
  6819.                 $c mb_substr($s$i1$this->mb_enc);
  6820.                 $cw = ($this->GetCharWidthNonCore($cfalse) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  6821.                 // mPDF 5.7.1
  6822.                 // Use OTL GPOS
  6823.                 if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && ($this->CurrentFont['useOTL'] & 0xFF)) {
  6824.                     // ...WriteFlowingBlock...
  6825.                     // Only  add XAdvanceL (not sure at present whether RTL or LTR writing direction)
  6826.                     // At this point, XAdvanceL and XAdvanceR will balance
  6827.                     if (isset($sOTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceL'])) {
  6828.                         $cw += $sOTLdata['GPOSinfo'][$i]['XAdvanceL'] * (1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm']) * ($this->FontSize 1000) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  6829.                     }
  6830.                 }
  6831.                 if (($this->textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING) && $i 0) { // mPDF 5.7.1
  6832.                     $lastc mb_substr($s, ($i 1), 1$this->mb_enc);
  6833.                     $ulastc $this->UTF8StringToArray($lastcfalse);
  6834.                     $uc $this->UTF8StringToArray($cfalse);
  6835.                     if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$ulastc[0]][$uc[0]])) {
  6836.                         $cw += ($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$ulastc[0]][$uc[0]] * $this->FontSizePt 1000 );
  6837.                     }
  6838.                 }
  6839.             }
  6840.             if ($i == 0) {
  6841.                 $cw += $lbw Mpdf::SCALE;
  6842.                 $contentB[(count($contentB) - 1)] .= 'L';
  6843.             }
  6844.             if ($i == ($clen 1)) {
  6845.                 $cw += $rbw Mpdf::SCALE;
  6846.                 $contentB[(count($contentB) - 1)] .= 'R';
  6847.             }
  6848.             if ($c == ' ') {
  6849.                 $currContent .= $c;
  6850.                 $contentWidth += $cw;
  6851.                 continue;
  6852.             }
  6853.             // Paragraph INDENT
  6854.             $WidthCorrection 0;
  6855.             if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && ($align != 'C')) {
  6856.                 $ti $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'], $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'], $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'], false);  // mPDF 5.7.4
  6857.                 $WidthCorrection = ($ti Mpdf::SCALE);
  6858.             }
  6859.             // OUTDENT
  6860.             foreach ($this->objectbuffer as $k => $objattr) {   // mPDF 6 DOTTAB
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  6862.                     $WidthCorrection -= ($objattr['outdent'] * Mpdf::SCALE);
  6863.                     break;
  6864.                 }
  6865.             }
  6866.             // Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
  6867.             $fpaddingR 0;
  6868.             $fpaddingL 0;
  6869.             /* -- CSS-FLOAT -- */
  6870.             if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
  6871.                 list($l_exists$r_exists$l_max$r_max$l_width$r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
  6872.                 if ($r_exists) {
  6873.                     $fpaddingR $r_width;
  6874.                 }
  6875.                 if ($l_exists) {
  6876.                     $fpaddingL $l_width;
  6877.                 }
  6878.             }
  6879.             /* -- END CSS-FLOAT -- */
  6880.             $usey $this->0.002;
  6881.             if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 0)) {
  6882.                 $usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
  6883.             }
  6884.             /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  6885.             // If float exists at this level
  6886.             if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) {
  6887.                 $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w'];
  6888.             }
  6889.             if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) {
  6890.                 $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w'];
  6891.             }
  6892.             /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  6893.             // try adding another char
  6894.             if (( $contentWidth $cw $maxWidth $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL $paddingR + (($fpaddingL $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) ) + 0.001)) {// 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts
  6895.                 // it won't fit, output what we already have
  6896.                 $lineCount++;
  6897.                 // contains any content that didn't make it into this print
  6898.                 $savedContent '';
  6899.                 $savedContentB '';
  6900.                 $savedOTLdata = []; // mPDF 5.7.1
  6901.                 $savedFont = [];
  6902.                 $savedObj = [];
  6903.                 $savedPreOTLdata = []; // mPDF 5.7.1
  6904.                 $savedPreContent = [];
  6905.                 $savedPreContentB = [];
  6906.                 $savedPreFont = [];
  6907.                 // mPDF 6
  6908.                 // New line-breaking algorithm
  6909.                 /////////////////////
  6910.                 // LINE BREAKING
  6911.                 /////////////////////
  6912.                 $breakfound false;
  6913.                 $contentctr count($content) - 1;
  6914.                 if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  6915.                     $charctr strlen($currContent);
  6916.                 } else {
  6917.                     $charctr mb_strlen($currContent$this->mb_enc);
  6918.                 }
  6919.                 $checkchar $c;
  6920.                 $prevchar $this->_getPrevChar($contentctr$charctr$content);
  6921.                 /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  6922.                 // 1) CJK Overflowing a) punctuation or b) Oikomi
  6923.                 // Next character ($c) is suitable to add as overhanging or squeezed punctuation, or Oikomi
  6924.                 if ($CJKoverflow || $Oikomi) { // If flag already set
  6925.                     $CJKoverflow false;
  6926.                     $Oikomi false;
  6927.                     $breakfound true;
  6928.                 }
  6929.                 if (!$this->usingCoreFont && !$breakfound && $this->checkCJK) {
  6930.                     // Get next/following character (in this chunk)
  6931.                     $followingchar '';
  6932.                     if ($i < ($clen 1)) {
  6933.                         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  6934.                             $followingchar $s[$i 1];
  6935.                         } else {
  6936.                             $followingchar mb_substr($s$i 11$this->mb_enc);
  6937.                         }
  6938.                     }
  6939.                     // 1a) Overflow punctuation
  6940.                     if (preg_match("/[" $this->pregCJKchars "]/u"$prevchar) && preg_match("/[" $this->CJKoverflow "]/u"$checkchar) && $this->allowCJKorphans) {
  6941.                         // add character onto this line
  6942.                         $currContent .= $c;
  6943.                         $contentWidth += $cw;
  6944.                         $CJKoverflow true// Set flag
  6945.                         continue;
  6946.                     } elseif (preg_match("/[" $this->pregCJKchars "]/u"$checkchar) && $this->allowCJKorphans &&
  6947.                             (preg_match("/[" $this->CJKleading "]/u"$followingchar) || preg_match("/[" $this->CJKfollowing "]/u"$checkchar)) &&
  6948.                             !preg_match("/[" $this->CJKleading "]/u"$checkchar) && !preg_match("/[" $this->CJKfollowing "]/u"$followingchar) &&
  6949.                             !(preg_match("/[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]/u"$followingchar) && preg_match("/[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]/u"$checkchar))) {
  6950.                         // 1b) Try squeezing another character(s) onto this line = Oikomi, if character cannot end line
  6951.                         // or next character cannot start line (and not splitting CJK numerals)
  6952.                         // NB otherwise it move lastchar(s) to next line to keep $c company = Oidashi, which is done below in standard way
  6953.                         // add character onto this line
  6954.                         $currContent .= $c;
  6955.                         $contentWidth += $cw;
  6956.                         $Oikomi true// Set flag
  6957.                         continue;
  6958.                     }
  6959.                 }
  6960.                 /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  6961.                 /* -- HYPHENATION -- */
  6962.                 // AUTOMATIC HYPHENATION
  6963.                 // 2) Automatic hyphen in current word (does not cross tags)
  6964.                 if (isset($this->textparam['hyphens']) && $this->textparam['hyphens'] == 1) {
  6965.                     $currWord '';
  6966.                     // Look back and ahead to get current word
  6967.                     for ($ac $charctr 1$ac >= 0$ac--) {
  6968.                         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  6969.                             $addc substr($currContent$ac1);
  6970.                         } else {
  6971.                             $addc mb_substr($currContent$ac1$this->mb_enc);
  6972.                         }
  6973.                         if ($addc == ' ') {
  6974.                             break;
  6975.                         }
  6976.                         $currWord $addc $currWord;
  6977.                     }
  6978.                     $start $ac 1;
  6979.                     for ($ac $i$ac < ($clen 1); $ac++) {
  6980.                         if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  6981.                             $addc substr($s$ac1);
  6982.                         } else {
  6983.                             $addc mb_substr($s$ac1$this->mb_enc);
  6984.                         }
  6985.                         if ($addc == ' ') {
  6986.                             break;
  6987.                         }
  6988.                         $currWord .= $addc;
  6989.                     }
  6990.                     $ptr $this->hyphenator->hyphenateWord($currWord$charctr $start);
  6991.                     if ($ptr > -1) {
  6992.                         $breakfound = [$contentctr$start $ptr$contentctr$start $ptr'hyphen'];
  6993.                     }
  6994.                 }
  6995.                 /* -- END HYPHENATION -- */
  6996.                 // Search backwards to find first line-break opportunity
  6997.                 while ($breakfound == false && $prevchar !== false) {
  6998.                     $cutcontentctr $contentctr;
  6999.                     $cutcharctr $charctr;
  7000.                     $prevchar $this->_moveToPrevChar($contentctr$charctr$content);
  7001.                     /////////////////////
  7002.                     // 3) Break at SPACE
  7003.                     /////////////////////
  7004.                     if ($prevchar == ' ') {
  7005.                         $breakfound = [$contentctr$charctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'discard'];
  7006.                     } /////////////////////
  7007.                     // 4) Break at U+200B in current word (Khmer, Lao & Thai Invisible word boundary, and Tibetan)
  7008.                     /////////////////////
  7009.                     elseif ($prevchar == "\xe2\x80\x8b") { // U+200B Zero-width Word Break
  7010.                         $breakfound = [$contentctr$charctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'discard'];
  7011.                     } /////////////////////
  7012.                     // 5) Break at Hard HYPHEN '-' or U+2010
  7013.                     /////////////////////
  7014.                     elseif (isset($this->textparam['hyphens']) && $this->textparam['hyphens'] != && ($prevchar == '-' || $prevchar == "\xe2\x80\x90")) {
  7015.                         // Don't break a URL
  7016.                         // Look back to get first part of current word
  7017.                         $checkw '';
  7018.                         for ($ac $charctr 1$ac >= 0$ac--) {
  7019.                             if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  7020.                                 $addc substr($currContent$ac1);
  7021.                             } else {
  7022.                                 $addc mb_substr($currContent$ac1$this->mb_enc);
  7023.                             }
  7024.                             if ($addc == ' ') {
  7025.                                 break;
  7026.                             }
  7027.                             $checkw $addc $checkw;
  7028.                         }
  7029.                         // Don't break if HyphenMinus AND (a URL or before a numeral or before a >)
  7030.                         if ((!preg_match('/(http:|ftp:|https:|www\.)/'$checkw) && $checkchar != '>' && !preg_match('/[0-9]/'$checkchar)) || $prevchar == "\xe2\x80\x90") {
  7031.                             $breakfound = [$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'cut'];
  7032.                         }
  7033.                     } /////////////////////
  7034.                     // 6) Break at Soft HYPHEN (replace with hard hyphen)
  7035.                     /////////////////////
  7036.                     elseif (isset($this->textparam['hyphens']) && $this->textparam['hyphens'] != && !$this->usingCoreFont && $prevchar == "\xc2\xad") {
  7037.                         $breakfound = [$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'cut'];
  7038.                         $content[$contentctr] = mb_substr($content[$contentctr], 0$charctr$this->mb_enc) . '-' mb_substr($content[$contentctr], $charctr 1mb_strlen($content[$contentctr]), $this->mb_enc);
  7039.                         if (!empty($cOTLdata[$contentctr])) {
  7040.                             $cOTLdata[$contentctr]['char_data'][$charctr] = ['bidi_class' => 9'uni' => 45];
  7041.                             $cOTLdata[$contentctr]['group'][$charctr] = 'C';
  7042.                         }
  7043.                     } elseif (isset($this->textparam['hyphens']) && $this->textparam['hyphens'] != && $this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats' && $prevchar == chr(173)) {
  7044.                         $breakfound = [$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'cut'];
  7045.                         $content[$contentctr] = substr($content[$contentctr], 0$charctr) . '-' substr($content[$contentctr], $charctr 1);
  7046.                     } /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  7047.                     /////////////////////
  7048.                     // 7) Break at CJK characters (unless forbidden characters to end or start line)
  7049.                     // CJK Avoiding line break in the middle of numerals
  7050.                     /////////////////////
  7051.                     elseif (!$this->usingCoreFont && $this->checkCJK && preg_match("/[" $this->pregCJKchars "]/u"$checkchar) &&
  7052.                         !preg_match("/[" $this->CJKfollowing "]/u"$checkchar) && !preg_match("/[" $this->CJKleading "]/u"$prevchar) &&
  7053.                         !(preg_match("/[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]/u"$prevchar) && preg_match("/[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]/u"$checkchar))) {
  7054.                         $breakfound = [$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'cut'];
  7055.                     }
  7056.                     /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  7057.                     /////////////////////
  7058.                     // 8) Break at OBJECT (Break before all objects here - selected objects are moved forward to next line below e.g. dottab)
  7059.                     /////////////////////
  7060.                     if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$contentctr])) {
  7061.                         $breakfound = [$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr$cutcontentctr$cutcharctr'cut'];
  7062.                     }
  7063.                     $checkchar $prevchar;
  7064.                 }
  7065.                 // If a line-break opportunity found:
  7066.                 if (is_array($breakfound)) {
  7067.                     $contentctr $breakfound[0];
  7068.                     $charctr $breakfound[1];
  7069.                     $cutcontentctr $breakfound[2];
  7070.                     $cutcharctr $breakfound[3];
  7071.                     $type $breakfound[4];
  7072.                     // Cache chunks which are already processed, but now need to be passed on to the new line
  7073.                     for ($ix count($content) - 1$ix $cutcontentctr$ix--) {
  7074.                         // save and crop off any subsequent chunks
  7075.                         /* -- OTL -- */
  7076.                         if (!empty($sOTLdata)) {
  7077.                             $tmpOTL array_pop($cOTLdata);
  7078.                             $savedPreOTLdata[] = $tmpOTL;
  7079.                         }
  7080.                         /* -- END OTL -- */
  7081.                         $savedPreContent[] = array_pop($content);
  7082.                         $savedPreContentB[] = array_pop($contentB);
  7083.                         $savedPreFont[] = array_pop($font);
  7084.                     }
  7085.                     // Next cache the part which will start the next line
  7086.                     if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  7087.                         $savedPreContent[] = substr($content[$cutcontentctr], $cutcharctr);
  7088.                     } else {
  7089.                         $savedPreContent[] = mb_substr($content[$cutcontentctr], $cutcharctrmb_strlen($content[$cutcontentctr]), $this->mb_enc);
  7090.                     }
  7091.                     $savedPreContentB[] = preg_replace('/L/'''$contentB[$cutcontentctr]);
  7092.                     $savedPreFont[] = $font[$cutcontentctr];
  7093.                     /* -- OTL -- */
  7094.                     if (!empty($sOTLdata)) {
  7095.                         $savedPreOTLdata[] = $this->otl->splitOTLdata($cOTLdata[$cutcontentctr], $cutcharctr$cutcharctr);
  7096.                     }
  7097.                     /* -- END OTL -- */
  7098.                     // Finally adjust the Current content which ends this line
  7099.                     if ($cutcharctr == && $type == 'discard') {
  7100.                         array_pop($content);
  7101.                         array_pop($contentB);
  7102.                         array_pop($font);
  7103.                         array_pop($cOTLdata);
  7104.                     }
  7105.                     $currContent = & $content[count($content) - 1];
  7106.                     if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
  7107.                         $currContent substr($currContent0$charctr);
  7108.                     } else {
  7109.                         $currContent mb_substr($currContent0$charctr$this->mb_enc);
  7110.                     }
  7111.                     if (!empty($sOTLdata)) {
  7112.                         $savedPreOTLdata[] = $this->otl->splitOTLdata($cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)], mb_strlen($currContent$this->mb_enc));
  7113.                     }
  7114.                     if (strpos($contentB[(count($contentB) - 1)], 'R') !== false) {   // ???
  7115.                         $contentB[count($content) - 1] = preg_replace('/R/'''$contentB[count($content) - 1]); // ???
  7116.                     }
  7117.                     if ($type === 'hyphen') {
  7118.                         $hyphen in_array(mb_substr($currContent, -1), ['-''–''—'], true);
  7119.                         if (!$hyphen) {
  7120.                             $currContent .= '-';
  7121.                         } else {
  7122.                             $savedPreContent[count($savedPreContent) - 1] = '-' $savedPreContent[count($savedPreContent) - 1];
  7123.                         }
  7124.                         if (!empty($cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)])) {
  7125.                             $cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)]['char_data'][] = ['bidi_class' => 9'uni' => 45];
  7126.                             $cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)]['group'] .= 'C';
  7127.                         }
  7128.                     }
  7129.                     $savedContent '';
  7130.                     $savedContentB '';
  7131.                     $savedFont = [];
  7132.                     $savedOTLdata = [];
  7133.                 }
  7134.                 // If no line-break opportunity found - split at current position
  7135.                 // or - Next character ($c) is suitable to add as overhanging or squeezed punctuation, or Oikomi, as set above by:
  7136.                 // 1) CJK Overflowing a) punctuation or b) Oikomi
  7137.                 // in which case $breakfound==1 and NOT array
  7138.                 if (!is_array($breakfound)) {
  7139.                     $savedFont $this->saveFont();
  7140.                     if (!empty($sOTLdata)) {
  7141.                         $savedOTLdata $this->otl->splitOTLdata($cOTLdata[(count($cOTLdata) - 1)], mb_strlen($currContent$this->mb_enc));
  7142.                     }
  7143.                 }
  7144.                 if ($content[count($content) - 1] == '' && !isset($this->objectbuffer[count($content) - 1])) {
  7145.                     array_pop($content);
  7146.                     array_pop($contentB);
  7147.                     array_pop($font);
  7148.                     array_pop($cOTLdata);
  7149.                     $currContent = & $content[count($content) - 1];
  7150.                 }
  7151.                 // Right Trim current content - including CJK space, and for OTLdata
  7152.                 // incl. CJK - strip CJK space at end of line &#x3000; = \xe3\x80\x80 = CJK space
  7153.                 $currContent $currContent rtrim($currContent) : '';
  7154.                 if ($this->checkCJK) {
  7155.                     $currContent preg_replace("/\xe3\x80\x80$/"''$currContent);
  7156.                 } // *CJK-FONTS*
  7157.                 /* -- OTL -- */
  7158.                 if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) {
  7159.                     $this->otl->trimOTLdata($cOTLdata[count($cOTLdata) - 1], falsetrue); // NB also does U+3000
  7160.                 }
  7161.                 /* -- END OTL -- */
  7162.                 // Selected OBJECTS are moved forward to next line, unless they come before a space or U+200B (type='discard')
  7163.                 if (isset($this->objectbuffer[(count($content) - 1)]) && (!isset($type) || $type != 'discard')) {
  7164.                     $objtype $this->objectbuffer[(count($content) - 1)]['type'];
  7165.                     if ($objtype == 'dottab' || $objtype == 'bookmark' || $objtype == 'indexentry' || $objtype == 'toc' || $objtype == 'annot') {
  7166.                         $savedObj array_pop($this->objectbuffer);
  7167.                     }
  7168.                 }
  7169.                 // Decimal alignment (cancel if wraps to > 1 line)
  7170.                 if ($is_table && substr($align01) == 'D') {
  7171.                     $align substr($align21);
  7172.                 }
  7173.                 $lineBox = [];
  7174.                 $this->_setInlineBlockHeights($lineBox$stackHeight$content$font$is_table);
  7175.                 // update $contentWidth since it has changed with cropping
  7176.                 $contentWidth 0;
  7177.                 $inclCursive false;
  7178.                 foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
  7179.                     if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]) {
  7180.                         // LIST MARKERS
  7181.                         if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'image' && isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarker']) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarker']) {
  7182.                             if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarkerposition'] != 'outside') {
  7183.                                 $contentWidth += $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  7184.                             }
  7185.                         } else {
  7186.                             $contentWidth += $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  7187.                         }
  7188.                     } elseif (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  7189.                         $this->restoreFont($font[$k], false);
  7190.                         if ($this->checkCJK && $k == count($content) - && $CJKoverflow && $align == 'J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $this->CJKforceend) {
  7191.                             // force-end overhang
  7192.                             $hanger mb_substr($chunkmb_strlen($chunk$this->mb_enc) - 11$this->mb_enc);
  7193.                             // Probably ought to do something with char_data and GPOS in cOTLdata...
  7194.                             $content[$k] = $chunk mb_substr($chunk0mb_strlen($chunk$this->mb_enc) - 1$this->mb_enc);
  7195.                         }
  7196.                         // Soft Hyphens chr(173) + Replace NBSP with SPACE + Set inclcursive if includes CURSIVE TEXT
  7197.                         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
  7198.                             /* -- OTL -- */
  7199.                             if ((isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && $this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) || !empty($sOTLdata)) {
  7200.                                 $this->otl->removeChar($chunk$cOTLdata[$k], "\xc2\xad");
  7201.                                 $this->otl->replaceSpace($chunk$cOTLdata[$k]); // NBSP -> space
  7202.                                 if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregCURSchars "])/u"$chunk)) {
  7203.                                     $inclCursive true;
  7204.                                 }
  7205.                                 $content[$k] = $chunk;
  7206.                             } /* -- END OTL -- */ else {  // *OTL*
  7207.                                 $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace("\xc2\xad"''$chunk);
  7208.                                 $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace(chr(194) . chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
  7209.                             } // *OTL*
  7210.                         } elseif ($this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats') {
  7211.                             $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace(chr(173), ''$chunk);
  7212.                             $content[$k] = $chunk str_replace(chr(160), chr(32), $chunk);
  7213.                         }
  7214.                         $contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth($chunktrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$k]) ? $cOTLdata[$k] : false), $this->textvar) * Mpdf::SCALE;  // mPDF 5.7.1
  7215.                         if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  7216.                             if (isset($this->spanborddet['L']['w']) && strpos($contentB[$k], 'L') !== false) {
  7217.                                 $contentWidth += $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  7218.                             }
  7219.                             if (isset($this->spanborddet['R']['w']) && strpos($contentB[$k], 'R') !== false) {
  7220.                                 $contentWidth += $this->spanborddet['R']['w'] * Mpdf::SCALE;
  7221.                             }
  7222.                         }
  7223.                     }
  7224.                 }
  7225.                 $lastfontreqstyle = (isset($font[count($font) - 1]['ReqFontStyle']) ? $font[count($font) - 1]['ReqFontStyle'] : '');
  7226.                 $lastfontstyle = (isset($font[count($font) - 1]['style']) ? $font[count($font) - 1]['style'] : '');
  7227.                 if ($blockdir == 'ltr' && strpos($lastfontreqstyle"I") !== false && strpos($lastfontstyle"I") === false) { // Artificial italic
  7228.                     $lastitalic $this->FontSize 0.15 Mpdf::SCALE;
  7229.                 } else {
  7230.                     $lastitalic 0;
  7231.                 }
  7232.                 // NOW FORMAT THE LINE TO OUTPUT
  7233.                 if (!$table_draft) {
  7234.                     // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
  7235.                     $chunkorder range(0count($content) - 1); // mPDF 5.7
  7236.                     /* -- OTL -- */
  7237.                     // mPDF 6
  7238.                     if ($blockdir == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional) {
  7239.                         $this->otl->bidiReorder($chunkorder$content$cOTLdata$blockdir);
  7240.                         // From this point on, $content and $cOTLdata may contain more elements (and re-ordered) compared to
  7241.                         // $this->objectbuffer and $font ($chunkorder contains the mapping)
  7242.                     }
  7243.                     /* -- END OTL -- */
  7244.                     // Remove any XAdvance from OTL data at end of line
  7245.                     foreach ($chunkorder as $aord => $k) {
  7246.                         if (count($cOTLdata)) {
  7247.                             $this->restoreFont($font[$k], false);
  7248.                             // ...WriteFlowingBlock...
  7249.                             if ($aord == count($chunkorder) - && isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'])) { // Last chunk on line
  7250.                                 $nGPOS strlen($cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) - 1// Last character
  7251.                                 if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceL']) || isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceR'])) {
  7252.                                     if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceL'])) {
  7253.                                         $w $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceL'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  7254.                                     } else {
  7255.                                         $w $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceR'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  7256.                                     }
  7257.                                     $w *= ($this->FontSize 1000);
  7258.                                     $contentWidth -= $w Mpdf::SCALE;
  7259.                                     $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceL'] = 0;
  7260.                                     $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceR'] = 0;
  7261.                                 }
  7262.                                 // If last character has an XPlacement set, adjust width calculation, and add to XAdvance to account for it
  7263.                                 if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XPlacement'])) {
  7264.                                     $w = -$cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XPlacement'] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm'];
  7265.                                     $w *= ($this->FontSize 1000);
  7266.                                     $contentWidth -= $w Mpdf::SCALE;
  7267.                                     $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceL'] = $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XPlacement'];
  7268.                                     $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XAdvanceR'] = $cOTLdata[$aord]['GPOSinfo'][$nGPOS]['XPlacement'];
  7269.                                 }
  7270.                             }
  7271.                         }
  7272.                     }
  7273.                     // JUSTIFICATION J
  7274.                     $jcharspacing 0;
  7275.                     $jws 0;
  7276.                     $nb_carac 0;
  7277.                     $nb_spaces 0;
  7278.                     $jkashida 0;
  7279.                     // if it's justified, we need to find the char/word spacing (or if hanger $this->CJKforceend)
  7280.                     if (($align == 'J' && !$CJKoverflow) || (($contentWidth $lastitalic $maxWidth $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL $paddingR + (($fpaddingL $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) ) + 0.001) && (!$CJKoverflow || ($CJKoverflow && !$this->allowCJKoverflow))) || $CJKoverflow && $align == 'J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) {   // 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts
  7281.                         // JUSTIFY J (Use character spacing)
  7282.                         // WORD SPACING
  7283.                         // mPDF 5.7
  7284.                         foreach ($chunkorder as $aord => $k) {
  7285.                             $chunk = isset($content[$aord]) ? $content[$aord] : '';
  7286.                             if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  7287.                                 $nb_carac += mb_strlen($chunk$this->mb_enc);
  7288.                                 $nb_spaces += mb_substr_count($chunk' '$this->mb_enc);
  7289.                                 // Use GPOS OTL
  7290.                                 if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && ($this->CurrentFont['useOTL'] & 0xFF)) {
  7291.                                     if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) && $cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) {
  7292.                                         $nb_carac -= substr_count($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'], 'M');
  7293.                                     }
  7294.                                 }
  7295.                             } else {
  7296.                                 $nb_carac ++;
  7297.                             } // mPDF 6 allow spacing for inline object
  7298.                         }
  7299.                         // GetJSpacing adds kashida spacing to GPOSinfo if appropriate for Font
  7300.                         list($jcharspacing$jws$jkashida) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac$nb_spaces, ($maxWidth $lastitalic $contentWidth $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL $paddingR + (($fpaddingL $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) )), $inclCursive$cOTLdata);
  7301.                     }
  7302.                     // WORD SPACING
  7303.                     $empty $maxWidth $lastitalic $WidthCorrection $contentWidth - (($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) * Mpdf::SCALE) - ($paddingL $paddingR + (($fpaddingL $fpaddingR) * Mpdf::SCALE) );
  7304.                     $empty -= ($jcharspacing * ($nb_carac 1)); // mPDF 6 nb_carac MINUS 1
  7305.                     $empty -= ($jws $nb_spaces);
  7306.                     $empty -= ($jkashida);
  7307.                     $empty /= Mpdf::SCALE;
  7308.                     $b ''// do not use borders
  7309.                     // Get PAGEBREAK TO TEST for height including the top border/padding
  7310.                     $check_h max($this->divheight$stackHeight);
  7311.                     if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($this->blklvl 0) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table)) {
  7312.                         $check_h += ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w']);
  7313.                     }
  7314.                     if ($this->ColActive && $check_h > ($this->PageBreakTrigger $this->y0)) {
  7315.                         $this->SetCol($this->NbCol 1);
  7316.                     }
  7317.                     // PAGEBREAK
  7318.                     // 'If' below used in order to fix "first-line of other page with justify on" bug
  7319.                     if (!$is_table && ($this->$check_h) > $this->PageBreakTrigger and ! $this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
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  7321.                         // WORD SPACING
  7322.                         $ws $this->ws// Word Spacing
  7323.                         $charspacing $this->charspacing// Character Spacing
  7324.                         $this->ResetSpacing();
  7325.                         $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  7326.                         $this->$bak_x;
  7327.                         // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
  7328.                         $currentx += $this->MarginCorrection;
  7329.                         $this->+= $this->MarginCorrection;
  7330.                         // WORD SPACING
  7331.                         $this->SetSpacing($charspacing$ws);
  7332.                     }
  7333.                     if ($this->kwt && !$is_table) { // mPDF 5.7+
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  7335.                         $this->kwt false;
  7336.                     }
  7337.                     /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  7338.                     // COLS
  7339.                     // COLUMN CHANGE
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  7341.                         $currentx += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  7342.                         $this->+= $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  7343.                         $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  7344.                     }
  7345.                     if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) {
  7346.                         $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  7347.                     } // *COLUMNS*
  7348.                     /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  7349.                     // TOP MARGIN
  7350.                     if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top']) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table)) {
  7351.                         $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'], $this->blklvl 1true$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse']);
  7352.                         if ($this->ColActive) {
  7353.                             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  7354.                         } // *COLUMNS*
  7355.                     }
  7356.                     // Update y0 for top of block (used to paint border)
  7357.                     if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table)) {
  7358.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0'] = $this->y;
  7359.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] = $this->page;
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  7361.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] = $this->y;
  7362.                         }
  7363.                     }
  7364.                     // TOP PADDING and BORDER spacing/fill
  7365.                     if (($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top']) || ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top'])) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table)) {
  7366.                         // $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
  7367.                         $this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'], -3truefalse1);
  7368.                         if ($this->ColActive) {
  7369.                             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  7370.                         } // *COLUMNS*
  7371.                     }
  7372.                     $arraysize count($chunkorder);
  7373.                     $margins = ($this->cMarginL $this->cMarginR) + ($ipaddingL $ipaddingR $fpaddingR $fpaddingR );
  7374.                     // PAINT BACKGROUND FOR THIS LINE
  7375.                     if (!$is_table) {
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  7378.                     $this->$currentx $this->cMarginL $ipaddingL $fpaddingL;
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  7380.                         $this->+= $empty;
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  7382.                         $this->+= ($empty 2);
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  7385.                     if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($newblock) && ($blockstate == || $blockstate == 3) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table) && ($blockdir != 'rtl') && ($align != 'C')) {
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  7389.                     // BIDI magic_reverse moved upwards from here
  7390.                     foreach ($chunkorder as $aord => $k) { // mPDF 5.7
  7391.                         $chunk = isset($content[$aord]) ? $content[$aord] : '';
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  7393.                             $xadj $this->$this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-X'];
  7394.                             $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-X'] += $xadj;
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  7397.                             if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'listmarker') {
  7398.                                 $this->objectbuffer[$k]['lineBox'] = $lineBox[-1]; // Block element details for glyph-origin
  7399.                             }
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  7401.                             if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'dottab') { // mPDF 6 DOTTAB
  7402.                                 $this->objectbuffer[$k]['lineBox'] = $lineBox[$k]; // element details for glyph-origin
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  7404.                             if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] != 'dottab') { // mPDF 6 DOTTAB
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  7408.                             $this->objectbuffer[$k]['BORDER-Y'] += $yadj;
  7409.                             $this->objectbuffer[$k]['INNER-Y'] += $yadj;
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  7413.                         // Now unset these values so they don't influence GetStringwidth below or in fn. Cell
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  7415.                         $this->minwSpacing 0;
  7416.                         $save_vis $this->visibility;
  7417.                         if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->textparam['visibility'] != $this->visibility) {
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  7420.                         // *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR ***************** //
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  7423.                             $this->SetFColor($cor);
  7424.                             $save_fill $fill;
  7425.                             $spanfill 1;
  7426.                             $fill 1;
  7427.                         }
  7428.                         if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  7429.                             if (strpos($contentB[$k], 'L') !== false) {
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  7432.                             if (strpos($contentB[$k], 'L') === false) {
  7433.                                 $this->spanborddet['L']['s'] = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] = 0;
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  7438.                         }
  7439.                         // WORD SPACING
  7440.                         // StringWidth this time includes any kashida spacing
  7441.                         $stringWidth $this->GetStringWidth($chunktrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvartrue);
  7442.                         $nch mb_strlen($chunk$this->mb_enc);
  7443.                         // Use GPOS OTL
  7444.                         if (isset($this->CurrentFont['useOTL']) && ($this->CurrentFont['useOTL'] & 0xFF)) {
  7445.                             if (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) && $cOTLdata[$aord]['group']) {
  7446.                                 $nch -= substr_count($cOTLdata[$aord]['group'], 'M');
  7447.                             }
  7448.                         }
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  7451.                         if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  7452.                             // LIST MARKERS    // mPDF 6  Lists
  7453.                             if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'image' && isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarker']) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarker'] && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['listmarkerposition'] == 'outside') {
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  7457.                             }
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  7459.                         if ($stringWidth == 0) {
  7460.                             $stringWidth 0.000001;
  7461.                         }
  7462.                         if ($aord == $arraysize 1) {
  7463.                             $stringWidth -= ( $this->charspacing Mpdf::SCALE );
  7464.                             if ($this->checkCJK && $CJKoverflow && $align == 'J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) {
  7465.                                 // force-end overhang
  7466.                                 $this->Cell($stringWidth$stackHeight$chunk''0''$fill$this->HREF$currentx00'M'$filltrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false));
  7467.                                 $this->Cell($this->GetStringWidth($hanger), $stackHeight$hanger''1''$fill$this->HREF$currentx00'M'$filltrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false));
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  7469.                                 $this->Cell($stringWidth$stackHeight$chunk''1''$fill$this->HREF$currentx00'M'$filltrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // mono-style line or last part (skips line)
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  7472.                             $this->Cell($stringWidth$stackHeight$chunk''0''$fill$this->HREF000'M'$filltrue, (isset($cOTLdata[$aord]) ? $cOTLdata[$aord] : false), $this->textvar, (isset($lineBox[$k]) ? $lineBox[$k] : false)); // first or middle part
  7473.                         }
  7474.                         if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  7475.                             if (strpos($contentB[$k], 'R') !== false && $aord != $arraysize 1) {
  7476.                                 $this->+= $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
  7477.                             }
  7478.                         }
  7479.                         // *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR OFF - RESET BLOCK BGCOLOR ***************** //
  7480.                         if (isset($spanfill) && $spanfill) {
  7481.                             $fill $save_fill;
  7482.                             $spanfill 0;
  7483.                             if ($fill) {
  7484.                                 $this->SetFColor($bcor);
  7485.                             }
  7486.                         }
  7487.                         if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->visibility != $save_vis) {
  7488.                             $this->SetVisibility($save_vis);
  7489.                         }
  7490.                     }
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  7492.                     $this->+= $stackHeight;
  7493.                 }
  7494.                 if (!$is_table) {
  7495.                     $this->maxPosR max($this->maxPosR, ($this->$this->rMargin $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_right_margin']));
  7496.                     $this->maxPosL min($this->maxPosL, ($this->lMargin $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin']));
  7497.                 }
  7498.                 // move on to the next line, reset variables, tack on saved content and current char
  7499.                 if (!$table_draft) {
  7500.                     $this->printobjectbuffer($is_table$blockdir);
  7501.                 }
  7502.                 $this->objectbuffer = [];
  7503.                 /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  7504.                 // Update values if set to skipline
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  7506.                     $this->_advanceFloatMargins();
  7507.                 }
  7508.                 /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  7509.                 // Reset lineheight
  7510.                 $stackHeight $this->divheight;
  7511.                 $valign 'M';
  7512.                 $font = [];
  7513.                 $content = [];
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  7519.                     $font[] = $savedFont;
  7520.                     $content[] = '';
  7521.                     $contentB[] = '';
  7522.                     $cOTLdata[] = []; // mPDF 5.7.1
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  7524.                 }
  7525.                 if (count($savedPreContent) > 0) {
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  7527.                         $font[] = $savedPreFont[$ix];
  7528.                         $content[] = $savedPreContent[$ix];
  7529.                         $contentB[] = $savedPreContentB[$ix];
  7530.                         if (!empty($sOTLdata)) {
  7531.                             $cOTLdata[] = $savedPreOTLdata[$ix];
  7532.                         }
  7533.                         $this->restoreFont($savedPreFont[$ix]);
  7534.                         $lbw $rbw 0// Border widths
  7535.                         if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
  7536.                             $lbw = (isset($this->spanborddet['L']['w']) ? $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] : 0);
  7537.                             $rbw = (isset($this->spanborddet['R']['w']) ? $this->spanborddet['R']['w'] : 0);
  7538.                         }
  7539.                         if ($ix 0) {
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  7608.             // Unset values
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  7623.             $this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['R']['id']]['OUTER-Y'] += $yadj;
  7624.             // Unset values
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  7670.             $info $this->imageProcessor->getImage($this->noImageFile);
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  7692.                     // divide by k to get user units (mm)
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  7708.         /* -- WATERMARK -- */
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  7711.             $maxh $this->h;
  7712.             // Size = D PF or array
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  7715.                 $h $this->watermark_size[1];
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  7733.                 $h abs($w $info['h'] / $info['w']);
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  7736.                     $w abs($h $info['w'] / $info['h']);
  7737.                 }
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  7740.                 $h abs($w $info['h'] / $info['w']);
  7741.                 if ($h $maxh) {
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  7743.                     $w abs($h $info['w'] / $info['h']);
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  7750.             }
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  7753.                 $w abs($h $info['w'] / $info['h']);
  7754.             }
  7755.             // Position
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  7758.                 $y $this->watermark_pos[1];
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  7765.                         $xadj 0;
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  7767.                     $x = ($this->DeflMargin $xadj + ($this->- ($this->DeflMargin $this->DefrMargin)) / 2) - ($w 2); // *COLUMNS*
  7768.                 // *COLUMNS*
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  7770.                     $x = ($this->lMargin + ($this->pgwidth) / 2) - ($w 2);
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  7772.                 $y = ($this->tMargin + ($this->- ($this->tMargin $this->bMargin)) / 2) - ($h 2);
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  7775.                 $y = ($this->2) - ($h 2);
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  7777.             /* -- IMAGES-WMF -- */
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  7781.                 $outstring sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q'$sx$sy$x Mpdf::SCALE $sx $info['x'], (($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy $info['y'], $info['i']);
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  7785.                     $sy = -$h Mpdf::SCALE $info['h'];
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  7788.                     $outstring sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q"$w Mpdf::SCALE$h Mpdf::SCALE$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE$info['i']);
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  7797.             return 0;
  7798.         } // end of IF watermark
  7799.         /* -- END WATERMARK -- */
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  7801.             // Automatically resize to maximum dimensions of page if too large
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  7806.             }
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  7809.                 $h abs($w $info['h'] / $info['w']);
  7810.             }
  7811.             if ($h $this->- ($this->tMargin $this->bMargin 1)) {  // see below - +10 to avoid drawing too close to border of page
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  7813.                 if ($this->fullImageHeight) {
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  7815.                 }
  7816.                 $w abs($h $info['w'] / $info['h']);
  7817.             }
  7818.             // Avoid drawing out of the paper(exceeding width limits).
  7819.             // if ( ($x + $w) > $this->fw ) {
  7820.             if (($x $w) > $this->w) {
  7821.                 $x $this->lMargin;
  7822.                 $y += 5;
  7823.             }
  7824.             $changedpage false;
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  7826.             // Avoid drawing out of the page.
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  7829.                 // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
  7830.                 $x $x $this->MarginCorrection;
  7831.                 $y $this->tMargin// mPDF 5.7.3
  7832.                 $changedpage true;
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  7834.             /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  7835.             // COLS
  7836.             // COLUMN CHANGE
  7837.             if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
  7838.                 $y $this->y0;
  7839.                 $x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  7840.                 $this->+= $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  7841.             }
  7842.             /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  7843.         // end of IF constrain
  7844.         /* -- IMAGES-WMF -- */
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  7846.             $sx $w Mpdf::SCALE $info['w'];
  7847.             $sy = -$h Mpdf::SCALE $info['h'];
  7848.             $outstring sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q'$sx$sy$x Mpdf::SCALE $sx $info['x'], (($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy $info['y'], $info['i']);
  7849.         } else {         /* -- END IMAGES-WMF -- */
  7850.             if ($info['type'] == 'svg') {
  7851.                 $sx $w Mpdf::SCALE $info['w'];
  7852.                 $sy = -$h Mpdf::SCALE $info['h'];
  7853.                 $outstring sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q'$sx$sy$x Mpdf::SCALE $sx $info['x'], (($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE) - $sy $info['y'], $info['i']);
  7854.             } else {
  7855.                 $outstring sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q"$w Mpdf::SCALE$h Mpdf::SCALE$x Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE$info['i']);
  7856.             }
  7857.         }
  7858.         if ($paint) {
  7859.             $this->writer->write($outstring);
  7860.             if ($link) {
  7861.                 $this->Link($x$y$w$h$link);
  7862.             }
  7863.             // Avoid writing text on top of the image. // THIS WAS OUTSIDE THE if ($paint) bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7864.             $this->$y $h;
  7865.         }
  7866.         // Return width-height array
  7867.         $sizesarray['WIDTH'] = $w;
  7868.         $sizesarray['HEIGHT'] = $h;
  7869.         $sizesarray['X'] = $x// Position before painting image
  7870.         $sizesarray['Y'] = $y// Position before painting image
  7871.         $sizesarray['OUTPUT'] = $outstring;
  7872.         $sizesarray['IMAGE_ID'] = $info['i'];
  7873.         $sizesarray['itype'] = $info['type'];
  7874.         $sizesarray['set-dpi'] = (isset($info['set-dpi']) ? $info['set-dpi'] : 0);
  7875.         return $sizesarray;
  7876.     }
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  7881.     // =============================================================
  7882.     /* -- HTML-CSS -- */
  7883.     function _getObjAttr($t)
  7884.     {
  7885.         $c explode(Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER$t2);
  7886.         $c explode(','$c[1], 2);
  7887.         foreach ($c as $v) {
  7888.             $v explode('='$v2);
  7889.             $sp[$v[0]] = trim($v[1], Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER);
  7890.         }
  7891.         return (unserialize($sp['objattr']));
  7892.     }
  7893.     function inlineObject($type$x$y$objattr$Lmargin$widthUsed$maxWidth$lineHeight$paint false$is_table false)
  7894.     {
  7895.         if ($is_table) {
  7896.             $k $this->shrin_k;
  7897.         } else {
  7898.             $k 1;
  7899.         }
  7900.         // NB $x is only used when paint=true
  7901.         // Lmargin not used
  7902.         $w 0;
  7903.         if (isset($objattr['width'])) {
  7904.             $w $objattr['width'] / $k;
  7905.         }
  7906.         $h 0;
  7907.         if (isset($objattr['height'])) {
  7908.             $h abs($objattr['height'] / $k);
  7909.         }
  7910.         $widthLeft $maxWidth $widthUsed;
  7911.         $maxHeight $this->- ($this->tMargin $this->bMargin 10);
  7912.         if ($this->fullImageHeight) {
  7913.             $maxHeight $this->fullImageHeight;
  7914.         }
  7915.         // For Images
  7916.         if (isset($objattr['border_left'])) {
  7917.             $extraWidth = ($objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right']) / $k;
  7918.             $extraHeight = ($objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom']) / $k;
  7919.             if ($type == 'image' || $type == 'barcode' || $type == 'textcircle') {
  7920.                 $extraWidth += ($objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right']) / $k;
  7921.                 $extraHeight += ($objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom']) / $k;
  7922.             }
  7923.         }
  7924.         if (!isset($objattr['vertical-align'])) {
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  7926.                 $objattr['vertical-align'] = 'M';
  7927.             } else {
  7928.                 $objattr['vertical-align'] = 'BS';
  7929.             }
  7930.         } // mPDF 6
  7931.         if ($type == 'image' || (isset($objattr['subtype']) && $objattr['subtype'] == 'IMAGE')) {
  7932.             if (isset($objattr['itype']) && ($objattr['itype'] == 'wmf' || $objattr['itype'] == 'svg')) {
  7933.                 $file $objattr['file'];
  7934.                 $info $this->formobjects[$file];
  7935.             } elseif (isset($objattr['file'])) {
  7936.                 $file $objattr['file'];
  7937.                 $info $this->images[$file];
  7938.             }
  7939.         }
  7940.         if ($type == 'annot' || $type == 'bookmark' || $type == 'indexentry' || $type == 'toc') {
  7941.             $w 0.00001;
  7942.             $h 0.00001;
  7943.         }
  7944.         // TEST whether need to skipline
  7945.         if (!$paint) {
  7946.             if ($type == 'hr') { // always force new line
  7947.                 if (($y $h $lineHeight $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter && !$is_table) {
  7948.                     return [-2$w$h];
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  7951.                     return [1$w$h];
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  7954.                 // LIST MARKERS    // mPDF 6  Lists
  7955.                 $displayheight $h;
  7956.                 $displaywidth $w;
  7957.                 if ($objattr['type'] == 'image' && isset($objattr['listmarker']) && $objattr['listmarker']) {
  7958.                     $displayheight 0;
  7959.                     if ($objattr['listmarkerposition'] == 'outside') {
  7960.                         $displaywidth 0;
  7961.                     }
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  7963.                 if ($widthUsed && $displaywidth $widthLeft && (!$is_table || $type != 'image')) {  // New line needed
  7964.                     // mPDF 6  Lists
  7965.                     if (($y $displayheight $lineHeight $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter) {
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  7970.                     return [1$w$h]; // new line
  7971.                 // Will fit on line but NEW PAGE REQUIRED
  7972.                 elseif (($y $displayheight $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter && !$is_table) {
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  7976.                     return [0$w$h];
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  7980.         if ($type == 'annot' || $type == 'bookmark' || $type == 'indexentry' || $type == 'toc') {
  7981.             $w 0.00001;
  7982.             $h 0.00001;
  7983.             $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = 0;
  7984.             $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = 0;
  7985.             $objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x;
  7986.             $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y;
  7987.             $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = 0;
  7988.             $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = 0;
  7989.             $objattr['INNER-X'] = $x;
  7990.             $objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y;
  7991.         }
  7992.         if ($type == 'image') {
  7993.             // Automatically resize to width remaining
  7994.             if ($w > ($widthLeft 0.0001) && !$is_table) { // mPDF 5.7.4  0.0001 to allow for rounding errors when w==maxWidth
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  7996.                 $h abs($w $info['h'] / $info['w']);
  7997.             }
  7998.             $img_w $w $extraWidth;
  7999.             $img_h $h $extraHeight;
  8000.             $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $img_w $objattr['padding_left'] / $k $objattr['padding_right'] / $k + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k $objattr['border_right']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8001.             $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h $objattr['padding_top'] / $k $objattr['padding_bottom'] / $k + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8002.             $objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x $objattr['margin_left'] / $k + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8003.             $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y $objattr['margin_top'] / $k + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8004.             $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $img_w;
  8005.             $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h;
  8006.             $objattr['INNER-X'] = $x $objattr['padding_left'] / $k $objattr['margin_left'] / $k + ($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k);
  8007.             $objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y $objattr['padding_top'] / $k $objattr['margin_top'] / $k + ($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k);
  8008.             $objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];
  8009.         }
  8010.         if ($type == 'input' && $objattr['subtype'] == 'IMAGE') {
  8011.             $img_w $w $extraWidth;
  8012.             $img_h $h $extraHeight;
  8013.             $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $img_w + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k $objattr['border_right']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8014.             $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8015.             $objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x $objattr['margin_left'] / $k + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8016.             $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y $objattr['margin_top'] / $k + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8017.             $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $img_w;
  8018.             $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h;
  8019.             $objattr['INNER-X'] = $x $objattr['margin_left'] / $k + ($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k);
  8020.             $objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y $objattr['margin_top'] / $k + ($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k);
  8021.             $objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];
  8022.         }
  8023.         if ($type == 'barcode' || $type == 'textcircle') {
  8024.             $b_w $w $extraWidth;
  8025.             $b_h $h $extraHeight;
  8026.             $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $b_w $objattr['padding_left'] / $k $objattr['padding_right'] / $k + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k $objattr['border_right']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8027.             $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $b_h $objattr['padding_top'] / $k $objattr['padding_bottom'] / $k + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8028.             $objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x $objattr['margin_left'] / $k + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8029.             $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y $objattr['margin_top'] / $k + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k) / 2);
  8030.             $objattr['INNER-X'] = $x $objattr['padding_left'] / $k $objattr['margin_left'] / $k + ($objattr['border_left']['w'] / $k);
  8031.             $objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y $objattr['padding_top'] / $k $objattr['margin_top'] / $k + ($objattr['border_top']['w'] / $k);
  8032.             $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $b_w;
  8033.             $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $b_h;
  8034.         }
  8035.         if ($type == 'textarea') {
  8036.             // Automatically resize to width remaining
  8037.             if ($w $widthLeft && !$is_table) {
  8038.                 $w $widthLeft;
  8039.             }
  8040.             // This used to resize height to maximum remaining on page ? why. Causes problems when in table and causing a new column
  8041.             // if (($y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter) {
  8042.             //     $h=$this->h - $y - $this->bMargin;
  8043.             // }
  8044.         }
  8045.         if ($type == 'hr') {
  8046.             if ($is_table) {
  8047.                 $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $maxWidth $objattr['W-PERCENT'] / 100;
  8048.                 $objattr['width'] = $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
  8049.                 $w $maxWidth;
  8050.             } else {
  8051.                 if ($w $maxWidth) {
  8052.                     $w $maxWidth;
  8053.                 }
  8054.                 $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $w;
  8055.                 $w $maxWidth;
  8056.             }
  8057.         }
  8058.         if (($type == 'select') || ($type == 'input' && ($objattr['subtype'] == 'TEXT' || $objattr['subtype'] == 'PASSWORD'))) {
  8059.             // Automatically resize to width remaining
  8060.             if ($w $widthLeft && !$is_table) {
  8061.                 $w $widthLeft;
  8062.             }
  8063.         }
  8064.         if ($type == 'textarea' || $type == 'select' || $type == 'input') {
  8065.             if (isset($objattr['fontsize'])) {
  8066.                 $objattr['fontsize'] /= $k;
  8067.             }
  8068.             if (isset($objattr['linewidth'])) {
  8069.                 $objattr['linewidth'] /= $k;
  8070.             }
  8071.         }
  8072.         if (!isset($objattr['BORDER-Y'])) {
  8073.             $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = 0;
  8074.         }
  8075.         if (!isset($objattr['BORDER-X'])) {
  8076.             $objattr['BORDER-X'] = 0;
  8077.         }
  8078.         if (!isset($objattr['INNER-Y'])) {
  8079.             $objattr['INNER-Y'] = 0;
  8080.         }
  8081.         if (!isset($objattr['INNER-X'])) {
  8082.             $objattr['INNER-X'] = 0;
  8083.         }
  8084.         // Return width-height array
  8085.         $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] = $w;
  8086.         $objattr['OUTER-HEIGHT'] = $h;
  8087.         $objattr['OUTER-X'] = $x;
  8088.         $objattr['OUTER-Y'] = $y;
  8089.         return $objattr;
  8090.     }
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  8097.     function SetLineJoin($mode 0)
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  8105.     function SetLineCap($mode 2)
  8106.     {
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  8110.         }
  8111.         $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineCap'] = $s;
  8112.     }
  8113.     function SetDash($black false$white false)
  8114.     {
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  8116.             $s sprintf('[%.3F %.3F] 0 d'$black Mpdf::SCALE$white Mpdf::SCALE);
  8117.         } else {
  8118.             $s '[] 0 d';
  8119.         }
  8120.         if ($this->page && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash'] != $s) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash']))) {
  8121.             $this->writer->write($s);
  8122.         }
  8123.         $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash'] = $s;
  8124.     }
  8125.     function SetDisplayPreferences($preferences)
  8126.     {
  8127.         // String containing any or none of /HideMenubar/HideToolbar/HideWindowUI/DisplayDocTitle/CenterWindow/FitWindow
  8128.         $this->DisplayPreferences .= $preferences;
  8129.     }
  8130.     function Ln($h ''$collapsible 0)
  8131.     {
  8132.         // Added collapsible to allow collapsible top-margin on new page
  8133.         // Line feed; default value is last cell height
  8134.         $margin = isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] : 0;
  8135.         $this->$this->lMargin $margin;
  8136.         if ($collapsible && ($this->== $this->tMargin) && (!$this->ColActive)) {
  8137.             $h 0;
  8138.         }
  8139.         if (is_string($h)) {
  8140.             $this->+= $this->lasth;
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  8142.             $this->+= $h;
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  8145.     /* -- HTML-CSS -- */
  8146.     function DivLn($h$level = -3$move_y true$collapsible false$state 0)
  8147.     {
  8148.         // $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
  8149.         // Used in Columns and keep-with-table i.e. "kwt"
  8150.         // writes background block by block so it can be repositioned
  8151.         // and also used in writingFlowingBlock at top and bottom of blocks to move y (not to draw/paint anything)
  8152.         // adds lines (y) where DIV bgcolors are filled in
  8153.         // this->x is returned as it was
  8154.         // allows .00001 as nominal height used for bookmarks/annotations etc.
  8155.         if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f"$this->y) == sprintf("%0.4f"$this->tMargin)) && (!$this->ColActive)) {
  8156.             return;
  8157.         }
  8158.         // mPDF 6 Columns
  8159.         //   if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y)==sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y0)) && ($this->ColActive) && $this->CurrCol == 0) { return; }    // *COLUMNS*
  8160.         if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f"$this->y) == sprintf("%0.4f"$this->y0)) && ($this->ColActive)) {
  8161.             return;
  8162.         } // *COLUMNS*
  8163.         // Still use this method if columns or keep-with-table, as it allows repositioning later
  8164.         // otherwise, now uses PaintDivBB()
  8165.         if (!$this->ColActive && !$this->kwt) {
  8166.             if ($move_y && !$this->ColActive) {
  8167.                 $this->+= $h;
  8168.             }
  8169.             return;
  8170.         }
  8171.         if ($level == -3) {
  8172.             $level $this->blklvl;
  8173.         }
  8174.         $firstblockfill $this->GetFirstBlockFill();
  8175.         if ($firstblockfill && $this->blklvl && $this->blklvl >= $firstblockfill) {
  8176.             $last_x 0;
  8177.             $last_w 0;
  8178.             $last_fc $this->FillColor;
  8179.             $bak_x $this->x;
  8180.             $bak_h $this->divheight;
  8181.             $this->divheight 0// Temporarily turn off divheight - as Cell() uses it to check for PageBreak
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  8183.                 $this->$this->lMargin $this->blk[$blvl]['outer_left_margin'];
  8184.                 // mPDF 6
  8185.                 if ($this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolor']) {
  8186.                     $this->SetFColor($this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolorarray']);
  8187.                 }
  8188.                 if ($last_x != ($this->lMargin $this->blk[$blvl]['outer_left_margin']) || ($last_w != $this->blk[$blvl]['width']) || $last_fc != $this->FillColor || (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['s']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['s']) || (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['s']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['s']) || (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['s']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['s']) || (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['s']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['s'])) {
  8189.                     $x $this->x;
  8190.                     $this->Cell(($this->blk[$blvl]['width']), $h''''0''1);
  8191.                     $this->$x;
  8192.                     if (!$this->keep_block_together && !$this->writingHTMLheader && !$this->writingHTMLfooter) {
  8193.                         // $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
  8194.                         if ($blvl == $this->blklvl) {
  8195.                             $this->PaintDivLnBorder($state$blvl$h);
  8196.                         } else {
  8197.                             $this->PaintDivLnBorder(0$blvl$h);
  8198.                         }
  8199.                     }
  8200.                 }
  8201.                 $last_x $this->lMargin $this->blk[$blvl]['outer_left_margin'];
  8202.                 $last_w $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];
  8203.                 $last_fc $this->FillColor;
  8204.             }
  8205.             // Reset current block fill
  8206.             if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'])) {
  8207.                 $bcor $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'];
  8208.                 $this->SetFColor($bcor);
  8209.             }
  8210.             $this->$bak_x;
  8211.             $this->divheight $bak_h;
  8212.         }
  8213.         if ($move_y) {
  8214.             $this->+= $h;
  8215.         }
  8216.     }
  8217.     /* -- END HTML-CSS -- */
  8218.     function SetX($x)
  8219.     {
  8220.         // Set x position
  8221.         if ($x >= 0) {
  8222.             $this->$x;
  8223.         } else {
  8224.             $this->$this->$x;
  8225.         }
  8226.     }
  8227.     function SetY($y)
  8228.     {
  8229.         // Set y position and reset x
  8230.         $this->$this->lMargin;
  8231.         if ($y >= 0) {
  8232.             $this->$y;
  8233.         } else {
  8234.             $this->$this->$y;
  8235.         }
  8236.     }
  8237.     function SetXY($x$y)
  8238.     {
  8239.         // Set x and y positions
  8240.         $this->SetY($y);
  8241.         $this->SetX($x);
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  8244.     {
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  8255.                     $e['type'],
  8256.                     1,
  8257.                     $e['file'],
  8258.                     $e['line']
  8259.                 );
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  8274.             $this->logger->warning(sprintf('These issues can be automatically fixed by mPDF using %s = true;'$option), ['context' => LogContext::PDFA_PDFX]);
  8275.             $this->logger->warning(sprintf('Action that mPDF will take to automatically force %s compliance are shown further in the log.'$standard), ['context' => LogContext::PDFA_PDFX]);
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  8277.             foreach ($this->PDFAXwarnings as $w) {
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  8280.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDFA/PDFX warnings generated. See log for further details');
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  8283.         $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Peak Memory usage %s MB'number_format(memory_get_peak_usage(true) / (1024 1024), 2)), ['context' => LogContext::STATISTICS]);
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  8351.             case Destination::STRING_RETURN:
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  8360.     {
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  8369.      */
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  8376.      */
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  8386.     function _dochecks()
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  8401.         }
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  8405.                 $mamp ' If using MAMP, there is a bug in its PHP build causing this.';
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  8407.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('mbstring extension with mbregex support must be loaded in order to run mPDF.' $mamp);
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  8465.                 $this->writingHTMLheader false;
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  8473.                     // To rotate the other way i.e. Header to left of page:
  8474.                     // $os .= sprintf('q 0 1 -1 0 %.3F %.3F cm ',($this->h*Mpdf::SCALE), (($this->rMargin - $this->lMargin )*Mpdf::SCALE));
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  9184.     {
  9185.         if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
  9186.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('PDFA and PDFX do not permit transparency, so mPDF does not allow Watermarks!');
  9187.         }
  9188.         if ($this->watermarkImgBehind) {
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  9191.             $this->SetAlpha($alpha$this->watermarkImgAlphaBlend);
  9192.         }
  9193.         $this->Image($src0000''''truetruetrue);
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  9195.             $this->SetAlpha(1);
  9196.         }
  9197.     }
  9198.     /* -- END WATERMARK -- */
  9199.     function Rotate($angle$x = -1$y = -1)
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  9208.             $this->writer->write('Q');
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  9215.             $cx $x Mpdf::SCALE;
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  9217.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('q %.5F %.5F %.5F %.5F %.3F %.3F cm 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm'$c$s, -$s$c$cx$cy, -$cx, -$cy));
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  9220.     function CircularText($x$y$r$text$align 'top'$fontfamily ''$fontsize 0$fontstyle ''$kerning 120$fontwidth 100$divider '')
  9221.     {
  9222.         if (empty($this->directWrite)) {
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  9224.         }
  9225.         $this->directWrite->CircularText($x$y$r$text$align$fontfamily$fontsize$fontstyle$kerning$fontwidth$divider);
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  9227.     // From Invoice
  9228.     function RoundedRect($x$y$w$h$r$style '')
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  9230.         $hp $this->h;
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  9234.             $op 'B';
  9235.         } else {
  9236.             $op 'S';
  9237.         }
  9238.         $MyArc * (sqrt(2) - 1);
  9239.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m', ($x $r) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp $y) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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  9243.         $this->_Arc($xc $r $MyArc$yc $r$xc $r$yc $r $MyArc$xc $r$yc);
  9244.         $xc $x $w $r;
  9245.         $yc $y $h $r;
  9246.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', ($x $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp $yc) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  9247.         $this->_Arc($xc $r$yc $r $MyArc$xc $r $MyArc$yc $r$xc$yc $r);
  9248.         $xc $x $r;
  9249.         $yc $y $h $r;
  9250.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l'$xc Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp - ($y $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  9251.         $this->_Arc($xc $r $MyArc$yc $r$xc $r$yc $r $MyArc$xc $r$yc);
  9252.         $xc $x $r;
  9253.         $yc $y $r;
  9254.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', ($x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($hp $yc) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  9255.         $this->_Arc($xc $r$yc $r $MyArc$xc $r $MyArc$yc $r$xc$yc $r);
  9256.         $this->writer->write($op);
  9257.     }
  9258.     function _Arc($x1$y1$x2$y2$x3$y3)
  9259.     {
  9260.         $h $this->h;
  9261.         $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c '$x1 Mpdf::SCALE, ($h $y1) * Mpdf::SCALE$x2 Mpdf::SCALE, ($h $y2) * Mpdf::SCALE$x3 Mpdf::SCALE, ($h $y3) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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  9263.     // ====================================================
  9264.     /* -- DIRECTW -- */
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  9266.     {
  9267.         // F (shading - no line),S (line, no shading),DF (both)
  9268.         if (empty($this->directWrite)) {
  9269.             $this->directWrite = new DirectWrite($this$this->otl$this->sizeConverter$this->colorConverter);
  9270.         }
  9271.         $this->directWrite->Shaded_box($text$font$fontstyle$szfont$width$style$radius$fill$color$pad);
  9272.     }
  9273.     /* -- END DIRECTW -- */
  9274.     function UTF8StringToArray($str$addSubset true)
  9275.     {
  9276.         $out = [];
  9277.         $len strlen($str);
  9278.         for ($i 0$i $len$i++) {
  9279.             $uni = -1;
  9280.             $h ord($str[$i]);
  9281.             if ($h <= 0x7F) {
  9282.                 $uni $h;
  9283.             } elseif ($h >= 0xC2) {
  9284.                 if (($h <= 0xDF) && ($i $len 1)) {
  9285.                     $uni = ($h 0x1F) << | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F);
  9286.                 } elseif (($h <= 0xEF) && ($i $len 2)) {
  9287.                     $uni = ($h 0x0F) << 12 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F) << | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F);
  9288.                 } elseif (($h <= 0xF4) && ($i $len 3)) {
  9289.                     $uni = ($h 0x0F) << 18 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F) << 12 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F) << | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F);
  9290.                 }
  9291.             }
  9292.             if ($uni >= 0) {
  9293.                 $out[] = $uni;
  9294.                 if ($addSubset && isset($this->CurrentFont['subset'])) {
  9295.                     $this->CurrentFont['subset'][$uni] = $uni;
  9296.                 }
  9297.             }
  9298.         }
  9299.         return $out;
  9300.     }
  9301.     // Convert utf-8 string to <HHHHHH> for Font Subsets
  9302.     function UTF8toSubset($str)
  9303.     {
  9304.         $ret '<';
  9305.         // $str = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($this->aliasNbPg,'/').'/', chr(7), $str );    // mPDF 6 deleted
  9306.         // $str = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($this->aliasNbPgGp,'/').'/', chr(8), $str );    // mPDF 6 deleted
  9307.         $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($str);
  9308.         $orig_fid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][0];
  9309.         $last_fid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][0];
  9310.         foreach ($unicode as $c) {
  9311.             /*     // mPDF 6 deleted
  9312.               if ($c == 7 || $c == 8) {
  9313.               if ($orig_fid != $last_fid) {
  9314.               $ret .= '> Tj /F'.$orig_fid.' '.$this->FontSizePt.' Tf <';
  9315.               $last_fid = $orig_fid;
  9316.               }
  9317.               if ($c == 7) { $ret .= $this->aliasNbPgHex; }
  9318.               else { $ret .= $this->aliasNbPgGpHex; }
  9319.               continue;
  9320.               }
  9321.              */
  9322.             if (!$this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $c)) {
  9323.                 $c 0;
  9324.             } // mPDF 6
  9325.             for ($i 0$i 99$i++) {
  9326.                 // return c as decimal char
  9327.                 $init array_search($c$this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]);
  9328.                 if ($init !== false) {
  9329.                     if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i] != $last_fid) {
  9330.                         $ret .= '> Tj /F' $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i] . ' ' $this->FontSizePt ' Tf <';
  9331.                         $last_fid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i];
  9332.                     }
  9333.                     $ret .= sprintf("%02s"strtoupper(dechex($init)));
  9334.                     break;
  9335.                 } // TrueType embedded SUBSETS
  9336.                 elseif (count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]) < 255) {
  9337.                     $n count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]);
  9338.                     $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i][$n] = $c;
  9339.                     if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i] != $last_fid) {
  9340.                         $ret .= '> Tj /F' $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i] . ' ' $this->FontSizePt ' Tf <';
  9341.                         $last_fid $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i];
  9342.                     }
  9343.                     $ret .= sprintf("%02s"strtoupper(dechex($n)));
  9344.                     break;
  9345.                 } elseif (!isset($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($i 1)])) {
  9346.                     // TrueType embedded SUBSETS
  9347.                     $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($i 1)] = [=> 0];
  9348.                     $new_fid count($this->fonts) + $this->extraFontSubsets 1;
  9349.                     $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][($i 1)] = $new_fid;
  9350.                     $this->extraFontSubsets++;
  9351.                 }
  9352.             }
  9353.         }
  9354.         $ret .= '>';
  9355.         if ($last_fid != $orig_fid) {
  9356.             $ret .= ' Tj /F' $orig_fid ' ' $this->FontSizePt ' Tf <> ';
  9357.         }
  9358.         return $ret;
  9359.     }
  9360.     /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  9361.     // from class PDF_Chinese CJK EXTENSIONS
  9362.     function AddCIDFont($family$style$name, &$cw$CMap$registry$desc)
  9363.     {
  9364.         $fontkey strtolower($family) . strtoupper($style);
  9365.         if (isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) {
  9366.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Font already added: $family $style");
  9367.         }
  9368.         $i count($this->fonts) + $this->extraFontSubsets 1;
  9369.         $name str_replace(' '''$name);
  9370.         if ($family == 'sjis') {
  9371.             $up = -120;
  9372.         } else {
  9373.             $up = -130;
  9374.         }
  9375.         // ? 'up' and 'ut' do not seem to be referenced anywhere
  9376.         $this->fonts[$fontkey] = ['i' => $i'type' => 'Type0''name' => $name'up' => $up'ut' => 40'cw' => $cw'CMap' => $CMap'registry' => $registry'MissingWidth' => 1000'desc' => $desc];
  9377.     }
  9378.     function AddCJKFont($family)
  9379.     {
  9380.         if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
  9381.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Adobe CJK fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b and PDFX/1-a).");
  9382.         }
  9383.         if ($family == 'big5') {
  9384.             $this->AddBig5Font();
  9385.         } elseif ($family == 'gb') {
  9386.             $this->AddGBFont();
  9387.         } elseif ($family == 'sjis') {
  9388.             $this->AddSJISFont();
  9389.         } elseif ($family == 'uhc') {
  9390.             $this->AddUHCFont();
  9391.         }
  9392.     }
  9393.     function AddBig5Font()
  9394.     {
  9395.         // Add Big5 font with proportional Latin
  9396.         $family 'big5';
  9397.         $name 'MSungStd-Light-Acro';
  9398.         $cw $this->Big5_widths;
  9399.         $CMap 'UniCNS-UTF16-H';
  9400.         $registry = ['ordering' => 'CNS1''supplement' => 4];
  9401.         $desc = [
  9402.             'Ascent' => 880,
  9403.             'Descent' => -120,
  9404.             'CapHeight' => 880,
  9405.             'Flags' => 6,
  9406.             'FontBBox' => '[-160 -249 1015 1071]',
  9407.             'ItalicAngle' => 0,
  9408.             'StemV' => 93,
  9409.         ];
  9410.         $this->AddCIDFont($family''$name$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9411.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'B'$name ',Bold'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9412.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'I'$name ',Italic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9413.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'BI'$name ',BoldItalic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9414.     }
  9415.     function AddGBFont()
  9416.     {
  9417.         // Add GB font with proportional Latin
  9418.         $family 'gb';
  9419.         $name 'STSongStd-Light-Acro';
  9420.         $cw $this->GB_widths;
  9421.         $CMap 'UniGB-UTF16-H';
  9422.         $registry = ['ordering' => 'GB1''supplement' => 4];
  9423.         $desc = [
  9424.             'Ascent' => 880,
  9425.             'Descent' => -120,
  9426.             'CapHeight' => 737,
  9427.             'Flags' => 6,
  9428.             'FontBBox' => '[-25 -254 1000 880]',
  9429.             'ItalicAngle' => 0,
  9430.             'StemV' => 58,
  9431.             'Style' => '<< /Panose <000000000400000000000000> >>',
  9432.         ];
  9433.         $this->AddCIDFont($family''$name$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9434.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'B'$name ',Bold'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9435.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'I'$name ',Italic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9436.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'BI'$name ',BoldItalic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9437.     }
  9438.     function AddSJISFont()
  9439.     {
  9440.         // Add SJIS font with proportional Latin
  9441.         $family 'sjis';
  9442.         $name 'KozMinPro-Regular-Acro';
  9443.         $cw $this->SJIS_widths;
  9444.         $CMap 'UniJIS-UTF16-H';
  9445.         $registry = ['ordering' => 'Japan1''supplement' => 5];
  9446.         $desc = [
  9447.             'Ascent' => 880,
  9448.             'Descent' => -120,
  9449.             'CapHeight' => 740,
  9450.             'Flags' => 6,
  9451.             'FontBBox' => '[-195 -272 1110 1075]',
  9452.             'ItalicAngle' => 0,
  9453.             'StemV' => 86,
  9454.             'XHeight' => 502,
  9455.         ];
  9456.         $this->AddCIDFont($family''$name$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9457.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'B'$name ',Bold'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9458.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'I'$name ',Italic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9459.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'BI'$name ',BoldItalic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9460.     }
  9461.     function AddUHCFont()
  9462.     {
  9463.         // Add UHC font with proportional Latin
  9464.         $family 'uhc';
  9465.         $name 'HYSMyeongJoStd-Medium-Acro';
  9466.         $cw $this->UHC_widths;
  9467.         $CMap 'UniKS-UTF16-H';
  9468.         $registry = ['ordering' => 'Korea1''supplement' => 2];
  9469.         $desc = [
  9470.             'Ascent' => 880,
  9471.             'Descent' => -120,
  9472.             'CapHeight' => 720,
  9473.             'Flags' => 6,
  9474.             'FontBBox' => '[-28 -148 1001 880]',
  9475.             'ItalicAngle' => 0,
  9476.             'StemV' => 60,
  9477.             'Style' => '<< /Panose <000000000600000000000000> >>',
  9478.         ];
  9479.         $this->AddCIDFont($family''$name$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9480.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'B'$name ',Bold'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9481.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'I'$name ',Italic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9482.         $this->AddCIDFont($family'BI'$name ',BoldItalic'$cw$CMap$registry$desc);
  9483.     }
  9484.     /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
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  9487.     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9488.     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9489.     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9490.     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9491.     //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  9492.     function SetDefaultFont($font)
  9493.     {
  9494.         // Disallow embedded fonts to be used as defaults in PDFA
  9495.         if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
  9496.             if (strtolower($font) == 'ctimes') {
  9497.                 $font 'serif';
  9498.             }
  9499.             if (strtolower($font) == 'ccourier') {
  9500.                 $font 'monospace';
  9501.             }
  9502.             if (strtolower($font) == 'chelvetica') {
  9503.                 $font 'sans-serif';
  9504.             }
  9505.         }
  9506.         $font $this->SetFont($font); // returns substituted font if necessary
  9507.         $this->default_font $font;
  9508.         $this->original_default_font $font;
  9509.         if (!$this->watermark_font) {
  9510.             $this->watermark_font $font;
  9511.         } // *WATERMARK*
  9512.         $this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY'] = $font;
  9513.         $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY'] = $font;
  9514.     }
  9515.     function SetDefaultFontSize($fontsize)
  9516.     {
  9517.         $this->default_font_size $fontsize;
  9518.         $this->original_default_font_size $fontsize;
  9519.         $this->SetFontSize($fontsize);
  9520.         $this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-SIZE'] = $fontsize 'pt';
  9521.         $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['FONT-SIZE'] = $fontsize 'pt';
  9522.     }
  9523.     function SetDefaultBodyCSS($prop$val)
  9524.     {
  9525.         if ($prop) {
  9526.             $this->defaultCSS['BODY'][strtoupper($prop)] = $val;
  9527.             $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY'][strtoupper($prop)] = $val;
  9528.         }
  9529.     }
  9530.     function SetDirectionality($dir 'ltr')
  9531.     {
  9532.         /* -- OTL -- */
  9533.         if (strtolower($dir) == 'rtl') {
  9534.             if ($this->directionality != 'rtl') {
  9535.                 // Swop L/R Margins so page 1 RTL is an 'even' page
  9536.                 $tmp $this->DeflMargin;
  9537.                 $this->DeflMargin $this->DefrMargin;
  9538.                 $this->DefrMargin $tmp;
  9539.                 $this->orig_lMargin $this->DeflMargin;
  9540.                 $this->orig_rMargin $this->DefrMargin;
  9541.                 $this->SetMargins($this->DeflMargin$this->DefrMargin$this->tMargin);
  9542.             }
  9543.             $this->directionality 'rtl';
  9544.             $this->defaultAlign 'R';
  9545.             $this->defaultTableAlign 'R';
  9546.         } else {
  9547.             /* -- END OTL -- */
  9548.             $this->directionality 'ltr';
  9549.             $this->defaultAlign 'L';
  9550.             $this->defaultTableAlign 'L';
  9551.         } // *OTL*
  9552.         $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'] = $this->directionality;
  9553.     }
  9554.     // Return either a number (factor) - based on current set fontsize (if % or em) - or exact lineheight (with 'mm' after it)
  9555.     function fixLineheight($v)
  9556.     {
  9557.         $lh false;
  9558.         if (preg_match('/^[0-9\.,]*$/'$v) && $v >= 0) {
  9559.             return ($v 0);
  9560.         } elseif (strtoupper($v) == 'NORMAL' || $v == 'N') {
  9561.             return 'N';  // mPDF 6
  9562.         } else {
  9563.             $tlh $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->FontSize$this->FontSizetrue);
  9564.             if ($tlh) {
  9565.                 return ($tlh 'mm');
  9566.             }
  9567.         }
  9568.         return $this->normalLineheight;
  9569.     }
  9570.     function _getNormalLineheight($desc false)
  9571.     {
  9572.         if (!$desc) {
  9573.             $desc $this->CurrentFont['desc'];
  9574.         }
  9575.         if (!isset($desc['Leading'])) {
  9576.             $desc['Leading'] = 0;
  9577.         }
  9578.         if ($this->useFixedNormalLineHeight) {
  9579.             $lh $this->normalLineheight;
  9580.         } elseif (isset($desc['Ascent']) && $desc['Ascent']) {
  9581.             $lh = ($this->adjustFontDescLineheight * ($desc['Ascent'] - $desc['Descent'] + $desc['Leading']) / 1000);
  9582.         } else {
  9583.             $lh $this->normalLineheight;
  9584.         }
  9585.         return $lh;
  9586.     }
  9587.     // Set a (fixed) lineheight to an actual value - either to named fontsize(pts) or default
  9588.     function SetLineHeight($FontPt ''$lh '')
  9589.     {
  9590.         if (!$FontPt) {
  9591.             $FontPt $this->FontSizePt;
  9592.         }
  9593.         $fs $FontPt Mpdf::SCALE;
  9594.         $this->lineheight $this->_computeLineheight($lh$fs);
  9595.     }
  9596.     function _computeLineheight($lh$fs '')
  9597.     {
  9598.         if ($this->shrin_k 1) {
  9599.             $k $this->shrin_k;
  9600.         } else {
  9601.             $k 1;
  9602.         }
  9603.         if (!$fs) {
  9604.             $fs $this->FontSize;
  9605.         }
  9606.         if ($lh == 'N') {
  9607.             $lh $this->_getNormalLineheight();
  9608.         }
  9609.         if (preg_match('/mm/'$lh)) {
  9610.             return (((float) $lh) / $k); // convert to number
  9611.         } elseif ($lh 0) {
  9612.             return ($fs $lh);
  9613.         }
  9614.         return ($fs $this->normalLineheight);
  9615.     }
  9616.     function _setLineYpos(&$fontsize, &$fontdesc, &$CSSlineheight$blockYpos false)
  9617.     {
  9618.         $ypos['glyphYorigin'] = 0;
  9619.         $ypos['baseline-shift'] = 0;
  9620.         $linegap 0;
  9621.         $leading 0;
  9622.         if (isset($fontdesc['Ascent']) && $fontdesc['Ascent'] && !$this->useFixedTextBaseline) {
  9623.             // Fontsize uses font metrics - this method seems to produce results compatible with browsers (except IE9)
  9624.             $ypos['boxtop'] = $fontdesc['Ascent'] / 1000 $fontsize;
  9625.             $ypos['boxbottom'] = $fontdesc['Descent'] / 1000 $fontsize;
  9626.             if (isset($fontdesc['Leading'])) {
  9627.                 $linegap $fontdesc['Leading'] / 1000 $fontsize;
  9628.             }
  9629.         } // Default if not set - uses baselineC
  9630.         else {
  9631.             $ypos['boxtop'] = (0.5 $this->baselineC) * $fontsize;
  9632.             $ypos['boxbottom'] = -(0.5 $this->baselineC) * $fontsize;
  9633.         }
  9634.         $fontheight $ypos['boxtop'] - $ypos['boxbottom'];
  9635.         if ($this->shrin_k 1) {
  9636.             $shrin_k $this->shrin_k;
  9637.         } else {
  9638.             $shrin_k 1;
  9639.         }
  9640.         $leading 0;
  9641.         if ($CSSlineheight == 'N') {
  9642.             $lh $this->_getNormalLineheight($fontdesc);
  9643.             $lineheight = ($fontsize $lh);
  9644.             $leading += $linegap// specified in hhea or sTypo in OpenType tables
  9645.         } elseif (preg_match('/mm/'$CSSlineheight)) {
  9646.             $lineheight = (((float) $CSSlineheight) / $shrin_k); // convert to number
  9647.         // ??? If lineheight is a factor e.g. 1.3  ?? use factor x 1em or ? use 'normal' lineheight * factor
  9648.         // Could depend on value for $text_height - a draft CSS value as set above for now
  9649.         elseif ($CSSlineheight 0) {
  9650.             $lineheight = ($fontsize $CSSlineheight);
  9651.         } else {
  9652.             $lineheight = ($fontsize $this->normalLineheight);
  9653.         }
  9654.         // In general, calculate the "leading" - the difference between the fontheight and the lineheight
  9655.         // and add half to the top and half to the bottom. BUT
  9656.         // If an inline element has a font-size less than the block element, and the line-height is set as an em or % value
  9657.         // it will add too much leading below the font and expand the height of the line - so just use the block element exttop/extbottom:
  9658.         if (preg_match('/mm/'$CSSlineheight)
  9659.                 && ($blockYpos && $ypos['boxtop'] < $blockYpos['boxtop'])
  9660.                 && ($blockYpos && $ypos['boxbottom'] > $blockYpos['boxbottom'])) {
  9661.             $ypos['exttop'] = $blockYpos['exttop'];
  9662.             $ypos['extbottom'] = $blockYpos['extbottom'];
  9663.         } else {
  9664.             $leading += ($lineheight $fontheight);
  9665.             $ypos['exttop'] = $ypos['boxtop'] + $leading 2;
  9666.             $ypos['extbottom'] = $ypos['boxbottom'] - $leading 2;
  9667.         }
  9668.         // TEMP ONLY FOR DEBUGGING *********************************
  9669.         // $ypos['lineheight'] = $lineheight;
  9670.         // $ypos['fontheight'] = $fontheight;
  9671.         // $ypos['leading'] = $leading;
  9672.         return $ypos;
  9673.     }
  9674.     /* Called from WriteFlowingBlock() and finishFlowingBlock()
  9675.       Determines the line hieght and glyph/writing position
  9676.       for each element in the line to be written */
  9677.     function _setInlineBlockHeights(&$lineBox, &$stackHeight, &$content, &$font$is_table)
  9678.     {
  9679.         if ($this->shrin_k 1) {
  9680.             $shrin_k $this->shrin_k;
  9681.         } else {
  9682.             $shrin_k 1;
  9683.         }
  9684.         $ypos = [];
  9685.         $bordypos = [];
  9686.         $bgypos = [];
  9687.         if ($is_table) {
  9688.             // FOR TABLE
  9689.             $fontsize $this->FontSize;
  9690.             $fontkey $this->FontFamily $this->FontStyle;
  9691.             $fontdesc $this->fonts[$fontkey]['desc'];
  9692.             $CSSlineheight $this->cellLineHeight;
  9693.             $line_stacking_strategy $this->cellLineStackingStrategy// inline-line-height [default] | block-line-height | max-height | grid-height
  9694.             $line_stacking_shift $this->cellLineStackingShift;  // consider-shifts [default] | disregard-shifts
  9695.         } else {
  9696.             // FOR BLOCK FONT
  9697.             $fontsize $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'];
  9698.             $fontkey $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['family'] . $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['style'];
  9699.             $fontdesc $this->fonts[$fontkey]['desc'];
  9700.             $CSSlineheight $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'];
  9701.             // inline-line-height | block-line-height | max-height | grid-height
  9702.             $line_stacking_strategy = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_strategy']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_strategy'] : 'inline-line-height');
  9703.             // consider-shifts | disregard-shifts
  9704.             $line_stacking_shift = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_shift']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_shift'] : 'consider-shifts');
  9705.         }
  9706.         $boxLineHeight $this->_computeLineheight($CSSlineheight$fontsize);
  9707.         // First, set a "strut" using block font at index $lineBox[-1]
  9708.         $ypos[-1] = $this->_setLineYpos($fontsize$fontdesc$CSSlineheight);
  9709.         // for the block element - always taking the block EXTENDED progression including leading - which may be negative
  9710.         if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height') {
  9711.             $topy $ypos[-1]['exttop'];
  9712.             $bottomy $ypos[-1]['extbottom'];
  9713.         } else {
  9714.             $topy 0;
  9715.             $bottomy 0;
  9716.         }
  9717.         // Get text-middle for aligning images/objects
  9718.         $midpoint $ypos[-1]['boxtop'] - (($ypos[-1]['boxtop'] - $ypos[-1]['boxbottom']) / 2);
  9719.         // for images / inline objects / replaced elements
  9720.         $mta 0// Maximum top-aligned
  9721.         $mba 0// Maximum bottom-aligned
  9722.         foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
  9723.             if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'listmarker') {
  9724.                 $ypos[$k] = $ypos[-1];
  9725.                 // UPDATE Maximums
  9726.                 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // don't include extended block progression of all inline elements
  9727.                     if ($ypos[$k]['boxtop'] > $topy) {
  9728.                         $topy $ypos[$k]['boxtop'];
  9729.                     }
  9730.                     if ($ypos[$k]['boxbottom'] < $bottomy) {
  9731.                         $bottomy $ypos[$k]['boxbottom'];
  9732.                     }
  9733.                 } else {
  9734.                     if ($ypos[$k]['exttop'] > $topy) {
  9735.                         $topy $ypos[$k]['exttop'];
  9736.                     }
  9737.                     if ($ypos[$k]['extbottom'] < $bottomy) {
  9738.                         $bottomy $ypos[$k]['extbottom'];
  9739.                     }
  9740.                 }
  9741.             } elseif (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'dottab') { // mPDF 6 DOTTAB
  9742.                 $fontsize $font[$k]['size'];
  9743.                 $fontdesc $font[$k]['curr']['desc'];
  9744.                 $lh 1;
  9745.                 $ypos[$k] = $this->_setLineYpos($fontsize$fontdesc$lh$ypos[-1]); // Lineheight=1 fixed
  9746.             } elseif (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  9747.                 $oh $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
  9748.                 $va $this->objectbuffer[$k]['vertical-align'];
  9749.                 if ($va == 'BS') { //  (BASELINE default)
  9750.                     if ($oh $topy) {
  9751.                         $topy $oh;
  9752.                     }
  9753.                 } elseif ($va == 'M') {
  9754.                     if (($midpoint $oh 2) > $topy) {
  9755.                         $topy $midpoint $oh 2;
  9756.                     }
  9757.                     if (($midpoint $oh 2) < $bottomy) {
  9758.                         $bottomy $midpoint $oh 2;
  9759.                     }
  9760.                 } elseif ($va == 'TT') {
  9761.                     if (($ypos[-1]['boxtop'] - $oh) < $bottomy) {
  9762.                         $bottomy $ypos[-1]['boxtop'] - $oh;
  9763.                         $topy max($topy$ypos[-1]['boxtop']);
  9764.                     }
  9765.                 } elseif ($va == 'TB') {
  9766.                     if (($ypos[-1]['boxbottom'] + $oh) > $topy) {
  9767.                         $topy $ypos[-1]['boxbottom'] + $oh;
  9768.                         $bottomy min($bottomy$ypos[-1]['boxbottom']);
  9769.                     }
  9770.                 } elseif ($va == 'T') {
  9771.                     if ($oh $mta) {
  9772.                         $mta $oh;
  9773.                     }
  9774.                 } elseif ($va == 'B') {
  9775.                     if ($oh $mba) {
  9776.                         $mba $oh;
  9777.                     }
  9778.                 }
  9779.             } elseif ($content[$k] || $content[$k] === '0') {
  9780.                 // FOR FLOWING BLOCK
  9781.                 $fontsize $font[$k]['size'];
  9782.                 $fontdesc $font[$k]['curr']['desc'];
  9783.                 // In future could set CSS line-height from inline elements; for now, use block level:
  9784.                 $ypos[$k] = $this->_setLineYpos($fontsize$fontdesc$CSSlineheight$ypos[-1]);
  9785.                 if (isset($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline']) && $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] != 0) {
  9786.                     $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift'] = $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'];
  9787.                 }
  9788.                 // DO ALIGNMENT FOR BASELINES *******************
  9789.                 // Until most fonts have OpenType BASE tables, this won't work
  9790.                 // $ypos[$k] compared to $ypos[-1] or $ypos[$k-1] using $dominant_baseline and $baseline_table
  9791.                 // UPDATE Maximums
  9792.                 if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height' || $line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // don't include extended block progression of all inline elements
  9793.                     if ($line_stacking_shift == 'disregard-shifts') {
  9794.                         if ($ypos[$k]['boxtop'] > $topy) {
  9795.                             $topy $ypos[$k]['boxtop'];
  9796.                         }
  9797.                         if ($ypos[$k]['boxbottom'] < $bottomy) {
  9798.                             $bottomy $ypos[$k]['boxbottom'];
  9799.                         }
  9800.                     } else {
  9801.                         if (($ypos[$k]['boxtop'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift']) > $topy) {
  9802.                             $topy $ypos[$k]['boxtop'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9803.                         }
  9804.                         if (($ypos[$k]['boxbottom'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift']) < $bottomy) {
  9805.                             $bottomy $ypos[$k]['boxbottom'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9806.                         }
  9807.                     }
  9808.                 } else {
  9809.                     if ($line_stacking_shift == 'disregard-shifts') {
  9810.                         if ($ypos[$k]['exttop'] > $topy) {
  9811.                             $topy $ypos[$k]['exttop'];
  9812.                         }
  9813.                         if ($ypos[$k]['extbottom'] < $bottomy) {
  9814.                             $bottomy $ypos[$k]['extbottom'];
  9815.                         }
  9816.                     } else {
  9817.                         if (($ypos[$k]['exttop'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift']) > $topy) {
  9818.                             $topy $ypos[$k]['exttop'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9819.                         }
  9820.                         if (($ypos[$k]['extbottom'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift']) < $bottomy) {
  9821.                             $bottomy $ypos[$k]['extbottom'] + $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9822.                         }
  9823.                     }
  9824.                 }
  9825.                 // If BORDER set on inline element
  9826.                 if (isset($font[$k]['bord']) && $font[$k]['bord']) {
  9827.                     $bordfontsize $font[$k]['textparam']['bord-decoration']['fontsize'] / $shrin_k;
  9828.                     $bordfontkey $font[$k]['textparam']['bord-decoration']['fontkey'];
  9829.                     if ($bordfontkey != $fontkey || $bordfontsize != $fontsize || isset($font[$k]['textparam']['bord-decoration']['baseline'])) {
  9830.                         $bordfontdesc $this->fonts[$bordfontkey]['desc'];
  9831.                         $bordypos[$k] = $this->_setLineYpos($bordfontsize$bordfontdesc$CSSlineheight$ypos[-1]);
  9832.                         if (isset($font[$k]['textparam']['bord-decoration']['baseline']) && $font[$k]['textparam']['bord-decoration']['baseline'] != 0) {
  9833.                             $bordypos[$k]['baseline-shift'] = $font[$k]['textparam']['bord-decoration']['baseline'] / $shrin_k;
  9834.                         }
  9835.                     }
  9836.                 }
  9837.                 // If BACKGROUND set on inline element
  9838.                 if (isset($font[$k]['spanbgcolor']) && $font[$k]['spanbgcolor']) {
  9839.                     $bgfontsize $font[$k]['textparam']['bg-decoration']['fontsize'] / $shrin_k;
  9840.                     $bgfontkey $font[$k]['textparam']['bg-decoration']['fontkey'];
  9841.                     if ($bgfontkey != $fontkey || $bgfontsize != $fontsize || isset($font[$k]['textparam']['bg-decoration']['baseline'])) {
  9842.                         $bgfontdesc $this->fonts[$bgfontkey]['desc'];
  9843.                         $bgypos[$k] = $this->_setLineYpos($bgfontsize$bgfontdesc$CSSlineheight$ypos[-1]);
  9844.                         if (isset($font[$k]['textparam']['bg-decoration']['baseline']) && $font[$k]['textparam']['bg-decoration']['baseline'] != 0) {
  9845.                             $bgypos[$k]['baseline-shift'] = $font[$k]['textparam']['bg-decoration']['baseline'] / $shrin_k;
  9846.                         }
  9847.                     }
  9848.                 }
  9849.             }
  9850.         }
  9851.         // TOP or BOTTOM aligned images
  9852.         if ($mta > ($topy $bottomy)) {
  9853.             if (($topy $mta) < $bottomy) {
  9854.                 $bottomy $topy $mta;
  9855.             }
  9856.         }
  9857.         if ($mba > ($topy $bottomy)) {
  9858.             if (($bottomy $mba) > $topy) {
  9859.                 $topy $bottomy $mba;
  9860.             }
  9861.         }
  9862.         if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height') { // fixed height set by block element (whether present or not)
  9863.             $topy $ypos[-1]['exttop'];
  9864.             $bottomy $ypos[-1]['extbottom'];
  9865.         }
  9866.         $inclusiveHeight $topy $bottomy;
  9867.         // SET $stackHeight taking note of line_stacking_strategy
  9868.         // NB inclusive height already takes account of need to consider block progression height (excludes leading set by lineheight)
  9869.         // or extended block progression height (includes leading set by lineheight)
  9870.         if ($line_stacking_strategy == 'block-line-height') { // fixed = extended block progression height of block element
  9871.             $stackHeight $boxLineHeight;
  9872.         } elseif ($line_stacking_strategy == 'max-height') { // smallest height which includes extended block progression height of block element
  9873.             // and block progression heights of inline elements (NOT extended)
  9874.             $stackHeight $inclusiveHeight;
  9875.         } elseif ($line_stacking_strategy == 'grid-height') { // smallest multiple of block element lineheight to include
  9876.             // block progression heights of inline elements (NOT extended)
  9877.             $stackHeight $boxLineHeight;
  9878.             while ($stackHeight $inclusiveHeight) {
  9879.                 $stackHeight += $boxLineHeight;
  9880.             }
  9881.         } else { // 'inline-line-height' = default        // smallest height which includes extended block progression height of block element
  9882.             // AND extended block progression heights of inline elements
  9883.             $stackHeight $inclusiveHeight;
  9884.         }
  9885.         $diff $stackHeight $inclusiveHeight;
  9886.         $topy += $diff 2;
  9887.         $bottomy -= $diff 2;
  9888.         // ADJUST $ypos => lineBox using $stackHeight; lineBox are all offsets from the top of stackHeight in mm
  9889.         // and SET IMAGE OFFSETS
  9890.         $lineBox[-1]['boxtop'] = $topy $ypos[-1]['boxtop'];
  9891.         $lineBox[-1]['boxbottom'] = $topy $ypos[-1]['boxbottom'];
  9892.         // $lineBox[-1]['exttop'] = $topy - $ypos[-1]['exttop'];
  9893.         // $lineBox[-1]['extbottom'] = $topy - $ypos[-1]['extbottom'];
  9894.         $lineBox[-1]['glyphYorigin'] = $topy $ypos[-1]['glyphYorigin'];
  9895.         $lineBox[-1]['baseline-shift'] = $ypos[-1]['baseline-shift'];
  9896.         $midpoint $lineBox[-1]['boxbottom'] - (($lineBox[-1]['boxbottom'] - $lineBox[-1]['boxtop']) / 2);
  9897.         foreach ($content as $k => $chunk) {
  9898.             if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
  9899.                 $oh $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
  9900.                 // LIST MARKERS
  9901.                 if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'listmarker') {
  9902.                     $oh $fontsize;
  9903.                 } elseif ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type'] == 'dottab') { // mPDF 6 DOTTAB
  9904.                     $oh $font[$k]['size']; // == $this->objectbuffer[$k]['fontsize']/Mpdf::SCALE;
  9905.                     $lineBox[$k]['boxtop'] = $topy $ypos[$k]['boxtop'];
  9906.                     $lineBox[$k]['boxbottom'] = $topy $ypos[$k]['boxbottom'];
  9907.                     $lineBox[$k]['glyphYorigin'] = $topy $ypos[$k]['glyphYorigin'];
  9908.                     $lineBox[$k]['baseline-shift'] = 0;
  9909.                     // continue;
  9910.                 }
  9911.                 $va $this->objectbuffer[$k]['vertical-align']; // = $objattr['vertical-align'] = set as M,T,B,S
  9912.                 if ($va == 'BS') { //  (BASELINE default)
  9913.                     $lineBox[$k]['top'] = $lineBox[-1]['glyphYorigin'] - $oh;
  9914.                 } elseif ($va == 'M') {
  9915.                     $lineBox[$k]['top'] = $midpoint $oh 2;
  9916.                 } elseif ($va == 'TT') {
  9917.                     $lineBox[$k]['top'] = $lineBox[-1]['boxtop'];
  9918.                 } elseif ($va == 'TB') {
  9919.                     $lineBox[$k]['top'] = $lineBox[-1]['boxbottom'] - $oh;
  9920.                 } elseif ($va == 'T') {
  9921.                     $lineBox[$k]['top'] = 0;
  9922.                 } elseif ($va == 'B') {
  9923.                     $lineBox[$k]['top'] = $stackHeight $oh;
  9924.                 }
  9925.             } elseif ($content[$k] || $content[$k] === '0') {
  9926.                 $lineBox[$k]['boxtop'] = $topy $ypos[$k]['boxtop'];
  9927.                 $lineBox[$k]['boxbottom'] = $topy $ypos[$k]['boxbottom'];
  9928.                 // $lineBox[$k]['exttop'] = $topy - $ypos[$k]['exttop'];
  9929.                 // $lineBox[$k]['extbottom'] = $topy - $ypos[$k]['extbottom'];
  9930.                 $lineBox[$k]['glyphYorigin'] = $topy $ypos[$k]['glyphYorigin'];
  9931.                 $lineBox[$k]['baseline-shift'] = $ypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9932.                 if (isset($bordypos[$k]['boxtop'])) {
  9933.                     $lineBox[$k]['border-boxtop'] = $topy $bordypos[$k]['boxtop'];
  9934.                     $lineBox[$k]['border-boxbottom'] = $topy $bordypos[$k]['boxbottom'];
  9935.                     $lineBox[$k]['border-baseline-shift'] = $bordypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9936.                 }
  9937.                 if (isset($bgypos[$k]['boxtop'])) {
  9938.                     $lineBox[$k]['background-boxtop'] = $topy $bgypos[$k]['boxtop'];
  9939.                     $lineBox[$k]['background-boxbottom'] = $topy $bgypos[$k]['boxbottom'];
  9940.                     $lineBox[$k]['background-baseline-shift'] = $bgypos[$k]['baseline-shift'];
  9941.                 }
  9942.             }
  9943.         }
  9944.     }
  9945.     function SetBasePath($str '')
  9946.     {
  9947.         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
  9948.             $host $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  9949.         } elseif (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
  9950.             $host $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
  9951.         } else {
  9952.             $host '';
  9953.         }
  9954.         if (!$str) {
  9955.             if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
  9956.                 $currentPath dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
  9957.             } else {
  9958.                 $currentPath dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  9959.             }
  9960.             $currentPath str_replace("\\""/"$currentPath);
  9961.             if ($currentPath == '/') {
  9962.                 $currentPath '';
  9963.             }
  9964.             if ($host) {  // mPDF 6
  9965.                 if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off') {
  9966.                     $currpath 'https://' $host $currentPath '/';
  9967.                 } else {
  9968.                     $currpath 'http://' $host $currentPath '/';
  9969.                 }
  9970.             } else {
  9971.                 $currpath '';
  9972.             }
  9973.             $this->basepath $currpath;
  9974.             $this->basepathIsLocal true;
  9975.             return;
  9976.         }
  9977.         $str preg_replace('/\?.*/'''$str);
  9978.         if (!preg_match('/(http|https|ftp):\/\/.*\//i'$str)) {
  9979.             $str .= '/';
  9980.         }
  9981.         $str .= 'xxx'// in case $str ends in / e.g.
  9982.         $this->basepath dirname($str) . "/"// returns e.g. e.g.
  9983.         $this->basepath str_replace("\\""/"$this->basepath); // If on Windows
  9984.         $tr parse_url($this->basepath);
  9985.         $this->basepathIsLocal = (isset($tr['host']) && ($tr['host'] == $host));
  9986.     }
  9987.     public function GetFullPath(&$path$basepath '')
  9988.     {
  9989.         // @todo make return, remove reference
  9990.         // When parsing CSS need to pass temporary basepath - so links are relative to current stylesheet
  9991.         if (!$basepath) {
  9992.             $basepath $this->basepath;
  9993.         }
  9994.         // Fix path value
  9995.         $path str_replace("\\"'/'$path); // If on Windows
  9996.         // mPDF 5.7.2
  9997.         if (strpos($path'//') === 0) {
  9998.             $scheme parse_url($basepathPHP_URL_SCHEME);
  9999.             $scheme $scheme ?: 'http';
  10000.             $path $scheme ':' $path;
  10001.         }
  10002.         $path preg_replace('|^./|'''$path); // Inadvertently corrects "./path/etc" and "//"
  10003.         if (strpos($path'#') === 0) {
  10004.             return;
  10005.         }
  10006.         // Skip schemes not supported by installed stream wrappers
  10007.         $wrappers stream_get_wrappers();
  10008.         $pattern sprintf('@^(?!%s)[a-z0-9\.\-+]+:.*@i'implode('|'$wrappers));
  10009.         if (preg_match($pattern$path)) {
  10010.             return;
  10011.         }
  10012.         if (strpos($path'../') === 0) { // It is a relative link
  10013.             $backtrackamount substr_count($path'../');
  10014.             $maxbacktrack substr_count($basepath'/') - 3;
  10015.             $filepath str_replace('../'''$path);
  10016.             $path $basepath;
  10017.             // If it is an invalid relative link, then make it go to directory root
  10018.             if ($backtrackamount $maxbacktrack) {
  10019.                 $backtrackamount $maxbacktrack;
  10020.             }
  10021.             // Backtrack some directories
  10022.             for ($i 0$i $backtrackamount 1$i++) {
  10023.                 $path substr($path0strrpos($path"/"));
  10024.             }
  10025.             $path .= '/' $filepath// Make it an absolute path
  10026.             return;
  10027.         }
  10028.         if ((strpos($path":/") === false || strpos($path":/") > 10) && !@is_file($path)) { // It is a local link. Ignore potential file errors
  10029.             if (strpos($path'/') === 0) {
  10030.                 $tr parse_url($basepath);
  10031.                 // mPDF 5.7.2
  10032.                 $root '';
  10033.                 if (!empty($tr['scheme'])) {
  10034.                     $root .= $tr['scheme'] . '://';
  10035.                 }
  10036.                 $root .= isset($tr['host']) ? $tr['host'] : '';
  10037.                 $root .= ((isset($tr['port']) && $tr['port']) ? (':' $tr['port']) : ''); // mPDF 5.7.3
  10038.                 $path $root $path;
  10039.                 return;
  10040.             }
  10041.             $path $basepath $path;
  10042.         }
  10043.         // Do nothing if it is an Absolute Link
  10044.     }
  10045.     function docPageNum($num 0$extras false)
  10046.     {
  10047.         if ($num 1) {
  10048.             $num $this->page;
  10049.         }
  10050.         $type $this->defaultPageNumStyle// set default Page Number Style
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  10052.         $suppress 0;
  10053.         $offset 0;
  10054.         $lastreset 0;
  10055.         foreach ($this->PageNumSubstitutions as $psarr) {
  10056.             if ($num >= $psarr['from']) {
  10057.                 if ($psarr['reset']) {
  10058.                     if ($psarr['reset'] > 1) {
  10059.                         $offset $psarr['reset'] - 1;
  10060.                     }
  10061.                     $ppgno $num $psarr['from'] + $offset;
  10062.                     $lastreset $psarr['from'];
  10063.                 }
  10064.                 if ($psarr['type']) {
  10065.                     $type $psarr['type'];
  10066.                 }
  10067.                 if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress']) == 'ON' || $psarr['suppress'] == 1) {
  10068.                     $suppress 1;
  10069.                 } elseif (strtoupper($psarr['suppress']) == 'OFF') {
  10070.                     $suppress 0;
  10071.                 }
  10072.             }
  10073.         }
  10074.         if ($suppress) {
  10075.             return '';
  10076.         }
  10077.         $ppgno $this->_getStyledNumber($ppgno$type);
  10078.         if ($extras) {
  10079.             $ppgno $this->pagenumPrefix $ppgno $this->pagenumSuffix;
  10080.         }
  10081.         return $ppgno;
  10082.     }
  10083.     function docPageNumTotal($num 0$extras false)
  10084.     {
  10085.         if ($num 1) {
  10086.             $num $this->page;
  10087.         }
  10088.         $type $this->defaultPageNumStyle// set default Page Number Style
  10089.         $ppgstart 1;
  10090.         $ppgend count($this->pages) + 1;
  10091.         $suppress 0;
  10092.         $offset 0;
  10093.         foreach ($this->PageNumSubstitutions as $psarr) {
  10094.             if ($num >= $psarr['from']) {
  10095.                 if ($psarr['reset']) {
  10096.                     if ($psarr['reset'] > 1) {
  10097.                         $offset $psarr['reset'] - 1;
  10098.                     }
  10099.                     $ppgstart $psarr['from'] + $offset;
  10100.                     $ppgend count($this->pages) + $offset;
  10101.                 }
  10102.                 if ($psarr['type']) {
  10103.                     $type $psarr['type'];
  10104.                 }
  10105.                 if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress']) == 'ON' || $psarr['suppress'] == 1) {
  10106.                     $suppress 1;
  10107.                 } elseif (strtoupper($psarr['suppress']) == 'OFF') {
  10108.                     $suppress 0;
  10109.                 }
  10110.             }
  10111.             if ($num $psarr['from']) {
  10112.                 if ($psarr['reset']) {
  10113.                     $ppgend $psarr['from'] + $offset;
  10114.                     break;
  10115.                 }
  10116.             }
  10117.         }
  10118.         if ($suppress) {
  10119.             return '';
  10120.         }
  10121.         $ppgno $ppgend $ppgstart $offset;
  10122.         $ppgno $this->_getStyledNumber($ppgno$type);
  10123.         if ($extras) {
  10124.             $ppgno $this->pagenumPrefix $ppgno $this->pagenumSuffix;
  10125.         }
  10126.         return $ppgno;
  10127.     }
  10128.     // mPDF 6
  10129.     function _getStyledNumber($ppgno$type$listmarker false)
  10130.     {
  10131.         if ($listmarker) {
  10132.             $reverse true// Reverse RTL numerals (Hebrew) when using for list
  10133.             $checkfont true// Using list - font is set, so check if character is available
  10134.         } else {
  10135.             $reverse false// For pagenumbers, RTL numerals (Hebrew) will get reversed later by bidi
  10136.             $checkfont false// For pagenumbers - font is not set, so no check
  10137.         }
  10138.         $decToAlpha = new Conversion\DecToAlpha();
  10139.         $decToCjk = new Conversion\DecToCjk();
  10140.         $decToHebrew = new Conversion\DecToHebrew();
  10141.         $decToRoman = new Conversion\DecToRoman();
  10142.         $decToOther = new Conversion\DecToOther($this);
  10143.         $lowertype strtolower($type);
  10144.         if ($lowertype == 'upper-latin' || $lowertype == 'upper-alpha' || $type == 'A') {
  10145.             $ppgno $decToAlpha->convert($ppgnotrue);
  10146.         } elseif ($lowertype == 'lower-latin' || $lowertype == 'lower-alpha' || $type == 'a') {
  10147.             $ppgno $decToAlpha->convert($ppgnofalse);
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  10461.                                 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $px'y' => $py'w' => $pw'h' => $ph'pgh' => $this->h'image_id' => $tablehf['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'itype' => $tablehf['background-image']['itype']];
  10462.                                 if ($tablehf['background-image']['opacity'] > && $tablehf['background-image']['opacity'] < 1) {
  10463.                                     $opac $this->SetAlpha($tablehf['background-image']['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
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  10465.                                     $opac '';
  10466.                                 }
  10467.                                 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q'$n$opac$px Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$py) * Mpdf::SCALE$pw Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph Mpdf::SCALE));
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  10469.                                 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 8][] = ['x' => $px'y' => $py'w' => $pw'h' => $ph'image_id' => $tablehf['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $tablehf['background-image']['orig_w'], 'orig_h' => $tablehf['background-image']['orig_h'], 'x_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $tablehf['background-image']['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $tablehf['background-image']['x_repeat'], 'y_repeat' => $tablehf['background-image']['y_repeat'], 'clippath' => '''resize' => $tablehf['background-image']['resize'], 'opacity' => $tablehf['background-image']['opacity'], 'itype' => $tablehf['background-image']['itype']];
  10470.                             }
  10471.                         }
  10472.                     }
  10473.                     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  10474.                     // Cell Border
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  10476.                         $this->_tableRect($x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2) + ($border_details['L']['w'] / 2), $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2) + ($border_details['T']['w'] / 2), $w $table['border_spacing_H'] - ($border_details['L']['w'] / 2) - ($border_details['R']['w'] / 2), $h $table['border_spacing_V'] - ($border_details['T']['w'] / 2) - ($border_details['B']['w'] / 2), $border$border_detailsfalse$table['borders_separate']);
  10477.                     } elseif ($paintcell && $border) {
  10478.                         $this->_tableRect($x$y$w$h$border$border_detailstrue$table['borders_separate']);   // true causes buffer
  10479.                     }
  10480.                     // Print cell content
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  10482.                         if ($horf == 'F' && preg_match('/{colsum([0-9]*)[_]*}/'$textbuffer[0][0], $m)) {
  10483.                             $rep sprintf("%01." intval($m[1]) . "f"$this->colsums[$colctr 1]);
  10484.                             $textbuffer[0][0] = preg_replace('/{colsum[0-9_]*}/'$rep$textbuffer[0][0]);
  10485.                         }
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  10497.                                 $angle 90;
  10498.                             } elseif ($angle && (isset($va) && $va != 'B')) {
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  10504.                             }
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  10513.                             $str '';
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  10517.                             $str rtrim($str);
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  10521.                                     $this->+= (($h $mih) / 2) + ($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w']) + ($mih - ($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w'] + $border_details['B']['w'] + $padding['B']));
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  10551.                             $this->SetFont($s_f$s_st$s_fstruetrue);
  10552.                             $this->SetTColor(0);
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  10562.                                 $wadj = ($border_details['L']['w'] + $border_details['R']['w']) / $padding['L'] + $padding['R'];
  10563.                                 $yadj $border_details['T']['w'] / $padding['T'];
  10564.                             }
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  10568.                             $this->printbuffer($textbuffer''truefalse$direction);
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  10570.                     }
  10571.                     $textbuffer = [];
  10572.                     /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
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  10574.                         if (isset($content[$i][0]['trgradients']) && ($colctr == || $table['borders_separate'])) {
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  10577.                                 $gx $x0;
  10578.                                 $gy $y;
  10579.                                 $gh $h;
  10580.                                 $gw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
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  10584.                                     $cly $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  10585.                                     $clw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  10586.                                     $clh $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  10587.                                     // Set clipping path
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  10591.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 4][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $gx'y' => $gy'w' => $gw'h' => $gh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  10592.                                 }
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  10598.                                 if ($g) {
  10599.                                     $gx $x0;
  10600.                                     $gy $y;
  10601.                                     $gh $h;
  10602.                                     $gw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
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  10605.                                         $clx $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  10606.                                         $cly $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  10607.                                         $clw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  10608.                                         $clh $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  10609.                                         // Set clipping path
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  10613.                                         $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 4][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $gx'y' => $gy'w' => $gw'h' => $gh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  10614.                                     }
  10615.                                 }
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  10617.                                 $image_id $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['image_id'];
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  10623.                                 $y_repeat $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['y_repeat'];
  10624.                                 $resize $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['resize'];
  10625.                                 $opacity $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['opacity'];
  10626.                                 $itype $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['itype'];
  10627.                                 $clippath '';
  10628.                                 $gx $x0;
  10629.                                 $gy $y;
  10630.                                 $gh $h;
  10631.                                 $gw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
  10632.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  10633.                                     $gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
  10634.                                     $clx $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  10635.                                     $cly $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  10636.                                     $clw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  10637.                                     $clh $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  10638.                                     // Set clipping path
  10639.                                     $s $this->_setClippingPath($clx$cly$clw$clh); // mPDF 6
  10640.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 5][] = ['x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh $table['border_spacing_H'], 'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => $s'resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
  10641.                                 } else {
  10642.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 5][] = ['x' => $gx'y' => $gy'w' => $gw'h' => $gh'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => '''resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
  10643.                                 }
  10644.                             }
  10645.                         }
  10646.                     }
  10647.                     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  10648.                     // TABLE BORDER - if separate OR collapsed and only table border
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  10655.                         $tby $y;
  10656.                         $tbw $w;
  10657.                         $tbh $h;
  10658.                         $tab_bord 0;
  10659.                         $corner '';
  10660.                         if ($i == $firstrow && $horf == 'H') {  // Top
  10661.                             $tby -= $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w'] / 2);
  10662.                             $tbh += $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w'] / 2);
  10663.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::TOP);
  10664.                             $corner .= 'T';
  10665.                         }
  10666.                         if (($i == ($lastrow) || (isset($tablehf['rowspan']) && ($i $tablehf['rowspan']) == ($lastrow 1))) && $horf == 'F') { // Bottom
  10667.                             $tbh += $halfspaceB + ($table['border_details']['B']['w'] / 2);
  10668.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::BOTTOM);
  10669.                             $corner .= 'B';
  10670.                         }
  10671.                         if ($colctr == && $firstSpread) { // Left
  10672.                             $tbx -= $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w'] / 2);
  10673.                             $tbw += $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w'] / 2);
  10674.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::LEFT);
  10675.                             $corner .= 'L';
  10676.                         }
  10677.                         if ($colctr == count($content[$i]) && $finalSpread) { // Right
  10678.                             $tbw += $halfspaceR + ($table['border_details']['R']['w'] / 2);
  10679.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::RIGHT);
  10680.                             $corner .= 'R';
  10681.                         }
  10682.                         $this->_tableRect($tbx$tby$tbw$tbh$tab_bord$table['border_details'], false$table['borders_separate'], 'table'$corner$table['border_spacing_V'], $table['border_spacing_H']);
  10683.                     }
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  10685.                 $this->$y $h// Update y coordinate
  10686.             }// end row $i
  10687.             unset($table);
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  10690.     }
  10691.     /* -- END TABLES -- */
  10692.     function SetHTMLHeader($header ''$OE ''$write false)
  10693.     {
  10694.         $height 0;
  10695.         if (is_array($header) && isset($header['html']) && $header['html']) {
  10696.             $Hhtml $header['html'];
  10697.             if ($this->setAutoTopMargin) {
  10698.                 if (isset($header['h'])) {
  10699.                     $height $header['h'];
  10700.                 } else {
  10701.                     $height $this->_getHtmlHeight($Hhtml);
  10702.                 }
  10703.             }
  10704.         } elseif (!is_array($header) && $header) {
  10705.             $Hhtml $header;
  10706.             if ($this->setAutoTopMargin) {
  10707.                 $height $this->_getHtmlHeight($Hhtml);
  10708.             }
  10709.         } else {
  10710.             $Hhtml '';
  10711.         }
  10712.         if ($OE !== 'E') {
  10713.             $OE 'O';
  10714.         }
  10715.         if ($OE === 'E') {
  10716.             if ($Hhtml) {
  10717.                 $this->HTMLHeaderE = [];
  10718.                 $this->HTMLHeaderE['html'] = $Hhtml;
  10719.                 $this->HTMLHeaderE['h'] = $height;
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  10721.                 $this->HTMLHeaderE '';
  10722.             }
  10723.         } else {
  10724.             if ($Hhtml) {
  10725.                 $this->HTMLHeader = [];
  10726.                 $this->HTMLHeader['html'] = $Hhtml;
  10727.                 $this->HTMLHeader['h'] = $height;
  10728.             } else {
  10729.                 $this->HTMLHeader '';
  10730.             }
  10731.         }
  10732.         if (!$this->mirrorMargins && $OE == 'E') {
  10733.             return;
  10734.         }
  10735.         if ($Hhtml == '') {
  10736.             return;
  10737.         }
  10738.         if ($this->setAutoTopMargin == 'pad') {
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  10740.             if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'])) {
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  10742.             }
  10743.         } elseif ($this->setAutoTopMargin == 'stretch') {
  10744.             $this->tMargin max($this->orig_tMargin$this->margin_header $height $this->autoMarginPadding);
  10745.             if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'])) {
  10746.                 $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->tMargin;
  10747.             }
  10748.         }
  10749.         if ($write && $this->state != && (($this->mirrorMargins && $OE == 'E' && ($this->page) % == 0) || ($this->mirrorMargins && $OE != 'E' && ($this->page) % == 1) || !$this->mirrorMargins)) {
  10750.             $this->writeHTMLHeaders();
  10751.         }
  10752.     }
  10753.     function SetHTMLFooter($footer ''$OE '')
  10754.     {
  10755.         $height 0;
  10756.         if (is_array($footer) && isset($footer['html']) && $footer['html']) {
  10757.             $Fhtml $footer['html'];
  10758.             if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin) {
  10759.                 if (isset($footer['h'])) {
  10760.                     $height $footer['h'];
  10761.                 } else {
  10762.                     $height $this->_getHtmlHeight($Fhtml);
  10763.                 }
  10764.             }
  10765.         } elseif (!is_array($footer) && $footer) {
  10766.             $Fhtml $footer;
  10767.             if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin) {
  10768.                 $height $this->_getHtmlHeight($Fhtml);
  10769.             }
  10770.         } else {
  10771.             $Fhtml '';
  10772.         }
  10773.         if ($OE !== 'E') {
  10774.             $OE 'O';
  10775.         }
  10776.         if ($OE === 'E') {
  10777.             if ($Fhtml) {
  10778.                 $this->HTMLFooterE = [];
  10779.                 $this->HTMLFooterE['html'] = $Fhtml;
  10780.                 $this->HTMLFooterE['h'] = $height;
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  10782.                 $this->HTMLFooterE '';
  10783.             }
  10784.         } else {
  10785.             if ($Fhtml) {
  10786.                 $this->HTMLFooter = [];
  10787.                 $this->HTMLFooter['html'] = $Fhtml;
  10788.                 $this->HTMLFooter['h'] = $height;
  10789.             } else {
  10790.                 $this->HTMLFooter '';
  10791.             }
  10792.         }
  10793.         if (!$this->mirrorMargins && $OE == 'E') {
  10794.             return;
  10795.         }
  10796.         if ($Fhtml == '') {
  10797.             return false;
  10798.         }
  10799.         if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin == 'pad') {
  10800.             $this->bMargin $this->margin_footer $height $this->orig_bMargin;
  10801.             $this->PageBreakTrigger $this->$this->bMargin;
  10802.             if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mb'])) {
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  10805.         } elseif ($this->setAutoBottomMargin == 'stretch') {
  10806.             $this->bMargin max($this->orig_bMargin$this->margin_footer $height $this->autoMarginPadding);
  10807.             $this->PageBreakTrigger $this->$this->bMargin;
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  10809.                 $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->bMargin;
  10810.             }
  10811.         }
  10812.     }
  10813.     function _getHtmlHeight($html)
  10814.     {
  10815.         $save_state $this->state;
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  10819.         $this->state 2;
  10820.         $this->Reset();
  10821.         $this->pageoutput[$this->page] = [];
  10822.         $save_x $this->x;
  10823.         $save_y $this->y;
  10824.         $this->$this->lMargin;
  10825.         $this->$this->margin_header;
  10826.         // Replace of page number aliases and date format
  10827.         $pnstr $this->pagenumPrefix $this->docPageNum($this->page) . $this->pagenumSuffix;
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  10829.         $nb $this->page;
  10830.         $html $this->aliasReplace($html$pnstr$pntstr$nb);
  10831.         $this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = [];
  10832.         $this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = [];
  10833.         $this->HTMLheaderPageForms = [];
  10834.         $savepb $this->pageBackgrounds;
  10835.         $this->writingHTMLheader true;
  10836.         $this->WriteHTML($htmlHTMLParserMode::HTML_HEADER_BUFFER);
  10837.         $this->writingHTMLheader false;
  10838.         $h = ($this->$this->margin_header);
  10839.         $this->Reset();
  10840.         // mPDF 5.7.2 - Clear in case Float used in Header/Footer
  10841.         $this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = 0;
  10842.         $this->blk[0]['float_endpos'] = 0;
  10843.         $this->pageoutput[$this->page] = [];
  10844.         $this->headerbuffer '';
  10845.         $this->pageBackgrounds $savepb;
  10846.         $this->$save_x;
  10847.         $this->$save_y;
  10848.         $this->state $save_state;
  10849.         if ($save_state == 0) {
  10850.             unset($this->pages[1]);
  10851.             $this->page 0;
  10852.         }
  10853.         return $h;
  10854.     }
  10855.     // Called internally from Header
  10856.     function writeHTMLHeaders()
  10857.     {
  10858.         if ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page) % == 0) {
  10859.             $OE 'E';
  10860.         } else {
  10861.             $OE 'O';
  10862.         }
  10863.         if ($OE === 'E') {
  10864.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLHeaderE['html'];
  10865.         } else {
  10866.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLHeader['html'];
  10867.         }
  10868.         if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation == 'L' && $this->CurOrientation != $this->DefOrientation) {
  10869.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['rotate'] = true;
  10870.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->tMargin;
  10871.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->bMargin;
  10872.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
  10873.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
  10874.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->h;
  10875.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->w;
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  10877.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->lMargin;
  10878.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->rMargin;
  10879.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
  10880.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
  10881.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->w;
  10882.             $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->h;
  10883.         }
  10884.     }
  10885.     function writeHTMLFooters()
  10886.     {
  10887.         if ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page) % == 0) {
  10888.             $OE 'E';
  10889.         } else {
  10890.             $OE 'O';
  10891.         }
  10892.         if ($OE === 'E') {
  10893.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLFooterE['html'];
  10894.         } else {
  10895.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLFooter['html'];
  10896.         }
  10897.         if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation == 'L' && $this->CurOrientation != $this->DefOrientation) {
  10898.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['rotate'] = true;
  10899.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->tMargin;
  10900.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->bMargin;
  10901.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->rMargin;
  10902.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->lMargin;
  10903.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
  10904.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
  10905.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->h;
  10906.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->w;
  10907.         } else {
  10908.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->lMargin;
  10909.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->rMargin;
  10910.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->tMargin;
  10911.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->bMargin;
  10912.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
  10913.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
  10914.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->w;
  10915.             $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->h;
  10916.         }
  10917.     }
  10918.     // mPDF 6
  10919.     function _shareHeaderFooterWidth($cl$cc$cr)
  10920.     {
  10921.     // mPDF 6
  10922.         $l mb_strlen($cl'UTF-8');
  10923.         $c mb_strlen($cc'UTF-8');
  10924.         $r mb_strlen($cr'UTF-8');
  10925.         $s max($l$r);
  10926.         $tw $c $s;
  10927.         if ($tw 0) {
  10928.             return [intval($s 100 $tw), intval($c 100 $tw), intval($s 100 $tw)];
  10929.         } else {
  10930.             return [333333];
  10931.         }
  10932.     }
  10933.     // mPDF 6
  10934.     // Create an HTML header/footer from array (non-HTML header/footer)
  10935.     function _createHTMLheaderFooter($arr$hf)
  10936.     {
  10937.         $lContent = (isset($arr['L']['content']) ? $arr['L']['content'] : '');
  10938.         $cContent = (isset($arr['C']['content']) ? $arr['C']['content'] : '');
  10939.         $rContent = (isset($arr['R']['content']) ? $arr['R']['content'] : '');
  10940.         list($lw$cw$rw) = $this->_shareHeaderFooterWidth($lContent$cContent$rContent);
  10941.         if ($hf == 'H') {
  10942.             $valign 'bottom';
  10943.             $vpadding '0 0 ' $this->header_line_spacing 'em 0';
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  10945.             $valign 'top';
  10946.             $vpadding '' $this->footer_line_spacing 'em 0 0 0';
  10947.         }
  10948.         if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { // table columns get reversed so need different text-alignment
  10949.             $talignL 'right';
  10950.             $talignR 'left';
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  10952.             $talignL 'left';
  10953.             $talignR 'right';
  10954.         }
  10955.         $html '<table width="100%" style="border-collapse: collapse; margin: 0; vertical-align: ' $valign '; color: #000000; ';
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  10958.         }
  10959.         $html .= '">';
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  10979.         $html .= '">' $lContent '</td>';
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  10994.             if ($arr['C']['font-style'] == 'I' || $arr['C']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
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  10998.         $html .= '">' $cContent '</td>';
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  11002.         }
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  11005.         }
  11006.         if (isset($arr['R']['font-size'])) {
  11007.             $html .= ' font-size: ' $arr['R']['font-size'] . 'pt;';
  11008.         }
  11009.         if (isset($arr['R']['font-style'])) {
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  11013.             if ($arr['R']['font-style'] == 'I' || $arr['R']['font-style'] == 'BI') {
  11014.                 $html .= ' font-style: italic;';
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  11016.         }
  11017.         $html .= '">' $rContent '</td>';
  11018.         $html .= '</tr></table>';
  11019.         return $html;
  11020.     }
  11021.     function DefHeaderByName($name$arr)
  11022.     {
  11023.         if (!$name) {
  11024.             $name '_nonhtmldefault';
  11025.         }
  11026.         $html $this->_createHTMLheaderFooter($arr'H');
  11027.         $this->pageHTMLheaders[$name]['html'] = $html;
  11028.         $this->pageHTMLheaders[$name]['h'] = $this->_getHtmlHeight($html);
  11029.     }
  11030.     function DefFooterByName($name$arr)
  11031.     {
  11032.         if (!$name) {
  11033.             $name '_nonhtmldefault';
  11034.         }
  11035.         $html $this->_createHTMLheaderFooter($arr'F');
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  11363.             $this->Line($cx$this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $dx$this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
  11364.             $this->Line($ax$this->$this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $bx$this->$this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
  11365.             $this->Line($cx$this->$this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $dx$this->$this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
  11366.             $this->Line($this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $ay$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $by);
  11367.             $this->Line($this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $cy$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $dy);
  11368.             $this->Line($this->$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $ay$this->$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $by);
  11369.             $this->Line($this->$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $cy$this->$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $dy);
  11370.             if ($this->printers_info) {
  11371.                 $hd date('Y-m-d H:i') . '  Page ' $this->page ' of {nb}';
  11372.                 $this->SetTColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  11373.                 $this->SetFont('arial'''7.5truetrue);
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  11375.                 $this->1;
  11376.                 $this->Cell(0$this->FontSize$hd00'L'0''000'M');
  11377.                 $this->SetFont($this->default_font''$this->original_default_font_size);
  11378.             }
  11379.         }
  11380.         if ($this->show_marks == 'CROSS' || $this->show_marks == 'CROPCROSS') {
  11381.             $this->SetLineWidth(0.1); // = 0.1 mm
  11382.             $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  11383.             $l 14 2// longer length of the cross line (half)
  11384.             $w 2// shorter width of the cross line (half)
  11385.             $r 1.2// radius of circle
  11386.             $m $this->crossMarkMargin// Distance of cross mark from margin
  11387.             $x1 $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] - $m;
  11388.             $x2 $this->$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] + $m;
  11389.             $y1 $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] - $m;
  11390.             $y2 $this->$this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] + $m;
  11391.             // Left
  11392.             $this->Circle($x1$this->2$r'S');
  11393.             $this->Line($x1 $w$this->2$x1 $w$this->2);
  11394.             $this->Line($x1$this->$l$x1$this->$l);
  11395.             // Right
  11396.             $this->Circle($x2$this->2$r'S');
  11397.             $this->Line($x2 $w$this->2$x2 $w$this->2);
  11398.             $this->Line($x2$this->$l$x2$this->$l);
  11399.             // Top
  11400.             $this->Circle($this->2$y1$r'S');
  11401.             $this->Line($this->2$y1 $w$this->2$y1 $w);
  11402.             $this->Line($this->$l$y1$this->$l$y1);
  11403.             // Bottom
  11404.             $this->Circle($this->2$y2$r'S');
  11405.             $this->Line($this->2$y2 $w$this->2$y2 $w);
  11406.             $this->Line($this->$l$y2$this->$l$y2);
  11407.         }
  11408.         /* -- END CSS-PAGE -- */
  11409.         // mPDF 6
  11410.         // If @page set non-HTML headers/footers named, they were not read until later in the HTML code - so now set them
  11411.         if ($this->page == 1) {
  11412.             if ($this->firstPageBoxHeader) {
  11413.                 if (isset($this->pageHTMLheaders[$this->firstPageBoxHeader])) {
  11414.                     $this->HTMLHeader $this->pageHTMLheaders[$this->firstPageBoxHeader];
  11415.                 }
  11416.                 $this->Header();
  11417.             }
  11418.             if ($this->firstPageBoxFooter) {
  11419.                 if (isset($this->pageHTMLfooters[$this->firstPageBoxFooter])) {
  11420.                     $this->HTMLFooter $this->pageHTMLfooters[$this->firstPageBoxFooter];
  11421.                 }
  11422.             }
  11423.             $this->firstPageBoxHeader '';
  11424.             $this->firstPageBoxFooter '';
  11425.         }
  11426.         if (($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page == 0) && $this->HTMLFooterE) || ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page == 1) && $this->HTMLFooter) || (!$this->mirrorMargins && $this->HTMLFooter)) {
  11427.             $this->writeHTMLFooters();
  11428.         }
  11429.         /* -- WATERMARK -- */
  11430.         if (($this->watermarkText) && ($this->showWatermarkText)) {
  11431.             $this->watermark($this->watermarkText$this->watermarkAngleis_int($this->watermark_size) ? $this->watermark_size 120$this->watermarkTextAlpha); // Watermark text
  11432.         }
  11433.         if (($this->watermarkImage) && ($this->showWatermarkImage)) {
  11434.             $this->watermarkImg($this->watermarkImage$this->watermarkImageAlpha); // Watermark image
  11435.         }
  11436.         /* -- END WATERMARK -- */
  11437.     }
  11438.     /* -- HTML-CSS -- */
  11439.     /**
  11440.      * Write HTML code to the document
  11441.      *
  11442.      * Also used internally to parse HTML into buffers
  11443.      *
  11444.      * @param string $html
  11445.      * @param int    $mode  Use HTMLParserMode constants. Controls what parts of the $html code is parsed.
  11446.      * @param bool   $init  Clears and sets buffers to Top level block etc.
  11447.      * @param bool   $close If false leaves buffers etc. in current state, so that it can continue a block etc.
  11448.      */
  11449.     function WriteHTML($html$mode HTMLParserMode::DEFAULT_MODE$init true$close true)
  11450.     {
  11451.         /* Check $html is an integer, float, string, boolean or class with __toString(), otherwise throw exception */
  11452.         if (is_scalar($html) === false) {
  11453.             if (!is_object($html) || ! method_exists($html'__toString')) {
  11454.                 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('WriteHTML() requires $html be an integer, float, string, boolean or an object with the __toString() magic method.');
  11455.             }
  11456.         }
  11457.         // Check the mode is valid
  11458.         if (in_array($modeHTMLParserMode::getAllModes(), true) === false) {
  11459.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('WriteHTML() requires $mode to be one of the modes defined in HTMLParserMode');
  11460.         }
  11461.         /* Cast $html as a string */
  11462.         $html = (string) $html;
  11463.         // @log Parsing CSS & Headers
  11464.         if ($init) {
  11465.             $this->headerbuffer '';
  11466.             $this->textbuffer = [];
  11467.             $this->fixedPosBlockSave = [];
  11468.         }
  11469.         if ($mode === HTMLParserMode::HEADER_CSS) {
  11470.             $html '<style> ' $html ' </style>';
  11471.         } // stylesheet only
  11472.         if ($this->allow_charset_conversion) {
  11473.             if ($mode === HTMLParserMode::DEFAULT_MODE) {
  11474.                 $this->ReadCharset($html);
  11475.             }
  11476.             if ($this->charset_in && $mode !== HTMLParserMode::HTML_HEADER_BUFFER) {
  11477.                 $success iconv($this->charset_in'UTF-8//TRANSLIT'$html);
  11478.                 if ($success) {
  11479.                     $html $success;
  11480.                 }
  11481.             }
  11482.         }
  11483.         $html $this->purify_utf8($htmlfalse);
  11484.         if ($init) {
  11485.             $this->blklvl 0;
  11486.             $this->lastblocklevelchange 0;
  11487.             $this->blk = [];
  11488.             $this->initialiseBlock($this->blk[0]);
  11489.             $this->blk[0]['width'] = & $this->pgwidth;
  11490.             $this->blk[0]['inner_width'] = & $this->pgwidth;
  11491.             $this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;
  11492.         }
  11493.         $zproperties = [];
  11494.         if ($mode === HTMLParserMode::DEFAULT_MODE || $mode === HTMLParserMode::HEADER_CSS) {
  11495.             $this->ReadMetaTags($html);
  11496.             if (preg_match('/<base[^>]*href=["\']([^"\'>]*)["\']/i'$html$m)) {
  11497.                 $this->SetBasePath($m[1]);
  11498.             }
  11499.             $html $this->cssManager->ReadCSS($html);
  11500.             if ($this->autoLangToFont && !$this->usingCoreFont && preg_match('/<html [^>]*lang=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]/ism'$html$m)) {
  11501.                 $html_lang $m[1];
  11502.             }
  11503.             if (preg_match('/<html [^>]*dir=[\'\"]\s*rtl\s*[\'\"]/ism'$html)) {
  11504.                 $zproperties['DIRECTION'] = 'rtl';
  11505.             }
  11506.             // allow in-line CSS for body tag to be parsed // Get <body> tag inline CSS
  11507.             if (preg_match('/<body([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/body>/ism'$html$m) || preg_match('/<body([^>]*)>(.*)$/ism'$html$m)) {
  11508.                 $html $m[2];
  11509.                 // Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
  11510.                 if (preg_match('/style=[\"](.*?)[\"]/ism'$m[1], $mm) || preg_match('/style=[\'](.*?)[\']/ism'$m[1], $mm)) {
  11511.                     $zproperties $this->cssManager->readInlineCSS($mm[1]);
  11512.                 }
  11513.                 if (preg_match('/dir=[\'\"]\s*rtl\s*[\'\"]/ism'$m[1])) {
  11514.                     $zproperties['DIRECTION'] = 'rtl';
  11515.                 }
  11516.                 if (isset($html_lang) && $html_lang) {
  11517.                     $zproperties['LANG'] = $html_lang;
  11518.                 }
  11519.                 if ($this->autoLangToFont && !$this->onlyCoreFonts && preg_match('/lang=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]/ism'$m[1], $mm)) {
  11520.                     $zproperties['LANG'] = $mm[1];
  11521.                 }
  11522.             }
  11523.         }
  11524.         $properties $this->cssManager->MergeCSS('BLOCK''BODY''');
  11525.         if ($zproperties) {
  11526.             $properties $this->cssManager->array_merge_recursive_unique($properties$zproperties);
  11527.         }
  11528.         if (isset($properties['DIRECTION']) && $properties['DIRECTION']) {
  11529.             $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'] = $properties['DIRECTION'];
  11530.         }
  11531.         if (!isset($this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'])) {
  11532.             $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'] = $this->directionality;
  11533.         } else {
  11534.             $this->SetDirectionality($this->cssManager->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION']);
  11535.         }
  11536.         $this->setCSS($properties'''BODY');
  11537.         $this->blk[0]['InlineProperties'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
  11538.         if ($mode === HTMLParserMode::HEADER_CSS) {
  11539.             return '';
  11540.         }
  11541.         if (!isset($this->cssManager->CSS['BODY'])) {
  11542.             $this->cssManager->CSS['BODY'] = [];
  11543.         }
  11544.         /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  11545.         if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'])) {
  11546.             $this->bodyBackgroundGradient $properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'];
  11547.         }
  11548.         if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) {
  11549.             $ret $this->SetBackground($properties$this->pgwidth);
  11550.             if ($ret) {
  11551.                 $this->bodyBackgroundImage $ret;
  11552.             }
  11553.         }
  11554.         /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  11555.         /* -- CSS-PAGE -- */
  11556.         // If page-box is set
  11557.         if ($this->state == && ((isset($this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE']) && $this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE']) || (isset($this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']) && $this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']))) { // mPDF 5.7.3
  11558.             $this->page_box['current'] = '';
  11559.             $this->page_box['using'] = true;
  11560.             list($pborientation$pbmgl$pbmgr$pbmgt$pbmgb$pbmgh$pbmgf$hname$fname$bg$resetpagenum$pagenumstyle$suppress$marks$newformat) = $this->SetPagedMediaCSS(''false'O');
  11561.             $this->DefOrientation $this->CurOrientation $pborientation;
  11562.             $this->orig_lMargin $this->DeflMargin $pbmgl;
  11563.             $this->orig_rMargin $this->DefrMargin $pbmgr;
  11564.             $this->orig_tMargin $this->tMargin $pbmgt;
  11565.             $this->orig_bMargin $this->bMargin $pbmgb;
  11566.             $this->orig_hMargin $this->margin_header $pbmgh;
  11567.             $this->orig_fMargin $this->margin_footer $pbmgf;
  11568.             list($pborientation$pbmgl$pbmgr$pbmgt$pbmgb$pbmgh$pbmgf$hname$fname$bg$resetpagenum$pagenumstyle$suppress$marks$newformat) = $this->SetPagedMediaCSS(''true'O'); // first page
  11569.             $this->show_marks $marks;
  11570.             if ($hname) {
  11571.                 $this->firstPageBoxHeader $hname;
  11572.             }
  11573.             if ($fname) {
  11574.                 $this->firstPageBoxFooter $fname;
  11575.             }
  11576.         }
  11577.         /* -- END CSS-PAGE -- */
  11578.         $parseonly false;
  11579.         $this->bufferoutput false;
  11580.         if ($mode == HTMLParserMode::HTML_PARSE_NO_WRITE) {
  11581.             $parseonly true;
  11582.             // Close any open block tags
  11583.             $arr = [];
  11584.             $ai 0;
  11585.             for ($b $this->blklvl$b 0$b--) {
  11586.                 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $arr$ai);
  11587.             }
  11588.             // Output any text left in buffer
  11589.             if (count($this->textbuffer)) {
  11590.                 $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer);
  11591.             }
  11592.             $this->textbuffer = [];
  11593.         } elseif ($mode === HTMLParserMode::HTML_HEADER_BUFFER) {
  11594.             // Close any open block tags
  11595.             $arr = [];
  11596.             $ai 0;
  11597.             for ($b $this->blklvl$b 0$b--) {
  11598.                 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $arr$ai);
  11599.             }
  11600.             // Output any text left in buffer
  11601.             if (count($this->textbuffer)) {
  11602.                 $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer);
  11603.             }
  11604.             $this->bufferoutput true;
  11605.             $this->textbuffer = [];
  11606.             $this->headerbuffer '';
  11607.             $properties $this->cssManager->MergeCSS('BLOCK''BODY''');
  11608.             $this->setCSS($properties'''BODY');
  11609.         }
  11610.         mb_internal_encoding('UTF-8');
  11611.         $html $this->AdjustHTML($html$this->tabSpaces); // Try to make HTML look more like XHTML
  11612.         if ($this->autoScriptToLang) {
  11613.             $html $this->markScriptToLang($html);
  11614.         }
  11615.         preg_match_all('/<htmlpageheader([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/htmlpageheader>/si'$html$h);
  11616.         for ($i 0$i count($h[1]); $i++) {
  11617.             if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/'$h[1][$i], $n)) {
  11618.                 $this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]]['html'] = $h[2][$i];
  11619.                 $this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_getHtmlHeight($h[2][$i]);
  11620.             }
  11621.         }
  11622.         preg_match_all('/<htmlpagefooter([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/htmlpagefooter>/si'$html$f);
  11623.         for ($i 0$i count($f[1]); $i++) {
  11624.             if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/'$f[1][$i], $n)) {
  11625.                 $this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['html'] = $f[2][$i];
  11626.                 $this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_getHtmlHeight($f[2][$i]);
  11627.             }
  11628.         }
  11629.         $html preg_replace('/<htmlpageheader.*?<\/htmlpageheader>/si'''$html);
  11630.         $html preg_replace('/<htmlpagefooter.*?<\/htmlpagefooter>/si'''$html);
  11631.         if ($this->state == && ($mode === HTMLParserMode::DEFAULT_MODE || $mode === HTMLParserMode::HTML_BODY)) {
  11632.             $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  11633.         }
  11634.         if (isset($hname) && preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i'$hname$n)) {
  11635.             $this->SetHTMLHeader($this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]], 'O'true);
  11636.         }
  11637.         if (isset($fname) && preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i'$fname$n)) {
  11638.             $this->SetHTMLFooter($this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]], 'O');
  11639.         }
  11640.         $html str_replace('<?''< '$html); // Fix '<?XML' bug from HTML code generated by MS Word
  11641.         $this->checkSIP false;
  11642.         $this->checkSMP false;
  11643.         $this->checkCJK false;
  11644.         if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
  11645.             $html $this->SubstituteChars($html);
  11646.         } else {
  11647.             if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregRTLchars "])/u"$html)) {
  11648.                 $this->biDirectional true;
  11649.             } // *OTL*
  11650.             if (preg_match("/([\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}])/u"$html)) {
  11651.                 $this->checkSIP true;
  11652.             }
  11653.             if (preg_match("/([\x{10000}-\x{1FFFF}])/u"$html)) {
  11654.                 $this->checkSMP true;
  11655.             }
  11656.             /* -- CJK-FONTS -- */
  11657.             if (preg_match("/([" $this->pregCJKchars "])/u"$html)) {
  11658.                 $this->checkCJK true;
  11659.             }
  11660.             /* -- END CJK-FONTS -- */
  11661.         }
  11662.         // Don't allow non-breaking spaces that are converted to substituted chars or will break anyway and mess up table width calc.
  11663.         $html str_replace('<tta>160</tta>'chr(32), $html);
  11664.         $html str_replace('</tta><tta>''|'$html);
  11665.         $html str_replace('</tts><tts>''|'$html);
  11666.         $html str_replace('</ttz><ttz>''|'$html);
  11667.         // Add new supported tags in the DisableTags function
  11668.         $html strip_tags($html$this->enabledtags); // remove all unsupported tags, but the ones inside the 'enabledtags' string
  11669.         // Explode the string in order to parse the HTML code
  11670.         $a preg_split('/<(.*?)>/ms'$html, -1PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
  11671.         // ? more accurate regexp that allows e.g. <a name="Silly <name>">
  11672.         // if changing - also change in fn.SubstituteChars()
  11673.         // $a = preg_split ('/<((?:[^<>]+(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')?)+)>/ms', $html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
  11674.         if ($this->mb_enc) {
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  11676.         }
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  11682.             if ($i == 0) {
  11683.                 // TEXT
  11684.                 if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide']) {
  11685.                     continue;
  11686.                 }
  11687.                 if ($this->inlineDisplayOff) {
  11688.                     continue;
  11689.                 }
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  11692.                 }
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  11695.                     continue;
  11696.                 } // *CSS-POSITION*
  11697.                 if (strlen($e) == 0) {
  11698.                     continue;
  11699.                 }
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  11702.                         continue;
  11703.                     }
  11704.                     if ($this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats' && substr($e01) == ' ') {
  11705.                         $this->ignorefollowingspaces false;
  11706.                         $e ltrim($e);
  11707.                     }
  11708.                 }
  11709.                 $this->OTLdata null;  // mPDF 5.7.1
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  11711.                 $e $this->lesser_entity_decode($e);
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  11713.                     // If core font is selected in document which is not onlyCoreFonts - substitute with non-core font
  11714.                     if ($this->useSubstitutions && !$this->onlyCoreFonts && $this->subPos $i && !$this->specialcontent) {
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  11716.                     }
  11717.                     // CONVERT ENCODING
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  11720.                         $e mb_strtoupper($e$this->mb_enc);
  11721.                     } // mPDF 5.7.1
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  11723.                         $e mb_strtolower($e$this->mb_enc);
  11724.                     } // mPDF 5.7.1
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  11727.                     } // mPDF 5.7.1
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  11730.                         $cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsSIP($a$i$e);
  11731.                     }
  11732.                     if ($this->useSubstitutions && !$this->onlyCoreFonts && $this->CurrentFont['type'] != 'Type0' && $this->subPos $i && (!$this->specialcontent || !$this->useActiveForms)) {
  11733.                         $cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsMB($a$i$e);
  11734.                     }
  11735.                     if ($this->textvar TextVars::FT_UPPERCASE) {
  11736.                         $e mb_strtoupper($e$this->mb_enc);
  11737.                     } elseif ($this->textvar TextVars::FT_LOWERCASE) {
  11738.                         $e mb_strtolower($e$this->mb_enc);
  11739.                     } elseif ($this->textvar TextVars::FT_CAPITALIZE) {
  11740.                         $e mb_convert_case($eMB_CASE_TITLE"UTF-8");
  11741.                     }
  11742.                     /* -- OTL -- */
  11743.                     // Use OTL OpenType Table Layout - GSUB & GPOS
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  11747.                         }
  11748.                         $e $this->otl->applyOTL($e$this->CurrentFont['useOTL']);
  11749.                         $this->OTLdata $this->otl->OTLdata;
  11750.                         $this->otl->removeChar($e$this->OTLdata"\xef\xbb\xbf"); // Remove ZWNBSP (also Byte order mark FEFF)
  11751.                     /* -- END OTL -- */
  11752.                     else {
  11753.                         // removes U+200E/U+200F LTR and RTL mark and U+200C/U+200D Zero-width Joiner and Non-joiner
  11754.                         $e preg_replace("/[\xe2\x80\x8c\xe2\x80\x8d\xe2\x80\x8e\xe2\x80\x8f]/u"''$e);
  11755.                         $e preg_replace("/[\xef\xbb\xbf]/u"''$e); // Remove ZWNBSP (also Byte order mark FEFF)
  11756.                     }
  11757.                 }
  11758.                 if (($this->tts) || ($this->ttz) || ($this->tta)) {
  11759.                     $es explode('|'$e);
  11760.                     $e '';
  11761.                     foreach ($es as $val) {
  11762.                         $e .= chr($val);
  11763.                     }
  11764.                 }
  11765.                 //  FORM ELEMENTS
  11766.                 if ($this->specialcontent) {
  11767.                     /* -- FORMS -- */
  11768.                     // SELECT tag (form element)
  11769.                     if ($this->specialcontent == "type=select") {
  11770.                         $e ltrim($e);
  11771.                         if (!empty($this->OTLdata)) {
  11772.                             $this->otl->trimOTLdata($this->OTLdatatruefalse);
  11773.                         } // *OTL*
  11774.                         $stringwidth $this->GetStringWidth($e);
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  11777.                         }
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  11779.                             $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = $e;
  11780.                             if (!empty($this->OTLdata)) {
  11781.                                 $this->selectoption['SELECTED-OTLDATA'] = $this->OTLdata;
  11782.                             } // *OTL*
  11783.                         }
  11784.                         // Active Forms
  11785.                         if (isset($this->selectoption['ACTIVE']) && $this->selectoption['ACTIVE']) {
  11786.                             $this->selectoption['ITEMS'][] = ['exportValue' => $this->selectoption['currentVAL'], 'content' => $e'selected' => $this->selectoption['currentSEL']];
  11787.                         }
  11788.                         $this->OTLdata = [];
  11789.                     } // TEXTAREA
  11790.                     else {
  11791.                         $objattr unserialize($this->specialcontent);
  11792.                         $objattr['text'] = $e;
  11793.                         $objattr['OTLdata'] = $this->OTLdata;
  11794.                         $this->OTLdata = [];
  11795.                         $te Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=textarea,objattr=" serialize($objattr) . Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;
  11796.                         if ($this->tdbegin) {
  11797.                             $this->_saveCellTextBuffer($te$this->HREF);
  11798.                         } else {
  11799.                             $this->_saveTextBuffer($te$this->HREF);
  11800.                         }
  11801.                     }
  11802.                     /* -- END FORMS -- */
  11803.                 // TABLE
  11804.                 elseif ($this->tableLevel) {
  11805.                     /* -- TABLES -- */
  11806.                     if ($this->tdbegin) {
  11807.                         if (($this->ignorefollowingspaces) && !$this->ispre) {
  11808.                             $e ltrim($e);
  11809.                             if (!empty($this->OTLdata)) {
  11810.                                 $this->otl->trimOTLdata($this->OTLdatatruefalse);
  11811.                             } // *OTL*
  11812.                         }
  11813.                         if ($e || $e === '0') {
  11814.                             if ($this->blockjustfinished && $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] > 0) {
  11815.                                 $this->_saveCellTextBuffer("\n");
  11816.                                 if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
  11817.                                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
  11818.                                 } elseif ($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
  11819.                                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
  11820.                                 }
  11821.                                 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0// reset
  11822.                             }
  11823.                             $this->blockjustfinished false;
  11824.                             if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['R']) || !$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['R']) {
  11825.                                 if (isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'])) {
  11826.                                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->GetStringWidth($efalse$this->OTLdata$this->textvar);
  11827.                                 } else {
  11828.                                     $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = $this->GetStringWidth($efalse$this->OTLdata$this->textvar);
  11829.                                 }
  11830.                                 if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
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  11834.                             $this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e$this->HREF);
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  11837.                                 $s preg_split('/' preg_quote($dp'/') . '/'$e2);  // ? needs to be /u if not core
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  11839.                                 if (isset($s[1]) && $s[1]) {
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  11842.                                     $s1 0;
  11843.                                 }
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  11845.                                     if ($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'] === false) {
  11846.                                         $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'] = [];
  11847.                                     }
  11848.                                     $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0'] = $s0;
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  11850.                                     $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0'] = max($s0$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0']);
  11851.                                 }
  11852.                                 if (!isset($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1'])) {
  11853.                                     $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1'] = $s1;
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  11855.                                     $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1'] = max($s1$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1']);
  11856.                                 }
  11857.                             }
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  11862.                     /* -- END TABLES -- */
  11863.                 // ALL ELSE
  11864.                 else {
  11865.                     if ($this->ignorefollowingspaces && !$this->ispre) {
  11866.                         $e ltrim($e);
  11867.                         if (!empty($this->OTLdata)) {
  11868.                             $this->otl->trimOTLdata($this->OTLdatatruefalse);
  11869.                         } // *OTL*
  11870.                     }
  11871.                     if ($e || $e === '0') {
  11872.                         $this->_saveTextBuffer($e$this->HREF);
  11873.                     }
  11874.                 }
  11875.                 if ($e || $e === '0') {
  11876.                     $this->ignorefollowingspaces false// mPDF 6
  11877.                 }
  11878.                 if (substr($e, -11) == ' ' && !$this->ispre && $this->FontFamily != 'csymbol' && $this->FontFamily != 'czapfdingbats') {
  11879.                     $this->ignorefollowingspaces true;
  11880.                 }
  11881.             } else { // TAG **
  11882.                 if (isset($e[0]) && $e[0] == '/') {
  11883.                     $endtag trim(strtoupper(substr($e1)));
  11884.                     /* -- CSS-POSITION -- */
  11885.                     // mPDF 6
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  11894.                             continue;
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  11896.                         $this->fixedPosBlock .= '<' $e '>';
  11897.                         continue;
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  11900.                     // mPDF 6
  11901.                     // Correct for tags where HTML5 specifies optional end tags (see also OpenTag() )
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  11903.                         if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['tag'])) {
  11904.                             $closed false;
  11905.                             // li end tag may be omitted if there is no more content in the parent element
  11906.                             if (!$closed && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['tag'] == 'LI' && $endtag != 'LI' && (in_array($endtag$this->outerblocktags) || in_array($endtag$this->innerblocktags))) {
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  11908.                                 $closed true;
  11909.                             }
  11910.                             // dd end tag may be omitted if there is no more content in the parent element
  11911.                             if (!$closed && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['tag'] == 'DD' && $endtag != 'DD' && (in_array($endtag$this->outerblocktags) || in_array($endtag$this->innerblocktags))) {
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  11913.                                 $closed true;
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  11915.                             // p end tag may be omitted if there is no more content in the parent element and the parent element is not an A element [??????]
  11916.                             if (!$closed && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['tag'] == 'P' && $endtag != 'P' && (in_array($endtag$this->outerblocktags) || in_array($endtag$this->innerblocktags))) {
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  11918.                                 $closed true;
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  11920.                             // option end tag may be omitted if there is no more content in the parent element
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  11923.                                 $closed true;
  11924.                             }
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  11926.                         /* -- TABLES -- */
  11927.                         // Check for Table tags where HTML specifies optional end tags,
  11928.                         if ($endtag == 'TABLE') {
  11929.                             if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'THEAD' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TBODY' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TFOOT') {
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  11937.                                 $this->tag->CloseTag('TR'$a$i);
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  11943.                             }
  11944.                             if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'TD' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TH') {
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  11956.                     // mPDF 6
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  11961.                         }
  11962.                         continue;
  11963.                     }
  11964.                     // mPDF 6
  11965.                     $this->tag->CloseTag($endtag$a$i); // mPDF 6
  11966.                 } else { // OPENING TAG
  11967.                     if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide']) {
  11968.                         if (strpos($e' ')) {
  11969.                             $te strtoupper(substr($e0strpos($e' ')));
  11970.                         } else {
  11971.                             $te strtoupper($e);
  11972.                         }
  11973.                         // mPDF 6
  11974.                         if ($te == 'THEAD' || $te == 'TBODY' || $te == 'TFOOT' || $te == 'TR' || $te == 'TD' || $te == 'TH') {
  11975.                             $this->lastoptionaltag $te;
  11976.                         }
  11977.                         if (in_array($te$this->outerblocktags) || in_array($te$this->innerblocktags)) {
  11978.                             $this->blklvl++;
  11979.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide'] = true;
  11980.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['tag'] = $te// mPDF 6
  11981.                         }
  11982.                         continue;
  11983.                     }
  11984.                     /* -- CSS-POSITION -- */
  11985.                     if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) {
  11986.                         if (strpos($e' ')) {
  11987.                             $te strtoupper(substr($e0strpos($e' ')));
  11988.                         } else {
  11989.                             $te strtoupper($e);
  11990.                         }
  11991.                         $this->fixedPosBlock .= '<' $e '>';
  11992.                         if (in_array($te$this->outerblocktags) || in_array($te$this->innerblocktags)) {
  11993.                             $this->fixedPosBlockDepth++;
  11994.                         }
  11995.                         continue;
  11996.                     }
  11997.                     /* -- END CSS-POSITION -- */
  11998.                     $regexp '|=\'(.*?)\'|s'// eliminate single quotes, if any
  11999.                     $e preg_replace($regexp"=\"\$1\""$e);
  12000.                     // changes anykey=anyvalue to anykey="anyvalue" (only do this inside [some] tags)
  12001.                     if (substr($e010) != 'pageheader' && substr($e010) != 'pagefooter' && substr($e012) != 'tocpagebreak' && substr($e010) != 'indexentry' && substr($e08) != 'tocentry') { // mPDF 6  (ZZZ99H)
  12002.                         $regexp '| (\\w+?)=([^\\s>"]+)|si';
  12003.                         $e preg_replace($regexp" \$1=\"\$2\""$e);
  12004.                     }
  12005.                     $e preg_replace('/ (\\S+?)\s*=\s*"/i'" \\1=\""$e);
  12006.                     // Fix path values, if needed
  12007.                     $orig_srcpath '';
  12008.                     if ((stristr($e"href=") !== false) or ( stristr($e"src=") !== false)) {
  12009.                         $regexp '/ (href|src)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/i';
  12010.                         preg_match($regexp$e$auxiliararray);
  12011.                         if (isset($auxiliararray[2])) {
  12012.                             $path $auxiliararray[2];
  12013.                         } else {
  12014.                             $path '';
  12015.                         }
  12016.                         if (trim($path) != '' && !(stristr($e"src=") !== false && substr($path04) == 'var:') && substr($path01) != '@') {
  12017.                             $path htmlspecialchars_decode($path); // mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
  12018.                             $orig_srcpath $path;
  12019.                             $this->GetFullPath($path);
  12020.                             $regexp '/ (href|src)="(.*?)"/i';
  12021.                             $e preg_replace($regexp' \\1="' $path '"'$e);
  12022.                         }
  12023.                     }//END of Fix path values
  12024.                     // Extract attributes
  12025.                     $contents = [];
  12026.                     $contents1 = [];
  12027.                     $contents2 = [];
  12028.                     // Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
  12029.                     // Changed to improve performance; maximum length of \S (attribute) = 16
  12030.                     // Increase allowed attribute name to 32 - cutting off "toc-even-header-name" etc.
  12031.                     preg_match_all('/\\S{1,32}=["][^"]*["]/'$e$contents1);
  12032.                     preg_match_all('/\\S{1,32}=[\'][^\']*[\']/i'$e$contents2);
  12033.                     $contents array_merge($contents1$contents2);
  12034.                     preg_match('/\\S+/'$e$a2);
  12035.                     $tag = (isset($a2[0]) ? strtoupper($a2[0]) : '');
  12036.                     $attr = [];
  12037.                     if ($orig_srcpath) {
  12038.                         $attr['ORIG_SRC'] = $orig_srcpath;
  12039.                     }
  12040.                     if (!empty($contents)) {
  12041.                         foreach ($contents[0] as $v) {
  12042.                             // Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
  12043.                             if (preg_match('/^([^=]*)=["]?([^"]*)["]?$/'$v$a3) || preg_match('/^([^=]*)=[\']?([^\']*)[\']?$/'$v$a3)) {
  12044.                                 if (strtoupper($a3[1]) == 'ID' || strtoupper($a3[1]) == 'CLASS') { // 4.2.013 Omits STYLE
  12045.                                     $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim(strtoupper($a3[2]));
  12046.                                 } // includes header-style-right etc. used for <pageheader>
  12047.                                 elseif (preg_match('/^(HEADER|FOOTER)-STYLE/i'$a3[1])) {
  12048.                                     $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim(strtoupper($a3[2]));
  12049.                                 } else {
  12050.                                     $attr[strtoupper($a3[1])] = trim($a3[2]);
  12051.                                 }
  12052.                             }
  12053.                         }
  12054.                     }
  12055.                     $this->tag->OpenTag($tag$attr$a$i); // mPDF 6
  12056.                     /* -- CSS-POSITION -- */
  12057.                     if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) {
  12058.                         $this->fixedPosBlockBBox = [$tag$attr$this->x$this->y];
  12059.                         $this->fixedPosBlock '';
  12060.                         $this->fixedPosBlockDepth 1;
  12061.                     }
  12062.                     /* -- END CSS-POSITION -- */
  12063.                     if (preg_match('/\/$/'$e)) {
  12064.                         $this->tag->CloseTag($tag$a$i);
  12065.                     }
  12066.                 }
  12067.             } // end TAG
  12068.         // end of    foreach($a as $i=>$e)
  12069.         if ($close) {
  12070.             // Close any open block tags
  12071.             for ($b $this->blklvl$b 0$b--) {
  12072.                 $this->tag->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag'], $a$i);
  12073.             }
  12074.             // Output any text left in buffer
  12075.             if (count($this->textbuffer) && !$parseonly) {
  12076.                 $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer);
  12077.             }
  12078.             if (!$parseonly) {
  12079.                 $this->textbuffer = [];
  12080.             }
  12081.             /* -- CSS-FLOAT -- */
  12082.             // If ended with a float, need to move to end page
  12083.             $currpos $this->page 1000 $this->y;
  12084.             if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] > $currpos) {
  12085.                 $old_page $this->page;
  12086.                 $new_page intval($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] / 1000);
  12087.                 if ($old_page != $new_page) {
  12088.                     $s $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
  12089.                     // Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
  12090.                     $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS' $this->uniqstr ')/''\\1' "\n" $s "\n"$this->pages[$this->page]);
  12091.                     $this->pageBackgrounds = [];
  12092.                     $this->page $new_page;
  12093.                     $this->ResetMargins();
  12094.                     $this->Reset();
  12095.                     $this->pageoutput[$this->page] = [];
  12096.                 }
  12097.                 $this->= (round($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] * 1000) % 1000000) / 1000// mod changes operands to integers before processing
  12098.             }
  12099.             /* -- END CSS-FLOAT -- */
  12100.             /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  12101.             $this->printfloatbuffer();
  12102.             /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  12103.             // Create Internal Links, if needed
  12104.             if (!empty($this->internallink)) {
  12105.                 foreach ($this->internallink as $k => $v) {
  12106.                     if (strpos($k"#") !== false) {
  12107.                         continue;
  12108.                     }
  12109.                     if (!is_array($v)) {
  12110.                         continue;
  12111.                     }
  12112.                     $ypos $v['Y'];
  12113.                     $pagenum $v['PAGE'];
  12114.                     $sharp "#";
  12115.                     while (array_key_exists($sharp $k$this->internallink)) {
  12116.                         $internallink $this->internallink[$sharp $k];
  12117.                         $this->SetLink($internallink$ypos$pagenum);
  12118.                         $sharp .= "#";
  12119.                     }
  12120.                 }
  12121.             }
  12122.             $this->bufferoutput false;
  12123.             /* -- CSS-POSITION -- */
  12124.             if (count($this->fixedPosBlockSave)) {
  12125.                 foreach ($this->fixedPosBlockSave as $fpbs) {
  12126.                     $old_page $this->page;
  12127.                     $this->page $fpbs[2];
  12128.                     $this->WriteFixedPosHTML($fpbs[0], 00100100'auto'$fpbs[1]);  // 0,0,10,10 are overwritten by bbox
  12129.                     $this->page $old_page;
  12130.                 }
  12131.                 $this->fixedPosBlockSave = [];
  12132.             }
  12133.             /* -- END CSS-POSITION -- */
  12134.         }
  12135.     }
  12136.     /* -- CSS-POSITION -- */
  12137.     function WriteFixedPosHTML($html$x$y$w$h$overflow 'visible'$bounding = [])
  12138.     {
  12139.         // $overflow can be 'hidden', 'visible' or 'auto' - 'auto' causes autofit to size
  12140.         // Annotations disabled - enabled in mPDF 5.0
  12141.         // Links do work
  12142.         // Will always go on current page (or start Page 1 if required)
  12143.         // Probably INCOMPATIBLE WITH keep with table, columns etc.
  12144.         // Called externally or interally via <div style="position: [fixed|absolute]">
  12145.         // When used internally, $x $y $w $h and $overflow are all overridden by $bounding
  12146.         $overflow strtolower($overflow);
  12147.         if ($this->state == 0) {
  12148.             $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  12149.         }
  12150.         $save_y $this->y;
  12151.         $save_x $this->x;
  12152.         $this->fullImageHeight $this->h;
  12153.         $save_cols false;
  12154.         /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  12155.         if ($this->ColActive) {
  12156.             $save_cols true;
  12157.             $save_nbcol $this->NbCol// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
  12158.             $this->SetColumns(0);
  12159.         }
  12160.         /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  12161.         $save_annots $this->title2annots// *ANNOTATIONS*
  12162.         $this->writingHTMLheader true// a FIX to stop pagebreaks etc.
  12163.         $this->writingHTMLfooter true;
  12164.         $this->InFooter true// suppresses autopagebreaks
  12165.         $save_bgs $this->pageBackgrounds;
  12166.         $checkinnerhtml preg_replace('/\s/'''$html);
  12167.         $rotate 0;
  12168.         if ($w $this->w) {
  12169.             $x 0;
  12170.             $w $this->w;
  12171.         }
  12172.         if ($h $this->h) {
  12173.             $y 0;
  12174.             $h $this->h;
  12175.         }
  12176.         if ($x $this->w) {
  12177.             $x $this->$w;
  12178.         }
  12179.         if ($y $this->h) {
  12180.             $y $this->$h;
  12181.         }
  12182.         if (!empty($bounding)) {
  12183.             // $cont_ containing block = full physical page (position: absolute) or page inside margins (position: fixed)
  12184.             // $bbox_ Bounding box is the <div> which is positioned absolutely/fixed
  12185.             // top/left/right/bottom/width/height/background*/border*/padding*/margin* are taken from bounding
  12186.             // font*[family/size/style/weight]/line-height/text*[align/decoration/transform/indent]/color are transferred to $inner
  12187.             // as an enclosing <div> (after having checked ID/CLASS)
  12188.             // $x, $y, $w, $h are inside of $bbox_ = containing box for $inner_
  12189.             // $inner_ InnerHTML is the contents of that block to be output
  12190.             $tag $bounding[0];
  12191.             $attr $bounding[1];
  12192.             $orig_x0 $bounding[2];
  12193.             $orig_y0 $bounding[3];
  12194.             // As in WriteHTML() initialising
  12195.             $this->blklvl 0;
  12196.             $this->lastblocklevelchange 0;
  12197.             $this->blk = [];
  12198.             $this->initialiseBlock($this->blk[0]);
  12199.             $this->blk[0]['width'] = & $this->pgwidth;
  12200.             $this->blk[0]['inner_width'] = & $this->pgwidth;
  12201.             $this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;
  12202.             $properties $this->cssManager->MergeCSS('BLOCK''BODY''');
  12203.             $this->setCSS($properties'''BODY');
  12204.             $this->blklvl 1;
  12205.             $this->initialiseBlock($this->blk[1]);
  12206.             $this->blk[1]['tag'] = $tag;
  12207.             $this->blk[1]['attr'] = $attr;
  12208.             $this->Reset();
  12209.             $p $this->cssManager->MergeCSS('BLOCK'$tag$attr);
  12210.             if (isset($p['ROTATE']) && ($p['ROTATE'] == 90 || $p['ROTATE'] == -90 || $p['ROTATE'] == 180)) {
  12211.                 $rotate $p['ROTATE'];
  12212.             } // mPDF 6
  12213.             if (isset($p['OVERFLOW'])) {
  12214.                 $overflow strtolower($p['OVERFLOW']);
  12215.             }
  12216.             if (strtolower($p['POSITION']) == 'fixed') {
  12217.                 $cont_w $this->pgwidth// $this->blk[0]['inner_width'];
  12218.                 $cont_h $this->$this->tMargin $this->bMargin;
  12219.                 $cont_x $this->lMargin;
  12220.                 $cont_y $this->tMargin;
  12221.             } else {
  12222.                 $cont_w $this->w// ABSOLUTE;
  12223.                 $cont_h $this->h;
  12224.                 $cont_x 0;
  12225.                 $cont_y 0;
  12226.             }
  12227.             // Pass on in-line properties to the innerhtml
  12228.             $css '';
  12229.             if (isset($p['TEXT-ALIGN'])) {
  12230.                 $css .= 'text-align: ' strtolower($p['TEXT-ALIGN']) . '; ';
  12231.             }
  12232.             if (isset($p['TEXT-TRANSFORM'])) {
  12233.                 $css .= 'text-transform: ' strtolower($p['TEXT-TRANSFORM']) . '; ';
  12234.             }
  12235.             if (isset($p['TEXT-INDENT'])) {
  12236.                 $css .= 'text-indent: ' strtolower($p['TEXT-INDENT']) . '; ';
  12237.             }
  12238.             if (isset($p['TEXT-DECORATION'])) {
  12239.                 $css .= 'text-decoration: ' strtolower($p['TEXT-DECORATION']) . '; ';
  12240.             }
  12241.             if (isset($p['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
  12242.                 $css .= 'font-family: ' strtolower($p['FONT-FAMILY']) . '; ';
  12243.             }
  12244.             if (isset($p['FONT-STYLE'])) {
  12245.                 $css .= 'font-style: ' strtolower($p['FONT-STYLE']) . '; ';
  12246.             }
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  12248.                 $css .= 'font-weight: ' strtolower($p['FONT-WEIGHT']) . '; ';
  12249.             }
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  12251.                 $css .= 'font-size: ' strtolower($p['FONT-SIZE']) . '; ';
  12252.             }
  12253.             if (isset($p['LINE-HEIGHT'])) {
  12254.                 $css .= 'line-height: ' strtolower($p['LINE-HEIGHT']) . '; ';
  12255.             }
  12256.             if (isset($p['TEXT-SHADOW'])) {
  12257.                 $css .= 'text-shadow: ' strtolower($p['TEXT-SHADOW']) . '; ';
  12258.             }
  12259.             if (isset($p['LETTER-SPACING'])) {
  12260.                 $css .= 'letter-spacing: ' strtolower($p['LETTER-SPACING']) . '; ';
  12261.             }
  12262.             // mPDF 6
  12263.             if (isset($p['FONT-VARIANT-POSITION'])) {
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  12265.             }
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  12269.             if (isset($p['FONT-VARIANT-LIGATURES'])) {
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  12271.             }
  12272.             if (isset($p['FONT-VARIANT-NUMERIC'])) {
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  12274.             }
  12275.             if (isset($p['FONT-VARIANT-ALTERNATES'])) {
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  12277.             }
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  12279.                 $css .= 'font-feature-settings: ' strtolower($p['FONT-FEATURE-SETTINGS']) . '; ';
  12280.             }
  12281.             if (isset($p['FONT-LANGUAGE-OVERRIDE'])) {
  12282.                 $css .= 'font-language-override: ' strtolower($p['FONT-LANGUAGE-OVERRIDE']) . '; ';
  12283.             }
  12284.             if (isset($p['FONT-KERNING'])) {
  12285.                 $css .= 'font-kerning: ' strtolower($p['FONT-KERNING']) . '; ';
  12286.             }
  12287.             if (isset($p['COLOR'])) {
  12288.                 $css .= 'color: ' strtolower($p['COLOR']) . '; ';
  12289.             }
  12290.             if (isset($p['Z-INDEX'])) {
  12291.                 $css .= 'z-index: ' $p['Z-INDEX'] . '; ';
  12292.             }
  12293.             if ($css) {
  12294.                 $html '<div style="' $css '">' $html '</div>';
  12295.             }
  12296.             // Copy over (only) the properties to set for border and background
  12297.             $pb = [];
  12298.             $pb['MARGIN-TOP'] = (isset($p['MARGIN-TOP']) ? $p['MARGIN-TOP'] : '');
  12299.             $pb['MARGIN-RIGHT'] = (isset($p['MARGIN-RIGHT']) ? $p['MARGIN-RIGHT'] : '');
  12300.             $pb['MARGIN-BOTTOM'] = (isset($p['MARGIN-BOTTOM']) ? $p['MARGIN-BOTTOM'] : '');
  12301.             $pb['MARGIN-LEFT'] = (isset($p['MARGIN-LEFT']) ? $p['MARGIN-LEFT'] : '');
  12302.             $pb['PADDING-TOP'] = (isset($p['PADDING-TOP']) ? $p['PADDING-TOP'] : '');
  12303.             $pb['PADDING-RIGHT'] = (isset($p['PADDING-RIGHT']) ? $p['PADDING-RIGHT'] : '');
  12304.             $pb['PADDING-BOTTOM'] = (isset($p['PADDING-BOTTOM']) ? $p['PADDING-BOTTOM'] : '');
  12305.             $pb['PADDING-LEFT'] = (isset($p['PADDING-LEFT']) ? $p['PADDING-LEFT'] : '');
  12306.             $pb['BORDER-TOP'] = (isset($p['BORDER-TOP']) ? $p['BORDER-TOP'] : '');
  12307.             $pb['BORDER-RIGHT'] = (isset($p['BORDER-RIGHT']) ? $p['BORDER-RIGHT'] : '');
  12308.             $pb['BORDER-BOTTOM'] = (isset($p['BORDER-BOTTOM']) ? $p['BORDER-BOTTOM'] : '');
  12309.             $pb['BORDER-LEFT'] = (isset($p['BORDER-LEFT']) ? $p['BORDER-LEFT'] : '');
  12310.             if (isset($p['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-H'])) {
  12311.                 $pb['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-H'] = $p['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-H'];
  12312.             }
  12313.             if (isset($p['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-V'])) {
  12314.                 $pb['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-V'] = $p['BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-V'];
  12315.             }
  12316.             if (isset($p['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'])) {
  12317.                 $pb['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'] = $p['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'];
  12318.             }
  12319.             if (isset($p['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'])) {
  12320.                 $pb['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'] = $p['BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'];
  12321.             }
  12322.             if (isset($p['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-H'])) {
  12323.                 $pb['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-H'] = $p['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-H'];
  12324.             }
  12325.             if (isset($p['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-V'])) {
  12326.                 $pb['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-V'] = $p['BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-V'];
  12327.             }
  12328.             if (isset($p['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'])) {
  12329.                 $pb['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'] = $p['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-H'];
  12330.             }
  12331.             if (isset($p['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'])) {
  12332.                 $pb['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'] = $p['BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-V'];
  12333.             }
  12334.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) {
  12335.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] = $p['BACKGROUND-COLOR'];
  12336.             }
  12337.             if (isset($p['BOX-SHADOW'])) {
  12338.                 $pb['BOX-SHADOW'] = $p['BOX-SHADOW'];
  12339.             }
  12340.             /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  12341.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'])) {
  12342.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = $p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'];
  12343.             }
  12344.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'])) {
  12345.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'] = $p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'];
  12346.             }
  12347.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'])) {
  12348.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'] = $p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'];
  12349.             }
  12350.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'])) {
  12351.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'] = $p['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'];
  12352.             }
  12353.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-POSITION'])) {
  12354.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-POSITION'] = $p['BACKGROUND-POSITION'];
  12355.             }
  12356.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'])) {
  12357.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'] = $p['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'];
  12358.             }
  12359.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-SIZE'])) {
  12360.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-SIZE'] = $p['BACKGROUND-SIZE'];
  12361.             }
  12362.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'])) {
  12363.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'] = $p['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'];
  12364.             }
  12365.             if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-CLIP'])) {
  12366.                 $pb['BACKGROUND-CLIP'] = $p['BACKGROUND-CLIP'];
  12367.             }
  12368.             /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  12369.             $this->setCSS($pb'BLOCK'$tag);
  12370.             // ================================================================
  12371.             $bbox_br $this->blk[1]['border_right']['w'];
  12372.             $bbox_bl $this->blk[1]['border_left']['w'];
  12373.             $bbox_bt $this->blk[1]['border_top']['w'];
  12374.             $bbox_bb $this->blk[1]['border_bottom']['w'];
  12375.             $bbox_pr $this->blk[1]['padding_right'];
  12376.             $bbox_pl $this->blk[1]['padding_left'];
  12377.             $bbox_pt $this->blk[1]['padding_top'];
  12378.             $bbox_pb $this->blk[1]['padding_bottom'];
  12379.             $bbox_mr $this->blk[1]['margin_right'];
  12380.             if (isset($p['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($p['MARGIN-RIGHT']) == 'auto') {
  12381.                 $bbox_mr 'auto';
  12382.             }
  12383.             $bbox_ml $this->blk[1]['margin_left'];
  12384.             if (isset($p['MARGIN-LEFT']) && strtolower($p['MARGIN-LEFT']) == 'auto') {
  12385.                 $bbox_ml 'auto';
  12386.             }
  12387.             $bbox_mt $this->blk[1]['margin_top'];
  12388.             if (isset($p['MARGIN-TOP']) && strtolower($p['MARGIN-TOP']) == 'auto') {
  12389.                 $bbox_mt 'auto';
  12390.             }
  12391.             $bbox_mb $this->blk[1]['margin_bottom'];
  12392.             if (isset($p['MARGIN-BOTTOM']) && strtolower($p['MARGIN-BOTTOM']) == 'auto') {
  12393.                 $bbox_mb 'auto';
  12394.             }
  12395.             if (isset($p['LEFT']) && strtolower($p['LEFT']) != 'auto') {
  12396.                 $bbox_left $this->sizeConverter->convert($p['LEFT'], $cont_w$this->FontSizefalse);
  12397.             } else {
  12398.                 $bbox_left 'auto';
  12399.             }
  12400.             if (isset($p['TOP']) && strtolower($p['TOP']) != 'auto') {
  12401.                 $bbox_top $this->sizeConverter->convert($p['TOP'], $cont_h$this->FontSizefalse);
  12402.             } else {
  12403.                 $bbox_top 'auto';
  12404.             }
  12405.             if (isset($p['RIGHT']) && strtolower($p['RIGHT']) != 'auto') {
  12406.                 $bbox_right $this->sizeConverter->convert($p['RIGHT'], $cont_w$this->FontSizefalse);
  12407.             } else {
  12408.                 $bbox_right 'auto';
  12409.             }
  12410.             if (isset($p['BOTTOM']) && strtolower($p['BOTTOM']) != 'auto') {
  12411.                 $bbox_bottom $this->sizeConverter->convert($p['BOTTOM'], $cont_h$this->FontSizefalse);
  12412.             } else {
  12413.                 $bbox_bottom 'auto';
  12414.             }
  12415.             if (isset($p['WIDTH']) && strtolower($p['WIDTH']) != 'auto') {
  12416.                 $inner_w $this->sizeConverter->convert($p['WIDTH'], $cont_w$this->FontSizefalse);
  12417.             } else {
  12418.                 $inner_w 'auto';
  12419.             }
  12420.             if (isset($p['HEIGHT']) && strtolower($p['HEIGHT']) != 'auto') {
  12421.                 $inner_h $this->sizeConverter->convert($p['HEIGHT'], $cont_h$this->FontSizefalse);
  12422.             } else {
  12423.                 $inner_h 'auto';
  12424.             }
  12425.             // If bottom or right pos are set and not left / top - save this to adjust rotated block later
  12426.             if ($rotate == 90 || $rotate == -90) { // mPDF 6
  12427.                 if ($bbox_left === 'auto' && $bbox_right !== 'auto') {
  12428.                     $rot_rpos $bbox_right;
  12429.                 } else {
  12430.                     $rot_rpos false;
  12431.                 }
  12432.                 if ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom !== 'auto') {
  12433.                     $rot_bpos $bbox_bottom;
  12434.                 } else {
  12435.                     $rot_bpos false;
  12436.                 }
  12437.             }
  12438.             // ================================================================
  12439.             if ($checkinnerhtml == '' && $inner_h === 'auto') {
  12440.                 $inner_h 0.0001;
  12441.             }
  12442.             if ($checkinnerhtml == '' && $inner_w === 'auto') {
  12443.                 $inner_w $this->GetCharWidth('W'false);
  12444.             }
  12445.             // ================================================================
  12446.             // Algorithm from CSS2.1  See
  12447.             // mPD 5.3.14
  12448.             // Special case (not CSS) if all not specified, centre vertically on page
  12449.             $bbox_top_orig '';
  12450.             if ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $inner_h === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom === 'auto' && $bbox_mt === 'auto' && $bbox_mb === 'auto') {
  12451.                 $bbox_top_orig $bbox_top;
  12452.                 if ($bbox_mt === 'auto') {
  12453.                     $bbox_mt 0;
  12454.                 }
  12455.                 if ($bbox_mb === 'auto') {
  12456.                     $bbox_mb 0;
  12457.                 }
  12458.                 $bbox_top $orig_y0 $bbox_mt $cont_y;
  12459.                 // solve for $bbox_bottom when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_bottom=='auto'
  12460.             // mPD 5.3.14
  12461.             elseif ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $inner_h === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom === 'auto') {
  12462.                 $bbox_top_orig $bbox_top $orig_y0 $cont_y;
  12463.                 if ($bbox_mt === 'auto') {
  12464.                     $bbox_mt 0;
  12465.                 }
  12466.                 if ($bbox_mb === 'auto') {
  12467.                     $bbox_mb 0;
  12468.                 }
  12469.                 // solve for $bbox_bottom when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_bottom=='auto'
  12470.             } elseif ($bbox_top !== 'auto' && $inner_h !== 'auto' && $bbox_bottom !== 'auto') {
  12471.                 if ($bbox_mt === 'auto' && $bbox_mb === 'auto') {
  12472.                     $x $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_bottom;
  12473.                     $bbox_mt $bbox_mb = ($x 2);
  12474.                 } elseif ($bbox_mt === 'auto') {
  12475.                     $bbox_mt $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mb $bbox_bottom;
  12476.                 } elseif ($bbox_mb === 'auto') {
  12477.                     $bbox_mb $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_bottom;
  12478.                 } else {
  12479.                     $bbox_bottom $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mt;
  12480.                 }
  12481.             } else {
  12482.                 if ($bbox_mt === 'auto') {
  12483.                     $bbox_mt 0;
  12484.                 }
  12485.                 if ($bbox_mb === 'auto') {
  12486.                     $bbox_mb 0;
  12487.                 }
  12488.                 if ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $inner_h === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom !== 'auto') {
  12489.                     // solve for $bbox_top when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_top =='auto'
  12490.                 } elseif ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom === 'auto' && $inner_h !== 'auto') {
  12491.                     $bbox_top $orig_y0 $bbox_mt $cont_y;
  12492.                     $bbox_bottom $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mt;
  12493.                 } elseif ($inner_h === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom === 'auto' && $bbox_top !== 'auto') {
  12494.                     // solve for $bbox_bottom when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_bottom=='auto'
  12495.                 } elseif ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $inner_h !== 'auto' && $bbox_bottom !== 'auto') {
  12496.                     $bbox_top $cont_h $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mt $bbox_bottom;
  12497.                 } elseif ($inner_h === 'auto' && $bbox_top !== 'auto' && $bbox_bottom !== 'auto') {
  12498.                     $inner_h $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mt $bbox_bottom;
  12499.                 } elseif ($bbox_bottom === 'auto' && $bbox_top !== 'auto' && $inner_h !== 'auto') {
  12500.                     $bbox_bottom $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mt;
  12501.                 }
  12502.             }
  12503.             // THEN DO SAME FOR WIDTH
  12504.             //
  12505.             if ($bbox_left === 'auto' && $inner_w === 'auto' && $bbox_right === 'auto') {
  12506.                 if ($bbox_ml === 'auto') {
  12507.                     $bbox_ml 0;
  12508.                 }
  12509.                 if ($bbox_mr === 'auto') {
  12510.                     $bbox_mr 0;
  12511.                 }
  12512.                 // IF containing element RTL, should set $bbox_right
  12513.                 $bbox_left $orig_x0 $bbox_ml $cont_x;
  12514.                 // solve for $bbox_right when content_w known - $inner_w=='auto' && $bbox_right=='auto'
  12515.             } elseif ($bbox_left !== 'auto' && $inner_w !== 'auto' && $bbox_right !== 'auto') {
  12516.                 if ($bbox_ml === 'auto' && $bbox_mr === 'auto') {
  12517.                     $x $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_right;
  12518.                     $bbox_ml $bbox_mr = ($x 2);
  12519.                 } elseif ($bbox_ml === 'auto') {
  12520.                     $bbox_ml $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_mr $bbox_right;
  12521.                 } elseif ($bbox_mr === 'auto') {
  12522.                     $bbox_mr $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_ml $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_right;
  12523.                 } else {
  12524.                     $bbox_right $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_ml $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_ml;
  12525.                 }
  12526.             } else {
  12527.                 if ($bbox_ml === 'auto') {
  12528.                     $bbox_ml 0;
  12529.                 }
  12530.                 if ($bbox_mr === 'auto') {
  12531.                     $bbox_mr 0;
  12532.                 }
  12533.                 if ($bbox_left === 'auto' && $inner_w === 'auto' && $bbox_right !== 'auto') {
  12534.                     // solve for $bbox_left when content_w known - $inner_w=='auto' && $bbox_left =='auto'
  12535.                 } elseif ($bbox_left === 'auto' && $bbox_right === 'auto' && $inner_w !== 'auto') {
  12536.                     // IF containing element RTL, should set $bbox_right
  12537.                     $bbox_left $orig_x0 $bbox_ml $cont_x;
  12538.                     $bbox_right $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_ml $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_ml;
  12539.                 } elseif ($inner_w === 'auto' && $bbox_right === 'auto' && $bbox_left !== 'auto') {
  12540.                     // solve for $bbox_right when content_w known - $inner_w=='auto' && $bbox_right=='auto'
  12541.                 } elseif ($bbox_left === 'auto' && $inner_w !== 'auto' && $bbox_right !== 'auto') {
  12542.                     $bbox_left $cont_w $bbox_ml $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_ml $bbox_right;
  12543.                 } elseif ($inner_w === 'auto' && $bbox_left !== 'auto' && $bbox_right !== 'auto') {
  12544.                     $inner_w $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_ml $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_ml $bbox_right;
  12545.                 } elseif ($bbox_right === 'auto' && $bbox_left !== 'auto' && $inner_w !== 'auto') {
  12546.                     $bbox_right $cont_w $bbox_left $bbox_ml $bbox_bl $bbox_pl $inner_w $bbox_pr $bbox_br $bbox_ml;
  12547.                 }
  12548.             }
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  12550.             // ================================================================
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  12555.                     $this->blk[1]['background-image'] = $ret;
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  12566.             $bbox_bottom is_numeric($bbox_bottom) ? $bbox_bottom 0;
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  12571.             // Set (temporary) values for x y w h to do first paint, if values are auto
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  12573.                 $y $cont_y $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt;
  12574.                 $h $cont_h - ($bbox_bottom $bbox_mt $bbox_mb $bbox_bt $bbox_bb $bbox_pt $bbox_pb);
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  12577.                 $h $cont_h - ($bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_mb $bbox_bt $bbox_bb $bbox_pt $bbox_pb);
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  12589.             unset($p);
  12590.             unset($pb);
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  12613.                     $inner_x $bbox_x $bbox_bl $bbox_pl;
  12614.                     $x $inner_x;
  12615.                 }
  12616.                 $w $inner_w;
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  12618.                 $bbox_x $cont_x $bbox_left $bbox_ml;
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  12622.                 $this->rMargin $this->$w $x;
  12623.                 // SET POSITION & FONT VALUES
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  12644.                             $bbox_top 0;
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  12646.                         }
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  12649.                     $inner_y $bbox_y $bbox_bt $bbox_pt;
  12650.                     $y $inner_y;
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  12655.                     if ($overflow != 'hidden' && $overflow != 'visible') { // constrained
  12656.                         if ($bbox_top 0) {
  12657.                             $bbox_top 0;
  12658.                             $inner_h $cont_h $bbox_top $bbox_mt $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $bbox_pb $bbox_bb $bbox_mb $bbox_bottom;
  12659.                         }
  12660.                     }
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  12662.                     $inner_y $bbox_y $bbox_bt $bbox_pt;
  12663.                     $y $inner_y;
  12664.                 }
  12665.                 $h $inner_h;
  12666.                 $bbox_y $cont_y $bbox_top $bbox_mt;
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  12670.             $inner_h $h;
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  12700.                     // @log 'Auto-sizing fixed-position block $bpcctr++
  12701.                     $this->$x;
  12702.                     $this->$y;
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  12751.                     $adjw 0;
  12752.                 }
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  12756.                 else {
  12757.                     $adjh $prerotw;
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  12774.             // WHEN HEIGHT // BOTTOM EDGE IS KNOWN and $this->y is set to the bottom
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  12776.             $this->blk[1] = $saved_block1;
  12777.             // These are only needed when painting border/background
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  12792.         // Clipping Output
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  12794.             // Bounding rectangle to clip
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  12796.             if (!empty($bounding) && ($this->$bbox_pb $bbox_bb) > ($bbox_y $bbox_bt $bbox_pt $inner_h $bbox_pb $bbox_bb )) {
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  12827.             // End clipping
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  12847.                 }
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  12888.                     $adjx = -($lk['x'] - $bbox_x) + ($lk['y'] - $bbox_y);
  12889.                     $adjy = -($lk['y'] - $bbox_y) - ($lk['x'] - $bbox_x) + $prerotw;
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  12957.     {
  12958.         $prop preg_split('/\s+/'trim($bd));
  12959.         if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'])) {
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  12964.             $refw $this->w;
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  12971.                 return ['w' => 0's' => 0];
  12972.             }
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  12974.             // 1px solid
  12975.             if (in_array($prop[1], $this->borderstyles) || $prop[1] == 'none' || $prop[1] == 'hidden') {
  12976.                 $prop[2] = '';
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  12988.             // Change #000000 1px solid to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
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  12990.                 $tmp $prop[0];
  12991.                 $prop[0] = $prop[1];
  12992.                 $prop[1] = $prop[2];
  12993.                 $prop[2] = $tmp;
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  12995.             elseif (substr($prop[0], 11) == '#') {
  12996.                 $tmp $prop[1];
  12997.                 $prop[0] = $prop[2];
  12998.                 $prop[1] = $prop[0];
  12999.                 $prop[2] = $tmp;
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  13001.             elseif (in_array($prop[0], $this->borderstyles) || $prop[0] == 'none' || $prop[0] == 'hidden') {
  13002.                 $tmp $prop[0];
  13003.                 $prop[0] = $prop[1];
  13004.                 $prop[1] = $tmp;
  13005.             }
  13006.         } else {
  13007.             return ['w' => 0's' => 0];
  13008.         }
  13009.         // Size
  13010.         $bsize $this->sizeConverter->convert($prop[0], $refw$this->FontSizefalse);
  13011.         // color
  13012.         $coul $this->colorConverter->convert($prop[2], $this->PDFAXwarnings); // returns array
  13013.         // Style
  13014.         $prop[1] = strtolower($prop[1]);
  13015.         if (in_array($prop[1], $this->borderstyles) && $bsize 0) {
  13016.             $on 1;
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  13018.             $on 1;
  13019.             $bsize 0;
  13020.             $coul '';
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  13022.             $on 0;
  13023.             $bsize 0;
  13024.             $coul '';
  13025.         } else {
  13026.             $on 0;
  13027.             $bsize 0;
  13028.             $coul '';
  13029.             $prop[1] = '';
  13030.         }
  13031.         return ['s' => $on'w' => $bsize'c' => $coul'style' => $prop[1], 'dom' => 0];
  13032.     }
  13033.     /* -- END HTML-CSS -- */
  13034.     /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
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  13036.     {
  13037.         // $px and py are padding long axis (x) and short axis (y)
  13038.         $added 0// extra padding
  13039.         $x $a $px;
  13040.         $y $b $py;
  13041.         // Check if Falls within ellipse of border radius
  13042.         if (( (($x $added) * ($x $added)) / ($a $a) + (($y $added) * ($y $added)) / ($b $b) ) <= 1) {
  13043.             return false;
  13044.         }
  13045.         $t atan2($y$x);
  13046.         $newx $b sqrt((($b $b) / ($a $a)) + ( tan($t) * tan($t) ));
  13047.         $newy $a sqrt((($a $a) / ($b $b)) + ( (tan($t)) * (tan($t)) ));
  13048.         $px max($px$a $newx $added);
  13049.         $py max($py$b $newy $added);
  13050.     }
  13051.     /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  13052.     /* -- HTML-CSS -- */
  13053.     /* -- CSS-PAGE -- */
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  13066.                 $side 'R';
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  13079.         // Basic page + selector
  13080.         if (isset($this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE'])) {
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  13088.         if (isset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']) && $oddEven == 'E') {
  13089.             $p['HEADER'] = $p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME'];
  13090.             unset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']);
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  13094.             unset($p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']);
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  13096.         if (isset($p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']) && $oddEven == 'E') {
  13097.             $p['FOOTER'] = $p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME'];
  13098.             unset($p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']);
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  13100.         if (isset($p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']) && $oddEven != 'E') {
  13101.             $p['FOOTER'] = $p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME'];
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  13114.             unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']);
  13115.         }
  13116.         // Disallow margin-left or -right on :LEFT or :RIGHT
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  13118.             unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']);
  13119.         }
  13120.         if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) {
  13121.             unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']);
  13122.         }
  13123.         if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) {
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  13126.         // If left/Even page
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  13135.         if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) {
  13136.             unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']);
  13137.         }
  13138.         // Disallow margin-left or -right on :LEFT or :RIGHT
  13139.         if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) {
  13140.             unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']);
  13141.         }
  13142.         if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) {
  13143.             unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']);
  13144.         }
  13145.         if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) {
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  13148.         // If first page
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  13153.         }
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  13156.         }
  13157.         if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) {
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  13160.         // Disallow margin-left or -right on :FIRST    // mPDF 5.7.3
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  13164.         if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) {
  13165.             unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']);
  13166.         }
  13167.         if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) {
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  13170.         // If named page
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  13172.             if (isset($this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>' $name])) {
  13173.                 $zp $this->cssManager->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>' $name];
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  13175.                 $zp = [];
  13176.             }
  13177.             if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) {
  13178.                 $p array_merge($p$zp);
  13179.             }
  13180.             if (isset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']) && $oddEven == 'E') {
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  13367.         }
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  13430.         $l_exists false;
  13431.         $r_exists false;
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  13460.         // elseif position:outside (and NOT table) - output in front of first textbuffer output by setting listitem (cf. _saveTextBuffer)
  13461.         $e '';
  13462.         $this->listitem '';
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  13464.         // IMAGE
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  13467.             // ? Restrict maximum height/width of list marker??
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  13469.             $maxHeight 100;
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  13491.             // Image file
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  13494.                 return;
  13495.             }
  13496.             if ($info['w'] == && $info['h'] == 0) {
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  13498.             }
  13499.             $objattr['file'] = $srcpath;
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  13502.                 /* -- IMAGES-WMF -- */
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  13506.                     // divide by k to get user units
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  13513.                         $h abs($info['h']) / Mpdf::SCALE;
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  13552.             $objattr['image_height'] = $h;
  13553.             $objattr['image_width'] = $w;
  13554.             $objattr['dir'] = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] : 'ltr');
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  13557.             $e Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=image,objattr=" serialize($objattr) . Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;
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  13559.             if ($listitemposition == 'inside') {
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  13561.                 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
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  13564.             $objattr = [];
  13565.             $objattr['type'] = 'listmarker';
  13566.             $objattr['listmarkerposition'] = $listitemposition;
  13567.             $objattr['width'] = 0;
  13568.             $size $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->list_symbol_size$this->FontSize);
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  13570.             $objattr['offset'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->list_marker_offset$this->FontSize);
  13571.             if ($listitemposition == 'inside') {
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  13574.             $objattr['height'] = $this->FontSize;
  13575.             $objattr['vertical-align'] = 'T';
  13576.             $objattr['text'] = '';
  13577.             $objattr['dir'] = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] : 'ltr');
  13578.             $objattr['bullet'] = $listitemtype;
  13579.             $objattr['colorarray'] = $this->colorarray;
  13580.             $objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
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  13584.             $e Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=listmarker,objattr=" serialize($objattr) . Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;
  13585.             $this->listitem $this->_saveTextBuffer($e''''true); // true returns array
  13586.         } elseif (preg_match('/U\+([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i'$listitemtype$m)) { // SYMBOL 2 (needs new font)
  13587.             if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], hexdec($m[1]))) {
  13588.                 $list_item_marker UtfString::codeHex2utf($m[1]);
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  13590.                 $list_item_marker '-';
  13591.             }
  13592.             if (preg_match('/rgb\(.*?\)/'$listitemtype$m)) {
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  13597.             // SAVE then SET COLR
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  13602.             if ($listitemposition == 'inside') {
  13603.                 $e $list_item_marker $spacer;
  13604.                 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
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  13606.                 $objattr = [];
  13607.                 $objattr['type'] = 'listmarker';
  13608.                 $objattr['width'] = 0;
  13609.                 $objattr['height'] = $this->FontSize;
  13610.                 $objattr['vertical-align'] = 'T';
  13611.                 $objattr['text'] = $list_item_marker;
  13612.                 $objattr['dir'] = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] : 'ltr');
  13613.                 $objattr['colorarray'] = $this->colorarray;
  13614.                 $objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
  13615.                 $objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSize;
  13616.                 $objattr['fontsizept'] = $this->FontSizePt;
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  13618.                 $e Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=listmarker,objattr=" serialize($objattr) . Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;
  13619.                 $this->listitem $this->_saveTextBuffer($e''''true); // true returns array
  13620.             }
  13621.             // RESET COLOR
  13622.             $this->colorarray $save_colorarray;
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  13624.             $counter $this->listcounter[$this->listlvl];
  13625.             if ($listitemtype == 'none') {
  13626.                 return;
  13627.             }
  13628.             $num $this->_getStyledNumber($counter$listitemtypetrue);
  13629.             if ($listitemposition == 'inside') {
  13630.                 $e $num $this->list_number_suffix $spacer;
  13631.                 $this->_saveTextBuffer($e);
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  13633.                 if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] == 'rtl') {
  13634.                     // REPLACE MIRRORED RTL $this->list_number_suffix  e.g. ) -> (  (NB could use Ucdn::$mirror_pairs)
  13635.                     $m strtr($this->list_number_suffix")]}""([{") . $num;
  13636.                 } else {
  13637.                     $m $num $this->list_number_suffix;
  13638.                 }
  13639.                 $objattr = [];
  13640.                 $objattr['type'] = 'listmarker';
  13641.                 $objattr['width'] = 0;
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  13643.                 $objattr['vertical-align'] = 'T';
  13644.                 $objattr['text'] = $m;
  13645.                 $objattr['dir'] = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] : 'ltr');
  13646.                 $objattr['colorarray'] = $this->colorarray;
  13647.                 $objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
  13648.                 $objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSize;
  13649.                 $objattr['fontsizept'] = $this->FontSizePt;
  13650.                 $objattr['fontstyle'] = $this->FontStyle;
  13651.                 $e Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=listmarker,objattr=" serialize($objattr) . Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;
  13652.                 $this->listitem $this->_saveTextBuffer($e''''true); // true returns array
  13653.             }
  13654.         }
  13655.     }
  13656.     // mPDF Lists
  13657.     function _getListMarkerWidth(&$currblk, &$a, &$i)
  13658.     {
  13659.         $blt_width 0;
  13660.         $markeroffset $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->list_marker_offset$this->FontSize);
  13661.         // Get Maximum number in the list
  13662.         $maxnum $this->listcounter[$this->listlvl];
  13663.         if ($currblk['list_style_type'] != 'disc' && $currblk['list_style_type'] != 'circle' && $currblk['list_style_type'] != 'square') {
  13664.             $lvl 1;
  13665.             for ($j $i 2$j count($a); $j+=2) {
  13666.                 $e $a[$j];
  13667.                 if (!$e) {
  13668.                     continue;
  13669.                 }
  13670.                 if ($e[0] == '/') { // end tag
  13671.                     $e strtoupper(substr($e1));
  13672.                     if ($e == 'OL' || $e == 'UL') {
  13673.                         if ($lvl == 1) {
  13674.                             break;
  13675.                         }
  13676.                         $lvl--;
  13677.                     }
  13678.                 } else { // opening tag
  13679.                     if (strpos($e' ')) {
  13680.                         $e substr($e0strpos($e' '));
  13681.                     }
  13682.                     $e strtoupper($e);
  13683.                     if ($e == 'LI') {
  13684.                         if ($lvl == 1) {
  13685.                             $maxnum++;
  13686.                         }
  13687.                     } elseif ($e == 'OL' || $e == 'UL') {
  13688.                         $lvl++;
  13689.                     }
  13690.                 }
  13691.             }
  13692.         }
  13693.         $decToAlpha = new Conversion\DecToAlpha();
  13694.         $decToRoman = new Conversion\DecToRoman();
  13695.         $decToOther = new Conversion\DecToOther($this);
  13696.         switch ($currblk['list_style_type']) {
  13697.             case 'decimal':
  13698.             case '1':
  13699.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('5'strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13700.                 break;
  13701.             case 'none':
  13702.                 $blt_width 0;
  13703.                 break;
  13704.             case 'upper-alpha':
  13705.             case 'upper-latin':
  13706.             case 'A':
  13707.                 $maxnumA $decToAlpha->convert($maxnumtrue);
  13708.                 if ($maxnum 13) {
  13709.                     $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth('D' $this->list_number_suffix);
  13710.                 } else {
  13711.                     $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('W'strlen($maxnumA)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13712.                 }
  13713.                 break;
  13714.             case 'lower-alpha':
  13715.             case 'lower-latin':
  13716.             case 'a':
  13717.                 $maxnuma $decToAlpha->convert($maxnumfalse);
  13718.                 if ($maxnum 13) {
  13719.                     $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth('b' $this->list_number_suffix);
  13720.                 } else {
  13721.                     $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('m'strlen($maxnuma)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13722.                 }
  13723.                 break;
  13724.             case 'upper-roman':
  13725.             case 'I':
  13726.                 if ($maxnum 87) {
  13727.                     $bbit 87;
  13728.                 } elseif ($maxnum 86) {
  13729.                     $bbit 86;
  13730.                 } elseif ($maxnum 37) {
  13731.                     $bbit 38;
  13732.                 } elseif ($maxnum 36) {
  13733.                     $bbit 37;
  13734.                 } elseif ($maxnum 27) {
  13735.                     $bbit 28;
  13736.                 } elseif ($maxnum 26) {
  13737.                     $bbit 27;
  13738.                 } elseif ($maxnum 17) {
  13739.                     $bbit 18;
  13740.                 } elseif ($maxnum 16) {
  13741.                     $bbit 17;
  13742.                 } elseif ($maxnum 7) {
  13743.                     $bbit 8;
  13744.                 } elseif ($maxnum 6) {
  13745.                     $bbit 7;
  13746.                 } elseif ($maxnum 3) {
  13747.                     $bbit 4;
  13748.                 } else {
  13749.                     $bbit $maxnum;
  13750.                 }
  13751.                 $maxlnum $decToRoman->convert($bbittrue);
  13752.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth($maxlnum $this->list_number_suffix);
  13753.                 break;
  13754.             case 'lower-roman':
  13755.             case 'i':
  13756.                 if ($maxnum 87) {
  13757.                     $bbit 87;
  13758.                 } elseif ($maxnum 86) {
  13759.                     $bbit 86;
  13760.                 } elseif ($maxnum 37) {
  13761.                     $bbit 38;
  13762.                 } elseif ($maxnum 36) {
  13763.                     $bbit 37;
  13764.                 } elseif ($maxnum 27) {
  13765.                     $bbit 28;
  13766.                 } elseif ($maxnum 26) {
  13767.                     $bbit 27;
  13768.                 } elseif ($maxnum 17) {
  13769.                     $bbit 18;
  13770.                 } elseif ($maxnum 16) {
  13771.                     $bbit 17;
  13772.                 } elseif ($maxnum 7) {
  13773.                     $bbit 8;
  13774.                 } elseif ($maxnum 6) {
  13775.                     $bbit 7;
  13776.                 } elseif ($maxnum 3) {
  13777.                     $bbit 4;
  13778.                 } else {
  13779.                     $bbit $maxnum;
  13780.                 }
  13781.                 $maxlnum $decToRoman->convert($bbitfalse);
  13782.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth($maxlnum $this->list_number_suffix);
  13783.                 break;
  13784.             case 'disc':
  13785.             case 'circle':
  13786.             case 'square':
  13787.                 $size $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->list_symbol_size$this->FontSize);
  13788.                 $offset $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->list_marker_offset$this->FontSize);
  13789.                 $blt_width $size $offset;
  13790.                 break;
  13791.             case 'arabic-indic':
  13792.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0660), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13793.                 break;
  13794.             case 'persian':
  13795.             case 'urdu':
  13796.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x06F0), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13797.                 break;
  13798.             case 'bengali':
  13799.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x09E6), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13800.                 break;
  13801.             case 'devanagari':
  13802.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0966), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13803.                 break;
  13804.             case 'gujarati':
  13805.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0AE6), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13806.                 break;
  13807.             case 'gurmukhi':
  13808.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0A66), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13809.                 break;
  13810.             case 'kannada':
  13811.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0CE6), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13812.                 break;
  13813.             case 'malayalam':
  13814.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(60x0D66), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13815.                 break;
  13816.             case 'oriya':
  13817.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0B66), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13818.                 break;
  13819.             case 'telugu':
  13820.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(30x0C66), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13821.                 break;
  13822.             case 'tamil':
  13823.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(90x0BE6), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13824.                 break;
  13825.             case 'thai':
  13826.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($decToOther->convert(50x0E50), strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13827.                 break;
  13828.             default:
  13829.                 $blt_width $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('5'strlen($maxnum)) . $this->list_number_suffix);
  13830.                 break;
  13831.         }
  13832.         return ($blt_width $markeroffset);
  13833.     }
  13834.     function _saveTextBuffer($t$link ''$intlink ''$return false)
  13835.     {
  13836.     // mPDF 6  Lists
  13837.         $arr = [];
  13838.         $arr[0] = $t;
  13839.         if (isset($link) && $link) {
  13840.             $arr[1] = $link;
  13841.         }
  13842.         $arr[2] = $this->currentfontstyle;
  13843.         if (isset($this->colorarray) && $this->colorarray) {
  13844.             $arr[3] = $this->colorarray;
  13845.         }
  13846.         $arr[4] = $this->currentfontfamily;
  13847.         $arr[5] = $this->currentLang// mPDF 6
  13848.         if (isset($intlink) && $intlink) {
  13849.             $arr[7] = $intlink;
  13850.         }
  13851.         // mPDF 6
  13852.         // If Kerning set for OTL, and useOTL has positive value, but has not set for this particular script,
  13853.         // set for kerning via kern table
  13854.         // e.g. Latin script when useOTL set as 0x80
  13855.         if (isset($this->OTLtags['Plus']) && strpos($this->OTLtags['Plus'], 'kern') !== false && empty($this->OTLdata['GPOSinfo'])) {
  13856.             $this->textvar = ($this->textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING);
  13857.         }
  13858.         $arr[8] = $this->textvar// mPDF 5.7.1
  13859.         if (isset($this->textparam) && $this->textparam) {
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  13861.         }
  13862.         if (isset($this->spanbgcolorarray) && $this->spanbgcolorarray) {
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  13865.         $arr[11] = $this->currentfontsize;
  13866.         if (isset($this->ReqFontStyle) && $this->ReqFontStyle) {
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  13868.         }
  13869.         if (isset($this->lSpacingCSS) && $this->lSpacingCSS) {
  13870.             $arr[14] = $this->lSpacingCSS;
  13871.         }
  13872.         if (isset($this->wSpacingCSS) && $this->wSpacingCSS) {
  13873.             $arr[15] = $this->wSpacingCSS;
  13874.         }
  13875.         if (isset($this->spanborddet) && $this->spanborddet) {
  13876.             $arr[16] = $this->spanborddet;
  13877.         }
  13878.         if (isset($this->textshadow) && $this->textshadow) {
  13879.             $arr[17] = $this->textshadow;
  13880.         }
  13881.         if (isset($this->OTLdata) && $this->OTLdata) {
  13882.             $arr[18] = $this->OTLdata;
  13883.             $this->OTLdata = [];
  13884.         } // mPDF 5.7.1
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  13886.             $arr[18] = null;
  13887.         }
  13888.         // mPDF 6  Lists
  13889.         if ($return) {
  13890.             return ($arr);
  13891.         }
  13892.         if ($this->listitem) {
  13893.             $this->textbuffer[] = $this->listitem;
  13894.             $this->listitem = [];
  13895.         }
  13896.         $this->textbuffer[] = $arr;
  13897.     }
  13898.     function _saveCellTextBuffer($t$link ''$intlink '')
  13899.     {
  13900.         $arr = [];
  13901.         $arr[0] = $t;
  13902.         if (isset($link) && $link) {
  13903.             $arr[1] = $link;
  13904.         }
  13905.         $arr[2] = $this->currentfontstyle;
  13906.         if (isset($this->colorarray) && $this->colorarray) {
  13907.             $arr[3] = $this->colorarray;
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  13909.         $arr[4] = $this->currentfontfamily;
  13910.         if (isset($intlink) && $intlink) {
  13911.             $arr[7] = $intlink;
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  13913.         // mPDF 6
  13914.         // If Kerning set for OTL, and useOTL has positive value, but has not set for this particular script,
  13915.         // set for kerning via kern table
  13916.         // e.g. Latin script when useOTL set as 0x80
  13917.         if (isset($this->OTLtags['Plus']) && strpos($this->OTLtags['Plus'], 'kern') !== false && empty($this->OTLdata['GPOSinfo'])) {
  13918.             $this->textvar = ($this->textvar TextVars::FC_KERNING);
  13919.         }
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  13922.             $arr[9] = $this->textparam;
  13923.         }
  13924.         if (isset($this->spanbgcolorarray) && $this->spanbgcolorarray) {
  13925.             $arr[10] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
  13926.         }
  13927.         $arr[11] = $this->currentfontsize;
  13928.         if (isset($this->ReqFontStyle) && $this->ReqFontStyle) {
  13929.             $arr[12] = $this->ReqFontStyle;
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  13931.         if (isset($this->lSpacingCSS) && $this->lSpacingCSS) {
  13932.             $arr[14] = $this->lSpacingCSS;
  13933.         }
  13934.         if (isset($this->wSpacingCSS) && $this->wSpacingCSS) {
  13935.             $arr[15] = $this->wSpacingCSS;
  13936.         }
  13937.         if (isset($this->spanborddet) && $this->spanborddet) {
  13938.             $arr[16] = $this->spanborddet;
  13939.         }
  13940.         if (isset($this->textshadow) && $this->textshadow) {
  13941.             $arr[17] = $this->textshadow;
  13942.         }
  13943.         if (isset($this->OTLdata) && $this->OTLdata) {
  13944.             $arr[18] = $this->OTLdata;
  13945.             $this->OTLdata = [];
  13946.         } // mPDF 5.7.1
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  13948.             $arr[18] = null;
  13949.         }
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  13951.     }
  13952.     function printbuffer($arrayaux$blockstate 0$is_table false$table_draft false$cell_dir '')
  13953.     {
  13954.         // $blockstate = 0;    // NO margins/padding
  13955.         // $blockstate = 1;    // Top margins/padding only
  13956.         // $blockstate = 2;    // Bottom margins/padding only
  13957.         // $blockstate = 3;    // Top & bottom margins/padding
  13958.         $this->spanbgcolorarray '';
  13959.         $this->spanbgcolor false;
  13960.         $this->spanborder false;
  13961.         $this->spanborddet = [];
  13962.         $paint_ht_corr 0;
  13963.         /* -- CSS-FLOAT -- */
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  13965.             list($l_exists$r_exists$l_max$r_max$l_width$r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
  13966.             if (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $l_width $r_width) < ($this->GetCharWidth('W'false))) {
  13967.                 // Too narrow to fit - try to move down past L or R float
  13968.                 if ($l_max $r_max && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $r_width) > ($this->GetCharWidth('W'false))) {
  13969.                     $this->ClearFloats('LEFT'$this->blklvl);
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  13971.                     $this->ClearFloats('RIGHT'$this->blklvl);
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  13973.                     $this->ClearFloats('BOTH'$this->blklvl);
  13974.                 }
  13975.             }
  13976.         }
  13977.         /* -- END CSS-FLOAT -- */
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  13979.         $bak_x $this->x;
  13980.         $align '';
  13981.         if (!$is_table) {
  13982.             if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align']) {
  13983.                 $align $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'];
  13984.             }
  13985.             // Block-align is set by e.g. <.. align="center"> Takes priority for this block but not inherited
  13986.             if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['block-align']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['block-align']) {
  13987.                 $align $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['block-align'];
  13988.             }
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  13992.                 $blockdir "";
  13993.             }
  13994.             $this->divwidth $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'];
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  13996.             $align $this->cellTextAlign;
  13997.             $blockdir $cell_dir;
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  13999.         $oldpage $this->page;
  14000.         // ADDED for Out of Block now done as Flowing Block
  14001.         if ($this->divwidth == 0) {
  14002.             $this->divwidth $this->pgwidth;
  14003.         }
  14004.         if (!$is_table) {
  14005.             $this->SetLineHeight($this->FontSizePt$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']);
  14006.         }
  14007.         $this->divheight $this->lineheight;
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  14009.         // As a failsafe - if font has been set but not output to page
  14010.         if (!$table_draft) {
  14011.             $this->SetFont($this->default_font''$this->default_font_sizetruetrue); // force output to page
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  14013.         $this->newFlowingBlock($this->divwidth$this->divheight$align$is_table$blockstatetrue$blockdir$table_draft);
  14014.         $array_size count($arrayaux);
  14015.         // Added - Otherwise <div><div><p> did not output top margins/padding for 1st/2nd div
  14016.         if ($array_size == 0) {
  14017.             $this->finishFlowingBlock(true);
  14018.         } // true = END of flowing block
  14019.         // mPDF 6
  14020.         // ALL the chunks of textbuffer need to have at least basic OTLdata set
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  14022.         for ($i 0$i $array_size$i++) {
  14023.             if (empty($arrayaux[$i][18])) {
  14024.                 if (substr($arrayaux[$i][0], 03) == Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER) { // object identifier has been identified!
  14025.                     $unicode = [0xFFFC]; // Object replacement character
  14026.                 } else {
  14027.                     $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($arrayaux[$i][0], false);
  14028.                 }
  14029.                 $is_strong false;
  14030.                 $this->getBasicOTLdata($arrayaux[$i][18], $unicode$is_strong);
  14031.             }
  14032.             // Gets messed up if try and use core fonts inside a paragraph of text which needs to be BiDi re-ordered or OTLdata set
  14033.             if (($blockdir == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional) && isset($arrayaux[$i][4]) && in_array($arrayaux[$i][4], ['ccourier''ctimes''chelvetica''csymbol''czapfdingbats'])) {
  14034.                 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("You cannot use core fonts in a document which contains RTL text.");
  14035.             }
  14036.         }
  14037.         // mPDF 6
  14038.         // Process bidirectional text ready for bidi-re-ordering (which is done after line-breaks are established in WriteFlowingBlock etc.)
  14039.         if (($blockdir == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional) && !$table_draft) {
  14040.             if (empty($this->otl)) {
  14041.                 $this->otl = new Otl($this$this->fontCache);
  14042.             }
  14043.             $this->otl->bidiPrepare($arrayaux$blockdir);
  14044.             $array_size count($arrayaux);
  14045.         }
  14046.         // Remove empty items // mPDF 6
  14047.         for ($i $array_size 1$i 0$i--) {
  14048.             if ('' === $arrayaux[$i][0] && (isset($arrayaux[$i][16]) && $arrayaux[$i][16] !== '0') && empty($arrayaux[$i][7])) {
  14049.                 unset($arrayaux[$i]);
  14050.             }
  14051.         }
  14052.         // Correct adjoining borders for inline elements
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  14055.         } else {
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  14057.         }
  14058.         for ($i 1$i $array_size$i++) {
  14059.             if (isset($arrayaux[$i][16]) && $arrayaux[$i][16] == $lastspanborder &&
  14060.                 ((!isset($arrayaux[$i][9]['bord-decoration']) && !isset($arrayaux[$i 1][9]['bord-decoration'])) ||
  14061.                 (isset($arrayaux[$i][9]['bord-decoration']) && isset($arrayaux[$i 1][9]['bord-decoration']) && $arrayaux[$i][9]['bord-decoration'] == $arrayaux[$i 1][9]['bord-decoration'])
  14062.                 )
  14063.             ) {
  14064.                 if (isset($arrayaux[$i][16]['R'])) {
  14065.                     $lastspanborder $arrayaux[$i][16];
  14066.                 } else {
  14067.                     $lastspanborder false;
  14068.                 }
  14069.                 $arrayaux[$i][16]['L']['s'] = 0;
  14070.                 $arrayaux[$i][16]['L']['w'] = 0;
  14071.                 $arrayaux[$i 1][16]['R']['s'] = 0;
  14072.                 $arrayaux[$i 1][16]['R']['w'] = 0;
  14073.             } else {
  14074.                 if (isset($arrayaux[$i][16]['R'])) {
  14075.                     $lastspanborder $arrayaux[$i][16];
  14076.                 } else {
  14077.                     $lastspanborder false;
  14078.                 }
  14079.             }
  14080.         }
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  14082.             // COLS
  14083.             $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  14084.             $vetor = isset($arrayaux[$i]) ? $arrayaux[$i] : null;
  14085.             if ($i == && $vetor[0] != "\n" && ! $this->ispre) {
  14086.                 $vetor[0] = ltrim($vetor[0]);
  14087.                 if (!empty($vetor[18])) {
  14088.                     $this->otl->trimOTLdata($vetor[18], truefalse);
  14089.                 } // *OTL*
  14090.             }
  14091.             // FIXED TO ALLOW IT TO SHOW '0'
  14092.             if (empty($vetor[0]) && !($vetor[0] === '0') && empty($vetor[7])) {
  14093.                 // Ignore empty text and not carrying an internal link
  14094.                 // Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block
  14095.                 if ($i == ($array_size 1)) {
  14096.                     $this->finishFlowingBlock(true);
  14097.                 } // true = END of flowing block
  14098.                 continue;
  14099.             }
  14100.             // Activating buffer properties
  14101.             if (isset($vetor[11]) && $vetor[11] != '') {   // Font Size
  14102.                 if ($is_table && $this->shrin_k) {
  14103.                     $this->SetFontSize($vetor[11] / $this->shrin_kfalse);
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  14105.                     $this->SetFontSize($vetor[11], false);
  14106.                 }
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  14108.             if (isset($vetor[17]) && !empty($vetor[17])) { // TextShadow
  14109.                 $this->textshadow $vetor[17];
  14110.             }
  14111.             if (isset($vetor[16]) && !empty($vetor[16])) { // Border
  14112.                 $this->spanborddet $vetor[16];
  14113.                 $this->spanborder true;
  14114.             }
  14115.             if (isset($vetor[15])) {   // Word spacing
  14116.                 $this->wSpacingCSS $vetor[15];
  14117.                 if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
  14118.                     $this->minwSpacing $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->wSpacingCSS$this->FontSize) / $this->shrin_k// mPDF 5.7.3
  14119.                 }
  14120.             }
  14121.             if (isset($vetor[14])) {   // Letter spacing
  14122.                 $this->lSpacingCSS $vetor[14];
  14123.                 if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS === '0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
  14124.                     $this->fixedlSpacing $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->lSpacingCSS$this->FontSize) / $this->shrin_k// mPDF 5.7.3
  14125.                 }
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  14127.             if (isset($vetor[10]) and ! empty($vetor[10])) { // Background color
  14128.                 $this->spanbgcolorarray $vetor[10];
  14129.                 $this->spanbgcolor true;
  14130.             }
  14131.             if (isset($vetor[9]) and ! empty($vetor[9])) { // Text parameters - Outline + hyphens
  14132.                 $this->textparam $vetor[9];
  14133.                 $this->SetTextOutline($this->textparam);
  14134.                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
  14135.                 if ($is_table && $this->shrin_k) {
  14136.                     if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) {
  14137.                         $this->textparam['text-baseline'] /= $this->shrin_k;
  14138.                     }
  14139.                     if (isset($this->textparam['decoration-baseline'])) {
  14140.                         $this->textparam['decoration-baseline'] /= $this->shrin_k;
  14141.                     }
  14142.                     if (isset($this->textparam['decoration-fontsize'])) {
  14143.                         $this->textparam['decoration-fontsize'] /= $this->shrin_k;
  14144.                     }
  14145.                 }
  14146.             }
  14147.             if (isset($vetor[8])) {  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14148.                 $this->textvar $vetor[8];
  14149.             }
  14150.             if (isset($vetor[7]) and $vetor[7] != '') { // internal target: <a name="anyvalue">
  14151.                 $ily $this->y;
  14152.                 if ($this->table_rotate) {
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  14160.                 }
  14161.                 if (empty($vetor[0])) { // Ignore empty text
  14162.                     // Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block
  14163.                     if ($i == ($array_size 1)) {
  14164.                         $this->finishFlowingBlock(true);
  14165.                     } // true = END of flowing block
  14166.                     continue;
  14167.                 }
  14168.             }
  14169.             if (isset($vetor[5]) and $vetor[5] != '') {  // Language    // mPDF 6
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  14172.             if (isset($vetor[4]) and $vetor[4] != '') {  // Font Family
  14173.                 $font $this->SetFont($vetor[4], $this->FontStyle0false);
  14174.             }
  14175.             if (!empty($vetor[3])) { // Font Color
  14176.                 $cor $vetor[3];
  14177.                 $this->SetTColor($cor);
  14178.             }
  14179.             if (isset($vetor[2]) and $vetor[2] != '') { // Bold,Italic styles
  14180.                 $this->SetStyles($vetor[2]);
  14181.             }
  14182.             if (isset($vetor[12]) and $vetor[12] != '') { // Requested Bold,Italic
  14183.                 $this->ReqFontStyle $vetor[12];
  14184.             }
  14185.             if (isset($vetor[1]) and $vetor[1] != '') { // LINK
  14186.                 if (strpos($vetor[1], ".") === false && strpos($vetor[1], "@") !== 0) { // assuming every external link has a dot indicating extension (e.g: .html .txt .zip etc.)
  14187.                     // Repeated reference to same anchor?
  14188.                     while (array_key_exists($vetor[1], $this->internallink)) {
  14189.                         $vetor[1] = "#" $vetor[1];
  14190.                     }
  14191.                     $this->internallink[$vetor[1]] = $this->AddLink();
  14192.                     $vetor[1] = $this->internallink[$vetor[1]];
  14193.                 }
  14194.                 $this->HREF $vetor[1];     // HREF link style set here ******
  14195.             }
  14196.             // SPECIAL CONTENT - IMAGES & FORM OBJECTS
  14197.             // Print-out special content
  14198.             if (substr($vetor[0], 03) == Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER) { // identifier has been identified!
  14199.                 $objattr $this->_getObjAttr($vetor[0]);
  14200.                 /* -- TABLES -- */
  14201.                 if ($objattr['type'] == 'nestedtable') {
  14202.                     if ($objattr['nestedcontent']) {
  14203.                         $level $objattr['level'];
  14204.                         $table = &$this->table[$level][$objattr['table']];
  14205.                         if ($table_draft) {
  14206.                             $this->+= $this->table[($level 1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['h']; // nested table height
  14207.                             $this->finishFlowingBlock(false'nestedtable');
  14208.                         } else {
  14209.                             $cell = &$table['cells'][$objattr['row']][$objattr['col']];
  14210.                             $this->finishFlowingBlock(false'nestedtable');
  14211.                             $save_dw $this->divwidth;
  14212.                             $save_buffer $this->cellBorderBuffer;
  14213.                             $this->cellBorderBuffer = [];
  14214.                             $ncx $this->x;
  14215.                             list($dummyx$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table$objattr['row'], $objattr['col']);
  14216.                             $ntw $this->table[($level 1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['w']; // nested table width
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  14218.                                 if ($this->packTableData) {
  14219.                                     list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cell['borderbin']);
  14220.                                 } else {
  14221.                                     $br $cell['border_details']['R']['w'];
  14222.                                     $bl $cell['border_details']['L']['w'];
  14223.                                 }
  14224.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  14225.                                     $innerw $w $bl $br $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'] - $table['border_spacing_H'];
  14226.                                 } else {
  14227.                                     $innerw $w $bl $br $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'];
  14228.                                 }
  14229.                             } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  14230.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  14231.                                     $innerw $w $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] - $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] - $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'] - $table['border_spacing_H'];
  14232.                                 } else {
  14233.                                     $innerw $w $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] / $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] / $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'];
  14234.                                 }
  14235.                             }
  14236.                             if ($cell['a'] == 'C' || $this->table[($level 1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['a'] == 'C') {
  14237.                                 $ncx += ($innerw $ntw) / 2;
  14238.                             } elseif ($cell['a'] == 'R' || $this->table[($level 1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['a'] == 'R') {
  14239.                                 $ncx += $innerw $ntw;
  14240.                             }
  14241.                             $this->$ncx;
  14242.                             $this->_tableWrite($this->table[($level 1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]);
  14243.                             $this->cellBorderBuffer $save_buffer;
  14244.                             $this->$bak_x;
  14245.                             $this->divwidth $save_dw;
  14246.                         }
  14247.                         $this->newFlowingBlock($this->divwidth$this->divheight$align$is_table$blockstatefalse$blockdir$table_draft);
  14248.                     }
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  14250.                     /* -- END TABLES -- */
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  14252.                         $maxWidth $this->divwidth;  // *TABLES*
  14253.                     // *TABLES*
  14254.                     else { // *TABLES*
  14255.                         $maxWidth $this->divwidth - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w']);
  14256.                     } // *TABLES*
  14257.                     /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  14258.                     // If float (already) exists at this level
  14259.                     if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $this-><= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $this->>= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0']) {
  14260.                         $maxWidth -= $this->floatmargins['R']['w'];
  14261.                     }
  14262.                     if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $this-><= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $this->>= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0']) {
  14263.                         $maxWidth -= $this->floatmargins['L']['w'];
  14264.                     }
  14265.                     /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  14266.                     list($skipln) = $this->inlineObject($objattr['type'], ''$this->y$objattr$this->lMargin, ($this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth'] / Mpdf::SCALE), $maxWidth$this->flowingBlockAttr['height'], false$is_table);
  14267.                     //  1 -> New line needed because of width
  14268.                     // -1 -> Will fit width on line but NEW PAGE REQUIRED because of height
  14269.                     // -2 -> Will not fit on line therefore needs new line but thus NEW PAGE REQUIRED
  14270.                     $iby $this->y;
  14271.                     $oldpage $this->page;
  14272.                     $oldcol $this->CurrCol;
  14273.                     if (($skipln == || $skipln == -2) && !isset($objattr['float'])) {
  14274.                         $this->finishFlowingBlock(false$objattr['type']);
  14275.                         $this->newFlowingBlock($this->divwidth$this->divheight$align$is_table$blockstatefalse$blockdir$table_draft);
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  14282.                             $changedcol false;
  14283.                         }
  14284.                         // the previous lines can already have triggered page break or column change
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  14286.                             $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  14287.                             // Added to correct Images already set on line before page advanced
  14288.                             // i.e. if second inline image on line is higher than first and forces new page
  14289.                             if (count($this->objectbuffer)) {
  14290.                                 $yadj $iby $this->y;
  14291.                                 foreach ($this->objectbuffer as $ib => $val) {
  14292.                                     if ($this->objectbuffer[$ib]['OUTER-Y']) {
  14293.                                         $this->objectbuffer[$ib]['OUTER-Y'] -= $yadj;
  14294.                                     }
  14295.                                     if ($this->objectbuffer[$ib]['BORDER-Y']) {
  14296.                                         $this->objectbuffer[$ib]['BORDER-Y'] -= $yadj;
  14297.                                     }
  14298.                                     if ($this->objectbuffer[$ib]['INNER-Y']) {
  14299.                                         $this->objectbuffer[$ib]['INNER-Y'] -= $yadj;
  14300.                                     }
  14301.                                 }
  14302.                             }
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  14304.                         // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
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  14309.                             $oldpage $this->page;
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  14312.                             $old_height 0;
  14313.                         }
  14314.                         $this->$bak_x;
  14315.                         /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  14316.                         // COLS
  14317.                         // OR COLUMN CHANGE
  14318.                         if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
  14319.                             if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { // *OTL*
  14320.                                 $bak_x -= ($this->CurrCol $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap); // *OTL*
  14321.                             // *OTL*
  14322.                             else { // *OTL*
  14323.                                 $bak_x += ($this->CurrCol $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  14324.                             } // *OTL*
  14325.                             $this->$bak_x;
  14326.                             $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  14327.                             $y $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14328.                             $this->oldy $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14329.                             $old_height 0;
  14330.                         }
  14331.                         /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  14332.                     }
  14333.                     /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  14334.                     if ($objattr['type'] == 'image' && isset($objattr['float'])) {
  14335.                         $fy $this->y;
  14336.                         // DIV TOP MARGIN/BORDER/PADDING
  14337.                         if ($this->flowingBlockAttr['newblock'] && ($this->flowingBlockAttr['blockstate'] == || $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockstate'] == 3) && $this->flowingBlockAttr['lineCount'] == 0) {
  14338.                             $fy += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
  14339.                         }
  14340.                         if ($objattr['float'] == 'R') {
  14341.                             $fx $this->$this->rMargin $objattr['width'] - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_right_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right']);
  14342.                         } elseif ($objattr['float'] == 'L') {
  14343.                             $fx $this->lMargin + ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left']);
  14344.                         }
  14345.                         $w $objattr['width'];
  14346.                         $h abs($objattr['height']);
  14347.                         $widthLeft $maxWidth - ($this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth'] / Mpdf::SCALE);
  14348.                         $maxHeight $this->- ($this->tMargin $this->margin_header $this->bMargin 10);
  14349.                         // For Images
  14350.                         $extraWidth = ($objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right']);
  14351.                         $extraHeight = ($objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom']);
  14352.                         if ($objattr['itype'] == 'wmf' || $objattr['itype'] == 'svg') {
  14353.                             $file $objattr['file'];
  14354.                             $info $this->formobjects[$file];
  14355.                         } else {
  14356.                             $file $objattr['file'];
  14357.                             $info $this->images[$file];
  14358.                         }
  14359.                         $img_w $w $extraWidth;
  14360.                         $img_h $h $extraHeight;
  14361.                         if ($objattr['border_left']['w']) {
  14362.                             $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $img_w + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w']) / 2);
  14363.                             $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w']) / 2);
  14364.                             $objattr['BORDER-X'] = $fx $objattr['margin_left'] + (($objattr['border_left']['w']) / 2);
  14365.                             $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $fy $objattr['margin_top'] + (($objattr['border_top']['w']) / 2);
  14366.                         }
  14367.                         $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $img_w;
  14368.                         $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h;
  14369.                         $objattr['INNER-X'] = $fx $objattr['margin_left'] + ($objattr['border_left']['w']);
  14370.                         $objattr['INNER-Y'] = $fy $objattr['margin_top'] + ($objattr['border_top']['w']);
  14371.                         $objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];
  14372.                         $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] = $w;
  14373.                         $objattr['OUTER-HEIGHT'] = $h;
  14374.                         $objattr['OUTER-X'] = $fx;
  14375.                         $objattr['OUTER-Y'] = $fy;
  14376.                         if ($objattr['float'] == 'R') {
  14377.                             // If R float already exists at this level
  14378.                             $this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = false;
  14379.                             if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] > && $fy $this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) {
  14380.                                 $this->WriteFlowingBlock($vetor[0], $vetor[18]);  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14381.                             // If L float already exists at this level
  14382.                             elseif (isset($this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] > && $fy $this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) {
  14383.                                 // Final check distance between floats is not now too narrow to fit text
  14384.                                 $mw $this->GetCharWidth('W'false);
  14385.                                 if (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $w $this->floatmargins['L']['w']) < $mw) {
  14386.                                     $this->WriteFlowingBlock($vetor[0], $vetor[18]);  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14387.                                 } else {
  14388.                                     $this->floatmargins['R']['x'] = $fx;
  14389.                                     $this->floatmargins['R']['w'] = $w;
  14390.                                     $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] = $fy;
  14391.                                     $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] = $fy $h;
  14392.                                     if ($skipln == 1) {
  14393.                                         $this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = true;
  14394.                                         $this->floatmargins['R']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer) + 0;
  14395.                                         $objattr['skipline'] = true;
  14396.                                     }
  14397.                                     $this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
  14398.                                 }
  14399.                             } else {
  14400.                                 $this->floatmargins['R']['x'] = $fx;
  14401.                                 $this->floatmargins['R']['w'] = $w;
  14402.                                 $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] = $fy;
  14403.                                 $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] = $fy $h;
  14404.                                 if ($skipln == 1) {
  14405.                                     $this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = true;
  14406.                                     $this->floatmargins['R']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer) + 0;
  14407.                                     $objattr['skipline'] = true;
  14408.                                 }
  14409.                                 $this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
  14410.                             }
  14411.                         } elseif ($objattr['float'] == 'L') {
  14412.                             // If L float already exists at this level
  14413.                             $this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = false;
  14414.                             if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] > && $fy $this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) {
  14415.                                 $this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = false;
  14416.                                 $this->WriteFlowingBlock($vetor[0], $vetor[18]);  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14417.                             // If R float already exists at this level
  14418.                             elseif (isset($this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] > && $fy $this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) {
  14419.                                 // Final check distance between floats is not now too narrow to fit text
  14420.                                 $mw $this->GetCharWidth('W'false);
  14421.                                 if (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $w $this->floatmargins['R']['w']) < $mw) {
  14422.                                     $this->WriteFlowingBlock($vetor[0], $vetor[18]);  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14423.                                 } else {
  14424.                                     $this->floatmargins['L']['x'] = $fx $w;
  14425.                                     $this->floatmargins['L']['w'] = $w;
  14426.                                     $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] = $fy;
  14427.                                     $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] = $fy $h;
  14428.                                     if ($skipln == 1) {
  14429.                                         $this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = true;
  14430.                                         $this->floatmargins['L']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer) + 0;
  14431.                                         $objattr['skipline'] = true;
  14432.                                     }
  14433.                                     $this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
  14434.                                 }
  14435.                             } else {
  14436.                                 $this->floatmargins['L']['x'] = $fx $w;
  14437.                                 $this->floatmargins['L']['w'] = $w;
  14438.                                 $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] = $fy;
  14439.                                 $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] = $fy $h;
  14440.                                 if ($skipln == 1) {
  14441.                                     $this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = true;
  14442.                                     $this->floatmargins['L']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer) + 0;
  14443.                                     $objattr['skipline'] = true;
  14444.                                 }
  14445.                                 $this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
  14446.                             }
  14447.                         }
  14448.                     } else {
  14449.                         /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  14450.                         $this->WriteFlowingBlock($vetor[0], (isset($vetor[18]) ? $vetor[18] : null));  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14451.                         /* -- CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  14452.                     }
  14453.                     /* -- END CSS-IMAGE-FLOAT -- */
  14454.                 // *TABLES*
  14455.             // END If special content
  14456.             else { // THE text
  14457.                 if ($this->tableLevel) {
  14458.                     $paint_ht_corr 0;
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  14462.                 }
  14463.                 if ($vetor[0] == "\n") { // We are reading a <BR> now turned into newline ("\n")
  14464.                     if ($this->flowingBlockAttr['content']) {
  14465.                         $this->finishFlowingBlock(false'br');
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  14471.                             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  14472.                         } // *COLUMNS*
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  14482.                         $old_height 0;
  14483.                     }
  14484.                     $this->$bak_x;
  14485.                     /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  14486.                     // COLS
  14487.                     // OR COLUMN CHANGE
  14488.                     if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
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  14491.                         // *OTL*
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  14497.                         $y $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14498.                         $this->oldy $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14499.                         $old_height 0;
  14500.                     }
  14501.                     /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
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  14504.                     $this->WriteFlowingBlock($vetor[0], $vetor[18]);  // mPDF 5.7.1
  14505.                     // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
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  14509.                             $this->$bak_x;
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  14513.                         $this->oldy $this->tMargin $paint_ht_corr;
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  14515.                     }
  14516.                     /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  14517.                     // COLS
  14518.                     // OR COLUMN CHANGE
  14519.                     if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
  14520.                         if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { // *OTL*
  14521.                             $bak_x -= ($this->CurrCol $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap); // *OTL*
  14522.                         // *OTL*
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  14529.                         $this->oldy $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14530.                         $old_height 0;
  14531.                     }
  14532.                     /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  14533.                 }
  14534.             }
  14535.             // Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block
  14536.             if ($i == ($array_size 1)) {
  14537.                 $this->finishFlowingBlock(true); // true = END of flowing block
  14538.                 // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
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  14549.                 /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  14550.                 // COLS
  14551.                 // OR COLUMN CHANGE
  14552.                 if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
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  14555.                     // *OTL*
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  14561.                     $y $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14562.                     $this->oldy $this->y0 $paint_ht_corr;
  14563.                     $old_height 0;
  14564.                 }
  14565.                 /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  14566.             }
  14567.             // RESETTING VALUES
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  14569.             $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
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  14593.                 }
  14594.             }
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  14603.         }//end of for(i=0;i<arraysize;i++)
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  14606.         if ((isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border']) || isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor']) || isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['box_shadow'])) && $blockstate && ($this->!= $this->oldy)) {
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  14608.             if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] != $this->page && $blockstate != 1) {
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  14611.                 $this->PaintDivBB(''$blockstate);
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  14613.             $this->$bottom_y;
  14614.             $this->$bak_x;
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  14616.         // Reset Font
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  14620.             $this->$bak_y;
  14621.             $this->$bak_x;
  14622.             return $ch;
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  14629.             $dashsizek 1.5// ratio of Dash/Blank
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  14634.             $this->SetLineCap(1);
  14635.             $this->SetDash(0.001, ($this->LineWidth 3));
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  14638.     function _setBorderLine($b$k 1)
  14639.     {
  14640.         $this->SetLineWidth($b['w'] / $k);
  14641.         $this->SetDColor($b['c']);
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  14646.         }
  14647.     }
  14648.     function PaintDivBB($divider ''$blockstate 0$blvl 0)
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  14650.         // Borders & backgrounds are done elsewhere for columns - messes up the repositioning in printcolumnbuffer
  14651.         if ($this->ColActive) {
  14652.             return;
  14653.         } // *COLUMNS*
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  14655.             return;
  14656.         } // mPDF 6
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  14659.             $blvl $this->blklvl;
  14660.         }
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  14664.             return;
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  14672.         // Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV - ensures backgrounds/borders are drawn to bottom of page
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  14726.             $brset true;
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  14730.             $brset true;
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  14734.             $brset true;
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  14738.             $brset true;
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  14746.         if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] || $blockstate == || $divider == 'pagebottom') {
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  14748.             $brBL_V 0;
  14749.             $brBR_H 0;
  14750.             $brBR_V 0;
  14751.         }
  14752.         // Disallow border-radius if it is smaller than the border width.
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  14754.             $brTL_H $brTL_V 0;
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  14769.             $brBL_V $brBL_H 0;
  14770.         }
  14771.         if ($brBR_H min($border_right$border_bottom)) {
  14772.             $brBR_H $brBR_V 0;
  14773.         }
  14774.         if ($brBR_V min($border_right$border_bottom)) {
  14775.             $brBR_V $brBR_H 0;
  14776.         }
  14777.         // CHECK FOR radii that sum to > width or height of div ********
  14778.         $f min($h / ($brTL_V $brBL_V 0.001), $h / ($brTR_V $brBR_V 0.001), $w / ($brTL_H $brTR_H 0.001), $w / ($brBL_H $brBR_H 0.001));
  14779.         if ($f 1) {
  14780.             $brTL_H *= $f;
  14781.             $brTL_V *= $f;
  14782.             $brTR_H *= $f;
  14783.             $brTR_V *= $f;
  14784.             $brBL_H *= $f;
  14785.             $brBL_V *= $f;
  14786.             $brBR_H *= $f;
  14787.             $brBR_V *= $f;
  14788.         }
  14789.         /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  14790.         $tbcol $this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  14791.         for ($l 0$l <= $blvl$l++) {
  14792.             if ($this->blk[$l]['bgcolor']) {
  14793.                 $tbcol $this->blk[$l]['bgcolorarray'];
  14794.             }
  14795.         }
  14796.         // BORDERS
  14797.         if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['y0']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['y0']) {
  14798.             $y0 $this->blk[$blvl]['y0'];
  14799.         }
  14800.         $h $y1 $y0;
  14801.         $w $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];
  14802.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
  14803.             $tbd $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'];
  14804.             $legend '';
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  14806.             $legbreakR 0;
  14807.             // BORDER LEGEND
  14808.             if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_legend']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['border_legend']) {
  14809.                 $legend $this->blk[$blvl]['border_legend']; // Same structure array as textbuffer
  14810.                 $txt $legend[0] = ltrim($legend[0]);
  14811.                 if (!empty($legend[18])) {
  14812.                     $this->otl->trimOTLdata($legend[18], truefalse);
  14813.                 } // *OTL*
  14814.                 // Set font, size, style, color
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  14816.                 if (isset($legend[3]) && $legend[3]) {
  14817.                     $cor $legend[3];
  14818.                     $this->SetTColor($cor);
  14819.                 }
  14820.                 $stringWidth $this->GetStringWidth($txttrue$legend[18], $legend[8]);
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  14822.                 $save_y $this->y;
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  14824.                 $save_currentfontsize $this->FontSizePt;
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  14826.                 $this->$y0 $this->FontSize $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] / 2;
  14827.                 $this->$x0 $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
  14828.                 // Set the distance from the border line to the text ? make configurable variable
  14829.                 $gap 0.2 $this->FontSize;
  14830.                 $legbreakL $this->$gap;
  14831.                 $legbreakR $this->$stringWidth $gap;
  14832.                 $this->magic_reverse_dir($txt$this->blk[$blvl]['direction'], $legend[18]);
  14833.                 $fill '';
  14834.                 $this->Cell($stringWidth$this->FontSize$txt''0'C'$fill''000'M'$fillfalse$legend[18], $legend[8]);
  14835.                 // Reset
  14836.                 $this->$save_x;
  14837.                 $this->$save_y;
  14838.                 $this->SetFont($save_currentfontfamily$save_currentfontstyle$save_currentfontsize);
  14839.                 $this->SetTColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  14840.             }
  14841.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  14842.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  14843.                     $this->writer->write('q');
  14844.                     $this->SetLineWidth(0);
  14845.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14846.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14847.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14848.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14849.                     $this->writer->write(' h W n '); // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  14850.                 }
  14851.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  14852.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  14853.                     $legbreakL -= $border_top 2// because line cap different
  14854.                     $legbreakR += $border_top 2;
  14855.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider$continuingpage'T');
  14856.                 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brTL_V && $brTL_H) || ($brTR_V && $brTR_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14857.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  14858.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  14859.                 }
  14860.                 $s '';
  14861.                 if ($brTR_H && $brTR_V) {
  14862.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $w $brTR_H$y0 $brTR_V$brTR_H $border_top 2$brTR_V $border_top 212true)) . "\n";
  14863.                 } else {                 /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  14864.                     if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14865.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14867.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 $w - ($border_top 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14869.                 }
  14870.                 /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  14871.                 if ($brTL_H && $brTL_V) {
  14872.                     if ($legend) {
  14873.                         if ($legbreakR < ($x0 $w $brTR_H)) {
  14874.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l '$legbreakR Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14875.                         }
  14876.                         if ($legbreakL > ($x0 $brTL_H )) {
  14877.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m '$legbreakL Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14878.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n");
  14879.                         } else {
  14880.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14881.                         }
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  14883.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $brTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14884.                     }
  14885.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $brTL_H$y0 $brTL_V$brTL_H $border_top 2$brTL_V $border_top 221)) . "\n";
  14886.                 } else {
  14887.                     /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  14888.                     if ($legend) {
  14889.                         if ($legbreakR < ($x0 $w)) {
  14890.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l '$legbreakR Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14891.                         }
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  14893.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m '$legbreakL Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14894.                             if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14895.                                 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14897.                                 $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_top 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14898.                             }
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  14900.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14902.                             $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 $border_top 2) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14903.                         }
  14904.                     } elseif ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14905.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14907.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_top 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_top 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14909.                     /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
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  14913.                 $this->writer->write($s);
  14914.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14915.                     $this->SetLineWidth($tbd['w'] / 3);
  14916.                     $this->SetDColor($tbcol);
  14917.                     $this->writer->write($s);
  14918.                 }
  14919.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  14920.                     $this->writer->write('Q');
  14921.                 }
  14922.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  14923.                 $this->SetLineWidth(0.1);
  14924.                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  14925.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  14926.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  14927.                 $this->SetDash();
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  14930.         // Reinstate line above for dotted line divider when block border crosses a page
  14931.         // elseif ($divider == 'pagetop' || $continuingpage) {
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  14934.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  14935.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  14936.                     $this->writer->write('q');
  14937.                     $this->SetLineWidth(0);
  14938.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14939.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14940.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14941.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14942.                     $this->writer->write(' h W n '); // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  14943.                 }
  14944.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  14945.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  14946.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider$continuingpage'B');
  14947.                 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brBL_V && $brBL_H) || ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14948.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  14949.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  14950.                 }
  14951.                 $s '';
  14952.                 if ($brBL_H && $brBL_V) {
  14953.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $brBL_H$y0 $h $brBL_V$brBL_H $border_bottom 2$brBL_V $border_bottom 232true)) . "\n";
  14954.                 } else {                 /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  14955.                     if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14956.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_bottom 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14958.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + ($border_bottom 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_bottom 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14960.                 }
  14961.                 /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
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  14963.                     $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w - ($border_bottom 2) - $brBR_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_bottom 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14964.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $w $brBR_H$y0 $h $brBR_V$brBR_H $border_bottom 2$brBR_V $border_bottom 241)) . "\n";
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  14966.                     if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14967.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_bottom 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  14969.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w - ($border_bottom 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_bottom 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  14970.                     }
  14971.                 }
  14972.                 $s .= 'S' "\n";
  14973.                 $this->writer->write($s);
  14974.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  14975.                     $this->SetLineWidth($tbd['w'] / 3);
  14976.                     $this->SetDColor($tbcol);
  14977.                     $this->writer->write($s);
  14978.                 }
  14979.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  14980.                     $this->writer->write('Q');
  14981.                 }
  14982.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  14983.                 $this->SetLineWidth(0.1);
  14984.                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  14985.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  14986.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  14987.                 $this->SetDash();
  14988.             }
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  14990.         // Reinstate line below for dotted line divider when block border crosses a page
  14991.         // elseif ($blockstate == 1 || $divider == 'pagebottom') {
  14992.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']) {
  14993.             $tbd $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left'];
  14994.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  14995.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  14996.                     $this->writer->write('q');
  14997.                     $this->SetLineWidth(0);
  14998.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  14999.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  15000.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $border_left) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  15001.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  15002.                     $this->writer->write(' h W n '); // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  15003.                 }
  15004.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  15005.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15006.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], $divider$continuingpage'L');
  15007.                 } /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */ elseif (($brTL_V && $brTL_H) || ($brBL_V && $brBL_H) || $tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  15008.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  15009.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  15010.                 }
  15011.                 $s '';
  15012.                 if ($brTL_V && $brTL_H) {
  15013.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $brTL_H$y0 $brTL_V$brTL_H $border_left 2$brTL_V $border_left 222true)) . "\n";
  15014.                 } else {                 /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15015.                     if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  15016.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + ($border_left 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0)) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  15018.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + ($border_left 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_left 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  15019.                     }
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  15021.                 /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15022.                 if ($brBL_V && $brBL_H) {
  15023.                     $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 + ($border_left 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_left 2) - $brBL_V) ) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
  15024.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $brBL_H$y0 $h $brBL_V$brBL_H $border_left 2$brBL_V $border_left 231)) . "\n";
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  15034.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  15035.                     $this->SetLineWidth($tbd['w'] / 3);
  15036.                     $this->SetDColor($tbcol);
  15037.                     $this->writer->write($s);
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  15039.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  15040.                     $this->writer->write('Q');
  15041.                 }
  15042.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15043.                 $this->SetLineWidth(0.1);
  15044.                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  15045.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15046.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15047.                 $this->SetDash();
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  15053.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  15054.                     $this->writer->write('q');
  15055.                     $this->SetLineWidth(0);
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  15057.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $border_top)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
  15058.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w $border_right) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h $border_bottom)) * Mpdf::SCALE));
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  15060.                     $this->writer->write(' h W n '); // Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  15061.                 }
  15062.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  15063.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
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  15066.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  15067.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  15068.                 }
  15069.                 $s '';
  15070.                 if ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) {
  15071.                     $s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 $w $brBR_H$y0 $h $brBR_V$brBR_H $border_right 2$brBR_V $border_right 242true)) . "\n";
  15072.                 } else {                 /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15073.                     if ($tbd['style'] == 'solid' || $tbd['style'] == 'double') {
  15074.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 $w - ($border_right 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h)) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  15076.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 $w - ($border_right 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 $h - ($border_right 2))) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  15078.                 }
  15079.                 /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
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  15081.                     $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w - ($border_right 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_right 2) + $brTR_V) ) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  15087.                         $s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($x0 $w - ($border_right 2)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($y0 + ($border_right 2)) ) * Mpdf::SCALE)) . "\n";
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  15092.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'double') {
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  15094.                     $this->SetDColor($tbcol);
  15095.                     $this->writer->write($s);
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  15097.                 if (!$brset && $tbd['style'] != 'dotted' && $tbd['style'] != 'dashed') {
  15098.                     $this->writer->write('Q');
  15099.                 }
  15100.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15101.                 $this->SetLineWidth(0.1);
  15102.                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
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  15104.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15105.                 $this->SetDash();
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  15108.         $this->SetDash();
  15109.         $this->$save_y;
  15110.         // BACKGROUNDS are disabled in columns/kbt/headers - messes up the repositioning in printcolumnbuffer
  15111.         if ($this->ColActive || $this->kwt || $this->keep_block_together) {
  15112.             return;
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  15114.         $bgx0 $x0;
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  15121.             $brbgTL_V max(0$brTL_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w']);
  15122.             $brbgTR_H max(0$brTR_H $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
  15123.             $brbgTR_V max(0$brTR_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w']);
  15124.             $brbgBL_H max(0$brBL_H $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w']);
  15125.             $brbgBL_V max(0$brBL_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
  15126.             $brbgBR_H max(0$brBR_H $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
  15127.             $brbgBR_V max(0$brBR_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
  15128.             $bgx0 += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
  15129.             $bgx1 -= $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'];
  15130.             if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
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  15138.             $brbgTL_V max(0$brTL_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']);
  15139.             $brbgTR_H max(0$brTR_H $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
  15140.             $brbgTR_V max(0$brTR_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']);
  15141.             $brbgBL_H max(0$brBL_H $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left']);
  15142.             $brbgBL_V max(0$brBL_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
  15143.             $brbgBR_H max(0$brBR_H $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
  15144.             $brbgBR_V max(0$brBR_V $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
  15145.             $bgx0 += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'];
  15146.             $bgx1 -= $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right'];
  15147.             if (($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']) && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
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  15150.             if (($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']) && $blockstate != && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
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  15152.             }
  15153.         } else {
  15154.             $brbgTL_H $brTL_H;
  15155.             $brbgTL_V $brTL_V;
  15156.             $brbgTR_H $brTR_H;
  15157.             $brbgTR_V $brTR_V;
  15158.             $brbgBL_H $brBL_H;
  15159.             $brbgBL_V $brBL_V;
  15160.             $brbgBR_H $brBR_H;
  15161.             $brbgBR_V $brBR_V;
  15162.         }
  15163.         // Set clipping path
  15164.         $s ' q 0 w '// Line width=0
  15165.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($bgx0 $brbgTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bgy0) * Mpdf::SCALE); // start point TL before the arc
  15166.         /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15167.         if ($brbgTL_H || $brbgTL_V) {
  15168.             $s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx0 $brbgTL_H$bgy0 $brbgTL_V$brbgTL_H$brbgTL_V2); // segment 2 TL
  15169.         }
  15170.         /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15171.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx0) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($bgy1 $brbgBL_V )) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BL
  15172.         /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15173.         if ($brbgBL_H || $brbgBL_V) {
  15174.             $s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx0 $brbgBL_H$bgy1 $brbgBL_V$brbgBL_H$brbgBL_V3); // segment 3 BL
  15175.         }
  15176.         /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15177.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx1 $brbgBR_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($bgy1)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to BR
  15178.         /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15179.         if ($brbgBR_H || $brbgBR_V) {
  15180.             $s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx1 $brbgBR_H$bgy1 $brbgBR_V$brbgBR_H$brbgBR_V4); // segment 4 BR
  15181.         }
  15182.         /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15183.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx1) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($bgy0 $brbgTR_V)) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TR
  15184.         /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15185.         if ($brbgTR_H || $brbgTR_V) {
  15186.             $s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx1 $brbgTR_H$bgy0 $brbgTR_V$brbgTR_H$brbgTR_V1); // segment 1 TR
  15187.         }
  15188.         /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15189.         $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx0 $brbgTL_H ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$bgy0) * Mpdf::SCALE); // line to TL
  15190.         // Box Shadow
  15191.         $shadow '';
  15192.         if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['box_shadow']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['box_shadow'] && $h 0) {
  15193.             foreach ($this->blk[$blvl]['box_shadow'] as $sh) {
  15194.                 // Colors
  15195.                 if ($sh['col'][0] == 1) {
  15196.                     $colspace 'Gray';
  15197.                     if ($sh['col'][2] == 1) {
  15198.                         $col1 '1' $sh['col'][1] . '1' $sh['col'][3];
  15199.                     } else {
  15200.                         $col1 '1' $sh['col'][1] . '1' chr(100);
  15201.                     }
  15202.                     $col2 '1' $sh['col'][1] . '1' chr(0);
  15203.                 } elseif ($sh['col'][0] == 4) { // CMYK
  15204.                     $colspace 'CMYK';
  15205.                     $col1 '6' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . $sh['col'][4] . chr(100);
  15206.                     $col2 '6' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . $sh['col'][4] . chr(0);
  15207.                 } elseif ($sh['col'][0] == 5) { // RGBa
  15208.                     $colspace 'RGB';
  15209.                     $col1 '5' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . $sh['col'][4];
  15210.                     $col2 '5' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . chr(0);
  15211.                 } elseif ($sh['col'][0] == 6) { // CMYKa
  15212.                     $colspace 'CMYK';
  15213.                     $col1 '6' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . $sh['col'][4] . $sh['col'][5];
  15214.                     $col2 '6' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . $sh['col'][4] . chr(0);
  15215.                 } else {
  15216.                     $colspace 'RGB';
  15217.                     $col1 '5' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . chr(100);
  15218.                     $col2 '5' $sh['col'][1] . $sh['col'][2] . $sh['col'][3] . chr(0);
  15219.                 }
  15220.                 // Use clipping path as set above (and rectangle around page) to clip area outside box
  15221.                 $shadow .= $s// Use the clipping path with W*
  15222.                 $shadow .= sprintf('0 %.3F m %.3F %.3F l '$this->Mpdf::SCALE$this->Mpdf::SCALE$this->Mpdf::SCALE);
  15223.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F 0 l 0 0 l 0 %.3F l '$this->Mpdf::SCALE$this->Mpdf::SCALE);
  15224.                 $shadow .= 'W n' "\n";
  15225.                 $sh['blur'] = abs($sh['blur']); // cannot have negative blur value
  15226.                 // Ensure spread/blur do not make effective shadow width/height < 0
  15227.                 // Could do more complex things but this just adjusts spread value
  15228.                 if (-$sh['spread'] + $sh['blur'] / min($w 2$h 2)) {
  15229.                     $sh['spread'] = $sh['blur'] / min($w 2$h 2) + 0.01;
  15230.                 }
  15231.                 // Shadow Offset
  15232.                 if ($sh['x'] || $sh['y']) {
  15233.                     $shadow .= sprintf(' q 1 0 0 1 %.4F %.4F cm'$sh['x'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$sh['y'] * Mpdf::SCALE) . "\n";
  15234.                 }
  15235.                 // Set path for INNER shadow
  15236.                 $shadow .= ' q 0 w ';
  15237.                 $shadow .= $this->SetFColor($col1true) . "\n";
  15238.                 if ($col1[0] == && ord($col1[4]) < 100) { // RGBa
  15239.                     $shadow .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($col1[4]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  15240.                 } elseif ($col1[0] == && ord($col1[5]) < 100) { // CMYKa
  15241.                     $shadow .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($col1[5]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  15242.                 } elseif ($col1[0] == && $col1[2] == && ord($col1[3]) < 100) { // Gray
  15243.                     $shadow .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($col1[3]) / 100'Normal'true'F') . "\n";
  15244.                 }
  15245.                 // Blur edges
  15246.                 $mag 0.551784// Bezier Control magic number for 4-part spline for circle/ellipse
  15247.                 $mag2 0.551784// Bezier Control magic number to fill in edge of blurred rectangle
  15248.                 $d1 $sh['spread'] + $sh['blur'] / 2;
  15249.                 $d2 $sh['spread'] - $sh['blur'] / 2;
  15250.                 $bl $sh['blur'];
  15251.                 $x00 $x0 $d1;
  15252.                 $y00 $y0 $d1;
  15253.                 $w00 $w $d1 2;
  15254.                 $h00 $h $d1 2;
  15255.                 // If any border-radius is greater width-negative spread(inner edge), ignore radii for shadow or screws up
  15256.                 $flatten false;
  15257.                 if (max($brbgTR_H$brbgTL_H$brbgBR_H$brbgBL_H) >= $w $d2) {
  15258.                     $flatten true;
  15259.                 }
  15260.                 if (max($brbgTR_V$brbgTL_V$brbgBR_V$brbgBL_V) >= $h $d2) {
  15261.                     $flatten true;
  15262.                 }
  15263.                 // TOP RIGHT corner
  15264.                 $p1x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgTR_H;
  15265.                 $p1c2x $p1x + ($d2 $brbgTR_H) * $mag;
  15266.                 $p1y $y00 $bl;
  15267.                 $p2x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgTR_H;
  15268.                 $p2c2x $p2x + ($d1 $brbgTR_H) * $mag;
  15269.                 $p2y $y00;
  15270.                 $p2c1y $p2y $bl 2;
  15271.                 $p3x $x00 $w00;
  15272.                 $p3c2x $p3x $bl 2;
  15273.                 $p3y $y00 $d1 $brbgTR_V;
  15274.                 $p3c1y $p3y - ($d1 $brbgTR_V) * $mag;
  15275.                 $p4x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15276.                 $p4y $y00 $d1 $brbgTR_V;
  15277.                 $p4c2y $p4y - ($d2 $brbgTR_V) * $mag;
  15278.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgTR_H$brbgTR_V) || $flatten) {
  15279.                     $p1x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15280.                     $p1c2x $p1x;
  15281.                     $p2x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15282.                     $p2c2x $p2x $bl $mag2;
  15283.                     $p3y $y00 $bl;
  15284.                     $p3c1y $p3y $bl $mag2;
  15285.                     $p4y $y00 $bl;
  15286.                     $p4c2y $p4y;
  15287.                 }
  15288.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($p1x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p1y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15289.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1c2x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p1y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4c2y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15290.                 $patch_array[0]['f'] = 0;
  15291.                 $patch_array[0]['points'] = [$p1x$p1y$p1x$p1y,
  15292.                     $p2x$p2c1y$p2x$p2y$p2c2x$p2y,
  15293.                     $p3x$p3c1y$p3x$p3y$p3c2x$p3y,
  15294.                     $p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y$p4x$p4c2y,
  15295.                     $p1c2x$p1y];
  15296.                 $patch_array[0]['colors'] = [$col1$col2$col2$col1];
  15297.                 // RIGHT
  15298.                 $p1x $x00 $w00// control point only matches p3 preceding
  15299.                 $p1y $y00 $d1 $brbgTR_V;
  15300.                 $p2x $x00 $w00 $bl// control point only matches p4 preceding
  15301.                 $p2y $y00 $d1 $brbgTR_V;
  15302.                 $p3x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15303.                 $p3y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBR_V;
  15304.                 $p4x $x00 $w00;
  15305.                 $p4c1x $p4x $bl 2;
  15306.                 $p4y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBR_V;
  15307.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgTR_H$brbgTR_V) || $flatten) {
  15308.                     $p1y $y00 $bl;
  15309.                     $p2y $y00 $bl;
  15310.                 }
  15311.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgBR_H$brbgBR_V) || $flatten) {
  15312.                     $p3y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15313.                     $p4y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15314.                 }
  15315.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15316.                 $patch_array[1]['f'] = 2;
  15317.                 $patch_array[1]['points'] = [$p2x$p2y,
  15318.                     $p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y,
  15319.                     $p4c1x$p4y$p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y,
  15320.                     $p1x$p1y];
  15321.                 $patch_array[1]['colors'] = [$col1$col2];
  15322.                 // BOTTOM RIGHT corner
  15323.                 $p1x $x00 $w00 $bl;  // control points only matches p3 preceding
  15324.                 $p1y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBR_V;
  15325.                 $p1c2y $p1y + ($d2 $brbgBR_V) * $mag;
  15326.                 $p2x $x00 $w00;     // control point only matches p4 preceding
  15327.                 $p2y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBR_V;
  15328.                 $p2c2y $p2y + ($d1 $brbgBR_V) * $mag;
  15329.                 $p3x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgBR_H;
  15330.                 $p3c1x $p3x + ($d1 $brbgBR_H) * $mag;
  15331.                 $p3y $y00 $h00;
  15332.                 $p3c2y $p3y $bl 2;
  15333.                 $p4x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgBR_H;
  15334.                 $p4c2x $p4x + ($d2 $brbgBR_H) * $mag;
  15335.                 $p4y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15336.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgBR_H$brbgBR_V) || $flatten) {
  15337.                     $p1y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15338.                     $p1c2y $p1y;
  15339.                     $p2y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15340.                     $p2c2y $p2y $bl $mag2;
  15341.                     $p3x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15342.                     $p3c1x $p3x $bl $mag2;
  15343.                     $p4x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15344.                     $p4c2x $p4x;
  15345.                 }
  15346.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p1c2y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4c2x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15347.                 $patch_array[2]['f'] = 2;
  15348.                 $patch_array[2]['points'] = [$p2x$p2c2y,
  15349.                     $p3c1x$p3y$p3x$p3y$p3x$p3c2y,
  15350.                     $p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y$p4c2x$p4y,
  15351.                     $p1x$p1c2y];
  15352.                 $patch_array[2]['colors'] = [$col2$col1];
  15353.                 // BOTTOM
  15354.                 $p1x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgBR_H// control point only matches p3 preceding
  15355.                 $p1y $y00 $h00;
  15356.                 $p2x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgBR_H// control point only matches p4 preceding
  15357.                 $p2y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15358.                 $p3x $x00 $d1 $brbgBL_H;
  15359.                 $p3y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15360.                 $p4x $x00 $d1 $brbgBL_H;
  15361.                 $p4y $y00 $h00;
  15362.                 $p4c1y $p4y $bl 2;
  15363.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgBR_H$brbgBR_V) || $flatten) {
  15364.                     $p1x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15365.                     $p2x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15366.                 }
  15367.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgBL_H$brbgBL_V) || $flatten) {
  15368.                     $p3x $x00 $bl;
  15369.                     $p4x $x00 $bl;
  15370.                 }
  15371.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15372.                 $patch_array[3]['f'] = 2;
  15373.                 $patch_array[3]['points'] = [$p2x$p2y,
  15374.                     $p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y,
  15375.                     $p4x$p4c1y$p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y,
  15376.                     $p1x$p1y];
  15377.                 $patch_array[3]['colors'] = [$col1$col2];
  15378.                 // BOTTOM LEFT corner
  15379.                 $p1x $x00 $d1 $brbgBL_H;
  15380.                 $p1c2x $p1x - ($d2 $brbgBL_H) * $mag// control points only matches p3 preceding
  15381.                 $p1y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15382.                 $p2x $x00 $d1 $brbgBL_H;
  15383.                 $p2c2x $p2x - ($d1 $brbgBL_H) * $mag// control point only matches p4 preceding
  15384.                 $p2y $y00 $h00;
  15385.                 $p3x $x00;
  15386.                 $p3c2x $p3x $bl 2;
  15387.                 $p3y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBL_V;
  15388.                 $p3c1y $p3y + ($d1 $brbgBL_V) * $mag;
  15389.                 $p4x $x00 $bl;
  15390.                 $p4y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBL_V;
  15391.                 $p4c2y $p4y + ($d2 $brbgBL_V) * $mag;
  15392.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgBL_H$brbgBL_V) || $flatten) {
  15393.                     $p1x $x00 $bl;
  15394.                     $p1c2x $p1x;
  15395.                     $p2x $x00 $bl;
  15396.                     $p2c2x $p2x $bl $mag2;
  15397.                     $p3y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15398.                     $p3c1y $p3y $bl $mag2;
  15399.                     $p4y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15400.                     $p4c2y $p4y;
  15401.                 }
  15402.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1c2x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p1y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4c2y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15403.                 $patch_array[4]['f'] = 2;
  15404.                 $patch_array[4]['points'] = [$p2c2x$p2y,
  15405.                     $p3x$p3c1y$p3x$p3y$p3c2x$p3y,
  15406.                     $p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y$p4x$p4c2y,
  15407.                     $p1c2x$p1y];
  15408.                 $patch_array[4]['colors'] = [$col2$col1];
  15409.                 // LEFT - joins on the right (C3-C4 of previous): f = 2
  15410.                 $p1x $x00// control point only matches p3 preceding
  15411.                 $p1y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBL_V;
  15412.                 $p2x $x00 $bl// control point only matches p4 preceding
  15413.                 $p2y $y00 $h00 $d1 $brbgBL_V;
  15414.                 $p3x $x00 $bl;
  15415.                 $p3y $y00 $d1 $brbgTL_V;
  15416.                 $p4x $x00;
  15417.                 $p4c1x $p4x $bl 2;
  15418.                 $p4y $y00 $d1 $brbgTL_V;
  15419.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgBL_H$brbgBL_V) || $flatten) {
  15420.                     $p1y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15421.                     $p2y $y00 $h00 $bl;
  15422.                 }
  15423.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgTL_H$brbgTL_V) || $flatten) {
  15424.                     $p3y $y00 $bl;
  15425.                     $p4y $y00 $bl;
  15426.                 }
  15427.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15428.                 $patch_array[5]['f'] = 2;
  15429.                 $patch_array[5]['points'] = [$p2x$p2y,
  15430.                     $p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y,
  15431.                     $p4c1x$p4y$p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y,
  15432.                     $p1x$p1y];
  15433.                 $patch_array[5]['colors'] = [$col1$col2];
  15434.                 // TOP LEFT corner
  15435.                 $p1x $x00 $bl;  // control points only matches p3 preceding
  15436.                 $p1y $y00 $d1 $brbgTL_V;
  15437.                 $p1c2y $p1y - ($d2 $brbgTL_V) * $mag;
  15438.                 $p2x $x00;   // control point only matches p4 preceding
  15439.                 $p2y $y00 $d1 $brbgTL_V;
  15440.                 $p2c2y $p2y - ($d1 $brbgTL_V) * $mag;
  15441.                 $p3x $x00 $d1 $brbgTL_H;
  15442.                 $p3c1x $p3x - ($d1 $brbgTL_H) * $mag;
  15443.                 $p3y $y00;
  15444.                 $p3c2y $p3y $bl 2;
  15445.                 $p4x $x00 $d1 $brbgTL_H;
  15446.                 $p4c2x $p4x - ($d2 $brbgTL_H) * $mag;
  15447.                 $p4y $y00 $bl;
  15448.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgTL_H$brbgTL_V) || $flatten) {
  15449.                     $p1y $y00 $bl;
  15450.                     $p1c2y $p1y;
  15451.                     $p2y $y00 $bl;
  15452.                     $p2c2y $p2y $bl $mag2;
  15453.                     $p3x $x00 $bl;
  15454.                     $p3c1x $p3x $bl $mag2;
  15455.                     $p4x $x00 $bl;
  15456.                     $p4c2x $p4x;
  15457.                 }
  15458.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p1c2y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4c2x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($p4x) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p4y)) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15459.                 $patch_array[6]['f'] = 2;
  15460.                 $patch_array[6]['points'] = [$p2x$p2c2y,
  15461.                     $p3c1x$p3y$p3x$p3y$p3x$p3c2y,
  15462.                     $p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y$p4c2x$p4y,
  15463.                     $p1x$p1c2y];
  15464.                 $patch_array[6]['colors'] = [$col2$col1];
  15465.                 // TOP - joins on the right (C3-C4 of previous): f = 2
  15466.                 $p1x $x00 $d1 $brbgTL_H// control point only matches p3 preceding
  15467.                 $p1y $y00;
  15468.                 $p2x $x00 $d1 $brbgTL_H// control point only matches p4 preceding
  15469.                 $p2y $y00 $bl;
  15470.                 $p3x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgTR_H;
  15471.                 $p3y $y00 $bl;
  15472.                 $p4x $x00 $w00 $d1 $brbgTR_H;
  15473.                 $p4y $y00;
  15474.                 $p4c1y $p4y $bl 2;
  15475.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgTL_H$brbgTL_V) || $flatten) {
  15476.                     $p1x $x00 $bl;
  15477.                     $p2x $x00 $bl;
  15478.                 }
  15479.                 if (-$d2 min($brbgTR_H$brbgTR_V) || $flatten) {
  15480.                     $p3x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15481.                     $p4x $x00 $w00 $bl;
  15482.                 }
  15483.                 $shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x ) * Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->- ($p3y )) * Mpdf::SCALE);
  15484.                 $patch_array[7]['f'] = 2;
  15485.                 $patch_array[7]['points'] = [$p2x$p2y,
  15486.                     $p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y$p3x$p3y,
  15487.                     $p4x$p4c1y$p4x$p4y$p4x$p4y,
  15488.                     $p1x$p1y];
  15489.                 $patch_array[7]['colors'] = [$col1$col2];
  15490.                 $shadow .= ' h f Q ' "\n"// Close path and Fill the inner solid shadow
  15491.                 if ($bl) {
  15492.                     $shadow .= $this->gradient->CoonsPatchMesh($x00$y00$w00$h00$patch_array$x00$x00 $w00$y00$y00 $h00$colspacetrue);
  15493.                 }
  15494.                 if ($sh['x'] || $sh['y']) {
  15495.                     $shadow .= ' Q' "\n";  // Shadow Offset
  15496.                 }
  15497.                 $shadow .= ' Q' "\n"// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  15498.             }
  15499.         }
  15500.         $s .= ' W n '// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
  15501.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolor']) {
  15502.             $this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = [
  15503.                 'x' => $x0,
  15504.                 'y' => $y0,
  15505.                 'w' => $w,
  15506.                 'h' => $h,
  15507.                 'col' => $this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolorarray'],
  15508.                 'clippath' => $s,
  15509.                 'visibility' => $this->visibility,
  15510.                 'shadow' => $shadow,
  15511.                 'z-index' => $this->current_layer,
  15512.             ];
  15513.         } elseif ($shadow) {
  15514.             $this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = [
  15515.                 'x' => 0,
  15516.                 'y' => 0,
  15517.                 'w' => 0,
  15518.                 'h' => 0,
  15519.                 'shadowonly' => true,
  15520.                 'col' => '',
  15521.                 'clippath' => '',
  15522.                 'visibility' => $this->visibility,
  15523.                 'shadow' => $shadow,
  15524.                 'z-index' => $this->current_layer,
  15525.             ];
  15526.         }
  15527.         /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  15528.         if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['gradient'])) {
  15529.             $g $this->gradient->parseBackgroundGradient($this->blk[$blvl]['gradient']);
  15530.             if ($g) {
  15531.                 $gx $x0;
  15532.                 $gy $y0;
  15533.                 $this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = [
  15534.                     'gradient' => true,
  15535.                     'x' => $gx,
  15536.                     'y' => $gy,
  15537.                     'w' => $w,
  15538.                     'h' => $h,
  15539.                     'gradtype' => $g['type'],
  15540.                     'stops' => $g['stops'],
  15541.                     'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'],
  15542.                     'coords' => $g['coords'],
  15543.                     'extend' => $g['extend'],
  15544.                     'clippath' => $s,
  15545.                     'visibility' => $this->visibility,
  15546.                     'z-index' => $this->current_layer
  15547.                 ];
  15548.             }
  15549.         }
  15550.         if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image'])) {
  15551.             if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/'$this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient'])) {
  15552.                 $g $this->gradient->parseMozGradient($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient']);
  15553.                 if ($g) {
  15554.                     $gx $x0;
  15555.                     $gy $y0;
  15556.                     // origin specifies the background-positioning-area (bpa)
  15557.                     if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'padding-box') {
  15558.                         $gx += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
  15559.                         $w -= ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
  15560.                         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
  15561.                             $gy += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'];
  15562.                         }
  15563.                         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
  15564.                             $gy1 $y1 $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
  15565.                         } else {
  15566.                             $gy1 $y1;
  15567.                         }
  15568.                         $h $gy1 $gy;
  15569.                     } elseif ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'content-box') {
  15570.                         $gx += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'];
  15571.                         $w -= ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
  15572.                         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
  15573.                             $gy += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top'];
  15574.                         }
  15575.                         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
  15576.                             $gy1 $y1 - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
  15577.                         } else {
  15578.                             $gy1 $y1 $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom'];
  15579.                         }
  15580.                         $h $gy1 $gy;
  15581.                     }
  15582.                     if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size']['w']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size']['w']) {
  15583.                         $size $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size'];
  15584.                         if ($size['w'] != 'contain' && $size['w'] != 'cover') {
  15585.                             if (stristr($size['w'], '%')) {
  15586.                                 $size['w'] = (float) $size['w'];
  15587.                                 $size['w'] /= 100;
  15588.                                 $w *= $size['w'];
  15589.                             } elseif ($size['w'] != 'auto') {
  15590.                                 $w $size['w'];
  15591.                             }
  15592.                             if (stristr($size['h'], '%')) {
  15593.                                 $size['h'] = (float) $size['h'];
  15594.                                 $size['h'] /= 100;
  15595.                                 $h *= $size['h'];
  15596.                             } elseif ($size['h'] != 'auto') {
  15597.                                 $h $size['h'];
  15598.                             }
  15599.                         }
  15600.                     }
  15601.                     $this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = [
  15602.                         'gradient' => true,
  15603.                         'x' => $gx,
  15604.                         'y' => $gy,
  15605.                         'w' => $w,
  15606.                         'h' => $h,
  15607.                         'gradtype' => $g['type'],
  15608.                         'stops' => $g['stops'],
  15609.                         'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'],
  15610.                         'coords' => $g['coords'],
  15611.                         'extend' => $g['extend'],
  15612.                         'clippath' => $s,
  15613.                         'visibility' => $this->visibility,
  15614.                         'z-index' => $this->current_layer
  15615.                     ];
  15616.                 }
  15617.             } else {
  15618.                 $image_id $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['image_id'];
  15619.                 $orig_w $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['orig_w'];
  15620.                 $orig_h $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['orig_h'];
  15621.                 $x_pos $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['x_pos'];
  15622.                 $y_pos $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['y_pos'];
  15623.                 $x_repeat $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['x_repeat'];
  15624.                 $y_repeat $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['y_repeat'];
  15625.                 $resize $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['resize'];
  15626.                 $opacity $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['opacity'];
  15627.                 $itype $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['itype'];
  15628.                 $size $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size'];
  15629.                 // origin specifies the background-positioning-area (bpa)
  15630.                 $bpa = ['x' => $x0'y' => $y0'w' => $w'h' => $h];
  15631.                 if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'padding-box') {
  15632.                     $bpa['x'] = $x0 $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
  15633.                     $bpa['w'] = $w - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
  15634.                     if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
  15635.                         $bpa['y'] = $y0 $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'];
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  15637.                         $bpa['y'] = $y0;
  15638.                     }
  15639.                     if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
  15640.                         $bpay $y1 $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
  15641.                     } else {
  15642.                         $bpay $y1;
  15643.                     }
  15644.                     $bpa['h'] = $bpay $bpa['y'];
  15645.                 } elseif ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'content-box') {
  15646.                     $bpa['x'] = $x0 $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'];
  15647.                     $bpa['w'] = $w - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
  15648.                     if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
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  15650.                     } else {
  15651.                         $bpa['y'] = $y0 $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top'];
  15652.                     }
  15653.                     if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
  15654.                         $bpay $y1 - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
  15655.                     } else {
  15656.                         $bpay $y1 $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom'];
  15657.                     }
  15658.                     $bpa['h'] = $bpay $bpa['y'];
  15659.                 }
  15660.                 $this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = [
  15661.                     'x' => $x0,
  15662.                     'y' => $y0,
  15663.                     'w' => $w,
  15664.                     'h' => $h,
  15665.                     'image_id' => $image_id,
  15666.                     'orig_w' => $orig_w,
  15667.                     'orig_h' => $orig_h,
  15668.                     'x_pos' => $x_pos,
  15669.                     'y_pos' => $y_pos,
  15670.                     'x_repeat' => $x_repeat,
  15671.                     'y_repeat' => $y_repeat,
  15672.                     'clippath' => $s,
  15673.                     'resize' => $resize,
  15674.                     'opacity' => $opacity,
  15675.                     'itype' => $itype,
  15676.                     'visibility' => $this->visibility,
  15677.                     'z-index' => $this->current_layer,
  15678.                     'size' => $size,
  15679.                     'bpa' => $bpa
  15680.                 ];
  15681.             }
  15682.         }
  15683.         /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  15684.         // Float DIV
  15685.         $this->blk[$blvl]['bb_painted'][$this->page] = true;
  15686.     }
  15687.     /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15688.     function _EllipseArc($x0$y0$rx$ry$seg 1$part false$start false)
  15689.     {
  15690.         // Anticlockwise segment 1-4 TR-TL-BL-BR (part=1 or 2)
  15691.         $s '';
  15692.         if ($rx 0) {
  15693.             $rx 0;
  15694.         }
  15695.         if ($ry 0) {
  15696.             $ry 0;
  15697.         }
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  15699.         $ry *= Mpdf::SCALE;
  15700.         $astart 0;
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  15702.             $afinish 90;
  15703.             $nSeg 4;
  15704.         } elseif ($seg == 2) { // Top Left
  15705.             $afinish 180;
  15706.             $nSeg 8;
  15707.         } elseif ($seg == 3) { // Bottom Left
  15708.             $afinish 270;
  15709.             $nSeg 12;
  15710.         } else {   // Bottom Right
  15711.             $afinish 360;
  15712.             $nSeg 16;
  15713.         }
  15714.         $astart deg2rad((float) $astart);
  15715.         $afinish deg2rad((float) $afinish);
  15716.         $totalAngle $afinish $astart;
  15717.         $dt $totalAngle $nSeg// segment angle
  15718.         $dtm $dt 3;
  15719.         $x0 *= Mpdf::SCALE;
  15720.         $y0 = ($this->$y0) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  15721.         $t1 $astart;
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  15723.         $b0 $y0 + ($ry sin($t1));
  15724.         $c0 = -$rx sin($t1);
  15725.         $d0 $ry cos($t1);
  15726.         $op false;
  15727.         for ($i 1$i <= $nSeg$i++) {
  15728.             // Draw this bit of the total curve
  15729.             $t1 = ($i $dt) + $astart;
  15730.             $a1 $x0 + ($rx cos($t1));
  15731.             $b1 $y0 + ($ry sin($t1));
  15732.             $c1 = -$rx sin($t1);
  15733.             $d1 $ry cos($t1);
  15734.             if ($i > ($nSeg 4) && (!$part || ($part == && $i <= $nSeg 2) || ($part == && $i $nSeg 2))) {
  15735.                 if ($start && !$op) {
  15736.                     $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m '$a0$b0);
  15737.                 }
  15738.                 $s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($a0 + ($c0 $dtm)), ($b0 + ($d0 $dtm)), ($a1 - ($c1 $dtm)), ($b1 - ($d1 $dtm)), $a1$b1);
  15739.                 $op true;
  15740.             }
  15741.             $a0 $a1;
  15742.             $b0 $b1;
  15743.             $c0 $c1;
  15744.             $d0 $d1;
  15745.         }
  15746.         return $s;
  15747.     }
  15748.     /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  15749.     function PaintDivLnBorder($state 0$blvl 0$h 0)
  15750.     {
  15751.         // $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
  15752.         $this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->$h;
  15753.         $save_y $this->y;
  15754.         $w $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];
  15755.         $x0 $this->x;    // left
  15756.         $y0 $this->y;    // top
  15757.         $x1 $this->$w;   // bottom
  15758.         $y1 $this->$h;   // bottom
  15759.         $continuingpage = (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['startpage']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['startpage'] != $this->page);
  15760.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && ($state == || $state == 3)) {
  15761.             $tbd $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'];
  15762.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  15763.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  15764.                 $this->$y0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2);
  15765.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15766.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], ''$continuingpage'T');
  15767.                     $this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y$x0 $w - ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y);
  15768.                 } else {
  15769.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  15770.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  15771.                     $this->Line($x0$this->y$x0 $w$this->y);
  15772.                 }
  15773.                 $this->+= $tbd['w'];
  15774.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15775.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15776.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15777.                 $this->SetDash();
  15778.             }
  15779.         }
  15780.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']) {
  15781.             $tbd $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left'];
  15782.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  15783.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  15784.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15785.                     $this->$y0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2);
  15786.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], ''$continuingpage'L');
  15787.                     $this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y$x0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2), $y0 $h - ($tbd['w'] / 2));
  15788.                 } else {
  15789.                     $this->$y0;
  15790.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  15791.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  15792.                     $this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y$x0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2), $y0 $h);
  15793.                 }
  15794.                 $this->+= $tbd['w'];
  15795.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15796.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15797.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15798.                 $this->SetDash();
  15799.             }
  15800.         }
  15801.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']) {
  15802.             $tbd $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right'];
  15803.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  15804.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  15805.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15806.                     $this->$y0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2);
  15807.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], ''$continuingpage'R');
  15808.                     $this->Line($x0 $w - ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y$x0 $w - ($tbd['w'] / 2), $y0 $h - ($tbd['w'] / 2));
  15809.                 } else {
  15810.                     $this->$y0;
  15811.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  15812.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  15813.                     $this->Line($x0 $w - ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y$x0 $w - ($tbd['w'] / 2), $y0 $h);
  15814.                 }
  15815.                 $this->+= $tbd['w'];
  15816.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15817.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15818.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15819.                 $this->SetDash();
  15820.             }
  15821.         }
  15822.         if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $state 1) {
  15823.             $tbd $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'];
  15824.             if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
  15825.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd);
  15826.                 $this->$y0 $h - ($tbd['w'] / 2);
  15827.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15828.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], ''$continuingpage'B');
  15829.                     $this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y$x0 $w - ($tbd['w'] / 2), $this->y);
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  15831.                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  15832.                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  15833.                     $this->Line($x0$this->y$x0 $w$this->y);
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  15835.                 $this->+= $tbd['w'];
  15836.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15837.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15838.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15839.                 $this->SetDash();
  15840.             }
  15841.         }
  15842.         $this->SetDash();
  15843.         $this->$save_y;
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  15845.     function PaintImgBorder($objattr$is_table)
  15846.     {
  15847.         // Borders are disabled in columns - messes up the repositioning in printcolumnbuffer
  15848.         if ($this->ColActive) {
  15849.             return;
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  15851.         if ($is_table) {
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  15854.             $k 1;
  15855.         }
  15856.         $h = (isset($objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT']) ? $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] : 0);
  15857.         $w = (isset($objattr['BORDER-WIDTH']) ? $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] : 0);
  15858.         $x0 = (isset($objattr['BORDER-X']) ? $objattr['BORDER-X'] : 0);
  15859.         $y0 = (isset($objattr['BORDER-Y']) ? $objattr['BORDER-Y'] : 0);
  15860.         // BORDERS
  15861.         if ($objattr['border_top']) {
  15862.             $tbd $objattr['border_top'];
  15863.             if (!empty($tbd['s'])) {
  15864.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd$k);
  15865.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15866.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '''''T');
  15867.                 }
  15868.                 $this->Line($x0$y0$x0 $w$y0);
  15869.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15870.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15871.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15872.                 $this->SetDash();
  15873.             }
  15874.         }
  15875.         if ($objattr['border_left']) {
  15876.             $tbd $objattr['border_left'];
  15877.             if (!empty($tbd['s'])) {
  15878.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd$k);
  15879.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15880.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '''''L');
  15881.                 }
  15882.                 $this->Line($x0$y0$x0$y0 $h);
  15883.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15884.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15885.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15886.                 $this->SetDash();
  15887.             }
  15888.         }
  15889.         if ($objattr['border_right']) {
  15890.             $tbd $objattr['border_right'];
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  15892.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd$k);
  15893.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15894.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '''''R');
  15895.                 }
  15896.                 $this->Line($x0 $w$y0$x0 $w$y0 $h);
  15897.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15898.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15899.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15900.                 $this->SetDash();
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  15906.                 $this->_setBorderLine($tbd$k);
  15907.                 if ($tbd['style'] == 'dotted' || $tbd['style'] == 'dashed') {
  15908.                     $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'], '''''B');
  15909.                 }
  15910.                 $this->Line($x0$y0 $h$x0 $w$y0 $h);
  15911.                 // Reset Corners and Dash off
  15912.                 $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  15913.                 $this->SetLineCap(2);
  15914.                 $this->SetDash();
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  15981.     /* -- HTML-CSS -- */
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  15999.                     break;
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  16002.                     break;
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  16005.                     break;
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  16031.         // mPDF 6
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  16119.                     // BORDERS
  16120.                     case 'BORDER-TOP':
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  16125.                         break;
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  16128.                         if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['s']) {
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  16131.                         break;
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  16134.                         if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['s']) {
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  16137.                         break;
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  16144.                     // PADDING
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  16147.                         break;
  16148.                     case 'PADDING-BOTTOM':
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  16150.                         break;
  16151.                     case 'PADDING-LEFT':
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  16154.                             break;
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  16156.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16157.                         break;
  16158.                     case 'PADDING-RIGHT':
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  16161.                             break;
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  16165.                     // MARGINS
  16166.                     case 'MARGIN-TOP':
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  16168.                         if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['lastbottommargin'])) {
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  16170.                                 $tmp -= $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['lastbottommargin'];
  16171.                             } else {
  16172.                                 $tmp 0;
  16173.                             }
  16174.                         }
  16175.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] = $tmp;
  16176.                         break;
  16177.                     case 'MARGIN-BOTTOM':
  16178.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16179.                         break;
  16180.                     case 'MARGIN-LEFT':
  16181.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_left'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16182.                         break;
  16183.                     case 'MARGIN-RIGHT':
  16184.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_right'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16185.                         break;
  16186.                     /* -- BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  16187.                     case 'BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-H':
  16188.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TL_H'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16189.                         break;
  16190.                     case 'BORDER-TOP-LEFT-RADIUS-V':
  16191.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TL_V'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16192.                         break;
  16193.                     case 'BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-H':
  16194.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TR_H'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16195.                         break;
  16196.                     case 'BORDER-TOP-RIGHT-RADIUS-V':
  16197.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TR_V'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16198.                         break;
  16199.                     case 'BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-H':
  16200.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BL_H'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16201.                         break;
  16202.                     case 'BORDER-BOTTOM-LEFT-RADIUS-V':
  16203.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BL_V'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16204.                         break;
  16205.                     case 'BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-H':
  16206.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BR_H'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16207.                         break;
  16208.                     case 'BORDER-BOTTOM-RIGHT-RADIUS-V':
  16209.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BR_V'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16210.                         break;
  16211.                     /* -- END BORDER-RADIUS -- */
  16212.                     case 'BOX-SHADOW':
  16213.                         $bs $this->cssManager->setCSSboxshadow($v);
  16214.                         if ($bs) {
  16215.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['box_shadow'] = $bs;
  16216.                         }
  16217.                         break;
  16218.                     case 'BACKGROUND-CLIP':
  16219.                         if (strtoupper($v) == 'PADDING-BOX') {
  16220.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['background_clip'] = 'padding-box';
  16221.                         } elseif (strtoupper($v) == 'CONTENT-BOX') {
  16222.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['background_clip'] = 'content-box';
  16223.                         }
  16224.                         break;
  16225.                     case 'PAGE-BREAK-AFTER':
  16226.                         if (strtoupper($v) == 'AVOID') {
  16227.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid'] = true;
  16228.                         } elseif (strtoupper($v) == 'ALWAYS' || strtoupper($v) == 'LEFT' || strtoupper($v) == 'RIGHT') {
  16229.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after'] = strtoupper($v);
  16230.                         }
  16231.                         break;
  16232.                     // mPDF 6 pagebreaktype
  16233.                     case 'BOX-DECORATION-BREAK':
  16234.                         if (strtoupper($v) == 'CLONE') {
  16235.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['box_decoration_break'] = 'clone';
  16236.                         } elseif (strtoupper($v) == 'SLICE') {
  16237.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['box_decoration_break'] = 'slice';
  16238.                         }
  16239.                         break;
  16240.                     case 'WIDTH':
  16241.                         if (strtoupper($v) != 'AUTO') {
  16242.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_width'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse);
  16243.                         }
  16244.                         break;
  16245.                     // mPDF 6  Lists
  16246.                     // LISTS
  16247.                     case 'LIST-STYLE-TYPE':
  16248.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['list_style_type'] = strtolower($v);
  16249.                         break;
  16250.                     case 'LIST-STYLE-IMAGE':
  16251.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['list_style_image'] = strtolower($v);
  16252.                         break;
  16253.                     case 'LIST-STYLE-POSITION':
  16254.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['list_style_position'] = strtolower($v);
  16255.                         break;
  16256.                 }//end of switch($k)
  16257.             }
  16258.             if ($type != 'INLINE' && $type != 'TABLECELL') { // All block-level, including BODY tag
  16259.                 switch ($k) {
  16260.                     case 'TEXT-INDENT':
  16261.                         // Computed value - to inherit
  16262.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'] = $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$this->blk[$prevlevel]['inner_width'], $this->FontSizefalse) . 'mm';
  16263.                         break;
  16264.                     case 'MARGIN-COLLAPSE'// Custom tag to collapse margins at top and bottom of page
  16265.                         if (strtoupper($v) == 'COLLAPSE') {
  16266.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse'] = true;
  16267.                         }
  16268.                         break;
  16269.                     case 'LINE-HEIGHT':
  16270.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'] = $this->fixLineheight($v);
  16271.                         if (!$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) {
  16272.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'] = 'N';
  16273.                         } // mPDF 6
  16274.                         break;
  16275.                     // mPDF 6
  16276.                     case 'LINE-STACKING-STRATEGY':
  16277.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_strategy'] = strtolower($v);
  16278.                         break;
  16279.                     case 'LINE-STACKING-SHIFT':
  16280.                         $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_stacking_shift'] = strtolower($v);
  16281.                         break;
  16282.                     case 'TEXT-ALIGN'// left right center justify
  16283.                         switch (strtoupper($v)) {
  16284.                             case 'LEFT':
  16285.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'] = "L";
  16286.                                 break;
  16287.                             case 'CENTER':
  16288.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'] = "C";
  16289.                                 break;
  16290.                             case 'RIGHT':
  16291.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'] = "R";
  16292.                                 break;
  16293.                             case 'JUSTIFY':
  16294.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'] = "J";
  16295.                                 break;
  16296.                         }
  16297.                         break;
  16298.                     /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  16299.                     case 'BACKGROUND-GRADIENT':
  16300.                         if ($type == 'BLOCK') {
  16301.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['gradient'] = $v;
  16302.                         }
  16303.                         break;
  16304.                     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  16305.                     case 'DIRECTION':
  16306.                         if ($v) {
  16307.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] = strtolower($v);
  16308.                         }
  16309.                         break;
  16310.                 }
  16311.             }
  16312.             // FOR INLINE ONLY
  16313.             if ($type == 'INLINE') {
  16314.                 switch ($k) {
  16315.                     case 'DISPLAY':
  16316.                         if (strtoupper($v) == 'NONE') {
  16317.                             $this->inlineDisplayOff true;
  16318.                         }
  16319.                         break;
  16320.                     case 'DIRECTION':
  16321.                         break;
  16322.                 }
  16323.             }
  16324.             // FOR INLINE ONLY
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  16327.                     // BORDERS
  16328.                     case 'BORDER-TOP':
  16329.                         $this->spanborddet['T'] = $this->border_details($v);
  16330.                         $this->spanborder true;
  16331.                         $spanbordset true;
  16332.                         break;
  16333.                     case 'BORDER-BOTTOM':
  16334.                         $this->spanborddet['B'] = $this->border_details($v);
  16335.                         $this->spanborder true;
  16336.                         $spanbordset true;
  16337.                         break;
  16338.                     case 'BORDER-LEFT':
  16339.                         $this->spanborddet['L'] = $this->border_details($v);
  16340.                         $this->spanborder true;
  16341.                         $spanbordset true;
  16342.                         break;
  16343.                     case 'BORDER-RIGHT':
  16344.                         $this->spanborddet['R'] = $this->border_details($v);
  16345.                         $this->spanborder true;
  16346.                         $spanbordset true;
  16347.                         break;
  16348.                     case 'VISIBILITY'// block is set in OpenTag
  16349.                         $v strtolower($v);
  16350.                         if ($v == 'visible' || $v == 'hidden' || $v == 'printonly' || $v == 'screenonly') {
  16351.                             $this->textparam['visibility'] = $v;
  16352.                         }
  16353.                         break;
  16354.                 }//end of switch($k)
  16355.             }
  16356.             if ($type != 'TABLECELL') {
  16357.                 // FOR INLINE and BLOCK
  16358.                 switch ($k) {
  16359.                     case 'TEXT-ALIGN'// left right center justify
  16360.                         if (strtoupper($v) == 'NOJUSTIFY' && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'] == "J") {
  16361.                             $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align'] = "";
  16362.                         }
  16363.                         break;
  16364.                     // bgcolor only - to stay consistent with original html2fpdf
  16365.                     case 'BACKGROUND':
  16366.                     case 'BACKGROUND-COLOR':
  16367.                         $cor $this->colorConverter->convert($v$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  16368.                         if ($cor) {
  16369.                             if ($tag == 'BODY') {
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  16371.                             } elseif ($type == 'INLINE') {
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  16373.                                 $this->spanbgcolor true;
  16374.                                 $spanbgset true;
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  16376.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'] = $cor;
  16377.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] = true;
  16378.                             }
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  16380.                             if ($this->ColActive) {
  16381.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'] = $this->blk[$prevlevel]['bgcolorarray'];
  16382.                                 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] = $this->blk[$prevlevel]['bgcolor'];
  16383.                             }
  16384.                         }
  16385.                         break;
  16386.                     case 'VERTICAL-ALIGN'// super and sub only dealt with here e.g. <SUB> and <SUP>
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  16388.                             case 'SUPER':
  16389.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar TextVars::FA_SUPERSCRIPT); // mPDF 5.7.1
  16390.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FA_SUBSCRIPT);
  16391.                                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
  16392.                                 if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) {
  16393.                                     $this->textparam['text-baseline'] += ($this->baselineSup) * $preceeding_fontsize;
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  16395.                                     $this->textparam['text-baseline'] = ($this->baselineSup) * $preceeding_fontsize;
  16396.                                 }
  16397.                                 break;
  16398.                             case 'SUB':
  16399.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar TextVars::FA_SUBSCRIPT);
  16400.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FA_SUPERSCRIPT);
  16401.                                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
  16402.                                 if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) {
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  16407.                                 break;
  16408.                             case 'BASELINE':
  16409.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FA_SUBSCRIPT);
  16410.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FA_SUPERSCRIPT);
  16411.                                 // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
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  16415.                                 break;
  16416.                             // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
  16417.                             default:
  16418.                                 $lh $this->_computeLineheight($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']);
  16419.                                 $sz $this->sizeConverter->convert($v$lh$this->FontSizefalse);
  16420.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FA_SUBSCRIPT);
  16421.                                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FA_SUPERSCRIPT);
  16422.                                 if ($sz) {
  16423.                                     if ($sz 0) {
  16424.                                         $this->textvar = ($this->textvar TextVars::FA_SUPERSCRIPT);
  16425.                                     } else {
  16426.                                         $this->textvar = ($this->textvar TextVars::FA_SUBSCRIPT);
  16427.                                     }
  16428.                                     if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) {
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  16431.                                         $this->textparam['text-baseline'] = $sz;
  16432.                                     }
  16433.                                 }
  16434.                         }
  16435.                         break;
  16436.                 }//end of switch($k)
  16437.             }
  16438.             // FOR ALL
  16439.             switch ($k) {
  16440.                 case 'LETTER-SPACING':
  16441.                     $this->lSpacingCSS $v;
  16442.                     if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS === '0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
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  16444.                     }
  16445.                     break;
  16446.                 case 'WORD-SPACING':
  16447.                     $this->wSpacingCSS $v;
  16448.                     if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
  16449.                         $this->minwSpacing $this->sizeConverter->convert($this->wSpacingCSS$this->FontSize);
  16450.                     }
  16451.                     break;
  16452.                 case 'FONT-STYLE'// italic normal oblique
  16453.                     switch (strtoupper($v)) {
  16454.                         case 'ITALIC':
  16455.                         case 'OBLIQUE':
  16456.                             $this->SetStyle('I'true);
  16457.                             break;
  16458.                         case 'NORMAL':
  16459.                             $this->SetStyle('I'false);
  16460.                             break;
  16461.                     }
  16462.                     break;
  16463.                 case 'FONT-WEIGHT'// normal bold // Does not support: bolder, lighter, 100..900(step value=100)
  16464.                     switch (strtoupper($v)) {
  16465.                         case 'BOLD':
  16466.                             $this->SetStyle('B'true);
  16467.                             break;
  16468.                         case 'NORMAL':
  16469.                             $this->SetStyle('B'false);
  16470.                             break;
  16471.                     }
  16472.                     break;
  16473.                 case 'FONT-KERNING':
  16474.                     if (strtoupper($v) == 'NORMAL' || (strtoupper($v) == 'AUTO' && $this->useKerning)) {
  16475.                         /* -- OTL -- */
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  16481.                             }
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  16488.                         }
  16489.                         if (isset($this->OTLtags['FFPlus'])) {
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  16491.                         }
  16492.                         $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FC_KERNING);
  16493.                     }
  16494.                     break;
  16495.                 /* -- OTL -- */
  16496.                 case 'FONT-LANGUAGE-OVERRIDE':
  16497.                     $v strtoupper($v);
  16498.                     if (strpos($v'NORMAL') !== false) {
  16499.                         $this->fontLanguageOverride '';
  16500.                     } else {
  16501.                         $this->fontLanguageOverride trim($v);
  16502.                     }
  16503.                     break;
  16504.                 case 'FONT-VARIANT-POSITION':
  16505.                     if (isset($this->OTLtags['Plus'])) {
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  16507.                     }
  16508.                     switch (strtoupper($v)) {
  16509.                         case 'SUPER':
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  16511.                             break;
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  16513.                             $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' subs';
  16514.                             break;
  16515.                         case 'NORMAL':
  16516.                             break;
  16517.                     }
  16518.                     break;
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  16520.                     $v strtoupper($v);
  16521.                     if (!isset($this->OTLtags['Plus'])) {
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  16523.                     }
  16524.                     $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace(['c2sc''smcp''c2pc''pcap''unic''titl'], ''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
  16525.                     $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FC_SMALLCAPS);   // ?????????????? <small-caps>
  16526.                     if (strpos($v'ALL-SMALL-CAPS') !== false) {
  16527.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' c2sc smcp';
  16528.                     } elseif (strpos($v'SMALL-CAPS') !== false) {
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  16530.                             $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' smcp';
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  16541.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' titl';
  16542.                     }
  16543.                     break;
  16544.                 case 'FONT-VARIANT-LIGATURES':
  16545.                     $v strtoupper($v);
  16546.                     if (!isset($this->OTLtags['Plus'])) {
  16547.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = '';
  16548.                     }
  16549.                     if (!isset($this->OTLtags['Minus'])) {
  16550.                         $this->OTLtags['Minus'] = '';
  16551.                     }
  16552.                     if (strpos($v'NORMAL') !== false) {
  16553.                         $this->OTLtags['Minus'] = str_replace(['liga''clig''calt'], ''$this->OTLtags['Minus']);
  16554.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace(['dlig''hlig'], ''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
  16555.                     } elseif (strpos($v'NONE') !== false) {
  16556.                         $this->OTLtags['Minus'] .= ' liga clig calt';
  16557.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace(['dlig''hlig'], ''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16559.                     if (strpos($v'NO-COMMON-LIGATURES') !== false) {
  16560.                         $this->OTLtags['Minus'] .= ' liga clig';
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  16564.                     if (strpos($v'NO-CONTEXTUAL') !== false) {
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  16569.                     if (strpos($v'NO-DISCRETIONARY-LIGATURES') !== false) {
  16570.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('dlig'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16572.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' dlig';
  16573.                     }
  16574.                     if (strpos($v'NO-HISTORICAL-LIGATURES') !== false) {
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  16578.                     }
  16579.                     break;
  16580.                 case 'FONT-VARIANT-NUMERIC':
  16581.                     $v strtoupper($v);
  16582.                     if (!isset($this->OTLtags['Plus'])) {
  16583.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = '';
  16584.                     }
  16585.                     if (strpos($v'NORMAL') !== false) {
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  16588.                     if (strpos($v'ORDINAL') !== false) {
  16589.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' ordn';
  16590.                     }
  16591.                     if (strpos($v'SLASHED-ZERO') !== false) {
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  16596.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('onum'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16599.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('lnum'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16603.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('tnum'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16606.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('pnum'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16609.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' frac';
  16610.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('afrc'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
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  16613.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('frac'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
  16614.                     }
  16615.                     break;
  16616.                 case 'FONT-VARIANT-ALTERNATES':  // Only supports historical-forms
  16617.                     $v strtoupper($v);
  16618.                     if (!isset($this->OTLtags['Plus'])) {
  16619.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = '';
  16620.                     }
  16621.                     if (strpos($v'NORMAL') !== false) {
  16622.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] = str_replace('hist'''$this->OTLtags['Plus']);
  16623.                     }
  16624.                     if (strpos($v'HISTORICAL-FORMS') !== false) {
  16625.                         $this->OTLtags['Plus'] .= ' hist';
  16626.                     }
  16627.                     break;
  16628.                 case 'FONT-FEATURE-SETTINGS':
  16629.                     $v strtolower($v);
  16630.                     if (strpos($v'normal') !== false) {
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  16632.                         $this->OTLtags['FFPlus'] = '';
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  16639.                         }
  16640.                         $tags preg_split('/[,]/'$v);
  16641.                         foreach ($tags as $t) {
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  16652.                                     if (strpos($this->OTLtags['FFPlus'], $m[1]) === false) {
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  16654.                                     }
  16655.                                     $this->OTLtags['FFMinus'] = str_replace($m[1], ''$this->OTLtags['FFMinus']);
  16656.                                 }
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  16661.                 /* -- END OTL -- */
  16662.                 case 'TEXT-TRANSFORM'// none uppercase lowercase // Does support: capitalize
  16663.                     switch (strtoupper($v)) { // Not working 100%
  16664.                         case 'CAPITALIZE':
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  16671.                             $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FT_LOWERCASE); // mPDF 5.7.1
  16672.                             $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FT_CAPITALIZE); // mPDF 5.7.1
  16673.                             break;
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  16676.                             $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FT_UPPERCASE); // mPDF 5.7.1
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  16679.                         case 'NONE':
  16680.                             break;
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  16682.                             $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FT_LOWERCASE); // mPDF 5.7.1
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  16688.                     if ($ts) {
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  16690.                     }
  16691.                     break;
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  16699.                     }
  16700.                     break;
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  16702.                     if (strtoupper($v) == 'NONE') {
  16703.                         $this->textparam['outline-s'] = false;
  16704.                     }
  16705.                     break;
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  16707.                 case 'OUTLINE-WIDTH':
  16708.                     switch (strtoupper($v)) {
  16709.                         case 'THIN':
  16710.                             $v '0.03em';
  16711.                             break;
  16712.                         case 'MEDIUM':
  16713.                             $v '0.05em';
  16714.                             break;
  16715.                         case 'THICK':
  16716.                             $v '0.07em';
  16717.                             break;
  16718.                     }
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  16726.                     break;
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  16728.                 case 'OUTLINE-COLOR':
  16729.                     if (strtoupper($v) == 'INVERT') {
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  16740.                         }
  16741.                     }
  16742.                     break;
  16743.                 case 'COLOR'// font color
  16744.                     $cor $this->colorConverter->convert($v$this->PDFAXwarnings);
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  16747.                         $this->SetTColor($cor);
  16748.                     }
  16749.                     break;
  16750.             }//end of switch($k)
  16751.         }//end of foreach
  16752.         // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
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  16794.                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FD_LINETHROUGH);
  16795.                 $this->textvar = ($this->textvar & ~TextVars::FD_OVERLINE);
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  16828.     /* -- END HTML-CSS -- */
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  16830.     {
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  16833.         foreach (['B''I'] as $s) {
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  16838.         $this->currentfontstyle $style;
  16839.         $this->SetFont(''$style0false);
  16840.     }
  16841.     // Set multiple styles at one time
  16842.     function SetStylesArray($arr)
  16843.     {
  16844.         $style '';
  16845.         foreach (['B''I'] as $s) {
  16846.             if (isset($arr[$s])) {
  16847.                 if ($arr[$s]) {
  16848.                     $this->$s true;
  16849.                     $style .= $s;
  16850.                 } else {
  16851.                     $this->$s false;
  16852.                 }
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  16856.         }
  16857.         $this->currentfontstyle $style;
  16858.         $this->SetFont(''$style0false);
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  16860.     // Set multiple styles at one $str e.g. "BI"
  16861.     function SetStyles($str)
  16862.     {
  16863.         $style '';
  16864.         foreach (['B''I'] as $s) {
  16865.             if (strpos($str$s) !== false) {
  16866.                 $this->$s true;
  16867.                 $style .= $s;
  16868.             } else {
  16869.                 $this->$s false;
  16870.             }
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  16872.         $this->currentfontstyle $style;
  16873.         $this->SetFont(''$style0false);
  16874.     }
  16875.     function ResetStyles()
  16876.     {
  16877.         foreach (['B''I'] as $s) {
  16878.             $this->$s false;
  16879.         }
  16880.         $this->currentfontstyle '';
  16881.         $this->SetFont(''''0false);
  16882.     }
  16883.     function DisableTags($str '')
  16884.     {
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  16886.             // Insert new supported tags in the long string below.
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  16919.                     }
  16920.                     $toonarrow true;
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  16922.                 continue;
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  16933.             // FONTSIZE
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  16970.             // mPDF 6
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  16977.                 }
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  16980.                     // mPDF 6
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  16984.                         }
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  16988.                     }
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  16990.                     // so don't have to split OTLdata for each word
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  16997.                     // Warn user that maxwidth is insufficient
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  17000.                             $biggestword $letterwidth;
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  17002.                         $toonarrow true;
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  17006.                 // mPDF 6
  17007.                 // Need to account for any XAdvance in GPOSinfo (OTLdata = $chunk[18])
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  17009.                 if (isset($chunk[18]) && $chunk[18]) {
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  17013.                     foreach ($spaces[0] as $k => $m) {
  17014.                         $offset $m[1];
  17015.                         // ...TableCheckMinWidth...
  17016.                         // At this point, BIDI not applied, Writing direction is not set, and XAdvanceL balances XAdvanceR
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  17023.                                 }
  17024.                             }
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  17026.                         $lastoffset $offset 1;
  17027.                     }
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  17030.                         if ($n >= $lastoffset && isset($chunk[18]['GPOSinfo'][$n]['XAdvanceL'])) {
  17031.                             if (isset($wordXAdvance[$k])) {
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  17035.                             }
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  17042.                     $wordwidth $this->GetStringWidth($wordfalsefalse$chunk[8]); // Pass $textvar ($chunk[8]), but do OTLdata here
  17043.                     // so don't have to split OTLdata for each word
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  17045.                         $wordwidth += ($wordXAdvance[$k] * 1000 $this->CurrentFont['unitsPerEm']) * ($this->FontSize 1000);
  17046.                     }
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  17048.                         $wordwidth += $lbw;
  17049.                     }
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  17052.                     }
  17053.                     // mPDF 6
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  17056.                     } elseif (count($words) > && $k == && substr($chunk[0], 01) != ' ') {
  17057.                         $acclength += $wordwidth;
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  17059.                         $acclength $wordwidth;
  17060.                     }
  17061.                     $acclongest max($acclongest$acclength);
  17062.                     if (count($words) == && substr($chunk[0], -11) == ' ') {
  17063.                         $acclength 0;
  17064.                     } elseif (count($words) > && ($k != (count($words) - 1) || substr($chunk[0], -11) == ' ')) {
  17065.                         $acclength 0;
  17066.                     }
  17067.                     // Warn user that maxwidth is insufficient
  17068.                     if ($wordwidth $maxwidth 0.0001) {
  17069.                         if ($wordwidth $biggestword) {
  17070.                             $biggestword $wordwidth;
  17071.                         }
  17072.                         $toonarrow true;
  17073.                     }
  17074.                 }
  17075.             }
  17076.             // mPDF 6  Accumulated length of biggest word - across multiple chunks
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  17078.                 if ($acclongest $biggestword) {
  17079.                     $biggestword $acclongest;
  17080.                 }
  17081.                 $toonarrow true;
  17082.             }
  17083.             // RESET FONT SIZE/STYLE
  17084.             // RESETTING VALUES
  17085.             // Now we must deactivate what we have used
  17086.             if (isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {
  17087.                 $this->ResetStyles();
  17088.             }
  17089.             if (isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') {
  17090.                 $this->SetFont($this->default_font$this->FontStyle0false);
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  17092.             if (isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
  17093.                 $this->SetFontSize($this->default_font_sizefalse);
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  17096.             $this->textvar 0x00// mPDF 5.7.1
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  17100.             $this->fixedlSpacing false;
  17101.             $this->minwSpacing 0;
  17102.         }
  17103.         // Return -(wordsize) if word is bigger than maxwidth
  17104.         // ADDED
  17105.         if (($toonarrow) && ($this->table_error_report)) {
  17106.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Word is too long to fit in table - " $this->table_error_report_param);
  17107.         }
  17108.         if ($toonarrow) {
  17109.             return -$biggestword;
  17110.         } else {
  17111.             return 1;
  17112.         }
  17113.     }
  17114.     function shrinkTable(&$table$k)
  17115.     {
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  17117.         $table['border_spacing_V'] /= $k;
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  17125.         $table['margin']['L'] /= $k;
  17126.         $table['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
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  17128.         $table['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
  17129.         $table['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;
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  17131.             $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] /= $k;
  17132.         }
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  17140.             $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] /= $k;
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  17142.         if ($this->simpleTables) {
  17143.             $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
  17144.             $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
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  17153.             $table['wc'][$j]['miw'] /= $k;
  17154.             $table['wc'][$j]['maw'] /= $k;
  17155.             if (isset($table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0']) && $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0']) {
  17156.                 $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'] /= $k;
  17157.             }
  17158.             if (isset($table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1']) && $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1']) {
  17159.                 $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1'] /= $k;
  17160.             }
  17161.             if (isset($table['wc'][$j]['absmiw']) && $table['wc'][$j]['absmiw']) {
  17162.                 $table['wc'][$j]['absmiw'] /= $k;
  17163.             }
  17164.             for ($i 0$i $table['nr']; $i++) { // rows
  17165.                 $c = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
  17166.                 if (isset($c) && $c) {
  17167.                     if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  17168.                         if ($this->packTableData) {
  17169.                             $cell $this->_unpackCellBorder($c['borderbin']);
  17170.                             $cell['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
  17171.                             $cell['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
  17172.                             $cell['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
  17173.                             $cell['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;
  17174.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] /= $k;
  17175.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] /= $k;
  17176.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] /= $k;
  17177.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] /= $k;
  17178.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] /= $k;
  17179.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] /= $k;
  17180.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] /= $k;
  17181.                             $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] /= $k;
  17182.                             $c['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($cell);
  17183.                         } else {
  17184.                             $c['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
  17185.                             $c['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
  17186.                             $c['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
  17187.                             $c['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;
  17188.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] /= $k;
  17189.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] /= $k;
  17190.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] /= $k;
  17191.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] /= $k;
  17192.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] /= $k;
  17193.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] /= $k;
  17194.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] /= $k;
  17195.                             $c['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] /= $k;
  17196.                         }
  17197.                     }
  17198.                     $c['padding']['T'] /= $k;
  17199.                     $c['padding']['R'] /= $k;
  17200.                     $c['padding']['B'] /= $k;
  17201.                     $c['padding']['L'] /= $k;
  17202.                     $c['maxs'] = isset($c['maxs']) ? $c['maxs'] /= $k null;
  17203.                     $c['w'] = isset($c['w']) ? $c['w'] /= $k null;
  17204.                     $c['s'] = isset($c['s']) ? $c['s'] /= $k 0;
  17205.                     $c['h'] = isset($c['h']) ? $c['h'] /= $k null;
  17206.                     $c['miw'] = isset($c['miw']) ? $c['miw'] /= $k 0;
  17207.                     $c['maw'] = isset($c['maw']) ? $c['maw'] /= $k 0;
  17208.                     $c['absmiw'] = isset($c['absmiw']) ? $c['absmiw'] /= $k null;
  17209.                     $c['nestedmaw'] = isset($c['nestedmaw']) ? $c['nestedmaw'] /= $k null;
  17210.                     $c['nestedmiw'] = isset($c['nestedmiw']) ? $c['nestedmiw'] /= $k null;
  17211.                     if (isset($c['textbuffer'])) {
  17212.                         foreach ($c['textbuffer'] as $n => $tb) {
  17213.                             if (!empty($tb[16])) {
  17214.                                 !isset($c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['T']) || $c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['T']['w'] /= $k;
  17215.                                 !isset($c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['B']) || $c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['B']['w'] /= $k;
  17216.                                 !isset($c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['L']) || $c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['L']['w'] /= $k;
  17217.                                 !isset($c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['R']) || $c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['R']['w'] /= $k;
  17218.                             }
  17219.                         }
  17220.                     }
  17221.                     unset($c);
  17222.                 }
  17223.             } // rows
  17224.         // columns
  17225.     }
  17226.     function read_short(&$fh)
  17227.     {
  17228.         $s fread($fh2);
  17229.         $a = (ord($s[0]) << 8) + ord($s[1]);
  17230.         if ($a & (<< 15)) {
  17231.             $a = ($a - (<< 16));
  17232.         }
  17233.         return $a;
  17234.     }
  17235.     function _packCellBorder($cell)
  17236.     {
  17237.         if (!is_array($cell) || !isset($cell)) {
  17238.             return '';
  17239.         }
  17240.         if (!$this->packTableData) {
  17241.             return $cell;
  17242.         }
  17243.         // = 186 bytes
  17244.         $bindata pack("nnda6A10nnda6A10nnda6A10nnda6A10nd9"$cell['border'], $cell['border_details']['R']['s'], $cell['border_details']['R']['w'], $cell['border_details']['R']['c'], $cell['border_details']['R']['style'], $cell['border_details']['R']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['L']['s'], $cell['border_details']['L']['w'], $cell['border_details']['L']['c'], $cell['border_details']['L']['style'], $cell['border_details']['L']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['T']['s'], $cell['border_details']['T']['w'], $cell['border_details']['T']['c'], $cell['border_details']['T']['style'], $cell['border_details']['T']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['B']['s'], $cell['border_details']['B']['w'], $cell['border_details']['B']['c'], $cell['border_details']['B']['style'], $cell['border_details']['B']['dom'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BL'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TR'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LT'], $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LB'], (isset($cell['border_details']['cellposdom']) ? $cell['border_details']['cellposdom'] : 0));
  17245.         return $bindata;
  17246.     }
  17247.     function _getBorderWidths($bindata)
  17248.     {
  17249.         if (!$bindata) {
  17250.             return [0000];
  17251.         }
  17252.         if (!$this->packTableData) {
  17253.             return [$bindata['border_details']['T']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['R']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['B']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['L']['w']];
  17254.         }
  17255.         $bd unpack("nbord/nrs/drw/a6rca/A10rst/nrd/nls/dlw/a6lca/A10lst/nld/nts/dtw/a6tca/A10tst/ntd/nbs/dbw/a6bca/A10bst/nbd/dmbl/dmbr/dmrt/dmrb/dmtl/dmtr/dmlt/dmlb/dcpd"$bindata);
  17256.         $cell['border_details']['R']['w'] = $bd['rw'];
  17257.         $cell['border_details']['L']['w'] = $bd['lw'];
  17258.         $cell['border_details']['T']['w'] = $bd['tw'];
  17259.         $cell['border_details']['B']['w'] = $bd['bw'];
  17260.         return [$bd['tw'], $bd['rw'], $bd['bw'], $bd['lw']];
  17261.     }
  17262.     function _unpackCellBorder($bindata)
  17263.     {
  17264.         if (!$bindata) {
  17265.             return [];
  17266.         }
  17267.         if (!$this->packTableData) {
  17268.             return $bindata;
  17269.         }
  17270.         $bd unpack("nbord/nrs/drw/a6rca/A10rst/nrd/nls/dlw/a6lca/A10lst/nld/nts/dtw/a6tca/A10tst/ntd/nbs/dbw/a6bca/A10bst/nbd/dmbl/dmbr/dmrt/dmrb/dmtl/dmtr/dmlt/dmlb/dcpd"$bindata);
  17271.         $cell['border'] = $bd['bord'];
  17272.         $cell['border_details']['R']['s'] = $bd['rs'];
  17273.         $cell['border_details']['R']['w'] = $bd['rw'];
  17274.         $cell['border_details']['R']['c'] = str_pad($bd['rca'], 6"\x00");
  17275.         $cell['border_details']['R']['style'] = trim($bd['rst']);
  17276.         $cell['border_details']['R']['dom'] = $bd['rd'];
  17277.         $cell['border_details']['L']['s'] = $bd['ls'];
  17278.         $cell['border_details']['L']['w'] = $bd['lw'];
  17279.         $cell['border_details']['L']['c'] = str_pad($bd['lca'], 6"\x00");
  17280.         $cell['border_details']['L']['style'] = trim($bd['lst']);
  17281.         $cell['border_details']['L']['dom'] = $bd['ld'];
  17282.         $cell['border_details']['T']['s'] = $bd['ts'];
  17283.         $cell['border_details']['T']['w'] = $bd['tw'];
  17284.         $cell['border_details']['T']['c'] = str_pad($bd['tca'], 6"\x00");
  17285.         $cell['border_details']['T']['style'] = trim($bd['tst']);
  17286.         $cell['border_details']['T']['dom'] = $bd['td'];
  17287.         $cell['border_details']['B']['s'] = $bd['bs'];
  17288.         $cell['border_details']['B']['w'] = $bd['bw'];
  17289.         $cell['border_details']['B']['c'] = str_pad($bd['bca'], 6"\x00");
  17290.         $cell['border_details']['B']['style'] = trim($bd['bst']);
  17291.         $cell['border_details']['B']['dom'] = $bd['bd'];
  17292.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = $bd['mbl'];
  17293.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = $bd['mbr'];
  17294.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = $bd['mrt'];
  17295.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = $bd['mrb'];
  17296.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = $bd['mtl'];
  17297.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = $bd['mtr'];
  17298.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = $bd['mlt'];
  17299.         $cell['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = $bd['mlb'];
  17300.         $cell['border_details']['cellposdom'] = $bd['cpd'];
  17301.         return($cell);
  17302.     }
  17303.     ////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)/////////////////////////////////////
  17304.     ////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)/////////////////////////////////////
  17305.     ////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)/////////////////////////////////////
  17306.     // table        Array of (w, h, bc, nr, wc, hr, cells)
  17307.     // w            Width of table
  17308.     // h            Height of table
  17309.     // nc            Number column
  17310.     // nr            Number row
  17311.     // hr            List of height of each row
  17312.     // wc            List of width of each column
  17313.     // cells        List of cells of each rows, cells[i][j] is a cell in the table
  17314.     function _tableColumnWidth(&$table$firstpass false)
  17315.     {
  17316.         $cs = &$table['cells'];
  17317.         $nc $table['nc'];
  17318.         $nr $table['nr'];
  17319.         $listspan = [];
  17320.         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  17321.             $tblbw $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'] + $table['padding']['L'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  17322.         } else {
  17323.             $tblbw $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / $table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'];
  17324.         }
  17325.         // ADDED table['l'][colno]
  17326.         // = total length of text approx (using $c['s']) in that column - used to approximately distribute col widths in _tableWidth
  17327.         //
  17328.         for ($j 0$j $nc$j++) { // columns
  17329.             $wc = &$table['wc'][$j];
  17330.             for ($i 0$i $nr$i++) { // rows
  17331.                 if (isset($cs[$i][$j]) && $cs[$i][$j]) {
  17332.                     $c = &$cs[$i][$j];
  17333.                     if ($this->simpleTables) {
  17334.                         if ($table['borders_separate']) { // NB twice border width
  17335.                             $extrcw $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  17336.                         } else {
  17337.                             $extrcw $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] / $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] / $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'];
  17338.                         }
  17339.                     } else {
  17340.                         if ($this->packTableData) {
  17341.                             list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
  17342.                         } else {
  17343.                             $br $c['border_details']['R']['w'];
  17344.                             $bl $c['border_details']['L']['w'];
  17345.                         }
  17346.                         if ($table['borders_separate']) { // NB twice border width
  17347.                             $extrcw $bl $br $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  17348.                         } else {
  17349.                             $extrcw $bl $br $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'];
  17350.                         }
  17351.                     }
  17352.                     // $mw = $this->GetStringWidth('W') + $extrcw ;
  17353.                     $mw $extrcw// mPDF 6
  17354.                     if (substr($c['a'], 01) == 'D') {
  17355.                         $mw $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'] + $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1'] + $extrcw;
  17356.                     }
  17357.                     $c['absmiw'] = $mw;
  17358.                     if (isset($c['R']) && $c['R']) {
  17359.                         $c['maw'] = $c['miw'] = $this->FontSize $extrcw;
  17360.                         if (isset($c['w'])) { // If cell width is specified
  17361.                             if ($c['miw'] < $c['w']) {
  17362.                                 $c['miw'] = $c['w'];
  17363.                             }
  17364.                         }
  17365.                         if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
  17366.                             if ($wc['miw'] < $c['miw']) {
  17367.                                 $wc['miw'] = $c['miw'];
  17368.                             }
  17369.                             if ($wc['maw'] < $c['maw']) {
  17370.                                 $wc['maw'] = $c['maw'];
  17371.                             }
  17372.                             if ($firstpass) {
  17373.                                 if (isset($table['l'][$j])) {
  17374.                                     $table['l'][$j] += $c['miw'];
  17375.                                 } else {
  17376.                                     $table['l'][$j] = $c['miw'];
  17377.                                 }
  17378.                             }
  17379.                         }
  17380.                         if ($c['miw'] > $wc['miw']) {
  17381.                             $wc['miw'] = $c['miw'];
  17382.                         }
  17383.                         if ($wc['miw'] > $wc['maw']) {
  17384.                             $wc['maw'] = $wc['miw'];
  17385.                         }
  17386.                         continue;
  17387.                     }
  17388.                     if ($firstpass) {
  17389.                         if (isset($c['s'])) {
  17390.                             $c['s'] += $extrcw;
  17391.                         }
  17392.                         if (isset($c['maxs'])) {
  17393.                             $c['maxs'] += $extrcw;
  17394.                         }
  17395.                         if (isset($c['nestedmiw'])) {
  17396.                             $c['nestedmiw'] += $extrcw;
  17397.                         }
  17398.                         if (isset($c['nestedmaw'])) {
  17399.                             $c['nestedmaw'] += $extrcw;
  17400.                         }
  17401.                     }
  17402.                     // If minimum width has already been set by a nested table or inline object (image/form), use it
  17403.                     if (isset($c['nestedmiw']) && (!isset($this->table[1][1]['overflow']) || $this->table[1][1]['overflow'] != 'visible')) {
  17404.                         $miw $c['nestedmiw'];
  17405.                     } else {
  17406.                         $miw $mw;
  17407.                     }
  17408.                     if (isset($c['maxs']) && $c['maxs'] != '') {
  17409.                         $c['s'] = $c['maxs'];
  17410.                     }
  17411.                     // If maximum width has already been set by a nested table, use it
  17412.                     if (isset($c['nestedmaw'])) {
  17413.                         $c['maw'] = $c['nestedmaw'];
  17414.                     } else {
  17415.                         $c['maw'] = $c['s'];
  17416.                     }
  17417.                     if (isset($table['overflow']) && $table['overflow'] == 'visible' && $table['level'] == 1) {
  17418.                         if (($c['maw'] + $tblbw) > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
  17419.                             $c['maw'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $tblbw;
  17420.                         }
  17421.                     }
  17422.                     if (isset($c['nowrap']) && $c['nowrap']) {
  17423.                         $miw $c['maw'];
  17424.                     }
  17425.                     if (isset($c['wpercent']) && $firstpass) {
  17426.                         if (isset($c['colspan'])) { // Not perfect - but % set on colspan is shared equally on cols.
  17427.                             for ($k 0$k $c['colspan']; $k++) {
  17428.                                 $table['wc'][($j $k)]['wpercent'] = $c['wpercent'] / $c['colspan'];
  17429.                             }
  17430.                         } else {
  17431.                             if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w']) {
  17432.                                 $c['w'] = $c['wpercent'] / 100 * ($table['w'] - $tblbw );
  17433.                             }
  17434.                             $wc['wpercent'] = $c['wpercent'];
  17435.                         }
  17436.                     }
  17437.                     if (isset($table['overflow']) && $table['overflow'] == 'visible' && $table['level'] == 1) {
  17438.                         if (isset($c['w']) && ($c['w'] + $tblbw) > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
  17439.                             $c['w'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $tblbw;
  17440.                         }
  17441.                     }
  17442.                     if (isset($c['w'])) { // If cell width is specified
  17443.                         if ($miw $c['w']) {
  17444.                             $c['miw'] = $c['w'];
  17445.                         } // Cell min width = that specified
  17446.                         if ($miw $c['w']) {
  17447.                             $c['miw'] = $c['w'] = $miw;
  17448.                         } // If width specified is less than minimum allowed (W) increase it
  17449.                         // mPDF 5.7.4  Do not set column width in colspan
  17450.                         // cf.
  17451.                         if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
  17452.                             if (!isset($wc['w'])) {
  17453.                                 $wc['w'] = 1;
  17454.                             }  // If the Col width is not specified = set it to 1
  17455.                         }
  17456.                         // mPDF 5.7.3  cf.
  17457.                         $c['maw'] = $c['w'];
  17458.                     } else {
  17459.                         $c['miw'] = $miw;
  17460.                     } // If cell width not specified -> set Cell min width it to minimum allowed (W)
  17461.                     if (isset($c['miw']) && $c['maw'] < $c['miw']) {
  17462.                         $c['maw'] = $c['miw'];
  17463.                     } // If Cell max width < Minwidth - increase it to =
  17464.                     if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
  17465.                         if (isset($c['miw']) && $wc['miw'] < $c['miw']) {
  17466.                             $wc['miw'] = $c['miw'];
  17467.                         } // Update Col Minimum and maximum widths
  17468.                         if ($wc['maw'] < $c['maw']) {
  17469.                             $wc['maw'] = $c['maw'];
  17470.                         }
  17471.                         if ((isset($wc['absmiw']) && $wc['absmiw'] < $c['absmiw']) || !isset($wc['absmiw'])) {
  17472.                             $wc['absmiw'] = $c['absmiw'];
  17473.                         } // Update Col Minimum and maximum widths
  17474.                         if (isset($table['l'][$j])) {
  17475.                             $table['l'][$j] += $c['s'];
  17476.                         } else {
  17477.                             $table['l'][$j] = $c['s'];
  17478.                         }
  17479.                     } else {
  17480.                         $listspan[] = [$i$j];
  17481.                     }
  17482.                     // Check if minimum width of the whole column is big enough for largest word to fit
  17483.                     // mPDF 6
  17484.                     if (isset($c['textbuffer'])) {
  17485.                         if (isset($table['overflow']) && $table['overflow'] == 'wrap') {
  17486.                             $letter true;
  17487.                         } // check for maximum width of letters
  17488.                         else {
  17489.                             $letter false;
  17490.                         }
  17491.                         $minwidth $this->TableCheckMinWidth($wc['miw'] - $extrcw0$c['textbuffer'], $letter);
  17492.                     } else {
  17493.                         $minwidth 0;
  17494.                     }
  17495.                     if ($minwidth 0) {
  17496.                         // increase minimum width
  17497.                         if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
  17498.                             $wc['miw'] = max((isset($wc['miw']) ? $wc['miw'] : 0), ((-$minwidth) + $extrcw));
  17499.                         } else {
  17500.                             $c['miw'] = max((isset($c['miw']) ? $c['miw'] : 0), ((-$minwidth) + $extrcw));
  17501.                         }
  17502.                     }
  17503.                     if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
  17504.                         if ($wc['miw'] > $wc['maw']) {
  17505.                             $wc['maw'] = $wc['miw'];
  17506.                         } // update maximum width, if needed
  17507.                     }
  17508.                 }
  17509.                 unset($c);
  17510.             }//rows
  17511.         }//columns
  17512.         // COLUMN SPANS
  17513.         $wc = &$table['wc'];
  17514.         foreach ($listspan as $span) {
  17515.             list($i$j) = $span;
  17516.             $c = &$cs[$i][$j];
  17517.             $lc $j $c['colspan'];
  17518.             if ($lc $nc) {
  17519.                 $lc $nc;
  17520.             }
  17521.             $wis $wisa 0;
  17522.             $was $wasa 0;
  17523.             $list = [];
  17524.             for ($k $j$k $lc$k++) {
  17525.                 if (isset($table['l'][$k])) {
  17526.                     if ($c['R']) {
  17527.                         $table['l'][$k] += $c['miw'] / $c['colspan'];
  17528.                     } else {
  17529.                         $table['l'][$k] += $c['s'] / $c['colspan'];
  17530.                     }
  17531.                 } else {
  17532.                     if ($c['R']) {
  17533.                         $table['l'][$k] = $c['miw'] / $c['colspan'];
  17534.                     } else {
  17535.                         $table['l'][$k] = $c['s'] / $c['colspan'];
  17536.                     }
  17537.                 }
  17538.                 $wis += $wc[$k]['miw'];   // $wis is the sum of the column miw in the colspan
  17539.                 $was += $wc[$k]['maw'];   // $was is the sum of the column maw in the colspan
  17540.                 if (!isset($c['w'])) {
  17541.                     $list[] = $k;
  17542.                     $wisa += $wc[$k]['miw']; // $wisa is the sum of the column miw in cells with no width specified in the colspan
  17543.                     $wasa += $wc[$k]['maw']; // $wasa is the sum of the column maw in cells with no width specified in the colspan
  17544.                 }
  17545.             }
  17546.             if ($c['miw'] > $wis) {
  17547.                 if (!$wis) {
  17548.                     for ($k $j$k $lc$k++) {
  17549.                         $wc[$k]['miw'] = $c['miw'] / $c['colspan'];
  17550.                     }
  17551.                 } elseif (!count($list) && $wis != 0) {
  17552.                     $wi $c['miw'] - $wis;
  17553.                     for ($k $j$k $lc$k++) {
  17554.                         $wc[$k]['miw'] += ($wc[$k]['miw'] / $wis) * $wi;
  17555.                     }
  17556.                 } else {
  17557.                     $wi $c['miw'] - $wis;
  17558.                     // mPDF 5.7.2   Extra min width distributed proportionately to all cells in colspan without a specified width
  17559.                     // cf.
  17560.                     foreach ($list as $k) {
  17561.                         if (!isset($wc[$k]['w']) || !$wc[$k]['w']) {
  17562.                             $wc[$k]['miw'] += ($wc[$k]['miw'] / $wisa) * $wi;
  17563.                         }
  17564.                     } // mPDF 5.7.2
  17565.                 }
  17566.             }
  17567.             if ($c['maw'] > $was) {
  17568.                 if (!$wis) {
  17569.                     for ($k $j$k $lc$k++) {
  17570.                         $wc[$k]['maw'] = $c['maw'] / $c['colspan'];
  17571.                     }
  17572.                 } elseif (!count($list) && $was != 0) {
  17573.                     $wi $c['maw'] - $was;
  17574.                     for ($k $j$k $lc$k++) {
  17575.                         $wc[$k]['maw'] += ($wc[$k]['maw'] / $was) * $wi;
  17576.                     }
  17577.                 } else {
  17578.                     $wi $c['maw'] - $was;
  17579.                     // mPDF 5.7.4  Extra max width distributed evenly to all cells in colspan without a specified width
  17580.                     // cf.
  17581.                     foreach ($list as $k) {
  17582.                         $wc[$k]['maw'] += $wi count($list);
  17583.                     }
  17584.                 }
  17585.             }
  17586.             unset($c);
  17587.         }
  17588.         $checkminwidth 0;
  17589.         $checkmaxwidth 0;
  17590.         $totallength 0;
  17591.         for ($i 0$i $nc$i++) {
  17592.             $checkminwidth += $table['wc'][$i]['miw'];
  17593.             $checkmaxwidth += $table['wc'][$i]['maw'];
  17594.             $totallength += isset($table['l']) ? $table['l'][$i] : 0;
  17595.         }
  17596.         if (!isset($table['w']) && $firstpass) {
  17597.             $sumpc 0;
  17598.             $notset 0;
  17599.             for ($i 0$i $nc$i++) {
  17600.                 if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) && $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) {
  17601.                     $sumpc += $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'];
  17602.                 } else {
  17603.                     $notset++;
  17604.                 }
  17605.             }
  17606.             // If sum of widths as %  >= 100% and not all columns are set
  17607.             // Set a nominal width of 1% for unset columns
  17608.             if ($sumpc >= 100 && $notset) {
  17609.                 for ($i 0$i $nc$i++) {
  17610.                     if ((!isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) || !$table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) &&
  17611.                         (!isset($table['wc'][$i]['w']) || !$table['wc'][$i]['w'])) {
  17612.                         $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'] = 1;
  17613.                     }
  17614.                 }
  17615.             }
  17616.             if ($sumpc) { // if any percents are set
  17617.                 $sumnonpc = (100 $sumpc);
  17618.                 $sumpc max($sumpc100);
  17619.                 $miwleft 0;
  17620.                 $miwleftcount 0;
  17621.                 $miwsurplusnonpc 0;
  17622.                 $maxcalcmiw 0;
  17623.                 $mawleft 0;
  17624.                 $mawleftcount 0;
  17625.                 $mawsurplusnonpc 0;
  17626.                 $maxcalcmaw 0;
  17627.                 $mawnon 0;
  17628.                 $miwnon 0;
  17629.                 for ($i 0$i $nc$i++) {
  17630.                     if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'])) {
  17631.                         $maxcalcmiw max($maxcalcmiw, ($table['wc'][$i]['miw'] * $sumpc $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']));
  17632.                         $maxcalcmaw max($maxcalcmaw, ($table['wc'][$i]['maw'] * $sumpc $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']));
  17633.                     } else {
  17634.                         $miwleft += $table['wc'][$i]['miw'];
  17635.                         $mawleft += $table['wc'][$i]['maw'];
  17636.                         if (!isset($table['wc'][$i]['w'])) {
  17637.                             $miwleftcount++;
  17638.                             $mawleftcount++;
  17639.                         }
  17640.                     }
  17641.                 }
  17642.                 if ($miwleft && $sumnonpc 0) {
  17643.                     $miwnon $miwleft 100 $sumnonpc;
  17644.                 }
  17645.                 if ($mawleft && $sumnonpc 0) {
  17646.                     $mawnon $mawleft 100 $sumnonpc;
  17647.                 }
  17648.                 if (($miwnon $checkminwidth || $maxcalcmiw $checkminwidth) && $this->keep_table_proportions) {
  17649.                     if ($miwnon $maxcalcmiw) {
  17650.                         $miwsurplusnonpc round((($miwnon $sumnonpc 100) - $miwleft), 3);
  17651.                         $checkminwidth $miwnon;
  17652.                     } else {
  17653.                         $checkminwidth $maxcalcmiw;
  17654.                     }
  17655.                     for ($i 0$i $nc$i++) {
  17656.                         if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'])) {
  17657.                             $newmiw $checkminwidth $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'] / 100;
  17658.                             if ($table['wc'][$i]['miw'] < $newmiw) {
  17659.                                 $table['wc'][$i]['miw'] = $newmiw;
  17660.                             }
  17661.                             $table['wc'][$i]['w'] = 1;
  17662.                         } elseif ($miwsurplusnonpc && !$table['wc'][$i]['w']) {
  17663.                             $table['wc'][$i]['miw'] += $miwsurplusnonpc $miwleftcount;
  17664.                         }
  17665.                     }
  17666.                 }
  17667.                 if (($mawnon $checkmaxwidth || $maxcalcmaw $checkmaxwidth)) {
  17668.                     if ($mawnon $maxcalcmaw) {
  17669.                         $mawsurplusnonpc round((($mawnon $sumnonpc 100) - $mawleft), 3);
  17670.                         $checkmaxwidth $mawnon;
  17671.                     } else {
  17672.                         $checkmaxwidth $maxcalcmaw;
  17673.                     }
  17674.                     for ($i 0$i $nc$i++) {
  17675.                         if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'])) {
  17676.                             $newmaw $checkmaxwidth $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'] / 100;
  17677.                             if ($table['wc'][$i]['maw'] < $newmaw) {
  17678.                                 $table['wc'][$i]['maw'] = $newmaw;
  17679.                             }
  17680.                             $table['wc'][$i]['w'] = 1;
  17681.                         } elseif ($mawsurplusnonpc && !$table['wc'][$i]['w']) {
  17682.                             $table['wc'][$i]['maw'] += $mawsurplusnonpc $mawleftcount;
  17683.                         }
  17684.                         if ($table['wc'][$i]['maw'] < $table['wc'][$i]['miw']) {
  17685.                             $table['wc'][$i]['maw'] = $table['wc'][$i]['miw'];
  17686.                         }
  17687.                     }
  17688.                 }
  17689.                 if ($checkminwidth $checkmaxwidth) {
  17690.                     $checkmaxwidth $checkminwidth;
  17691.                 }
  17692.             }
  17693.         }
  17694.         if (isset($table['wpercent']) && $table['wpercent']) {
  17695.             $checkminwidth *= (100 $table['wpercent']);
  17696.             $checkmaxwidth *= (100 $table['wpercent']);
  17697.         }
  17698.         $checkminwidth += $tblbw;
  17699.         $checkmaxwidth += $tblbw;
  17700.         // Table['miw'] set by percent in first pass may be larger than sum of column miw
  17701.         if ((isset($table['miw']) && $checkminwidth $table['miw']) || !isset($table['miw'])) {
  17702.             $table['miw'] = $checkminwidth;
  17703.         }
  17704.         if ((isset($table['maw']) && $checkmaxwidth $table['maw']) || !isset($table['maw'])) {
  17705.             $table['maw'] = $checkmaxwidth;
  17706.         }
  17707.         $table['tl'] = $totallength;
  17708.         // mPDF 6
  17709.         if ($this->table_rotate) {
  17710.             $mxw $this->tbrot_maxw;
  17711.         } else {
  17712.             $mxw $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
  17713.         }
  17714.         if (!isset($table['overflow'])) {
  17715.             $table['overflow'] = null;
  17716.         }
  17717.         if ($table['overflow'] == 'visible') {
  17718.             return [00];
  17719.         } elseif ($table['overflow'] == 'hidden' && !$this->table_rotate && !$this->ColActive && $checkminwidth $mxw) {
  17720.             $table['w'] = $table['miw'];
  17721.             return [00];
  17722.         }
  17723.         // elseif ($table['overflow']=='wrap') { return array(0,0); }    // mPDF 6
  17724.         if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w']) {
  17725.             if ($table['w'] >= $checkminwidth && $table['w'] <= $mxw) {
  17726.                 $table['maw'] = $mxw $table['w'];
  17727.             } elseif ($table['w'] >= $checkminwidth && $table['w'] > $mxw && $this->keep_table_proportions) {
  17728.                 $checkminwidth $table['w'];
  17729.             } elseif ($table['w'] < $checkminwidth && $checkminwidth $mxw && $this->keep_table_proportions) {
  17730.                 $table['maw'] = $table['w'] = $checkminwidth;
  17731.             } else {
  17732.                 unset($table['w']);
  17733.             }
  17734.         }
  17735.         $ratio $checkminwidth $mxw;
  17736.         if ($checkminwidth $mxw) {
  17737.             return [($ratio 0.001), $checkminwidth]; // 0.001 to allow for rounded numbers when resizing
  17738.         }
  17739.         unset($cs);
  17740.         return [00];
  17741.     }
  17742.     function _tableWidth(&$table)
  17743.     {
  17744.         $widthcols = &$table['wc'];
  17745.         $numcols $table['nc'];
  17746.         $tablewidth 0;
  17747.         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  17748.             $tblbw $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'] + $table['padding']['L'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  17749.         } else {
  17750.             $tblbw $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / $table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'];
  17751.         }
  17752.         if ($table['level'] > && isset($table['w'])) {
  17753.             if (isset($table['wpercent']) && $table['wpercent']) {
  17754.                 $table['w'] = $temppgwidth = (($table['w'] - $tblbw) * $table['wpercent'] / 100) + $tblbw;
  17755.             } else {
  17756.                 $temppgwidth $table['w'];
  17757.             }
  17758.         } elseif ($this->table_rotate) {
  17759.             $temppgwidth $this->tbrot_maxw;
  17760.             // If it is less than 1/20th of the remaining page height to finish the DIV (i.e. DIV padding + table bottom margin) then allow for this
  17761.             $enddiv $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
  17762.             if ($enddiv $temppgwidth 0.05) {
  17763.                 $temppgwidth -= $enddiv;
  17764.             }
  17765.         } else {
  17766.             if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] < $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
  17767.                 $notfullwidth 1;
  17768.                 $temppgwidth $table['w'];
  17769.             } elseif ($table['overflow'] == 'visible' && $table['level'] == 1) {
  17770.                 $temppgwidth null;
  17771.             } elseif ($table['overflow'] == 'hidden' && !$this->ColActive && isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] && $table['w'] == $table) {
  17772.                 // $temppgwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
  17773.                 $temppgwidth $table['w'];
  17774.             } else {
  17775.                 $temppgwidth $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
  17776.             }
  17777.         }
  17778.         $totaltextlength 0// Added - to sum $table['l'][colno]
  17779.         $totalatextlength 0// Added - to sum $table['l'][colno] for those columns where width not set
  17780.         $percentages_set 0;
  17781.         for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17782.             if (isset($widthcols[$i]['wpercent'])) {
  17783.                 $tablewidth += $widthcols[$i]['maw'];
  17784.                 $percentages_set 1;
  17785.             } elseif (isset($widthcols[$i]['w'])) {
  17786.                 $tablewidth += $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
  17787.             } else {
  17788.                 $tablewidth += $widthcols[$i]['maw'];
  17789.             }
  17790.             $totaltextlength += isset($table['l']) ? $table['l'][$i] : 0;
  17791.         }
  17792.         if (!$totaltextlength) {
  17793.             $totaltextlength 1;
  17794.         }
  17795.         $tablewidth += $tblbw// Outer half of table borders
  17796.         if ($tablewidth $temppgwidth) {
  17797.             $table['w'] = $temppgwidth;
  17798.         } elseif ($tablewidth $temppgwidth && !isset($table['w']) && $percentages_set) { // if any widths set as percentages and max width fits < page width
  17799.             $table['w'] = $table['maw'];
  17800.         }
  17801.         // if table width is set and is > allowed width
  17802.         if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] > $temppgwidth) {
  17803.             $table['w'] = $temppgwidth;
  17804.         }
  17805.         // IF the table width is now set - Need to distribute columns widths
  17806.         // mPDF 5.7.3
  17807.         // If the table width is already set to the maximum width (e.g. nested table), then use maximum column widths exactly
  17808.         if (isset($table['w']) && ($table['w'] == $tablewidth) && !$percentages_set) {
  17809.             // This sets the columns all to maximum width
  17810.             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17811.                 $widthcols[$i] = $widthcols[$i]['maw'];
  17812.             }
  17813.         } elseif (isset($table['w'])) { // elseif the table width is set distribute width using algorithm
  17814.             $wis $wisa 0;
  17815.             $list = [];
  17816.             $notsetlist = [];
  17817.             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17818.                 $wis += $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
  17819.                 if (!isset($widthcols[$i]['w']) || ($widthcols[$i]['w'] && $table['w'] > $temppgwidth && !$this->keep_table_proportions && !$notfullwidth )) {
  17820.                     $list[] = $i;
  17821.                     $wisa += $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
  17822.                     $totalatextlength += $table['l'][$i];
  17823.                 }
  17824.             }
  17825.             if (!$totalatextlength) {
  17826.                 $totalatextlength 1;
  17827.             }
  17828.             // Allocate spare (more than col's minimum width) across the cols according to their approx total text length
  17829.             // Do it by setting minimum width here
  17830.             if ($table['w'] > $wis $tblbw) {
  17831.                 // First set any cell widths set as percentages
  17832.                 if ($table['w'] < $temppgwidth || $this->keep_table_proportions) {
  17833.                     for ($k 0$k $numcols$k++) {
  17834.                         if (isset($widthcols[$k]['wpercent'])) {
  17835.                             $curr $widthcols[$k]['miw'];
  17836.                             $widthcols[$k]['miw'] = ($table['w'] - $tblbw) * $widthcols[$k]['wpercent'] / 100;
  17837.                             $wis += $widthcols[$k]['miw'] - $curr;
  17838.                             $wisa += $widthcols[$k]['miw'] - $curr;
  17839.                         }
  17840.                     }
  17841.                 }
  17842.                 // Now allocate surplus up to maximum width of each column
  17843.                 $surplus 0;
  17844.                 $ttl 0// number of surplus columns
  17845.                 if (!count($list)) {
  17846.                     $wi = ($table['w'] - ($wis $tblbw)); // i.e. extra space to distribute
  17847.                     for ($k 0$k $numcols$k++) {
  17848.                         $spareratio = ($table['l'][$k] / $totaltextlength); //  gives ratio to divide up free space
  17849.                         // Don't allocate more than Maximum required width - save rest in surplus
  17850.                         if ($widthcols[$k]['miw'] + ($wi $spareratio) >= $widthcols[$k]['maw']) { // mPDF 5.7.3
  17851.                             $surplus += ($wi $spareratio) - ($widthcols[$k]['maw'] - $widthcols[$k]['miw']);
  17852.                             $widthcols[$k]['miw'] = $widthcols[$k]['maw'];
  17853.                         } else {
  17854.                             $notsetlist[] = $k;
  17855.                             $ttl += $table['l'][$k];
  17856.                             $widthcols[$k]['miw'] += ($wi $spareratio);
  17857.                         }
  17858.                     }
  17859.                 } else {
  17860.                     $wi = ($table['w'] - ($wis $tblbw)); // i.e. extra space to distribute
  17861.                     foreach ($list as $k) {
  17862.                         $spareratio = ($table['l'][$k] / $totalatextlength); //  gives ratio to divide up free space
  17863.                         // Don't allocate more than Maximum required width - save rest in surplus
  17864.                         if ($widthcols[$k]['miw'] + ($wi $spareratio) >= $widthcols[$k]['maw']) { // mPDF 5.7.3
  17865.                             $surplus += ($wi $spareratio) - ($widthcols[$k]['maw'] - $widthcols[$k]['miw']);
  17866.                             $widthcols[$k]['miw'] = $widthcols[$k]['maw'];
  17867.                         } else {
  17868.                             $notsetlist[] = $k;
  17869.                             $ttl += $table['l'][$k];
  17870.                             $widthcols[$k]['miw'] += ($wi $spareratio);
  17871.                         }
  17872.                     }
  17873.                 }
  17874.                 // If surplus still left over apportion it across columns
  17875.                 if ($surplus) {
  17876.                     if (count($notsetlist) && count($notsetlist) < $numcols) { // if some are set only add to remaining - otherwise add to all of them
  17877.                         foreach ($notsetlist as $i) {
  17878.                             if ($ttl) {
  17879.                                 $widthcols[$i]['miw'] += $surplus $table['l'][$i] / $ttl;
  17880.                             }
  17881.                         }
  17882.                     } elseif (count($list) && count($list) < $numcols) { // If some widths are defined, and others have been added up to their maxmum
  17883.                         foreach ($list as $i) {
  17884.                             $widthcols[$i]['miw'] += $surplus count($list);
  17885.                         }
  17886.                     } elseif ($numcols) { // If all columns
  17887.                         $ttl array_sum($table['l']);
  17888.                         if ($ttl) {
  17889.                             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17890.                                 $widthcols[$i]['miw'] += $surplus $table['l'][$i] / $ttl;
  17891.                             }
  17892.                         }
  17893.                     }
  17894.                 }
  17895.             }
  17896.             // This sets the columns all to minimum width (which has been increased above if appropriate)
  17897.             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17898.                 $widthcols[$i] = $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
  17899.             }
  17901.             // If sum of column widths set are too wide for table
  17902.             $checktablewidth 0;
  17903.             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17904.                 $checktablewidth += $widthcols[$i];
  17905.             }
  17906.             if ($checktablewidth > ($temppgwidth 0.001 $tblbw)) {
  17907.                 $usedup 0;
  17908.                 $numleft 0;
  17909.                 for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17910.                     if ((isset($widthcols[$i]) && $widthcols[$i] > (($temppgwidth $tblbw) / $numcols)) && (!isset($widthcols[$i]['w']))) {
  17911.                         $numleft++;
  17912.                         unset($widthcols[$i]);
  17913.                     } else {
  17914.                         $usedup += $widthcols[$i];
  17915.                     }
  17916.                 }
  17917.                 for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17918.                     if (!isset($widthcols[$i]) || !$widthcols[$i]) {
  17919.                         $widthcols[$i] = ((($temppgwidth $tblbw) - $usedup) / ($numleft));
  17920.                     }
  17921.                 }
  17922.             }
  17923.         } else { // table has no width defined
  17924.             $table['w'] = $tablewidth;
  17925.             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) {
  17926.                 if (isset($widthcols[$i]['wpercent']) && $this->keep_table_proportions) {
  17927.                     $colwidth $widthcols[$i]['maw'];
  17928.                 } elseif (isset($widthcols[$i]['w'])) {
  17929.                     $colwidth $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
  17930.                 } else {
  17931.                     $colwidth $widthcols[$i]['maw'];
  17932.                 }
  17933.                 unset($widthcols[$i]);
  17934.                 $widthcols[$i] = $colwidth;
  17935.             }
  17936.         }
  17937.         if ($table['overflow'] === 'visible' && $table['level'] == 1) {
  17938.             if ($tablewidth $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
  17939.                 for ($j 0$j $numcols$j++) { // columns
  17940.                     for ($i 0$i $table['nr']; $i++) { // rows
  17941.                         if (isset($table['cells'][$i][$j]) && $table['cells'][$i][$j]) {
  17942.                             $colspan = (isset($table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan']) ? $table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan'] : 1);
  17943.                             if ($colspan 1) {
  17944.                                 $w 0;
  17945.                                 for ($c $j$c < ($j $colspan); $c++) {
  17946.                                     $w += $widthcols[$c];
  17947.                                 }
  17948.                                 if ($w $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
  17949.                                     $diff $w - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $tblbw);
  17950.                                     for ($c $j$c < ($j $colspan); $c++) {
  17951.                                         $widthcols[$c] -= $diff * ($widthcols[$c] / $w);
  17952.                                     }
  17953.                                     $table['w'] -= $diff;
  17954.                                     $table['csp'][$j] = $w $diff;
  17955.                                 }
  17956.                             }
  17957.                         }
  17958.                     }
  17959.                 }
  17960.             }
  17961.             $pgNo 0;
  17962.             $currWc 0;
  17963.             for ($i 0$i $numcols$i++) { // columns
  17964.                 if (isset($table['csp'][$i])) {
  17965.                     $w $table['csp'][$i];
  17966.                     unset($table['csp'][$i]);
  17967.                 } else {
  17968.                     $w $widthcols[$i];
  17969.                 }
  17970.                 if (($currWc $w $tblbw) > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
  17971.                     $pgNo++;
  17972.                     $currWc $widthcols[$i];
  17973.                 } else {
  17974.                     $currWc += $widthcols[$i];
  17975.                 }
  17976.                 $table['colPg'][$i] = $pgNo;
  17977.             }
  17978.         }
  17979.     }
  17980.     function _tableHeight(&$table)
  17981.     {
  17982.         $level $table['level'];
  17983.         $levelid $table['levelid'];
  17984.         $cells = &$table['cells'];
  17985.         $numcols $table['nc'];
  17986.         $numrows $table['nr'];
  17987.         $listspan = [];
  17988.         $checkmaxheight 0;
  17989.         $headerrowheight 0;
  17990.         $checkmaxheightplus 0;
  17991.         $headerrowheightplus 0;
  17992.         $firstrowheight 0;
  17993.         $footerrowheight 0;
  17994.         $footerrowheightplus 0;
  17995.         if ($this->table_rotate) {
  17996.             $temppgheight $this->tbrot_maxh;
  17997.             $remainingpage $this->tbrot_maxh;
  17998.         } else {
  17999.             $temppgheight = ($this->$this->bMargin $this->tMargin) - $this->kwt_height;
  18000.             $remainingpage = ($this->$this->bMargin $this->y) - $this->kwt_height;
  18001.             // If it is less than 1/20th of the remaining page height to finish the DIV (i.e. DIV padding + table bottom margin)
  18002.             // then allow for this
  18003.             $enddiv $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $table['margin']['B'];
  18004.             if ($remainingpage $enddiv && $enddiv $remainingpage 0.05) {
  18005.                 $remainingpage -= $enddiv;
  18006.             } elseif ($remainingpage == 0) {
  18007.                 $remainingpage 0.001;
  18008.             }
  18009.             if ($temppgheight $enddiv && $enddiv $temppgheight 0.05) {
  18010.                 $temppgheight -= $enddiv;
  18011.             } elseif ($temppgheight == 0) {
  18012.                 $temppgheight 0.001;
  18013.             }
  18014.         }
  18015.         if ($remainingpage 0) {
  18016.             $remainingpage 0.001;
  18017.         }
  18018.         if ($temppgheight 0) {
  18019.             $temppgheight 0.001;
  18020.         }
  18021.         for ($i 0$i $numrows$i++) { // rows
  18022.             $heightrow = &$table['hr'][$i];
  18023.             for ($j 0$j $numcols$j++) { // columns
  18024.                 if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
  18025.                     $c = &$cells[$i][$j];
  18026.                     if ($this->simpleTables) {
  18027.                         if ($table['borders_separate']) { // NB twice border width
  18028.                             $extraWLR = ($table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']) + ($c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R']) + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  18029.                             $extrh = ($table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w']) + ($c['padding']['T'] + $c['padding']['B']) + $table['border_spacing_V'];
  18030.                         } else {
  18031.                             $extraWLR = ($table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']) / + ($c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R']);
  18032.                             $extrh = ($table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w']) / + ($c['padding']['T'] + $c['padding']['B']);
  18033.                         }
  18034.                     } else {
  18035.                         if ($this->packTableData) {
  18036.                             list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
  18037.                         } else {
  18038.                             $bt $c['border_details']['T']['w'];
  18039.                             $bb $c['border_details']['B']['w'];
  18040.                             $br $c['border_details']['R']['w'];
  18041.                             $bl $c['border_details']['L']['w'];
  18042.                         }
  18043.                         if ($table['borders_separate']) { // NB twice border width
  18044.                             $extraWLR $bl $br $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  18045.                             $extrh $bt $bb $c['padding']['T'] + $c['padding']['B'] + $table['border_spacing_V'];
  18046.                         } else {
  18047.                             $extraWLR $bl $br $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'];
  18048.                             $extrh $bt $bb $c['padding']['T'] + $c['padding']['B'];
  18049.                         }
  18050.                     }
  18051.                     if ($table['overflow'] == 'visible' && $level == 1) {
  18052.                         list($x$cw) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table$i$j);
  18053.                     } else {
  18054.                         list($x$cw) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table$i$j);
  18055.                     }
  18056.                     // Get CELL HEIGHT
  18057.                     // ++ extra parameter forces wrap to break word
  18058.                     if ($c['R'] && isset($c['textbuffer'])) {
  18059.                         $str '';
  18060.                         foreach ($c['textbuffer'] as $t) {
  18061.                             $str .= $t[0] . ' ';
  18062.                         }
  18063.                         $str rtrim($str);
  18064.                         $s_fs $this->FontSizePt;
  18065.                         $s_f $this->FontFamily;
  18066.                         $s_st $this->FontStyle;
  18067.                         $this->SetFont($c['textbuffer'][0][4], $c['textbuffer'][0][2], $c['textbuffer'][0][11] / $this->shrin_ktruetrue);
  18068.                         $tempch $this->GetStringWidth($strtrue$c['textbuffer'][0][18], $c['textbuffer'][0][8]);
  18069.                         if ($c['R'] >= 45 && $c['R'] < 90) {
  18070.                             $tempch = ((sin(deg2rad($c['R']))) * $tempch ) + ((sin(deg2rad($c['R']))) * (($c['textbuffer'][0][11] / Mpdf::SCALE) / $this->shrin_k));
  18071.                         }
  18072.                         $this->SetFont($s_f$s_st$s_fstruetrue);
  18073.                         $ch = ($tempch ) + $extrh;
  18074.                     } else {
  18075.                         if (isset($c['textbuffer']) && !empty($c['textbuffer'])) {
  18076.                             $this->cellLineHeight $c['cellLineHeight'];
  18077.                             $this->cellLineStackingStrategy $c['cellLineStackingStrategy'];
  18078.                             $this->cellLineStackingShift $c['cellLineStackingShift'];
  18079.                             $this->divwidth $cw $extraWLR;
  18080.                             $tempch $this->printbuffer($c['textbuffer'], ''truetrue);
  18081.                         } else {
  18082.                             $tempch 0;
  18083.                         }
  18084.                         // Added cellpadding top and bottom. (Lineheight already adjusted)
  18085.                         $ch $tempch $extrh;
  18086.                     }
  18087.                     // If height is defined and it is bigger than calculated $ch then update values
  18088.                     if (isset($c['h']) && $c['h'] > $ch) {
  18089.                         $c['mih'] = $ch// in order to keep valign working
  18090.                         $ch $c['h'];
  18091.                     } else {
  18092.                         $c['mih'] = $ch;
  18093.                     }
  18094.                     if (isset($c['rowspan'])) {
  18095.                         $listspan[] = [$i$j];
  18096.                     } elseif ($heightrow $ch) {
  18097.                         $heightrow $ch;
  18098.                     }
  18099.                     // this is the extra used in _tableWrite to determine whether to trigger a page change
  18100.                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  18101.                         if ($i == ($numrows 1) || (isset($c['rowspan']) && ($i $c['rowspan']) == ($numrows))) {
  18102.                             $extra $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  18103.                         } else {
  18104.                             $extra $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  18105.                         }
  18106.                     } else {
  18107.                         if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  18108.                             $extra $bb 2;
  18109.                         } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  18110.                             $extra $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'] / 2;
  18111.                         }
  18112.                     }
  18113.                     if (isset($table['is_thead'][$i]) && $table['is_thead'][$i]) {
  18114.                         if ($j == 0) {
  18115.                             $headerrowheight += $ch;
  18116.                             $headerrowheightplus += $ch $extra;
  18117.                         }
  18118.                     } elseif (isset($table['is_tfoot'][$i]) && $table['is_tfoot'][$i]) {
  18119.                         if ($j == 0) {
  18120.                             $footerrowheight += $ch;
  18121.                             $footerrowheightplus += $ch $extra;
  18122.                         }
  18123.                     } else {
  18124.                         $checkmaxheight max($checkmaxheight$ch);
  18125.                         $checkmaxheightplus max($checkmaxheightplus$ch $extra);
  18126.                     }
  18127.                     if ($this->tableLevel == && $i == (isset($table['headernrows']) ? $table['headernrows'] : 0)) {
  18128.                         $firstrowheight max($ch$firstrowheight);
  18129.                     }
  18130.                     unset($c);
  18131.                 }
  18132.             }//end of columns
  18133.         }//end of rows
  18134.         $heightrow = &$table['hr'];
  18135.         foreach ($listspan as $span) {
  18136.             list($i$j) = $span;
  18137.             $c = &$cells[$i][$j];
  18138.             $lr $i $c['rowspan'];
  18139.             if ($lr $numrows) {
  18140.                 $lr $numrows;
  18141.             }
  18142.             $hs $hsa 0;
  18143.             $list = [];
  18144.             for ($k $i$k $lr$k++) {
  18145.                 $hs += $heightrow[$k];
  18146.                 // mPDF 6
  18147.                 $sh false// specified height
  18148.                 for ($m 0$m $numcols$m++) { // columns
  18149.                     $tc = &$cells[$k][$m];
  18150.                     if (isset($tc['rowspan'])) {
  18151.                         continue;
  18152.                     }
  18153.                     if (isset($tc['h'])) {
  18154.                         $sh true;
  18155.                         break;
  18156.                     }
  18157.                 }
  18158.                 if (!$sh) {
  18159.                     $list[] = $k;
  18160.                 }
  18161.             }
  18162.             if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  18163.                 if ($i == ($numrows 1) || ($i $c['rowspan']) == ($numrows)) {
  18164.                     $extra $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  18165.                 } else {
  18166.                     $extra $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  18167.                 }
  18168.             } else {
  18169.                 if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  18170.                     if ($this->packTableData) {
  18171.                         list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
  18172.                     } else {
  18173.                         $bb $c['border_details']['B']['w'];
  18174.                     }
  18175.                     $extra $bb 2;
  18176.                 } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  18177.                     $extra $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'] / 2;
  18178.                 }
  18179.             }
  18180.             if (!empty($table['is_thead'][$i])) {
  18181.                 $headerrowheight max($headerrowheight$hs);
  18182.                 $headerrowheightplus max($headerrowheightplus$hs $extra);
  18183.             } elseif (!empty($table['is_tfoot'][$i])) {
  18184.                 $footerrowheight max($footerrowheight$hs);
  18185.                 $footerrowheightplus max($footerrowheightplus$hs $extra);
  18186.             } else {
  18187.                 $checkmaxheight max($checkmaxheight$hs);
  18188.                 $checkmaxheightplus max($checkmaxheightplus$hs $extra);
  18189.             }
  18190.             if ($this->tableLevel == && $i == (isset($table['headernrows']) ? $table['headernrows'] : 0)) {
  18191.                 $firstrowheight max($hs$firstrowheight);
  18192.             }
  18193.             if ($c['mih'] > $hs) {
  18194.                 if (!$hs) {
  18195.                     for ($k $i$k $lr$k++) {
  18196.                         $heightrow[$k] = $c['mih'] / $c['rowspan'];
  18197.                     }
  18198.                 } elseif (!count($list)) { // no rows in the rowspan have a height specified, so share amongst all rows equally
  18199.                     $hi $c['mih'] - $hs;
  18200.                     for ($k $i$k $lr$k++) {
  18201.                         $heightrow[$k] += ($heightrow[$k] / $hs) * $hi;
  18202.                     }
  18203.                 } else {
  18204.                     $hi $c['mih'] - $hs// mPDF 6
  18205.                     foreach ($list as $k) {
  18206.                         $heightrow[$k] += $hi / (count($list)); // mPDF 6
  18207.                     }
  18208.                 }
  18209.             }
  18210.             unset($c);
  18211.             // If rowspans overlap so that one or more rows do not have a height set...
  18212.             // i.e. for one or more rows, the only cells (explicit) in that row have rowspan>1
  18213.             // so heightrow is still == 0
  18214.             if ($heightrow[$i] == 0) {
  18215.                 // Get row extent to analyse above and below
  18216.                 $top $i;
  18217.                 foreach ($listspan as $checkspan) {
  18218.                     list($cki$ckj) = $checkspan;
  18219.                     $c = &$cells[$cki][$ckj];
  18220.                     if (isset($c['rowspan']) && $c['rowspan'] > 1) {
  18221.                         if (($cki $c['rowspan'] - 1) >= $i) {
  18222.                             $top min($top$cki);
  18223.                         }
  18224.                     }
  18225.                 }
  18226.                 $bottom $i $c['rowspan'] - 1;
  18227.                 // Check for overconstrained conditions
  18228.                 for ($k $top$k <= $bottom$k++) {
  18229.                     // if ['hr'] for any of the others is also 0, then abort (too complicated)
  18230.                     if ($k != $i && $heightrow[$k] == 0) {
  18231.                         break(1);
  18232.                     }
  18233.                     // check again that top and bottom are not crossed by rowspans - or abort (too complicated)
  18234.                     if ($k == $top) {
  18235.                         // ???? take account of colspan as well???
  18236.                         for ($m 0$m $numcols$m++) { // columns
  18237.                             if (!isset($cells[$k][$m]) || $cells[$k][$m] == 0) {
  18238.                                 break(2);
  18239.                             }
  18240.                         }
  18241.                     } elseif ($k == $bottom) {
  18242.                         // ???? take account of colspan as well???
  18243.                         for ($m 0$m $numcols$m++) { // columns
  18244.                             $c = &$cells[$k][$m];
  18245.                             if (isset($c['rowspan']) && $c['rowspan'] > 1) {
  18246.                                 break(2);
  18247.                             }
  18248.                         }
  18249.                     }
  18250.                 }
  18251.                 // By columns add up col height using ['h'] if set or ['mih'] if not
  18252.                 // Intentionally do not substract border-spacing
  18253.                 $colH = [];
  18254.                 $extH 0;
  18255.                 $newhr = [];
  18256.                 for ($m 0$m $numcols$m++) { // columns
  18257.                     for ($k $top$k <= $bottom$k++) {
  18258.                         if (isset($cells[$k][$m]) && $cells[$k][$m] != 0) {
  18259.                             $c = &$cells[$k][$m];
  18260.                             if (isset($c['h']) && $c['h']) {
  18261.                                 $useh $c['h'];
  18262.                             } // ???? take account of colspan as well???
  18263.                             else {
  18264.                                 $useh $c['mih'];
  18265.                             }
  18266.                             if (isset($colH[$m])) {
  18267.                                 $colH[$m] += $useh;
  18268.                             } else {
  18269.                                 $colH[$m] = $useh;
  18270.                             }
  18271.                             if (!isset($c['rowspan']) || $c['rowspan'] < 2) {
  18272.                                 $newhr[$k] = max((isset($newhr[$k]) ? $newhr[$k] : 0), $useh);
  18273.                             }
  18274.                         }
  18275.                     }
  18276.                     $extH max($extH$colH[$m]); // mPDF 6
  18277.                 }
  18278.                 $newhr[$i] = $extH array_sum($newhr);
  18279.                 for ($k $top$k <= $bottom$k++) {
  18280.                     $heightrow[$k] = $newhr[$k];
  18281.                 }
  18282.             }
  18283.             unset($c);
  18284.         }
  18285.         $table['h'] = array_sum($heightrow);
  18286.         unset($heightrow);
  18287.         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  18288.             $table['h'] += $table['margin']['T'] + $table['margin']['B'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['padding']['B'];
  18289.         } else {
  18290.             $table['h'] += $table['margin']['T'] + $table['margin']['B'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] / $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] / 2;
  18291.         }
  18292.         $maxrowheight $checkmaxheightplus $headerrowheightplus $footerrowheightplus;
  18293.         $maxfirstrowheight $firstrowheight $headerrowheightplus $footerrowheightplus// includes thead, 1st row and tfoot
  18294.         return [$table['h'], $maxrowheight$temppgheight$remainingpage$maxfirstrowheight];
  18295.     }
  18296.     function _tableGetWidth(&$table$i$j)
  18297.     {
  18298.         $cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
  18299.         if ($cell) {
  18300.             if (isset($cell['x0'])) {
  18301.                 return [$cell['x0'], $cell['w0']];
  18302.             }
  18303.             $x 0;
  18304.             $widthcols = &$table['wc'];
  18305.             for ($k 0$k $j$k++) {
  18306.                 $x += $widthcols[$k];
  18307.             }
  18308.             $w $widthcols[$j];
  18309.             if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {
  18310.                 for ($k $j $cell['colspan'] - 1$k $j$k--) {
  18311.                     $w += $widthcols[$k];
  18312.                 }
  18313.             }
  18314.             $cell['x0'] = $x;
  18315.             $cell['w0'] = $w;
  18316.             return [$x$w];
  18317.         }
  18318.         return [00];
  18319.     }
  18320.     function _splitTableGetWidth(&$table$i$j)
  18321.     {
  18322.         $cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
  18323.         if ($cell) {
  18324.             if (isset($cell['x0'])) {
  18325.                 return [$cell['x0'], $cell['w0']];
  18326.             }
  18327.             $x 0;
  18328.             $widthcols = &$table['wc'];
  18329.             $pg $table['colPg'][$j];
  18330.             for ($k 0$k $j$k++) {
  18331.                 if ($table['colPg'][$k] == $pg) {
  18332.                     $x += $widthcols[$k];
  18333.                 }
  18334.             }
  18335.             $w $widthcols[$j];
  18336.             if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {
  18337.                 for ($k $j $cell['colspan'] - 1$k $j$k--) {
  18338.                     if ($table['colPg'][$k] == $pg) {
  18339.                         $w += $widthcols[$k];
  18340.                     }
  18341.                 }
  18342.             }
  18343.             $cell['x0'] = $x;
  18344.             $cell['w0'] = $w;
  18345.             return [$x$w];
  18346.         }
  18347.         return [00];
  18348.     }
  18349.     function _tableGetHeight(&$table$i$j)
  18350.     {
  18351.         $cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
  18352.         if ($cell) {
  18353.             if (isset($cell['y0'])) {
  18354.                 return [$cell['y0'], $cell['h0']];
  18355.             }
  18356.             $y 0;
  18357.             $heightrow = &$table['hr'];
  18358.             for ($k 0$k $i$k++) {
  18359.                 $y += $heightrow[$k];
  18360.             }
  18361.             $h $heightrow[$i];
  18362.             if (isset($cell['rowspan'])) {
  18363.                 for ($k $i $cell['rowspan'] - 1$k $i$k--) {
  18364.                     if (array_key_exists($k$heightrow)) {
  18365.                         $h += $heightrow[$k];
  18366.                     } else {
  18367.                         $this->logger->debug('Possible non-wellformed HTML markup in a table', ['context' => LogContext::HTML_MARKUP]);
  18368.                     }
  18369.                 }
  18370.             }
  18371.             $cell['y0'] = $y;
  18372.             $cell['h0'] = $h;
  18373.             return [$y$h];
  18374.         }
  18375.         return [00];
  18376.     }
  18377.     function _tableGetMaxRowHeight($table$row)
  18378.     {
  18379.         if ($row == $table['nc'] - 1) {
  18380.             return $table['hr'][$row];
  18381.         }
  18382.         $maxrowheight $table['hr'][$row];
  18383.         for ($i $row 1$i $table['nr']; $i++) {
  18384.             $cellsset 0;
  18385.             for ($j 0$j $table['nc']; $j++) {
  18386.                 if (!empty($table['cells'][$i][$j])) {
  18387.                     if (isset($table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan'])) {
  18388.                         $cellsset += $table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan'];
  18389.                     } else {
  18390.                         $cellsset += 1;
  18391.                     }
  18392.                 }
  18393.             }
  18394.             if ($cellsset == $table['nc']) {
  18395.                 return $maxrowheight;
  18396.             } else {
  18397.                 $maxrowheight += $table['hr'][$i];
  18398.             }
  18399.         }
  18400.         return $maxrowheight;
  18401.     }
  18402.     // CHANGED TO ALLOW TABLE BORDER TO BE SPECIFIED CORRECTLY - added border_details
  18403.     function _tableRect($x$y$w$h$bord = -1$details = [], $buffer false$bSeparate false$cort 'cell'$tablecorner ''$bsv 0$bsh 0)
  18404.     {
  18405.         $cellBorderOverlay = [];
  18406.         if ($bord == -1) {
  18407.             $this->Rect($x$y$w$h);
  18408.         } elseif ($this->simpleTables && ($cort == 'cell')) {
  18409.             $this->SetLineWidth($details['L']['w']);
  18410.             if ($details['L']['c']) {
  18411.                 $this->SetDColor($details['L']['c']);
  18412.             } else {
  18413.                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  18414.             }
  18415.             $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  18416.             $this->Rect($x$y$w$h);
  18417.         } elseif ($bord) {
  18418.             if (!$bSeparate && $buffer) {
  18419.                 $priority 'LRTB';
  18420.                 for ($p 0$p strlen($priority); $p++) {
  18421.                     $side $priority[$p];
  18422.                     $details['p'] = $side;
  18423.                     $dom 0;
  18424.                     if (isset($details[$side]['w'])) {
  18425.                         $dom += ($details[$side]['w'] * 100000);
  18426.                     }
  18427.                     if (isset($details[$side]['style'])) {
  18428.                         $dom += (array_search($details[$side]['style'], $this->borderstyles) * 100);
  18429.                     }
  18430.                     if (isset($details[$side]['dom'])) {
  18431.                         $dom += ($details[$side]['dom'] * 10);
  18432.                     }
  18433.                     // Precedence to darker colours at joins
  18434.                     $coldom 0;
  18435.                     if (isset($details[$side]['c']) && is_array($details[$side]['c'])) {
  18436.                         if ($details[$side]['c'][0] == 3) {  // RGB
  18437.                             $coldom 10 - (((ord($details[$side]['c'][1]) * 1.00) + (ord($details[$side]['c'][2]) * 1.00) + (ord($details[$side]['c'][3]) * 1.00)) / 76.5);
  18438.                         }
  18439.                     } // 10 black - 0 white
  18440.                     if ($coldom) {
  18441.                         $dom += $coldom;
  18442.                     }
  18443.                     // Lastly precedence to RIGHT and BOTTOM cells at joins
  18444.                     if (isset($details['cellposdom'])) {
  18445.                         $dom += $details['cellposdom'];
  18446.                     }
  18447.                     $save false;
  18448.                     if ($side == 'T' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) {
  18449.                         $cbord Border::TOP;
  18450.                         $save true;
  18451.                     } elseif ($side == 'L' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) {
  18452.                         $cbord Border::LEFT;
  18453.                         $save true;
  18454.                     } elseif ($side == 'R' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::RIGHT)) {
  18455.                         $cbord Border::RIGHT;
  18456.                         $save true;
  18457.                     } elseif ($side == 'B' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::BOTTOM)) {
  18458.                         $cbord Border::BOTTOM;
  18459.                         $save true;
  18460.                     }
  18461.                     if ($save) {
  18462.                         $this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14"str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f"$dom), 16"0"STR_PAD_LEFT), $cbordord($side), $details[$side]['s'], $details[$side]['w'], $details[$side]['c'], $details[$side]['style'], $x$y$w$h$details['mbw']['BL'], $details['mbw']['BR'], $details['mbw']['RT'], $details['mbw']['RB'], $details['mbw']['TL'], $details['mbw']['TR'], $details['mbw']['LT'], $details['mbw']['LB'], $details['cellposdom'], 0);
  18463.                         if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'outset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'double') {
  18464.                             $details[$side]['overlay'] = true;
  18465.                             $this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14"str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", ($dom 4)), 16"0"STR_PAD_LEFT), $cbordord($side), $details[$side]['s'], $details[$side]['w'], $details[$side]['c'], $details[$side]['style'], $x$y$w$h$details['mbw']['BL'], $details['mbw']['BR'], $details['mbw']['RT'], $details['mbw']['RB'], $details['mbw']['TL'], $details['mbw']['TR'], $details['mbw']['LT'], $details['mbw']['LB'], $details['cellposdom'], 1);
  18466.                         }
  18467.                     }
  18468.                 }
  18469.                 return;
  18470.             }
  18471.             if (isset($details['p']) && strlen($details['p']) > 1) {
  18472.                 $priority $details['p'];
  18473.             } else {
  18474.                 $priority 'LTRB';
  18475.             }
  18476.             $Tw 0;
  18477.             $Rw 0;
  18478.             $Bw 0;
  18479.             $Lw 0;
  18480.             if (isset($details['T']['w'])) {
  18481.                 $Tw $details['T']['w'];
  18482.             }
  18483.             if (isset($details['R']['w'])) {
  18484.                 $Rw $details['R']['w'];
  18485.             }
  18486.             if (isset($details['B']['w'])) {
  18487.                 $Bw $details['B']['w'];
  18488.             }
  18489.             if (isset($details['L']['w'])) {
  18490.                 $Lw $details['L']['w'];
  18491.             }
  18492.             $x2 $x $w;
  18493.             $y2 $y $h;
  18494.             $oldlinewidth $this->LineWidth;
  18495.             for ($p 0$p strlen($priority); $p++) {
  18496.                 $side $priority[$p];
  18497.                 $xadj 0;
  18498.                 $xadj2 0;
  18499.                 $yadj 0;
  18500.                 $yadj2 0;
  18501.                 $print false;
  18502.                 if ($Tw && $side == 'T' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) { // TOP
  18503.                     $ly1 $y;
  18504.                     $ly2 $y;
  18505.                     $lx1 $x;
  18506.                     $lx2 $x2;
  18507.                     $this->SetLineWidth($Tw);
  18508.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'L') !== false) {
  18509.                         if ($Tw $Lw) {
  18510.                             $xadj = ($Tw $Lw) / 2;
  18511.                         }
  18512.                         if ($Tw $Lw) {
  18513.                             $xadj = ($Tw $Lw) / 2;
  18514.                         }
  18515.                     } else {
  18516.                         $xadj $Tw $bsh 2;
  18517.                     }
  18518.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'R') !== false) {
  18519.                         if ($Tw $Rw) {
  18520.                             $xadj2 = ($Tw $Rw) / 2;
  18521.                         }
  18522.                         if ($Tw $Rw) {
  18523.                             $xadj2 = ($Tw $Rw) / 2;
  18524.                         }
  18525.                     } else {
  18526.                         $xadj2 $Tw $bsh 2;
  18527.                     }
  18528.                     if (!$bSeparate && !empty($details['mbw']) && !empty($details['mbw']['TL'])) {
  18529.                         $xadj = ($Tw $details['mbw']['TL']) / 2;
  18530.                     }
  18531.                     if (!$bSeparate && !empty($details['mbw']) && !empty($details['mbw']['TR'])) {
  18532.                         $xadj2 = ($Tw $details['mbw']['TR']) / 2;
  18533.                     }
  18534.                     $print true;
  18535.                 }
  18536.                 if ($Lw && $side == 'L' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) { // LEFT
  18537.                     $ly1 $y;
  18538.                     $ly2 $y2;
  18539.                     $lx1 $x;
  18540.                     $lx2 $x;
  18541.                     $this->SetLineWidth($Lw);
  18542.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'T') !== false) {
  18543.                         if ($Lw $Tw) {
  18544.                             $yadj = ($Lw $Tw) / 2;
  18545.                         }
  18546.                         if ($Lw $Tw) {
  18547.                             $yadj = ($Lw $Tw) / 2;
  18548.                         }
  18549.                     } else {
  18550.                         $yadj $Lw $bsv 2;
  18551.                     }
  18552.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'B') !== false) {
  18553.                         if ($Lw $Bw) {
  18554.                             $yadj2 = ($Lw $Bw) / 2;
  18555.                         }
  18556.                         if ($Lw $Bw) {
  18557.                             $yadj2 = ($Lw $Bw) / 2;
  18558.                         }
  18559.                     } else {
  18560.                         $yadj2 $Lw $bsv 2;
  18561.                     }
  18562.                     if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['LT']) {
  18563.                         $yadj = ($Lw $details['mbw']['LT']) / 2;
  18564.                     }
  18565.                     if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['LB']) {
  18566.                         $yadj2 = ($Lw $details['mbw']['LB']) / 2;
  18567.                     }
  18568.                     $print true;
  18569.                 }
  18570.                 if ($Rw && $side == 'R' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::RIGHT)) { // RIGHT
  18571.                     $ly1 $y;
  18572.                     $ly2 $y2;
  18573.                     $lx1 $x2;
  18574.                     $lx2 $x2;
  18575.                     $this->SetLineWidth($Rw);
  18576.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'T') !== false) {
  18577.                         if ($Rw $Tw) {
  18578.                             $yadj = ($Rw $Tw) / 2;
  18579.                         }
  18580.                         if ($Rw $Tw) {
  18581.                             $yadj = ($Rw $Tw) / 2;
  18582.                         }
  18583.                     } else {
  18584.                         $yadj $Rw $bsv 2;
  18585.                     }
  18586.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'B') !== false) {
  18587.                         if ($Rw $Bw) {
  18588.                             $yadj2 = ($Rw $Bw) / 2;
  18589.                         }
  18590.                         if ($Rw $Bw) {
  18591.                             $yadj2 = ($Rw $Bw) / 2;
  18592.                         }
  18593.                     } else {
  18594.                         $yadj2 $Rw $bsv 2;
  18595.                     }
  18596.                     if (!$bSeparate && !empty($details['mbw']) && !empty($details['mbw']['RT'])) {
  18597.                         $yadj = ($Rw $details['mbw']['RT']) / 2;
  18598.                     }
  18599.                     if (!$bSeparate && !empty($details['mbw']) && !empty($details['mbw']['RB'])) {
  18600.                         $yadj2 = ($Rw $details['mbw']['RB']) / 2;
  18601.                     }
  18602.                     $print true;
  18603.                 }
  18604.                 if ($Bw && $side == 'B' && $this->issetBorder($bordBorder::BOTTOM)) { // BOTTOM
  18605.                     $ly1 $y2;
  18606.                     $ly2 $y2;
  18607.                     $lx1 $x;
  18608.                     $lx2 $x2;
  18609.                     $this->SetLineWidth($Bw);
  18610.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'L') !== false) {
  18611.                         if ($Bw $Lw) {
  18612.                             $xadj = ($Bw $Lw) / 2;
  18613.                         }
  18614.                         if ($Bw $Lw) {
  18615.                             $xadj = ($Bw $Lw) / 2;
  18616.                         }
  18617.                     } else {
  18618.                         $xadj $Bw $bsh 2;
  18619.                     }
  18620.                     if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner'R') !== false) {
  18621.                         if ($Bw $Rw) {
  18622.                             $xadj2 = ($Bw $Rw) / 2;
  18623.                         }
  18624.                         if ($Bw $Rw) {
  18625.                             $xadj2 = ($Bw $Rw) / 2;
  18626.                         }
  18627.                     } else {
  18628.                         $xadj2 $Bw $bsh 2;
  18629.                     }
  18630.                     if (!$bSeparate && isset($details['mbw']) && isset($details['mbw']['BL'])) {
  18631.                         $xadj = ($Bw $details['mbw']['BL']) / 2;
  18632.                     }
  18633.                     if (!$bSeparate && isset($details['mbw']) && isset($details['mbw']['BR'])) {
  18634.                         $xadj2 = ($Bw $details['mbw']['BR']) / 2;
  18635.                     }
  18636.                     $print true;
  18637.                 }
  18638.                 // Now draw line
  18639.                 if ($print) {
  18640.                     /* -- TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18641.                     if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'double') {
  18642.                         if (!isset($details[$side]['overlay']) || !$details[$side]['overlay'] || $bSeparate) {
  18643.                             if ($details[$side]['c']) {
  18644.                                 $this->SetDColor($details[$side]['c']);
  18645.                             } else {
  18646.                                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  18647.                             }
  18648.                             $this->Line($lx1 $xadj$ly1 $yadj$lx2 $xadj2$ly2 $yadj2);
  18649.                         }
  18650.                         if ((isset($details[$side]['overlay']) && $details[$side]['overlay']) || $bSeparate) {
  18651.                             if ($bSeparate && $cort == 'table') {
  18652.                                 if ($side == 'T') {
  18653.                                     $xadj -= $this->LineWidth 2;
  18654.                                     $xadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18655.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) {
  18656.                                         $xadj += $this->LineWidth 2;
  18657.                                     }
  18658.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::RIGHT)) {
  18659.                                         $xadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
  18660.                                     }
  18661.                                 }
  18662.                                 if ($side == 'L') {
  18663.                                     $yadj -= $this->LineWidth 2;
  18664.                                     $yadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18665.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) {
  18666.                                         $yadj += $this->LineWidth 2;
  18667.                                     }
  18668.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::BOTTOM)) {
  18669.                                         $yadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
  18670.                                     }
  18671.                                 }
  18672.                                 if ($side == 'B') {
  18673.                                     $xadj -= $this->LineWidth 2;
  18674.                                     $xadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18675.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) {
  18676.                                         $xadj += $this->LineWidth 2;
  18677.                                     }
  18678.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::RIGHT)) {
  18679.                                         $xadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
  18680.                                     }
  18681.                                 }
  18682.                                 if ($side == 'R') {
  18683.                                     $yadj -= $this->LineWidth 2;
  18684.                                     $yadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18685.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) {
  18686.                                         $yadj += $this->LineWidth 2;
  18687.                                     }
  18688.                                     if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::BOTTOM)) {
  18689.                                         $yadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
  18690.                                     }
  18691.                                 }
  18692.                             }
  18693.                             $this->SetLineWidth($this->LineWidth 3);
  18694.                             $tbcol $this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  18695.                             for ($l 0$l <= $this->blklvl$l++) {
  18696.                                 if ($this->blk[$l]['bgcolor']) {
  18697.                                     $tbcol = ($this->blk[$l]['bgcolorarray']);
  18698.                                 }
  18699.                             }
  18700.                             if ($bSeparate) {
  18701.                                 $cellBorderOverlay[] = [
  18702.                                     'x' => $lx1 $xadj,
  18703.                                     'y' => $ly1 $yadj,
  18704.                                     'x2' => $lx2 $xadj2,
  18705.                                     'y2' => $ly2 $yadj2,
  18706.                                     'col' => $tbcol,
  18707.                                     'lw' => $this->LineWidth,
  18708.                                 ];
  18709.                             } else {
  18710.                                 $this->SetDColor($tbcol);
  18711.                                 $this->Line($lx1 $xadj$ly1 $yadj$lx2 $xadj2$ly2 $yadj2);
  18712.                             }
  18713.                         }
  18714.                     } elseif (isset($details[$side]['style']) && ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'outset')) {
  18715.                         if (!isset($details[$side]['overlay']) || !$details[$side]['overlay'] || $bSeparate) {
  18716.                             if ($details[$side]['c']) {
  18717.                                 $this->SetDColor($details[$side]['c']);
  18718.                             } else {
  18719.                                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  18720.                             }
  18721.                             if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'outset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove') {
  18722.                                 $nc $this->colorConverter->darken($details[$side]['c']);
  18723.                                 $this->SetDColor($nc);
  18724.                             } elseif ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset') {
  18725.                                 $nc $this->colorConverter->lighten($details[$side]['c']);
  18726.                                 $this->SetDColor($nc);
  18727.                             }
  18728.                             $this->Line($lx1 $xadj$ly1 $yadj$lx2 $xadj2$ly2 $yadj2);
  18729.                         }
  18730.                         if ((isset($details[$side]['overlay']) && $details[$side]['overlay']) || $bSeparate) {
  18731.                             if ($details[$side]['c']) {
  18732.                                 $this->SetDColor($details[$side]['c']);
  18733.                             } else {
  18734.                                 $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  18735.                             }
  18736.                             $doubleadj = ($this->LineWidth) / 3;
  18737.                             $this->SetLineWidth($this->LineWidth 2);
  18738.                             $xadj3 $yadj3 $wadj3 $hadj3 0;
  18739.                             if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset') {
  18740.                                 $nc $this->colorConverter->darken($details[$side]['c']);
  18741.                                 if ($bSeparate && $cort == 'table') {
  18742.                                     if ($side == 'T') {
  18743.                                         $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18744.                                         $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18745.                                         $wadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18746.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) {
  18747.                                             $xadj3 += $this->LineWidth;
  18748.                                             $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18749.                                         }
  18750.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::RIGHT)) {
  18751.                                             $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth 2;
  18752.                                         }
  18753.                                     }
  18754.                                     if ($side == 'L') {
  18755.                                         $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18756.                                         $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18757.                                         $hadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18758.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) {
  18759.                                             $yadj3 += $this->LineWidth;
  18760.                                             $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18761.                                         }
  18762.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::BOTTOM)) {
  18763.                                             $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth 2;
  18764.                                         }
  18765.                                     }
  18766.                                     if ($side == 'B') {
  18767.                                         $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18768.                                         $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18769.                                         $wadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18770.                                     }
  18771.                                     if ($side == 'R') {
  18772.                                         $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18773.                                         $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18774.                                         $hadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18775.                                     }
  18776.                                 } elseif ($side == 'T') {
  18777.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18778.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18779.                                     $wadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18780.                                 } elseif ($side == 'L') {
  18781.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18782.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18783.                                     $hadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18784.                                 } elseif ($side == 'B' && $bSeparate) {
  18785.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18786.                                     $wadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18787.                                 } elseif ($side == 'R' && $bSeparate) {
  18788.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18789.                                     $hadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18790.                                 } elseif ($side == 'B') {
  18791.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18792.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18793.                                 } elseif ($side == 'R') {
  18794.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18795.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18796.                                 }
  18797.                             } else {
  18798.                                 $nc $this->colorConverter->lighten($details[$side]['c']);
  18799.                                 if ($bSeparate && $cort == 'table') {
  18800.                                     if ($side == 'T') {
  18801.                                         $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18802.                                         $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18803.                                         $wadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18804.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) {
  18805.                                             $xadj3 += $this->LineWidth;
  18806.                                             $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18807.                                         }
  18808.                                     }
  18809.                                     if ($side == 'L') {
  18810.                                         $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18811.                                         $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18812.                                         $hadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18813.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) {
  18814.                                             $yadj3 += $this->LineWidth;
  18815.                                             $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18816.                                         }
  18817.                                     }
  18818.                                     if ($side == 'B') {
  18819.                                         $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18820.                                         $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18821.                                         $wadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18822.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::LEFT)) {
  18823.                                             $xadj3 += $this->LineWidth;
  18824.                                             $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18825.                                         }
  18826.                                     }
  18827.                                     if ($side == 'R') {
  18828.                                         $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18829.                                         $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18830.                                         $hadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18831.                                         if ($this->issetBorder($bordBorder::TOP)) {
  18832.                                             $yadj3 += $this->LineWidth;
  18833.                                             $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
  18834.                                         }
  18835.                                     }
  18836.                                 } elseif ($side == 'T') {
  18837.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18838.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18839.                                 } elseif ($side == 'L') {
  18840.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18841.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18842.                                 } elseif ($side == 'B' && $bSeparate) {
  18843.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18844.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18845.                                 } elseif ($side == 'R' && $bSeparate) {
  18846.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18847.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18848.                                 } elseif ($side == 'B') {
  18849.                                     $yadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18850.                                     $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18851.                                     $wadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18852.                                 } elseif ($side == 'R') {
  18853.                                     $xadj3 $this->LineWidth 2;
  18854.                                     $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth 2;
  18855.                                     $hadj3 $this->LineWidth;
  18856.                                 }
  18857.                             }
  18858.                             if ($bSeparate) {
  18859.                                 $cellBorderOverlay[] = [
  18860.                                     'x' => $lx1 $xadj $xadj3,
  18861.                                     'y' => $ly1 $yadj $yadj3,
  18862.                                     'x2' => $lx2 $xadj2 $xadj3 $wadj3,
  18863.                                     'y2' => $ly2 $yadj2 $yadj3 $hadj3,
  18864.                                     'col' => $nc,
  18865.                                     'lw' => $this->LineWidth,
  18866.                                 ];
  18867.                             } else {
  18868.                                 $this->SetDColor($nc);
  18869.                                 $this->Line($lx1 $xadj $xadj3$ly1 $yadj $yadj3$lx2 $xadj2 $xadj3 $wadj3$ly2 $yadj2 $yadj3 $hadj3);
  18870.                             }
  18871.                         }
  18872.                     } else {
  18873.                         /* -- END TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18874.                         if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'dashed') {
  18875.                             $dashsize 2// final dash will be this + 1*linewidth
  18876.                             $dashsizek 1.5// ratio of Dash/Blank
  18877.                             $this->SetDash($dashsize, ($dashsize $dashsizek) + ($this->LineWidth 2));
  18878.                         } elseif ($details[$side]['style'] == 'dotted') {
  18879.                             $this->SetLineJoin(1);
  18880.                             $this->SetLineCap(1);
  18881.                             $this->SetDash(0.001, ($this->LineWidth 2));
  18882.                         }
  18883.                         if ($details[$side]['c']) {
  18884.                             $this->SetDColor($details[$side]['c']);
  18885.                         } else {
  18886.                             $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  18887.                         }
  18888.                         $this->Line($lx1 $xadj$ly1 $yadj$lx2 $xadj2$ly2 $yadj2);
  18889.                         /* -- TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18890.                     }
  18891.                     /* -- END TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18892.                     // Reset Corners
  18893.                     $this->SetDash();
  18894.                     // BUTT style line cap
  18895.                     $this->SetLineCap(2);
  18896.                 }
  18897.             }
  18898.             if ($bSeparate && count($cellBorderOverlay)) {
  18899.                 foreach ($cellBorderOverlay as $cbo) {
  18900.                     $this->SetLineWidth($cbo['lw']);
  18901.                     $this->SetDColor($cbo['col']);
  18902.                     $this->Line($cbo['x'], $cbo['y'], $cbo['x2'], $cbo['y2']);
  18903.                 }
  18904.             }
  18905.             // $this->SetLineWidth($oldlinewidth);
  18906.             // $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0, $this->PDFAXwarnings));
  18907.         }
  18908.     }
  18909.     /* -- TABLES -- */
  18910.     /* -- TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18911.     /* -- END TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18912.     function setBorder(&$var$flag$set true)
  18913.     {
  18914.         $flag intval($flag);
  18915.         if ($set) {
  18916.             $set true;
  18917.         }
  18918.         $var intval($var);
  18919.         $var $set ? ($var $flag) : ($var & ~$flag);
  18920.     }
  18921.     function issetBorder($var$flag)
  18922.     {
  18923.         $flag intval($flag);
  18924.         $var intval($var);
  18925.         return (($var $flag) == $flag);
  18926.     }
  18927.     function _table2cellBorder(&$tableb, &$cbdb, &$cellb$bval)
  18928.     {
  18929.         if ($tableb && $tableb['w'] > $cbdb['w']) {
  18930.             $cbdb $tableb;
  18931.             $this->setBorder($cellb$bval);
  18932.         } elseif ($tableb && $tableb['w'] == $cbdb['w'] && array_search($tableb['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbdb['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
  18933.             $cbdb $tableb;
  18934.             $this->setBorder($cellb$bval);
  18935.         }
  18936.     }
  18937.     // FIX BORDERS ********************************************
  18938.     function _fixTableBorders(&$table)
  18939.     {
  18940.         if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['L']['w']) {
  18941.             $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] = $table['border_details']['L']['w'];
  18942.         }
  18943.         if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['R']['w']) {
  18944.             $table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] = $table['border_details']['R']['w'];
  18945.         }
  18946.         if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['T']['w']) {
  18947.             $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] = $table['border_details']['T']['w'];
  18948.         }
  18949.         if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['B']['w']) {
  18950.             $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] = $table['border_details']['B']['w'];
  18951.         }
  18952.         if ($this->simpleTables) {
  18953.             return;
  18954.         }
  18955.         $cells = &$table['cells'];
  18956.         $numcols $table['nc'];
  18957.         $numrows $table['nr'];
  18958.         /* -- TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18959.         if (isset($table['topntail']) && $table['topntail']) {
  18960.             $tntborddet $this->border_details($table['topntail']);
  18961.         }
  18962.         if (isset($table['thead-underline']) && $table['thead-underline']) {
  18963.             $thuborddet $this->border_details($table['thead-underline']);
  18964.         }
  18965.         /* -- END TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  18966.         for ($i 0$i $numrows$i++) { // Rows
  18967.             for ($j 0$j $numcols$j++) { // Columns
  18968.                 if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
  18969.                     $cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
  18970.                     if ($this->packTableData) {
  18971.                         $cbord $this->_unpackCellBorder($cell['borderbin']);
  18972.                     } else {
  18973.                         $cbord = &$cells[$i][$j];
  18974.                     }
  18975.                     // mPDF 5.7.3
  18976.                     if (!$cbord['border'] && $cbord['border'] !== && isset($table['border']) && $table['border'] && $this->table_border_attr_set) {
  18977.                         $cbord['border'] = $table['border'];
  18978.                         $cbord['border_details'] = $table['border_details'];
  18979.                     }
  18980.                     if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan'] > 1) {
  18981.                         $ccolsp $cell['colspan'];
  18982.                     } else {
  18983.                         $ccolsp 1;
  18984.                     }
  18985.                     if (isset($cell['rowspan']) && $cell['rowspan'] > 1) {
  18986.                         $crowsp $cell['rowspan'];
  18987.                     } else {
  18988.                         $crowsp 1;
  18989.                     }
  18990.                     $cbord['border_details']['cellposdom'] = ((($i 1) / $numrows) / 10000 ) + ((($j 1) / $numcols) / 10 );
  18991.                     // Inherit Cell border from Table border
  18992.                     if ($this->table_border_css_set && !$table['borders_separate']) {
  18993.                         if ($i == 0) {
  18994.                             $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['T'], $cbord['border_details']['T'], $cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  18995.                         }
  18996.                         if ($i == ($numrows 1) || ($i $crowsp) == ($numrows)) {
  18997.                             $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['B'], $cbord['border_details']['B'], $cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  18998.                         }
  18999.                         if ($j == 0) {
  19000.                             $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['L'], $cbord['border_details']['L'], $cbord['border'], Border::LEFT);
  19001.                         }
  19002.                         if ($j == ($numcols 1) || ($j $ccolsp) == ($numcols)) {
  19003.                             $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['R'], $cbord['border_details']['R'], $cbord['border'], Border::RIGHT);
  19004.                         }
  19005.                     }
  19006.                     /* -- TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  19007.                     $fixbottom true;
  19008.                     if (isset($table['topntail']) && $table['topntail']) {
  19009.                         if ($i == 0) {
  19010.                             $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
  19011.                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  19012.                         }
  19013.                         if ($this->tableLevel == && $table['headernrows'] > && $i == $table['headernrows'] - 1) {
  19014.                             $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $tntborddet;
  19015.                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19016.                             $fixbottom false;
  19017.                         } elseif ($this->tableLevel == && $table['headernrows'] > && $i == $table['headernrows']) {
  19018.                             if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19019.                                 $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
  19020.                                 $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  19021.                             }
  19022.                         }
  19023.                         if ($this->tableLevel == && $table['footernrows'] > && $i == ($numrows $table['footernrows'] - 1)) {
  19024.                             if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19025.                                 $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $tntborddet;
  19026.                                 $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19027.                                 $fixbottom false;
  19028.                             }
  19029.                         } elseif ($this->tableLevel == && $table['footernrows'] > && $i == ($numrows $table['footernrows'])) {
  19030.                             $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
  19031.                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  19032.                         }
  19033.                         if ($this->tabletheadjustfinished) { // $this->tabletheadjustfinished called from tableheader
  19034.                             if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19035.                                 $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
  19036.                                 $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  19037.                             }
  19038.                         }
  19039.                         if ($i == ($numrows 1) || ($i $crowsp) == ($numrows)) {
  19040.                             $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $tntborddet;
  19041.                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19042.                         }
  19043.                     }
  19044.                     if (isset($table['thead-underline']) && $table['thead-underline']) {
  19045.                         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19046.                             if ($i == 0) {
  19047.                                 $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $thuborddet;
  19048.                                 $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19049.                                 $fixbottom false;
  19050.                             }
  19051.                         } else {
  19052.                             if ($this->tableLevel == && $table['headernrows'] > && $i == $table['headernrows'] - 1) {
  19053.                                 $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $thuborddet;
  19054.                                 $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  19055.                             } elseif ($this->tabletheadjustfinished) { // $this->tabletheadjustfinished called from tableheader
  19056.                                 $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $thuborddet;
  19057.                                 $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::TOP);
  19058.                             }
  19059.                         }
  19060.                     }
  19061.                     // Collapse Border - Algorithm for conflicting borders
  19062.                     // Hidden >> Width >> double>solid>dashed>dotted... >> style set on cell>table >> top/left>bottom/right
  19063.                     // Do not turn off border which is overridden
  19064.                     // Needed for page break for TOP/BOTTOM both to be defined in Collapsed borders
  19065.                     // Means it is painted twice. (Left/Right can still disable overridden border)
  19066.                     if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19067.                         if (($i < ($numrows 1) || ($i $crowsp) < $numrows ) && $fixbottom) { // Bottom
  19068.                             for ($cspi 0$cspi $ccolsp$cspi++) {
  19069.                                 // already defined Top for adjacent cell below
  19070.                                 if (isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi])) {
  19071.                                     if ($this->packTableData) {
  19072.                                         $adjc $cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi];
  19073.                                         $celladj $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
  19074.                                     } else {
  19075.                                         $celladj = & $cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi];
  19076.                                     }
  19077.                                 } else {
  19078.                                     $celladj false;
  19079.                                 }
  19080.                                 if (isset($celladj['border_details']['T']['s']) && $celladj['border_details']['T']['s'] == 1) {
  19081.                                     $csadj $celladj['border_details']['T']['w'];
  19082.                                     $csthis $cbord['border_details']['B']['w'];
  19083.                                     // Hidden
  19084.                                     if ($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'] == 'hidden') {
  19085.                                         $celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
  19086.                                         $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::TOPfalse);
  19087.                                         $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOMfalse);
  19088.                                     } elseif ($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'] == 'hidden') {
  19089.                                         $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
  19090.                                         $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOMfalse);
  19091.                                         $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::TOPfalse);
  19092.                                     } elseif ($csthis $csadj) { // Width
  19093.                                         if (!isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19094.                                             $celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
  19095.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19096.                                         }
  19097.                                     } elseif ($csadj $csthis) {
  19098.                                         if ($ccolsp 2) { // don't overwrite this cell if it spans
  19099.                                             $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
  19100.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::TOP);
  19101.                                         }
  19102.                                     } elseif (array_search($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) { // double>solid>dashed>dotted...
  19103.                                         if (!isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19104.                                             $celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
  19105.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19106.                                         }
  19107.                                     } elseif (array_search($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
  19108.                                         if ($ccolsp 2) { // don't overwrite this cell if it spans
  19109.                                             $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
  19110.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::TOP);
  19111.                                         }
  19112.                                     } elseif ($celladj['border_details']['T']['dom'] > $celladj['border_details']['B']['dom']) { // Style set on cell vs. table
  19113.                                         if ($ccolsp 2) { // don't overwrite this cell if it spans
  19114.                                             $cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
  19115.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::TOP);
  19116.                                         }
  19117.                                     } else { // Style set on cell vs. table  - OR - LEFT/TOP (cell) in preference to BOTTOM/RIGHT
  19118.                                         if (!isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19119.                                             $celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
  19120.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::BOTTOM);
  19121.                                         }
  19122.                                     }
  19123.                                 } elseif ($celladj) {
  19124.                                     if (!isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i $crowsp)][$j $cspi]['colspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19125.                                         $celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
  19126.                                     }
  19127.                                 }
  19128.                                 // mPDF 5.7.4
  19129.                                 if ($celladj && $this->packTableData) {
  19130.                                     $cells[$i $crowsp][$j $cspi]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj);
  19131.                                 }
  19132.                                 unset($celladj);
  19133.                             }
  19134.                         }
  19135.                         if ($j < ($numcols 1) || ($j $ccolsp) < $numcols) { // Right-Left
  19136.                             for ($cspi 0$cspi $crowsp$cspi++) {
  19137.                                 // already defined Left for adjacent cell to R
  19138.                                 if (isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp])) {
  19139.                                     if ($this->packTableData) {
  19140.                                         $adjc $cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp];
  19141.                                         $celladj $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
  19142.                                     } else {
  19143.                                         $celladj = & $cells[$i $cspi][$j $ccolsp];
  19144.                                     }
  19145.                                 } else {
  19146.                                     $celladj false;
  19147.                                 }
  19148.                                 if ($celladj && $celladj['border_details']['L']['s'] == 1) {
  19149.                                     $csadj $celladj['border_details']['L']['w'];
  19150.                                     $csthis $cbord['border_details']['R']['w'];
  19151.                                     // Hidden
  19152.                                     if ($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'] == 'hidden') {
  19153.                                         $celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
  19154.                                         $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFTfalse);
  19155.                                         $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHTfalse);
  19156.                                     } elseif ($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'] == 'hidden') {
  19157.                                         $cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
  19158.                                         $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHTfalse);
  19159.                                         $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFTfalse);
  19160.                                     } // Width
  19161.                                     elseif ($csthis $csadj) {
  19162.                                         if (!isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19163.                                             $celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
  19164.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHT);
  19165.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFTfalse);
  19166.                                         }
  19167.                                     } elseif ($csadj $csthis) {
  19168.                                         if ($crowsp 2) { // don't overwrite this cell if it spans
  19169.                                             $cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
  19170.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHTfalse);
  19171.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFT);
  19172.                                         }
  19173.                                     } // double>solid>dashed>dotted...
  19174.                                     elseif (array_search($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
  19175.                                         if (!isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19176.                                             $celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
  19177.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFTfalse);
  19178.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHT);
  19179.                                         }
  19180.                                     } elseif (array_search($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'], $this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'], $this->borderstyles)) {
  19181.                                         if ($crowsp 2) { // don't overwrite this cell if it spans
  19182.                                             $cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
  19183.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHTfalse);
  19184.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFT);
  19185.                                         }
  19186.                                     } // Style set on cell vs. table
  19187.                                     elseif ($celladj['border_details']['L']['dom'] > $cbord['border_details']['R']['dom']) {
  19188.                                         if ($crowsp 2) { // don't overwrite this cell if it spans
  19189.                                             $cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
  19190.                                             $this->setBorder($celladj['border'], Border::LEFT);
  19191.                                         }
  19192.                                     } // Style set on cell vs. table  - OR - LEFT/TOP (cell) in preference to BOTTOM/RIGHT
  19193.                                     else {
  19194.                                         if (!isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19195.                                             $celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
  19196.                                             $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], Border::RIGHT);
  19197.                                         }
  19198.                                     }
  19199.                                 } elseif ($celladj) {
  19200.                                     // if right-cell border is not set
  19201.                                     if (!isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i $cspi)][$j $ccolsp]['rowspan'] < 2)) { // don't overwrite bordering cells that span
  19202.                                         $celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
  19203.                                     }
  19204.                                 }
  19205.                                 // mPDF 5.7.4
  19206.                                 if ($celladj && $this->packTableData) {
  19207.                                     $cells[$i $cspi][$j $ccolsp]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj);
  19208.                                 }
  19209.                                 unset($celladj);
  19210.                             }
  19211.                         }
  19212.                     }
  19213.                     // Set maximum cell border width meeting at LRTB edges of cell - used for extended cell border
  19214.                     // ['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = meeting border width - Left border - Top end
  19215.                     if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19216.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'], $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']);
  19217.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']);
  19218.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']);
  19219.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']);
  19220.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']);
  19221.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'], $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']);
  19222.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'], $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']);
  19223.                         $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'], $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']);
  19224.                         if (($i $crowsp) < $numrows && isset($cells[$i $crowsp][$j])) { // Has Bottom adjoining cell
  19225.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19226.                                 $adjc $cells[$i $crowsp][$j];
  19227.                                 $celladj $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
  19228.                             } else {
  19229.                                 $celladj = & $cells[$i $crowsp][$j];
  19230.                             }
  19231.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max(
  19232.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'],
  19233.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['L']['w'] : 0,
  19234.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TL']: 0
  19235.                             );
  19236.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max(
  19237.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'],
  19238.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['R']['w'] : 0,
  19239.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TR']: 0
  19240.                             );
  19241.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = max(
  19242.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'],
  19243.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] : 0
  19244.                             );
  19245.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max(
  19246.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'],
  19247.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] : 0
  19248.                             );
  19249.                             unset($celladj);
  19250.                         }
  19251.                         if (($j $ccolsp) < $numcols && isset($cells[$i][$j $ccolsp])) { // Has Right adjoining cell
  19252.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19253.                                 $adjc $cells[$i][$j $ccolsp];
  19254.                                 $celladj $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
  19255.                             } else {
  19256.                                 $celladj = & $cells[$i][$j $ccolsp];
  19257.                             }
  19258.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max(
  19259.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'],
  19260.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['T']['w'] : 0,
  19261.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] : 0
  19262.                             );
  19263.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max(
  19264.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'],
  19265.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['B']['w'] : 0,
  19266.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] : 0
  19267.                             );
  19268.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = max(
  19269.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'],
  19270.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] : 0
  19271.                             );
  19272.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max(
  19273.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'],
  19274.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] : 0
  19275.                             );
  19276.                             unset($celladj);
  19277.                         }
  19278.                         if ($i && isset($cells[$i 1][$j]) && is_array($cells[$i 1][$j]) && (($this->packTableData && $cells[$i 1][$j]['borderbin']) || $cells[$i 1][$j]['border'])) { // Has Top adjoining cell
  19279.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19280.                                 $adjc $cells[$i 1][$j];
  19281.                                 $celladj $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
  19282.                             } else {
  19283.                                 $celladj = & $cells[$i 1][$j];
  19284.                             }
  19285.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = max(
  19286.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'],
  19287.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['L']['w'] : 0,
  19288.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] : 0
  19289.                             );
  19290.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = max(
  19291.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'],
  19292.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['R']['w'] : 0,
  19293.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] : 0
  19294.                             );
  19295.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = max(
  19296.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'],
  19297.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] : 0
  19298.                             );
  19299.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max(
  19300.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'],
  19301.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] : 0
  19302.                             );
  19303.                             if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL']) {
  19304.                                 $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL']);
  19305.                             }
  19306.                             if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR']) {
  19307.                                 $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR']);
  19308.                             }
  19309.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19310.                                 $cells[$i 1][$j]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj);
  19311.                             }
  19312.                             unset($celladj);
  19313.                         }
  19314.                         if ($j && isset($cells[$i][$j 1]) && is_array($cells[$i][$j 1]) && (($this->packTableData && $cells[$i][$j 1]['borderbin']) || $cells[$i][$j 1]['border'])) { // Has Left adjoining cell
  19315.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19316.                                 $adjc $cells[$i][$j 1];
  19317.                                 $celladj $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
  19318.                             } else {
  19319.                                 $celladj = & $cells[$i][$j 1];
  19320.                             }
  19321.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = max(
  19322.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'],
  19323.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['T']['w'] : 0,
  19324.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] : 0
  19325.                             );
  19326.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = max(
  19327.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'],
  19328.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['B']['w'] : 0,
  19329.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] : 0
  19330.                             );
  19331.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max(
  19332.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'],
  19333.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] : 0
  19334.                             );
  19335.                             $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = max(
  19336.                                 $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'],
  19337.                                 $celladj $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] : 0
  19338.                             );
  19339.                             if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT']) {
  19340.                                 $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT']);
  19341.                             }
  19342.                             if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB']) {
  19343.                                 $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB']);
  19344.                             }
  19345.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19346.                                 $cells[$i][$j 1]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj);
  19347.                             }
  19348.                             unset($celladj);
  19349.                         }
  19350.                         // Update maximum cell border width at LRTB edges of table - used for overall table width
  19351.                         if ($j == && $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']) {
  19352.                             $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'], $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']);
  19353.                         }
  19354.                         if (($j == ($numcols 1) || ($j $ccolsp) == $numcols ) && $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']) {
  19355.                             $table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'], $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']);
  19356.                         }
  19357.                         if ($i == && $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']) {
  19358.                             $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['T'], $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']);
  19359.                         }
  19360.                         if (($i == ($numrows 1) || ($i $crowsp) == $numrows ) && $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']) {
  19361.                             $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['B'], $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']);
  19362.                         }
  19363.                     }
  19364.                     /* -- END TABLES-ADVANCED-BORDERS -- */
  19365.                     if ($this->packTableData) {
  19366.                         $cell['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($cbord);
  19367.                     }
  19368.                     unset($cbord);
  19369.                     unset($cell);
  19370.                 }
  19371.             }
  19372.         }
  19373.         unset($cell);
  19374.     }
  19375.     // END FIX BORDERS ************************************************************************************
  19376.     function _reverseTableDir(&$table)
  19377.     {
  19378.         $cells = &$table['cells'];
  19379.         $numcols $table['nc'];
  19380.         $numrows $table['nr'];
  19381.         for ($i 0$i $numrows$i++) { // Rows
  19382.             $row = [];
  19383.             for ($j = ($numcols 1); $j >= 0$j--) { // Columns
  19384.                 if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
  19385.                     $cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
  19386.                     $col $numcols $j 1;
  19387.                     if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan'] > 1) {
  19388.                         $col -= ($cell['colspan'] - 1);
  19389.                     }
  19390.                     // Nested content
  19391.                     if (isset($cell['textbuffer'])) {
  19392.                         for ($n 0$n count($cell['textbuffer']); $n++) {
  19393.                             $t $cell['textbuffer'][$n][0];
  19394.                             if (substr($t019) == Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=nestedtable") {
  19395.                                 $objattr $this->_getObjAttr($t);
  19396.                                 $objattr['col'] = $col;
  19397.                                 $cell['textbuffer'][$n][0] = Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER "type=nestedtable,objattr=" serialize($objattr) . Mpdf::OBJECT_IDENTIFIER;
  19398.                                 $this->table[($this->tableLevel 1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['nestedpos'][1] = $col;
  19399.                             }
  19400.                         }
  19401.                     }
  19402.                     $row[$col] = $cells[$i][$j];
  19403.                     unset($cell);
  19404.                 }
  19405.             }
  19406.             for ($f 0$f $numcols$f++) {
  19407.                 if (!isset($row[$f])) {
  19408.                     $row[$f] = 0;
  19409.                 }
  19410.             }
  19411.             $table['cells'][$i] = $row;
  19412.         }
  19413.     }
  19414.     function _tableWrite(&$table$split false$startrow 0$startcol 0$splitpg 0$rety 0)
  19415.     {
  19416.         $level $table['level'];
  19417.         $levelid $table['levelid'];
  19418.         $cells = &$table['cells'];
  19419.         $numcols $table['nc'];
  19420.         $numrows $table['nr'];
  19421.         $maxbwtop 0;
  19422.         if ($this->ColActive && $level == 1) {
  19423.             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  19424.         } // *COLUMNS*
  19425.         if (!$split || ($startrow == && $splitpg == 0) || $startrow 0) {
  19426.             // TABLE TOP MARGIN
  19427.             if ($table['margin']['T']) {
  19428.                 if (!$this->table_rotate && $level == 1) {
  19429.                     $this->DivLn($table['margin']['T'], $this->blklvltrue1);  // collapsible
  19430.                 } else {
  19431.                     $this->+= ($table['margin']['T']);
  19432.                 }
  19433.             }
  19434.             // Advance down page by half width of top border
  19435.             if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19436.                 if ($startrow && (!isset($table['is_thead']) || count($table['is_thead']) == 0)) {
  19437.                     $adv $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19438.                 } else {
  19439.                     $adv $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19440.                 }
  19441.             } else {
  19442.                 $adv $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] / 2;
  19443.             }
  19444.             if (!$this->table_rotate && $level == 1) {
  19445.                 $this->DivLn($adv);
  19446.             } else {
  19447.                 $this->+= $adv;
  19448.             }
  19449.         }
  19450.         if ($level == 1) {
  19451.             $this->$this->lMargin $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
  19452.             $x0 $this->x;
  19453.             $y0 $this->y;
  19454.             $right $x0 $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
  19455.             $outerfilled $this->y// Keep track of how far down the outer DIV bgcolor is painted (NB rowspans)
  19456.             $this->outerfilled $this->y;
  19457.             $this->colsums = [];
  19458.         } else {
  19459.             $x0 $this->x;
  19460.             $y0 $this->y;
  19461.             $right $x0 $table['w'];
  19462.         }
  19463.         if ($this->table_rotate) {
  19464.             $temppgwidth $this->tbrot_maxw;
  19465.             $this->PageBreakTrigger $pagetrigger $y0 + ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
  19466.             if ($level == 1) {
  19467.                 $this->tbrot_y0 $this->$adv $table['margin']['T'];
  19468.                 $this->tbrot_x0 $this->x;
  19469.                 $this->tbrot_w $table['w'];
  19470.                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19471.                     $this->tbrot_h $table['margin']['T'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19472.                 } else {
  19473.                     $this->tbrot_h $table['margin']['T'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'];
  19474.                 }
  19475.             }
  19476.         } else {
  19477.             $this->PageBreakTrigger $pagetrigger = ($this->$this->bMargin);
  19478.             if ($level == 1) {
  19479.                 $temppgwidth $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
  19480.                 if (isset($table['a']) and ( $table['w'] < $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'])) {
  19481.                     if ($table['a'] == 'C') {
  19482.                         $x0 += ((($right $x0) - $table['w']) / 2);
  19483.                     } elseif ($table['a'] == 'R') {
  19484.                         $x0 $right $table['w'];
  19485.                     }
  19486.                 }
  19487.             } else {
  19488.                 $temppgwidth $table['w'];
  19489.             }
  19490.         }
  19491.         if (!isset($table['overflow'])) {
  19492.             $table['overflow'] = null;
  19493.         }
  19494.         if ($table['overflow'] == 'hidden' && $level == && !$this->table_rotate && !$this->ColActive) {
  19495.             // Bounding rectangle to clip
  19496.             $this->tableClipPath sprintf('q %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re W n'$x0 Mpdf::SCALE$this->Mpdf::SCALE$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] * Mpdf::SCALE, -$this->Mpdf::SCALE);
  19497.             $this->writer->write($this->tableClipPath);
  19498.         } else {
  19499.             $this->tableClipPath '';
  19500.         }
  19501.         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19502.             $indent $table['margin']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_spacing_H'] / 2;
  19503.         } else {
  19504.             $indent $table['margin']['L'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2;
  19505.         }
  19506.         $x0 += $indent;
  19507.         $returny 0;
  19508.         $lastCol 0;
  19509.         $tableheader = [];
  19510.         $tablefooter = [];
  19511.         $tableheaderrowheight 0;
  19512.         $tablefooterrowheight 0;
  19513.         $footery 0;
  19514.         // mPD 3.0 Set the Page & Column where table starts
  19515.         if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page) % == 0)) { // EVEN
  19516.             $tablestartpage 'EVEN';
  19517.         } elseif (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page) % == 1)) { // ODD
  19518.             $tablestartpage 'ODD';
  19519.         } else {
  19520.             $tablestartpage '';
  19521.         }
  19522.         if ($this->ColActive) {
  19523.             $tablestartcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  19524.         } else {
  19525.             $tablestartcolumn '';
  19526.         }
  19527.         $y $h 0;
  19528.         for ($i 0$i $numrows$i++) { // Rows
  19529.             if (isset($table['is_tfoot'][$i]) && $table['is_tfoot'][$i] && $level == 1) {
  19530.                 $tablefooterrowheight += $table['hr'][$i];
  19531.                 $tablefooter[$i][0]['trbackground-images'] = $table['trbackground-images'][$i];
  19532.                 $tablefooter[$i][0]['trgradients'] = $table['trgradients'][$i];
  19533.                 $tablefooter[$i][0]['trbgcolor'] = $table['bgcolor'][$i];
  19534.                 for ($j $startcol$j $numcols$j++) { // Columns
  19535.                     if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
  19536.                         $cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
  19537.                         if ($split) {
  19538.                             if ($table['colPg'][$j] != $splitpg) {
  19539.                                 continue;
  19540.                             }
  19541.                             list($x$w) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table$i$j);
  19542.                             $js $j $startcol;
  19543.                         } else {
  19544.                             list($x$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table$i$j);
  19545.                             $js $j;
  19546.                         }
  19547.                         list($y$h) = $this->_tableGetHeight($table$i$j);
  19548.                         $x += $x0;
  19549.                         $y += $y0;
  19550.                         // Get info of tfoot ==>> table footer
  19551.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['x'] = $x;
  19552.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['y'] = $y;
  19553.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['h'] = $h;
  19554.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['w'] = $w;
  19555.                         if (isset($cell['textbuffer'])) {
  19556.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['textbuffer'] = $cell['textbuffer'];
  19557.                         } else {
  19558.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['textbuffer'] = '';
  19559.                         }
  19560.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['a'] = $cell['a'];
  19561.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['R'] = $cell['R'];
  19562.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['va'] = $cell['va'];
  19563.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['mih'] = $cell['mih'];
  19564.                         if (isset($cell['gradient'])) {
  19565.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['gradient'] = $cell['gradient']; // *BACKGROUNDS*
  19566.                         }
  19567.                         if (isset($cell['background-image'])) {
  19568.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['background-image'] = $cell['background-image']; // *BACKGROUNDS*
  19569.                         }
  19570.                         // CELL FILL BGCOLOR
  19571.                         if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  19572.                             if ($this->packTableData) {
  19573.                                 $c $this->_unpackCellBorder($cell['borderbin']);
  19574.                                 $tablefooter[$i][$js]['border'] = $c['border'];
  19575.                                 $tablefooter[$i][$js]['border_details'] = $c['border_details'];
  19576.                             } else {
  19577.                                 $tablefooter[$i][$js]['border'] = $cell['border'];
  19578.                                 $tablefooter[$i][$js]['border_details'] = $cell['border_details'];
  19579.                             }
  19580.                         } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  19581.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['border'] = $table['simple']['border'];
  19582.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['border_details'] = $table['simple']['border_details'];
  19583.                         }
  19584.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['bgcolor'] = $cell['bgcolor'];
  19585.                         $tablefooter[$i][$js]['padding'] = $cell['padding'];
  19586.                         if (isset($cell['rowspan'])) {
  19587.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['rowspan'] = $cell['rowspan'];
  19588.                         }
  19589.                         if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {
  19590.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['colspan'] = $cell['colspan'];
  19591.                         }
  19592.                         if (isset($cell['direction'])) {
  19593.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['direction'] = $cell['direction'];
  19594.                         }
  19595.                         if (isset($cell['cellLineHeight'])) {
  19596.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['cellLineHeight'] = $cell['cellLineHeight'];
  19597.                         }
  19598.                         if (isset($cell['cellLineStackingStrategy'])) {
  19599.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['cellLineStackingStrategy'] = $cell['cellLineStackingStrategy'];
  19600.                         }
  19601.                         if (isset($cell['cellLineStackingShift'])) {
  19602.                             $tablefooter[$i][$js]['cellLineStackingShift'] = $cell['cellLineStackingShift'];
  19603.                         }
  19604.                     }
  19605.                 }
  19606.             }
  19607.         }
  19608.         if ($level == 1) {
  19609.             $this->writer->write('___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr);
  19610.         }
  19611.         $tableheaderadj 0;
  19612.         $tablefooteradj 0;
  19613.         $tablestartpageno $this->page;
  19614.         // Draw Table Contents and Borders
  19615.         for ($i 0$i $numrows$i++) { // Rows
  19616.             if ($split && $startrow 0) {
  19617.                 $thnr = (isset($table['is_thead']) ? count($table['is_thead']) : 0);
  19618.                 if ($i >= $thnr && $i $startrow) {
  19619.                     continue;
  19620.                 }
  19621.                 if ($i == $startrow) {
  19622.                     $returny $rety $tableheaderrowheight;
  19623.                 }
  19624.             }
  19625.             // Get Maximum row/cell height in row - including rowspan>1 + 1 overlapping
  19626.             $maxrowheight $this->_tableGetMaxRowHeight($table$i);
  19627.             $skippage false;
  19628.             $newpagestarted false;
  19629.             for ($j $startcol$j $numcols$j++) { // Columns
  19630.                 if ($split) {
  19631.                     if ($table['colPg'][$j] > $splitpg) {
  19632.                         break;
  19633.                     }
  19634.                     $lastCol $j;
  19635.                 }
  19636.                 if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
  19637.                     $cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
  19638.                     if ($split) {
  19639.                         $lastCol $j + (isset($cell['colspan']) ? ($cell['colspan'] - 1) : 0);
  19640.                         list($x$w) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table$i$j);
  19641.                     } else {
  19642.                         list($x$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table$i$j);
  19643.                     }
  19644.                     list($y$h) = $this->_tableGetHeight($table$i$j);
  19645.                     $x += $x0;
  19646.                     $y += $y0;
  19647.                     $y -= $returny;
  19648.                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19649.                         if (!empty($tablefooter) || $i == ($numrows 1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i $cell['rowspan']) == $numrows) || (!isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i 1) == $numrows)) {
  19650.                             $extra $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19651.                             // $extra = $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
  19652.                         } else {
  19653.                             $extra $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19654.                         }
  19655.                     } else {
  19656.                         $extra $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] / 2;
  19657.                     }
  19658.                     // lookahead for pagebreak
  19659.                     $pagebreaklookahead 1;
  19660.                     while (isset($table['pagebreak-before']) && isset($table['pagebreak-before'][$i $pagebreaklookahead]) && $table['pagebreak-before'][$i $pagebreaklookahead] == 'avoid') {
  19661.                         // pagebreak-after is mapped to pagebreak-before on i+1 in Tags/Tr.php
  19662.                         $pagebreaklookahead++;
  19663.                     }
  19664.                     if ($j == $startcol && ((($y $pagebreaklookahead $maxrowheight $extra ) > ($pagetrigger 0.001)) || (($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && !empty($tablefooter) && ($y $maxrowheight $tablefooterrowheight $extra) > $pagetrigger) && ($this->tableLevel == && $i < ($numrows $table['headernrows']))) && ($y0 || $x0 0) && !$this->InFooter && $this->autoPageBreak) {
  19665.                         if (!$skippage) {
  19666.                             $finalSpread true;
  19667.                             $firstSpread true;
  19668.                             if ($split) {
  19669.                                 for ($t $startcol$t $numcols$t++) {
  19670.                                     // Are there more columns to print on a next page?
  19671.                                     if ($table['colPg'][$t] > $splitpg) {
  19672.                                         $finalSpread false;
  19673.                                         break;
  19674.                                     }
  19675.                                 }
  19676.                                 if ($startcol 0) {
  19677.                                     $firstSpread false;
  19678.                                 }
  19679.                             }
  19680.                             if (($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && !empty($tablefooter) && $i 0) {
  19681.                                 $this->$y;
  19682.                                 $ya $this->y;
  19683.                                 $this->TableHeaderFooter($tablefooter$tablestartpage$tablestartcolumn'F'$level$firstSpread$finalSpread);
  19684.                                 if ($this->table_rotate) {
  19685.                                     $this->tbrot_h += $this->$ya;
  19686.                                 }
  19687.                                 $tablefooteradj $this->$ya;
  19688.                             }
  19689.                             $y -= $y0;
  19690.                             $returny += $y;
  19691.                             $oldcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  19692.                             if ($this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
  19693.                                 $newpagestarted true;
  19694.                                 $this->$y $y0;
  19695.                                 // Move down to account for border-spacing or
  19696.                                 // extra half border width in case page breaks in middle
  19697.                                 if ($i && !$this->table_rotate && $level == && !$this->ColActive) {
  19698.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19699.                                         $adv $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19700.                                         // If table footer
  19701.                                         if (($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && !empty($tablefooter) && $i 0) {
  19702.                                             $adv += ($table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w']);
  19703.                                         }
  19704.                                     } else {
  19705.                                         $maxbwtop 0;
  19706.                                         $maxbwbottom 0;
  19707.                                         if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  19708.                                             if (!empty($tablefooter)) {
  19709.                                                 $maxbwbottom $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'];
  19710.                                             } else {
  19711.                                                 $brow $i 1;
  19712.                                                 for ($ctj 0$ctj $numcols$ctj++) {
  19713.                                                     if (isset($cells[$brow][$ctj]) && $cells[$brow][$ctj]) {
  19714.                                                         if ($this->packTableData) {
  19715.                                                             list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cells[$brow][$ctj]['borderbin']);
  19716.                                                         } else {
  19717.                                                             $bb $cells[$brow][$ctj]['border_details']['B']['w'];
  19718.                                                         }
  19719.                                                         $maxbwbottom max($maxbwbottom$bb);
  19720.                                                     }
  19721.                                                 }
  19722.                                             }
  19723.                                             if (!empty($tableheader)) {
  19724.                                                 $maxbwtop $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'];
  19725.                                             } else {
  19726.                                                 $trow $i 1;
  19727.                                                 for ($ctj 0$ctj $numcols$ctj++) {
  19728.                                                     if (isset($cells[$trow][$ctj]) && $cells[$trow][$ctj]) {
  19729.                                                         if ($this->packTableData) {
  19730.                                                             list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cells[$trow][$ctj]['borderbin']);
  19731.                                                         } else {
  19732.                                                             $bt $cells[$trow][$ctj]['border_details']['T']['w'];
  19733.                                                         }
  19734.                                                         $maxbwtop max($maxbwtop$bt);
  19735.                                                     }
  19736.                                                 }
  19737.                                             }
  19738.                                         } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  19739.                                             $maxbwtop $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'];
  19740.                                             $maxbwbottom $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'];
  19741.                                         }
  19742.                                         $adv $maxbwbottom 2;
  19743.                                     }
  19744.                                     $this->+= $adv;
  19745.                                 }
  19746.                                 // Rotated table split over pages - needs this->y for borders/backgrounds
  19747.                                 if ($i && $this->table_rotate && $level == 1) {
  19748.                                     //         $this->y = $y0 + $this->tbrot_w;
  19749.                                 }
  19750.                                 if ($this->tableClipPath) {
  19751.                                     $this->writer->write("Q");
  19752.                                 }
  19753.                                 $bx $x0;
  19754.                                 $by $y0;
  19755.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19756.                                     $bx -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  19757.                                     if ($tablestartpageno != $this->page) { // IF already broken across a previous pagebreak
  19758.                                         $by += $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] / 2;
  19759.                                         if (empty($tableheader)) {
  19760.                                             $by -= ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  19761.                                         }
  19762.                                     } else {
  19763.                                         $by -= ($table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  19764.                                     }
  19765.                                 } elseif ($tablestartpageno != $this->page && !empty($tableheader)) {
  19766.                                     $by += $maxbwtop 2;
  19767.                                 }
  19768.                                 $by -= $tableheaderadj;
  19769.                                 $bh $this->$by $tablefooteradj;
  19770.                                 if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19771.                                     $bh -= $adv;
  19772.                                 }
  19773.                                 if ($split) {
  19774.                                     $bw 0;
  19775.                                     for ($t $startcol$t $numcols$t++) {
  19776.                                         if ($table['colPg'][$t] == $splitpg) {
  19777.                                             $bw += $table['wc'][$t];
  19778.                                         }
  19779.                                         if ($table['colPg'][$t] > $splitpg) {
  19780.                                             break;
  19781.                                         }
  19782.                                     }
  19783.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19784.                                         if ($firstSpread) {
  19785.                                             $bw += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  19786.                                         } else {
  19787.                                             $bx += ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w']);
  19788.                                             $bw += $table['border_spacing_H'];
  19789.                                         }
  19790.                                         if ($finalSpread) {
  19791.                                             $bw += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] / $table['border_spacing_H'];
  19792.                                         }
  19793.                                     }
  19794.                                 } else {
  19795.                                     $bw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
  19796.                                 }
  19797.                                 if ($this->splitTableBorderWidth && ($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && empty($tablefooter) && $i && $table['border_details']['B']['w']) {
  19798.                                     $prevDrawColor $this->DrawColor;
  19799.                                     $lw $this->LineWidth;
  19800.                                     $this->SetLineWidth($this->splitTableBorderWidth);
  19801.                                     $this->SetDColor($table['border_details']['B']['c']);
  19802.                                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  19803.                                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  19804.                                     $blx $bx;
  19805.                                     $blw $bw;
  19806.                                     if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19807.                                         $blx -= ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2);
  19808.                                         $blw += ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / $table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2);
  19809.                                     }
  19810.                                     $this->Line($blx$this->+ ($this->splitTableBorderWidth 2), $blx $blw$this->+ ($this->splitTableBorderWidth 2));
  19811.                                     $this->DrawColor $prevDrawColor;
  19812.                                     $this->writer->write($this->DrawColor);
  19813.                                     $this->SetLineWidth($lw);
  19814.                                     $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  19815.                                     $this->SetLineCap(2);
  19816.                                 }
  19817.                                 if (!$this->ColActive && ($i || $j 0)) {
  19818.                                     if (isset($table['bgcolor'][-1])) {
  19819.                                         $color $this->colorConverter->convert($table['bgcolor'][-1], $this->PDFAXwarnings);
  19820.                                         if ($color) {
  19821.                                             if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  19822.                                                 $bh -= $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] / 2;
  19823.                                             }
  19824.                                             $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 9][] = ['gradient' => false'x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'col' => $color];
  19825.                                         }
  19826.                                     }
  19827.                                     /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  19828.                                     if (isset($table['gradient'])) {
  19829.                                         $g $this->gradient->parseBackgroundGradient($table['gradient']);
  19830.                                         if ($g) {
  19831.                                             $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 1][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  19832.                                         }
  19833.                                     }
  19834.                                     if (isset($table['background-image'])) {
  19835.                                         if ($table['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/'$table['background-image']['gradient'])) {
  19836.                                             $g $this->gradient->parseMozGradient($table['background-image']['gradient']);
  19837.                                             if ($g) {
  19838.                                                 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 1][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  19839.                                             }
  19840.                                         } else {
  19841.                                             $image_id $table['background-image']['image_id'];
  19842.                                             $orig_w $table['background-image']['orig_w'];
  19843.                                             $orig_h $table['background-image']['orig_h'];
  19844.                                             $x_pos $table['background-image']['x_pos'];
  19845.                                             $y_pos $table['background-image']['y_pos'];
  19846.                                             $x_repeat $table['background-image']['x_repeat'];
  19847.                                             $y_repeat $table['background-image']['y_repeat'];
  19848.                                             $resize $table['background-image']['resize'];
  19849.                                             $opacity $table['background-image']['opacity'];
  19850.                                             $itype $table['background-image']['itype'];
  19851.                                             $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 2][] = ['x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => '''resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
  19852.                                         }
  19853.                                     }
  19854.                                     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  19855.                                 }
  19856.                                 // $this->AcceptPageBreak() has moved tablebuffer to $this->pages content
  19857.                                 if ($this->tableBackgrounds) {
  19858.                                     $s $this->PrintTableBackgrounds();
  19859.                                     if ($this->bufferoutput) {
  19860.                                         $this->headerbuffer preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr ')/''\\1' "\n" $s "\n"$this->headerbuffer);
  19861.                                         $this->headerbuffer preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr ')/'" "$this->headerbuffer);
  19862.                                     } else {
  19863.                                         $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr ')/''\\1' "\n" $s "\n"$this->pages[$this->page]);
  19864.                                         $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr ')/'" "$this->pages[$this->page]);
  19865.                                     }
  19866.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds = [];
  19867.                                 }
  19868.                                 if ($split) {
  19869.                                     if ($i == && $j == 0) {
  19870.                                         $y0 = -1;
  19871.                                     } elseif ($finalSpread) {
  19872.                                         $splitpg 0;
  19873.                                         $startcol 0;
  19874.                                         $startrow $i;
  19875.                                     } else {
  19876.                                         $splitpg++;
  19877.                                         $startcol $t;
  19878.                                         $returny -= $y;
  19879.                                     }
  19880.                                     return [false$startrow$startcol$splitpg$returny$y0];
  19881.                                 }
  19882.                                 $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  19883.                                 $this->writer->write('___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr);
  19884.                                 if ($this->tableClipPath) {
  19885.                                     $this->writer->write($this->tableClipPath);
  19886.                                 }
  19887.                                 // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
  19888.                                 $x $x $this->MarginCorrection;
  19889.                                 $x0 $x0 $this->MarginCorrection;
  19890.                                 if ($this->splitTableBorderWidth && ($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && empty($tableheader) && $i && $table['border_details']['T']['w']) {
  19891.                                     $prevDrawColor $this->DrawColor;
  19892.                                     $lw $this->LineWidth;
  19893.                                     $this->SetLineWidth($this->splitTableBorderWidth);
  19894.                                     $this->SetDColor($table['border_details']['T']['c']);
  19895.                                     $this->SetLineJoin(0);
  19896.                                     $this->SetLineCap(0);
  19897.                                     $blx += $this->MarginCorrection;
  19898.                                     $this->Line($blx$this->- ($this->splitTableBorderWidth 2), $blx $blw$this->- ($this->splitTableBorderWidth 2));
  19899.                                     $this->DrawColor $prevDrawColor;
  19900.                                     $this->writer->write($this->DrawColor);
  19901.                                     $this->SetLineWidth($lw);
  19902.                                     $this->SetLineJoin(2);
  19903.                                     $this->SetLineCap(2);
  19904.                                 }
  19905.                                 // Move down to account for half of top border-spacing or
  19906.                                 // extra half border width in case page was broken in middle
  19907.                                 if ($i && !$this->table_rotate && $level == && $table['headernrows'] == 0) {
  19908.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19909.                                         $adv $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19910.                                     } else {
  19911.                                         $maxbwtop 0;
  19912.                                         for ($ctj 0$ctj $numcols$ctj++) {
  19913.                                             if (isset($cells[$i][$ctj]) && $cells[$i][$ctj]) {
  19914.                                                 if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  19915.                                                     if ($this->packTableData) {
  19916.                                                         list($bt$br$bb$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cells[$i][$ctj]['borderbin']);
  19917.                                                     } else {
  19918.                                                         $bt $cells[$i][$ctj]['border_details']['T']['w'];
  19919.                                                     }
  19920.                                                     $maxbwtop max($maxbwtop$bt);
  19921.                                                 } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  19922.                                                     $maxbwtop max($maxbwtop$table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w']);
  19923.                                                 }
  19924.                                             }
  19925.                                         }
  19926.                                         $adv $maxbwtop 2;
  19927.                                     }
  19928.                                     $this->+= $adv;
  19929.                                 }
  19930.                                 if ($this->table_rotate) {
  19931.                                     $this->tbrot_x0 $this->lMargin $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
  19932.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19933.                                         $this->tbrot_h $table['margin']['T'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  19934.                                     } else {
  19935.                                         $this->tbrot_h $table['margin']['T'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'];
  19936.                                     }
  19937.                                     $this->tbrot_y0 $this->y;
  19938.                                     $pagetrigger $y0 $tableheaderadj + ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
  19939.                                 } else {
  19940.                                     $pagetrigger $this->PageBreakTrigger;
  19941.                                 }
  19942.                                 if ($this->kwt_saved && $level == 1) {
  19943.                                     $this->kwt_moved true;
  19944.                                 }
  19945.                                 if (!empty($tableheader)) {
  19946.                                     $ya $this->y;
  19947.                                     $this->TableHeaderFooter($tableheader$tablestartpage$tablestartcolumn'H'$level);
  19948.                                     if ($this->table_rotate) {
  19949.                                         $this->tbrot_h $this->$ya;
  19950.                                     }
  19951.                                     $tableheaderadj $this->$ya;
  19952.                                 } elseif ($i == && !$this->table_rotate && $level == && !$this->ColActive) {
  19953.                                     // Advance down page
  19954.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  19955.                                         $adv $table['border_spacing_V'] / $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['padding']['T'];
  19956.                                     } else {
  19957.                                         $adv $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] / 2;
  19958.                                     }
  19959.                                     if ($adv) {
  19960.                                         if ($this->table_rotate) {
  19961.                                             $this->+= ($adv);
  19962.                                         } else {
  19963.                                             $this->DivLn($adv$this->blklvltrue);
  19964.                                         }
  19965.                                     }
  19966.                                 }
  19967.                                 $outerfilled 0;
  19968.                                 $y $y0 $this->y;
  19969.                             }
  19970.                             /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  19971.                             // COLS
  19972.                             // COLUMN CHANGE
  19973.                             if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
  19974.                                 // Added to correct for Columns
  19975.                                 $x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  19976.                                 $x0 += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  19977.                                 if ($this->CurrCol == 0) {  // just added a page - possibly with tableheader
  19978.                                     $y0 $this->y;  // this->y0 is global used by Columns - $y0 is internal to tablewrite
  19979.                                 } else {
  19980.                                     $y0 $this->y0;  // this->y0 is global used by Columns - $y0 is internal to tablewrite
  19981.                                 }
  19982.                                 $y $y0;
  19983.                                 $outerfilled 0;
  19984.                                 if ($this->CurrCol != && ($this->keepColumns && $this->ColActive) && !empty($tableheader) && $i 0) {
  19985.                                     $this->$x;
  19986.                                     $this->$y;
  19987.                                     $this->TableHeaderFooter($tableheader$tablestartpage$tablestartcolumn'H'$level);
  19988.                                     $y0 $y $this->y;
  19989.                                 }
  19990.                             }
  19991.                             /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  19992.                         }
  19993.                         $skippage true;
  19994.                     }
  19995.                     $this->$x;
  19996.                     $this->$y;
  19997.                     if ($this->kwt_saved && $level == 1) {
  19998.                         $this->printkwtbuffer();
  19999.                         $x0 $x $this->x;
  20000.                         $y0 $y $this->y;
  20001.                         $this->kwt_moved false;
  20002.                         $this->kwt_saved false;
  20003.                     }
  20004.                     // Set the Page & Column where table actually starts
  20005.                     if ($i == && $j == && $level == 1) {
  20006.                         if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page) % == 0)) {    // EVEN
  20007.                             $tablestartpage 'EVEN';
  20008.                         } elseif (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page) % == 1)) {    // ODD
  20009.                             $tablestartpage 'ODD';
  20010.                         } else {
  20011.                             $tablestartpage '';
  20012.                         }
  20013.                         $tablestartpageno $this->page;
  20014.                         if ($this->ColActive) {
  20015.                             $tablestartcolumn $this->CurrCol;
  20016.                         } // *COLUMNS*
  20017.                     }
  20018.                     // ALIGN
  20019.                     $align $cell['a'];
  20020.                     /* -- COLUMNS -- */
  20021.                     // If outside columns, this is done in PaintDivBB
  20022.                     if ($this->ColActive) {
  20023.                         // OUTER FILL BGCOLOR of DIVS
  20024.                         if ($this->blklvl && ($j == 0) && !$this->table_rotate && $level == 1) {
  20025.                             $firstblockfill $this->GetFirstBlockFill();
  20026.                             if ($firstblockfill && $this->blklvl >= $firstblockfill) {
  20027.                                 $divh $maxrowheight;
  20028.                                 // Last row
  20029.                                 if ((!isset($cell['rowspan']) && $i == $numrows 1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && (($i == $numrows && $cell['rowspan'] < 2) || ($cell['rowspan'] > && ($i $cell['rowspan'] - 1) == $numrows 1)))) {
  20030.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20031.                                         $adv $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2;
  20032.                                     } else {
  20033.                                         $adv $table['margin']['B'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] / 2;
  20034.                                     }
  20035.                                     $divh += $adv;  // last row: fill bottom half of bottom border (y advanced at end)
  20036.                                 }
  20037.                                 if (($this->$divh) > $outerfilled) { // if not already painted by previous rowspan
  20038.                                     $bak_x $this->x;
  20039.                                     $bak_y $this->y;
  20040.                                     if ($outerfilled $this->y) {
  20041.                                         $divh = ($this->$divh) - $outerfilled;
  20042.                                         $this->$outerfilled;
  20043.                                     }
  20044.                                     $this->DivLn($divh, -3false);
  20045.                                     $outerfilled $this->$divh;
  20046.                                     // Reset current block fill
  20047.                                     $bcor $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'];
  20048.                                     if ($bcor) {
  20049.                                         $this->SetFColor($bcor);
  20050.                                     }
  20051.                                     $this->$bak_x;
  20052.                                     $this->$bak_y;
  20053.                                 }
  20054.                             }
  20055.                         }
  20056.                     }
  20057.                     // TABLE BACKGROUND FILL BGCOLOR - for cellSpacing
  20058.                     if ($this->ColActive) {
  20059.                         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20060.                             $fill = isset($table['bgcolor'][-1]) ? $table['bgcolor'][-1] : 0;
  20061.                             if ($fill) {
  20062.                                 $color $this->colorConverter->convert($fill$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  20063.                                 if ($color) {
  20064.                                     $xadj = ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20065.                                     $yadj = ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20066.                                     $wadj $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20067.                                     $hadj $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20068.                                     if ($i == 0) {  // Top
  20069.                                         $yadj += $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'];
  20070.                                         $hadj += $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'];
  20071.                                     }
  20072.                                     if ($j == 0) {  // Left
  20073.                                         $xadj += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'];
  20074.                                         $wadj += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'];
  20075.                                     }
  20076.                                     if ($i == ($numrows 1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i $cell['rowspan']) == $numrows) || (!isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i 1) == $numrows)) { // Bottom
  20077.                                         $hadj += $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'];
  20078.                                     }
  20079.                                     if ($j == ($numcols 1) || (isset($cell['colspan']) && ($j $cell['colspan']) == $numcols) || (!isset($cell['colspan']) && ($j 1) == $numcols)) { // Right
  20080.                                         $wadj += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'];
  20081.                                     }
  20082.                                     $this->SetFColor($color);
  20083.                                     $this->Rect($x $xadj$y $yadj$w $wadj$h $hadj'F');
  20084.                                 }
  20085.                             }
  20086.                         }
  20087.                     }
  20088.                     /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  20089.                     if ($table['empty_cells'] != 'hide' || !empty($cell['textbuffer']) || (isset($cell['nestedcontent']) && $cell['nestedcontent']) || !$table['borders_separate']) {
  20090.                         $paintcell true;
  20091.                     } else {
  20092.                         $paintcell false;
  20093.                     }
  20094.                     // Set Borders
  20095.                     $bord 0;
  20096.                     $bord_det = [];
  20097.                     if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  20098.                         if ($this->packTableData) {
  20099.                             $c $this->_unpackCellBorder($cell['borderbin']);
  20100.                             $bord $c['border'];
  20101.                             $bord_det $c['border_details'];
  20102.                         } else {
  20103.                             $bord $cell['border'];
  20104.                             $bord_det $cell['border_details'];
  20105.                         }
  20106.                     } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  20107.                         $bord $table['simple']['border'];
  20108.                         $bord_det $table['simple']['border_details'];
  20109.                     }
  20110.                     // TABLE ROW OR CELL FILL BGCOLOR
  20111.                     $fill 0;
  20112.                     if (isset($cell['bgcolor']) && $cell['bgcolor'] && $cell['bgcolor'] != 'transparent') {
  20113.                         $fill $cell['bgcolor'];
  20114.                         $leveladj 6;
  20115.                     } elseif (isset($table['bgcolor'][$i]) && $table['bgcolor'][$i] && $table['bgcolor'][$i] != 'transparent') { // Row color
  20116.                         $fill $table['bgcolor'][$i];
  20117.                         $leveladj 3;
  20118.                     }
  20119.                     if ($fill && $paintcell) {
  20120.                         $color $this->colorConverter->convert($fill$this->PDFAXwarnings);
  20121.                         if ($color) {
  20122.                             if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20123.                                 if ($this->ColActive) {
  20124.                                     $this->SetFColor($color);
  20125.                                     $this->Rect($x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), $w $table['border_spacing_H'], $h $table['border_spacing_V'], 'F');
  20126.                                 } else {
  20127.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level $leveladj][] = ['gradient' => false'x' => ($x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2)), 'y' => ($y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2)), 'w' => ($w $table['border_spacing_H']), 'h' => ($h $table['border_spacing_V']), 'col' => $color];
  20128.                                 }
  20129.                             } else {
  20130.                                 if ($this->ColActive) {
  20131.                                     $this->SetFColor($color);
  20132.                                     $this->Rect($x$y$w$h'F');
  20133.                                 } else {
  20134.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level $leveladj][] = ['gradient' => false'x' => $x'y' => $y'w' => $w'h' => $h'col' => $color];
  20135.                                 }
  20136.                             }
  20137.                         }
  20138.                     }
  20139.                     /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  20140.                     if (isset($cell['gradient']) && $cell['gradient'] && $paintcell) {
  20141.                         $g $this->gradient->parseBackgroundGradient($cell['gradient']);
  20142.                         if ($g) {
  20143.                             if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20144.                                 $px $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20145.                                 $py $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20146.                                 $pw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20147.                                 $ph $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20148.                             } else {
  20149.                                 $px $x;
  20150.                                 $py $y;
  20151.                                 $pw $w;
  20152.                                 $ph $h;
  20153.                             }
  20154.                             if ($this->ColActive) {
  20155.                                 $this->gradient->Gradient($px$py$pw$ph$g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend']);
  20156.                             } else {
  20157.                                 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 7][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $px'y' => $py'w' => $pw'h' => $ph'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  20158.                             }
  20159.                         }
  20160.                     }
  20161.                     if (isset($cell['background-image']) && $paintcell) {
  20162.                         if (isset($cell['background-image']['gradient']) && $cell['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/'$cell['background-image']['gradient'])) {
  20163.                             $g $this->gradient->parseMozGradient($cell['background-image']['gradient']);
  20164.                             if ($g) {
  20165.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20166.                                     $px $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20167.                                     $py $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20168.                                     $pw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20169.                                     $ph $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20170.                                 } else {
  20171.                                     $px $x;
  20172.                                     $py $y;
  20173.                                     $pw $w;
  20174.                                     $ph $h;
  20175.                                 }
  20176.                                 if ($this->ColActive) {
  20177.                                     $this->gradient->Gradient($px$py$pw$ph$g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend']);
  20178.                                 } else {
  20179.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 7][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $px'y' => $py'w' => $pw'h' => $ph'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  20180.                                 }
  20181.                             }
  20182.                         } elseif (isset($cell['background-image']['image_id']) && $cell['background-image']['image_id']) { // Background pattern
  20183.                             $n count($this->patterns) + 1;
  20184.                             if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20185.                                 $px $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20186.                                 $py $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20187.                                 $pw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20188.                                 $ph $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20189.                             } else {
  20190.                                 $px $x;
  20191.                                 $py $y;
  20192.                                 $pw $w;
  20193.                                 $ph $h;
  20194.                             }
  20195.                             if ($this->ColActive) {
  20196.                                 list($orig_w$orig_h$x_repeat$y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($cell['background-image']['orig_w'], $cell['background-image']['orig_h'], $pw$ph$cell['background-image']['resize'], $cell['background-image']['x_repeat'], $cell['background-image']['y_repeat']);
  20197.                                 $this->patterns[$n] = ['x' => $px'y' => $py'w' => $pw'h' => $ph'pgh' => $this->h'image_id' => $cell['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $cell['background-image']['x_pos'], 'y_pos' => $cell['background-image']['y_pos'], 'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat];
  20198.                                 if ($cell['background-image']['opacity'] > && $cell['background-image']['opacity'] < 1) {
  20199.                                     $opac $this->SetAlpha($cell['background-image']['opacity'], 'Normal'true);
  20200.                                 } else {
  20201.                                     $opac '';
  20202.                                 }
  20203.                                 $this->writer->write(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q'$n$opac$px Mpdf::SCALE, ($this->$py) * Mpdf::SCALE$pw Mpdf::SCALE, -$ph Mpdf::SCALE));
  20204.                             } else {
  20205.                                 $image_id $cell['background-image']['image_id'];
  20206.                                 $orig_w $cell['background-image']['orig_w'];
  20207.                                 $orig_h $cell['background-image']['orig_h'];
  20208.                                 $x_pos $cell['background-image']['x_pos'];
  20209.                                 $y_pos $cell['background-image']['y_pos'];
  20210.                                 $x_repeat $cell['background-image']['x_repeat'];
  20211.                                 $y_repeat $cell['background-image']['y_repeat'];
  20212.                                 $resize $cell['background-image']['resize'];
  20213.                                 $opacity $cell['background-image']['opacity'];
  20214.                                 $itype $cell['background-image']['itype'];
  20215.                                 $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 8][] = ['x' => $px'y' => $py'w' => $pw'h' => $ph'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => '''resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
  20216.                             }
  20217.                         }
  20218.                     }
  20219.                     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  20220.                     if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan'] > 1) {
  20221.                         $ccolsp $cell['colspan'];
  20222.                     } else {
  20223.                         $ccolsp 1;
  20224.                     }
  20225.                     if (isset($cell['rowspan']) && $cell['rowspan'] > 1) {
  20226.                         $crowsp $cell['rowspan'];
  20227.                     } else {
  20228.                         $crowsp 1;
  20229.                     }
  20230.                     // but still need to do this for repeated headers...
  20231.                     if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $this->tabletheadjustfinished && !$this->simpleTables) {
  20232.                         if (isset($table['topntail']) && $table['topntail']) {
  20233.                             $bord_det['T'] = $this->border_details($table['topntail']);
  20234.                             $bord_det['T']['w'] /= $this->shrin_k;
  20235.                             $this->setBorder($bordBorder::TOP);
  20236.                         }
  20237.                         if (isset($table['thead-underline']) && $table['thead-underline']) {
  20238.                             $bord_det['T'] = $this->border_details($table['thead-underline']);
  20239.                             $bord_det['T']['w'] /= $this->shrin_k;
  20240.                             $this->setBorder($bordBorder::TOP);
  20241.                         }
  20242.                     }
  20243.                     // Get info of first row ==>> table header
  20244.                     // Use > 1 row if THEAD
  20245.                     if (isset($table['is_thead'][$i]) && $table['is_thead'][$i] && $level == 1) {
  20246.                         if ($j == 0) {
  20247.                             $tableheaderrowheight += $table['hr'][$i];
  20248.                         }
  20249.                         $tableheader[$i][0]['trbackground-images'] = (isset($table['trbackground-images'][$i]) ? $table['trbackground-images'][$i] : null);
  20250.                         $tableheader[$i][0]['trgradients'] = (isset($table['trgradients'][$i]) ? $table['trgradients'][$i] : null);
  20251.                         $tableheader[$i][0]['trbgcolor'] = (isset($table['bgcolor'][$i]) ? $table['bgcolor'][$i] : null);
  20252.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['x'] = $x;
  20253.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['y'] = $y;
  20254.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['h'] = $h;
  20255.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['w'] = $w;
  20256.                         if (isset($cell['textbuffer'])) {
  20257.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['textbuffer'] = $cell['textbuffer'];
  20258.                         } else {
  20259.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['textbuffer'] = '';
  20260.                         }
  20261.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['a'] = $cell['a'];
  20262.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['R'] = $cell['R'];
  20263.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['va'] = $cell['va'];
  20264.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['mih'] = $cell['mih'];
  20265.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['gradient'] = (isset($cell['gradient']) ? $cell['gradient'] : null); // *BACKGROUNDS*
  20266.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['background-image'] = (isset($cell['background-image']) ? $cell['background-image'] : null); // *BACKGROUNDS*
  20267.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['rowspan'] = (isset($cell['rowspan']) ? $cell['rowspan'] : null);
  20268.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['colspan'] = (isset($cell['colspan']) ? $cell['colspan'] : null);
  20269.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['bgcolor'] = $cell['bgcolor'];
  20270.                         if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  20271.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['border'] = $bord;
  20272.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['border_details'] = $bord_det;
  20273.                         } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  20274.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['border'] = $table['simple']['border'];
  20275.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['border_details'] = $table['simple']['border_details'];
  20276.                         }
  20277.                         $tableheader[$i][$j]['padding'] = $cell['padding'];
  20278.                         if (isset($cell['direction'])) {
  20279.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['direction'] = $cell['direction'];
  20280.                         }
  20281.                         if (isset($cell['cellLineHeight'])) {
  20282.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['cellLineHeight'] = $cell['cellLineHeight'];
  20283.                         }
  20284.                         if (isset($cell['cellLineStackingStrategy'])) {
  20285.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['cellLineStackingStrategy'] = $cell['cellLineStackingStrategy'];
  20286.                         }
  20287.                         if (isset($cell['cellLineStackingShift'])) {
  20288.                             $tableheader[$i][$j]['cellLineStackingShift'] = $cell['cellLineStackingShift'];
  20289.                         }
  20290.                     }
  20291.                     // CELL BORDER
  20292.                     if ($bord) {
  20293.                         if ($table['borders_separate'] && $paintcell) {
  20294.                             $this->_tableRect($x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2) + ($bord_det['L']['w'] / 2), $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2) + ($bord_det['T']['w'] / 2), $w $table['border_spacing_H'] - ($bord_det['L']['w'] / 2) - ($bord_det['R']['w'] / 2), $h $table['border_spacing_V'] - ($bord_det['T']['w'] / 2) - ($bord_det['B']['w'] / 2), $bord$bord_detfalse$table['borders_separate']);
  20295.                         } elseif (!$table['borders_separate']) {
  20296.                             $this->_tableRect($x$y$w$h$bord$bord_dettrue$table['borders_separate']);  // true causes buffer
  20297.                         }
  20298.                     }
  20299.                     // VERTICAL ALIGN
  20300.                     if ($cell['R'] && intval($cell['R']) > && intval($cell['R']) < 90 && isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va'] != 'B') {
  20301.                         $cell['va'] = 'B';
  20302.                     }
  20303.                     if (!isset($cell['va']) || $cell['va'] == 'M') {
  20304.                         $this->+= ($h $cell['mih']) / 2;
  20305.                     } elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va'] == 'B') {
  20306.                         $this->+= $h $cell['mih'];
  20307.                     }
  20308.                     // NESTED CONTENT
  20309.                     // TEXT (and nested tables)
  20310.                     $this->divwidth $w;
  20311.                     if (!empty($cell['textbuffer'])) {
  20312.                         $this->cellTextAlign $align;
  20313.                         $this->cellLineHeight $cell['cellLineHeight'];
  20314.                         $this->cellLineStackingStrategy $cell['cellLineStackingStrategy'];
  20315.                         $this->cellLineStackingShift $cell['cellLineStackingShift'];
  20316.                         if ($level == 1) {
  20317.                             if (isset($table['is_tfoot'][$i]) && $table['is_tfoot'][$i]) {
  20318.                                 if (preg_match('/{colsum([0-9]*)[_]*}/'$cell['textbuffer'][0][0], $m)) {
  20319.                                     $rep sprintf("%01." intval($m[1]) . "f"$this->colsums[$j]);
  20320.                                     $cell['textbuffer'][0][0] = preg_replace('/{colsum[0-9_]*}/'$rep$cell['textbuffer'][0][0]);
  20321.                                 }
  20322.                             } elseif (!isset($table['is_thead'][$i])) {
  20323.                                 if (isset($this->colsums[$j])) {
  20324.                                     $this->colsums[$j] += $this->toFloat($cell['textbuffer'][0][0]);
  20325.                                 } else {
  20326.                                     $this->colsums[$j] = $this->toFloat($cell['textbuffer'][0][0]);
  20327.                                 }
  20328.                             }
  20329.                         }
  20330.                         $opy $this->y;
  20331.                         // mPDF ITERATION
  20332.                         if ($this->iterationCounter) {
  20333.                             foreach ($cell['textbuffer'] as $k => $t) {
  20334.                                 if (preg_match('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/'$t[0], $m)) {
  20335.                                     $vname '__' $m[1] . '_';
  20336.                                     if (!isset($this->$vname)) {
  20337.                                         $this->$vname 1;
  20338.                                     } else {
  20339.                                         $this->$vname++;
  20340.                                     }
  20341.                                     $cell['textbuffer'][$k][0] = preg_replace('/{iteration ' $m[1] . '}/'$this->$vname$cell['textbuffer'][$k][0]);
  20342.                                 }
  20343.                             }
  20344.                         }
  20345.                         if ($cell['R']) {
  20346.                             $cellPtSize $cell['textbuffer'][0][11] / $this->shrin_k;
  20347.                             if (!$cellPtSize) {
  20348.                                 $cellPtSize $this->default_font_size;
  20349.                             }
  20350.                             $cellFontHeight = ($cellPtSize Mpdf::SCALE);
  20351.                             $opx $this->x;
  20352.                             $angle intval($cell['R']);
  20353.                             // Only allow 45 to 89 degrees (when bottom-aligned) or exactly 90 or -90
  20354.                             if ($angle 90) {
  20355.                                 $angle 90;
  20356.                             } elseif ($angle && $angle 45) {
  20357.                                 $angle 45;
  20358.                             } elseif ($angle 0) {
  20359.                                 $angle = -90;
  20360.                             }
  20361.                             $offset = ((sin(deg2rad($angle))) * 0.37 $cellFontHeight);
  20362.                             if (isset($cell['a']) && $cell['a'] == 'R') {
  20363.                                 $this->+= ($w) + ($offset) - ($cellFontHeight 3) - ($cell['padding']['R'] + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2));
  20364.                             } elseif (!isset($cell['a']) || $cell['a'] == 'C') {
  20365.                                 $this->+= ($w 2) + ($offset);
  20366.                             } else {
  20367.                                 $this->+= ($offset) + ($cellFontHeight 3) + ($cell['padding']['L'] + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2));
  20368.                             }
  20369.                             $str '';
  20370.                             foreach ($cell['textbuffer'] as $t) {
  20371.                                 $str .= $t[0] . ' ';
  20372.                             }
  20373.                             $str rtrim($str);
  20374.                             if (!isset($cell['va']) || $cell['va'] == 'M') {
  20375.                                 $this->-= ($h $cell['mih']) / 2// Undo what was added earlier VERTICAL ALIGN
  20376.                                 if ($angle 0) {
  20377.                                     $this->+= (($h $cell['mih']) / 2) + $cell['padding']['T'] + ($cell['mih'] - ($cell['padding']['T'] + $cell['padding']['B']));
  20378.                                 } elseif ($angle 0) {
  20379.                                     $this->+= (($h $cell['mih']) / 2) + ($cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2));
  20380.                                 }
  20381.                             } elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va'] == 'B') {
  20382.                                 $this->-= $h $cell['mih']; // Undo what was added earlier VERTICAL ALIGN
  20383.                                 if ($angle 0) {
  20384.                                     $this->+= $h - ($cell['padding']['B'] + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2));
  20385.                                 } elseif ($angle 0) {
  20386.                                     $this->+= $h $cell['mih'] + ($cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2));
  20387.                                 }
  20388.                             } elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va'] == 'T') {
  20389.                                 if ($angle 0) {
  20390.                                     $this->+= $cell['mih'] - ($cell['padding']['B'] + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2));
  20391.                                 } elseif ($angle 0) {
  20392.                                     $this->+= ($cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2));
  20393.                                 }
  20394.                             }
  20395.                             $this->Rotate($angle$this->x$this->y);
  20396.                             $s_fs $this->FontSizePt;
  20397.                             $s_f $this->FontFamily;
  20398.                             $s_st $this->FontStyle;
  20399.                             if (!empty($cell['textbuffer'][0][3])) { // Font Color
  20400.                                 $cor $cell['textbuffer'][0][3];
  20401.                                 $this->SetTColor($cor);
  20402.                             }
  20403.                             $this->SetFont($cell['textbuffer'][0][4], $cell['textbuffer'][0][2], $cellPtSizetruetrue);
  20404.                             $this->magic_reverse_dir($str$this->directionality$cell['textbuffer'][0][18]);
  20405.                             $this->Text($this->x$this->y$str$cell['textbuffer'][0][18], $cell['textbuffer'][0][8]); // textvar
  20406.                             $this->Rotate(0);
  20407.                             $this->SetFont($s_f$s_st$s_fstruetrue);
  20408.                             $this->SetTColor(0);
  20409.                             $this->$opx;
  20410.                         } else {
  20411.                             if (!$this->simpleTables) {
  20412.                                 if ($bord_det) {
  20413.                                     $btlw $bord_det['L']['w'];
  20414.                                     $btrw $bord_det['R']['w'];
  20415.                                     $bttw $bord_det['T']['w'];
  20416.                                 } else {
  20417.                                     $btlw 0;
  20418.                                     $btrw 0;
  20419.                                     $bttw 0;
  20420.                                 }
  20421.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20422.                                     $xadj $btlw $cell['padding']['L'] + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20423.                                     $wadj $btlw $btrw $cell['padding']['L'] + $cell['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20424.                                     $yadj $bttw $cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20425.                                 } else {
  20426.                                     $xadj $btlw $cell['padding']['L'];
  20427.                                     $wadj = ($btlw $btrw) / $cell['padding']['L'] + $cell['padding']['R'];
  20428.                                     $yadj $bttw $cell['padding']['T'];
  20429.                                 }
  20430.                             } elseif ($this->simpleTables) {
  20431.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) { // NB twice border width
  20432.                                     $xadj $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $cell['padding']['L'] + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20433.                                     $wadj $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] + $cell['padding']['L'] + $cell['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20434.                                     $yadj $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] + $cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20435.                                 } else {
  20436.                                     $xadj $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] / $cell['padding']['L'];
  20437.                                     $wadj = ($table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']) / $cell['padding']['L'] + $cell['padding']['R'];
  20438.                                     $yadj $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] / $cell['padding']['T'];
  20439.                                 }
  20440.                             }
  20441.                             $this->decimal_offset 0;
  20442.                             if (substr($cell['a'], 01) == 'D') {
  20443.                                 if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan'] > 1) {
  20444.                                     $this->cellTextAlign $c['a'] = substr($cell['a'], 21);
  20445.                                 } else {
  20446.                                     $smax $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'];
  20447.                                     $d_content $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'] + $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1'];
  20448.                                     $this->decimal_offset $smax;
  20449.                                     $extra = ($w $d_content $wadj);
  20450.                                     if ($extra 0) {
  20451.                                         if (substr($cell['a'], 21) == 'R') {
  20452.                                             $this->decimal_offset += $extra;
  20453.                                         } elseif (substr($cell['a'], 21) == 'C') {
  20454.                                             $this->decimal_offset += ($extra) / 2;
  20455.                                         }
  20456.                                     }
  20457.                                 }
  20458.                             }
  20459.                             $this->divwidth $w $wadj;
  20460.                             if ($this->divwidth == 0) {
  20461.                                 $this->divwidth 0.0001;
  20462.                             }
  20463.                             $this->+= $xadj;
  20464.                             $this->+= $yadj;
  20465.                             $this->printbuffer($cell['textbuffer'], ''truefalse$cell['direction']);
  20466.                         }
  20467.                         $this->$opy;
  20468.                     }
  20469.                     /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
  20470.                     if (!$this->ColActive) {
  20471.                         if (isset($table['trgradients'][$i]) && ($j == || $table['borders_separate'])) {
  20472.                             $g $this->gradient->parseBackgroundGradient($table['trgradients'][$i]);
  20473.                             if ($g) {
  20474.                                 $gx $x0;
  20475.                                 $gy $y;
  20476.                                 $gh $h;
  20477.                                 $gw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
  20478.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20479.                                     $gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
  20480.                                     $clx $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20481.                                     $cly $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20482.                                     $clw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20483.                                     $clh $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20484.                                     // Set clipping path
  20485.                                     $s $this->_setClippingPath($clx$cly$clw$clh); // mPDF 6
  20486.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 4][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => $s];
  20487.                                 } else {
  20488.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 4][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $gx'y' => $gy'w' => $gw'h' => $gh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  20489.                                 }
  20490.                             }
  20491.                         }
  20492.                         if (isset($table['trbackground-images'][$i]) && ($j == || $table['borders_separate'])) {
  20493.                             if (isset($table['trbackground-images'][$i]['gradient']) && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/'$table['trbackground-images'][$i]['gradient'])) {
  20494.                                 $g $this->gradient->parseMozGradient($table['trbackground-images'][$i]['gradient']);
  20495.                                 if ($g) {
  20496.                                     $gx $x0;
  20497.                                     $gy $y;
  20498.                                     $gh $h;
  20499.                                     $gw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
  20500.                                     if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20501.                                         $gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
  20502.                                         $clx $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20503.                                         $cly $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20504.                                         $clw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20505.                                         $clh $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20506.                                         // Set clipping path
  20507.                                         $s $this->_setClippingPath($clx$cly$clw$clh); // mPDF 6
  20508.                                         $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 4][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => $s];
  20509.                                     } else {
  20510.                                         $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 4][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $gx'y' => $gy'w' => $gw'h' => $gh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  20511.                                     }
  20512.                                 }
  20513.                             } else {
  20514.                                 $image_id $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['image_id'];
  20515.                                 $orig_w $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['orig_w'];
  20516.                                 $orig_h $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['orig_h'];
  20517.                                 $x_pos $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['x_pos'];
  20518.                                 $y_pos $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['y_pos'];
  20519.                                 $x_repeat $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['x_repeat'];
  20520.                                 $y_repeat $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['y_repeat'];
  20521.                                 $resize $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['resize'];
  20522.                                 $opacity $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['opacity'];
  20523.                                 $itype $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['itype'];
  20524.                                 $clippath '';
  20525.                                 $gx $x0;
  20526.                                 $gy $y;
  20527.                                 $gh $h;
  20528.                                 $gw $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] / 2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] / 2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
  20529.                                 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
  20530.                                     $gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
  20531.                                     $clx $x + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2);
  20532.                                     $cly $y + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
  20533.                                     $clw $w $table['border_spacing_H'];
  20534.                                     $clh $h $table['border_spacing_V'];
  20535.                                     // Set clipping path
  20536.                                     $s $this->_setClippingPath($clx$cly$clw$clh); // mPDF 6
  20537.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 5][] = ['x' => $gx + ($table['border_spacing_H'] / 2), 'y' => $gy + ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2), 'w' => $gw $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h' => $gh $table['border_spacing_H'], 'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => $s'resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
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  20539.                                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 5][] = ['x' => $gx'y' => $gy'w' => $gw'h' => $gh'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => '''resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
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  20544.                     /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  20545.                     // TABLE BORDER - if separate
  20546.                     if (($table['borders_separate'] || ($this->simpleTables && !$table['simple']['border'])) && $table['border']) {
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  20551.                         $tbx $x;
  20552.                         $tby $y;
  20553.                         $tbw $w;
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  20559.                             $tbh += $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w'] / 2);
  20560.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::TOP);
  20561.                             $corner .= 'T';
  20562.                         }
  20563.                         if ($i == ($numrows 1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i $cell['rowspan']) == $numrows)) { // Bottom
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  20565.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::BOTTOM);
  20566.                             $corner .= 'B';
  20567.                         }
  20568.                         if ($j == 0) {  // Left
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  20570.                             $tbw += $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w'] / 2);
  20571.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::LEFT);
  20572.                             $corner .= 'L';
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  20574.                         if ($j == ($numcols 1) || (isset($cell['colspan']) && ($j $cell['colspan']) == $numcols)) { // Right
  20575.                             $tbw += $halfspaceR + ($table['border_details']['R']['w'] / 2);
  20576.                             $this->setBorder($tab_bordBorder::RIGHT);
  20577.                             $corner .= 'R';
  20578.                         }
  20579.                         $this->_tableRect($tbx$tby$tbw$tbh$tab_bord$table['border_details'], false$table['borders_separate'], 'table'$corner$table['border_spacing_V'], $table['border_spacing_H']);
  20580.                     }
  20581.                     unset($cell);
  20582.                     // Reset values
  20583.                     $this->Reset();
  20584.                 }//end of (if isset(cells)...)
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  20588.             /* -- COLUMNS -- */
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  20590.                 if (!$this->table_keep_together && $i $numrows && $level == 1) {
  20591.                     $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $y $h;
  20592.                 } // mPDF 6
  20593.                 if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer)) {
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  20597.             /* -- END COLUMNS -- */
  20598.             if ($i == $numrows 1) {
  20599.                 $this->$y $h;
  20600.             } // last row jump (update this->y position)
  20601.             if ($this->table_rotate && $level == 1) {
  20602.                 $this->tbrot_h += $h;
  20603.             }
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  20605.         if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer)) {
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  20608.         if ($this->tableClipPath) {
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  20617.         }
  20618.         if ($table['borders_separate'] && $level == 1) {
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  20622.         }
  20623.         $bx $x0;
  20624.         $by $y0;
  20625.         if ($table['borders_separate']) {
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  20633.                 $by -= ($table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
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  20635.                 $by -= ($table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] / 2);
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  20642.         if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
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  20644.         }
  20645.         if ($split) {
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  20651.                 }
  20652.                 if ($table['colPg'][$t] > $splitpg) {
  20653.                     $finalSpread false;
  20654.                     break;
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  20660.                 $firstSpread false;
  20661.             }
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  20665.                     $bw += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'];
  20666.                 } else {
  20667.                     $bx += ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w']);
  20668.                 }
  20669.                 if ($finalSpread) {
  20670.                     $bw += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'];
  20671.                 }
  20672.             }
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  20675.         }
  20676.         if (!$this->ColActive) {
  20677.             if (isset($table['bgcolor'][-1])) {
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  20680.                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 9][] = ['gradient' => false'x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'col' => $color];
  20681.                 }
  20682.             }
  20683.             /* -- BACKGROUNDS -- */
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  20685.                 $g $this->gradient->parseBackgroundGradient($table['gradient']);
  20686.                 if ($g) {
  20687.                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 1][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
  20688.                 }
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  20690.             if (isset($table['background-image'])) {
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  20693.                     if ($g) {
  20694.                         $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 1][] = ['gradient' => true'x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'gradtype' => $g['type'], 'stops' => $g['stops'], 'colorspace' => $g['colorspace'], 'coords' => $g['coords'], 'extend' => $g['extend'], 'clippath' => ''];
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  20706.                     $itype $table['background-image']['itype'];
  20707.                     $this->tableBackgrounds[$level 2][] = ['x' => $bx'y' => $by'w' => $bw'h' => $bh'image_id' => $image_id'orig_w' => $orig_w'orig_h' => $orig_h'x_pos' => $x_pos'y_pos' => $y_pos'x_repeat' => $x_repeat'y_repeat' => $y_repeat'clippath' => '''resize' => $resize'opacity' => $opacity'itype' => $itype];
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  20709.             }
  20710.             /* -- END BACKGROUNDS -- */
  20711.         }
  20712.         if ($this->tableBackgrounds && $level == 1) {
  20713.             $s $this->PrintTableBackgrounds();
  20714.             if ($this->table_rotate && !$this->processingHeader && !$this->processingFooter) {
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  20716.                 if ($level == 1) {
  20717.                     $this->tablebuffer preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr ')/'" "$this->tablebuffer);
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  20721.                 if ($level == 1) {
  20722.                     $this->headerbuffer preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS' $this->uniqstr ')/'" "$this->headerbuffer);
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  20732.         // TABLE BOTTOM MARGIN
  20733.         if ($table['margin']['B']) {
  20734.             if (!$this->table_rotate && $level == 1) {
  20735.                 $this->DivLn($table['margin']['B'], $this->blklvltrue);  // collapsible
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  20737.                 $this->+= ($table['margin']['B']);
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  20739.         }
  20740.         if ($this->ColActive && $level == 1) {
  20741.             $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y;
  20742.         } // *COLUMNS*
  20743.         if ($split) {
  20744.             // Are there more columns to print on a next page?
  20745.             if ($lastCol $numcols 1) {
  20746.                 $splitpg++;
  20747.                 $startcol $lastCol 1;
  20748.                 return [false$startrow$startcol$splitpg$returny$y0];
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  20750.                 return [true000falsefalse];
  20751.             }
  20752.         }
  20753.     }
  20754.     // END OF FUNCTION _tableWrite()
  20755.     /////////////////////////END OF TABLE CODE//////////////////////////////////
  20756.     /* -- END TABLES -- */
  20757.     function _putextgstates()
  20758.     {
  20759.         for ($i 1$i <= count($this->extgstates); $i++) {
  20760.             $this->writer->object();
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  20766.             $this->writer->write('>>');
  20767.             $this->writer->write('endobj');
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  20770.     function SetProtection($permissions = [], $user_pass ''$owner_pass null$length 40)
  20771.     {
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  20774.     // =========================================
  20775.     // FROM class PDF_Bookmark
  20776.     function Bookmark($txt$level 0$y 0)
  20777.     {
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  20779.         if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
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  20782.         if ($y == -1) {
  20783.             if (!$this->ColActive) {
  20784.                 $y $this->y;
  20785.             } else {
  20786.                 $y $this->y0;
  20787.             } // If columns are on - mark top of columns
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  20789.         // else y is used as set, or =0 i.e. top of page
  20790.         // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
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  20793.             // do nothing
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  20795.             $this->tbrot_BMoutlines[] = $bmo;
  20796.         } elseif ($this->kwt) {
  20797.             $this->kwt_BMoutlines[] = $bmo;
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  20799.             $this->col_BMoutlines[] = $bmo;
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  20801.             $this->BMoutlines[] = $bmo;
  20802.         }
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  20804.     /**
  20805.      * Initiate, and Mark a place for the Table of Contents to be inserted
  20806.      */
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  20816.         $TOCuseLinking false,
  20817.         $toc_id 0,
  20818.         $tocoutdent ''
  20819.     ) {
  20820.         $this->tableOfContents->TOC(
  20821.             $tocfont,
  20822.             $tocfontsize,
  20823.             $tocindent,
  20824.             $resetpagenum,
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  20828.             $TOCusePaging,
  20829.             $TOCuseLinking,
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  20834.     function TOCpagebreakByArray($a)
  20835.     {
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  20841.         $TOCuseLinking = (isset($a['TOCuseLinking']) ? $a['TOCuseLinking'] : (isset($a['links']) ? $a['links'] : ''));
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  21084.                     $newarr[($p + ($target_page $start_page))] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p];
  21085.                 } elseif ($p >= $target_page && $p $start_page) {
  21086.                     $newarr[$p $n_toc] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p];
  21087.                 } else {
  21088.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p];
  21089.                 }
  21090.             }
  21091.             ksort($newarr);
  21092.             $this->saveHTMLFooter $newarr;
  21093.         }
  21094.         // Update Internal Links
  21095.         if (count($this->internallink)) {
  21096.             foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $o) {
  21097.                 if (is_array($o) && $o['PAGE'] >= $start_page && $o['PAGE'] <= $end_page) {
  21098.                     $this->internallink[$key]['PAGE'] += ($target_page $start_page);
  21099.                 } elseif (is_array($o) && $o['PAGE'] >= $target_page && $o['PAGE'] < $start_page) {
  21100.                     $this->internallink[$key]['PAGE'] += $n_toc;
  21101.                 }
  21102.             }
  21103.         }
  21104.         // Update Links
  21105.         if (count($this->links)) {
  21106.             foreach ($this->links as $key => $o) {
  21107.                 if ($o[0] >= $start_page && $o[0] <= $end_page) {
  21108.                     $this->links[$key][0] += ($target_page $start_page);
  21109.                 }
  21110.                 if ($o[0] >= $target_page && $o[0] < $start_page) {
  21111.                     $this->links[$key][0] += $n_toc;
  21112.                 }
  21113.             }
  21114.         }
  21115.         // Update Form fields
  21116.         if (count($this->form->forms)) {
  21117.             foreach ($this->form->forms as $key => $f) {
  21118.                 if ($f['page'] >= $start_page && $f['page'] <= $end_page) {
  21119.                     $this->form->forms[$key]['page'] += ($target_page $start_page);
  21120.                 }
  21121.                 if ($f['page'] >= $target_page && $f['page'] < $start_page) {
  21122.                     $this->form->forms[$key]['page'] += $n_toc;
  21123.                 }
  21124.             }
  21125.         }
  21126.         /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21127.         // Update Annotations
  21128.         if (count($this->PageAnnots)) {
  21129.             $newarr = [];
  21130.             foreach ($this->PageAnnots as $p => $anno) {
  21131.                 if ($p >= $start_page && $p <= $end_page) {
  21132.                     $np $p + ($target_page $start_page);
  21133.                     foreach ($anno as $o) {
  21134.                         $newarr[$np][] = $o;
  21135.                     }
  21136.                 } elseif ($p >= $target_page && $p $start_page) {
  21137.                     $np $p $n_toc;
  21138.                     foreach ($anno as $o) {
  21139.                         $newarr[$np][] = $o;
  21140.                     }
  21141.                 } else {
  21142.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->PageAnnots[$p];
  21143.                 }
  21144.             }
  21145.             $this->PageAnnots $newarr;
  21146.             unset($newarr);
  21147.         }
  21148.         /* -- END ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21149.         // Update TOC pages
  21150.         if (count($this->tableOfContents->_toc)) {
  21151.             foreach ($this->tableOfContents->_toc as $key => $t) {
  21152.                 if ($t['p'] >= $start_page && $t['p'] <= $end_page) {
  21153.                     $this->tableOfContents->_toc[$key]['p'] += ($target_page $start_page);
  21154.                 }
  21155.                 if ($t['p'] >= $target_page && $t['p'] < $start_page) {
  21156.                     $this->tableOfContents->_toc[$key]['p'] += $n_toc;
  21157.                 }
  21158.             }
  21159.         }
  21160.         // Update PageNumSubstitutions
  21161.         if (count($this->PageNumSubstitutions)) {
  21162.             $newarr = [];
  21163.             foreach ($this->PageNumSubstitutions as $k => $v) {
  21164.                 if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] >= $start_page && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] <= $end_page) {
  21165.                     $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] += ($target_page $start_page);
  21166.                     $newarr[$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']] = $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k];
  21167.                 } elseif ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] >= $target_page && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] < $start_page) {
  21168.                     $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] += $n_toc;
  21169.                     $newarr[$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']] = $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k];
  21170.                 } else {
  21171.                     $newarr[$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']] = $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k];
  21172.                 }
  21173.             }
  21174.             if (!$sp_present) {
  21175.                 $newarr[$target_page] = ['from' => $target_page'suppress' => $sp_suppress'reset' => $sp_reset'type' => $sp_type];
  21176.             }
  21177.             if (!$tp_present) {
  21178.                 $newarr[($target_page $n_toc)] = ['from' => ($target_page $n_toc), 'suppress' => $tp_suppress'reset' => $tp_reset'type' => $tp_type];
  21179.             }
  21180.             if (!$ep_present && $end_page count($this->pages)) {
  21181.                 $newarr[($end_page 1)] = ['from' => ($end_page 1), 'suppress' => $ep_suppress'reset' => $ep_reset'type' => $ep_type];
  21182.             }
  21183.             ksort($newarr);
  21184.             $this->PageNumSubstitutions = [];
  21185.             foreach ($newarr as $v) {
  21186.                 $this->PageNumSubstitutions[] = $v;
  21187.             }
  21188.         }
  21189.     }
  21190.     function DeletePages($start_page$end_page = -1)
  21191.     {
  21192.         // move a page/pages EARLIER in the document
  21193.         if ($end_page 1) {
  21194.             $end_page $start_page;
  21195.         }
  21196.         $n_tod $end_page $start_page 1;
  21197.         $last_page count($this->pages);
  21198.         $n_atend $last_page $end_page 1;
  21199.         // move pages
  21200.         for ($i 0$i $n_atend$i++) {
  21201.             $this->pages[$start_page $i] = $this->pages[$end_page $i];
  21202.         }
  21203.         // delete pages
  21204.         for ($i 0$i $n_tod$i++) {
  21205.             unset($this->pages[$last_page $i]);
  21206.         }
  21207.         /* -- BOOKMARKS -- */
  21208.         // Update Bookmarks
  21209.         foreach ($this->BMoutlines as $i => $o) {
  21210.             if ($o['p'] >= $end_page) {
  21211.                 $this->BMoutlines[$i]['p'] -= $n_tod;
  21212.             } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21213.                 unset($this->BMoutlines[$i]);
  21214.             }
  21215.         }
  21216.         /* -- END BOOKMARKS -- */
  21217.         // Update Page Links
  21218.         if (count($this->PageLinks)) {
  21219.             $newarr = [];
  21220.             foreach ($this->PageLinks as $i => $o) {
  21221.                 foreach ($this->PageLinks[$i] as $key => $pl) {
  21222.                     if (strpos($pl[4], '@') === 0) {
  21223.                         $p substr($pl[4], 1);
  21224.                         if ($p $end_page) {
  21225.                             $this->PageLinks[$i][$key][4] = '@' . ($p $n_tod);
  21226.                         } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21227.                             unset($this->PageLinks[$i][$key]);
  21228.                         }
  21229.                     }
  21230.                 }
  21231.                 if ($i $end_page) {
  21232.                     $newarr[($i $n_tod)] = $this->PageLinks[$i];
  21233.                 } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21234.                     $newarr[$i] = $this->PageLinks[$i];
  21235.                 }
  21236.             }
  21237.             $this->PageLinks $newarr;
  21238.         }
  21239.         // OrientationChanges
  21240.         if (count($this->OrientationChanges)) {
  21241.             $newarr = [];
  21242.             foreach ($this->OrientationChanges as $p => $v) {
  21243.                 if ($p $end_page) {
  21244.                     $newarr[($p $t_tod)] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p];
  21245.                 } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21246.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p];
  21247.                 }
  21248.             }
  21249.             ksort($newarr);
  21250.             $this->OrientationChanges $newarr;
  21251.         }
  21252.         // Page Dimensions
  21253.         if (count($this->pageDim)) {
  21254.             $newarr = [];
  21255.             foreach ($this->pageDim as $p => $v) {
  21256.                 if ($p $end_page) {
  21257.                     $newarr[($p $n_tod)] = $this->pageDim[$p];
  21258.                 } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21259.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->pageDim[$p];
  21260.                 }
  21261.             }
  21262.             ksort($newarr);
  21263.             $this->pageDim $newarr;
  21264.         }
  21265.         // HTML Headers & Footers
  21266.         if (count($this->saveHTMLHeader)) {
  21267.             foreach ($this->saveHTMLHeader as $p => $v) {
  21268.                 if ($p $end_page) {
  21269.                     $newarr[($p $n_tod)] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p];
  21270.                 } // mPDF 5.7.3
  21271.                 elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21272.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p];
  21273.                 }
  21274.             }
  21275.             ksort($newarr);
  21276.             $this->saveHTMLHeader $newarr;
  21277.         }
  21278.         if (count($this->saveHTMLFooter)) {
  21279.             $newarr = [];
  21280.             foreach ($this->saveHTMLFooter as $p => $v) {
  21281.                 if ($p $end_page) {
  21282.                     $newarr[($p $n_tod)] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p];
  21283.                 } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21284.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p];
  21285.                 }
  21286.             }
  21287.             ksort($newarr);
  21288.             $this->saveHTMLFooter $newarr;
  21289.         }
  21290.         // Update Internal Links
  21291.         foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $o) {
  21292.             if ($o['PAGE'] > $end_page) {
  21293.                 $this->internallink[$key]['PAGE'] -= $n_tod;
  21294.             } elseif ($o['PAGE'] < $start_page) {
  21295.                 unset($this->internallink[$key]);
  21296.             }
  21297.         }
  21298.         // Update Links
  21299.         foreach ($this->links as $key => $o) {
  21300.             if ($o[0] > $end_page) {
  21301.                 $this->links[$key][0] -= $n_tod;
  21302.             } elseif ($o[0] < $start_page) {
  21303.                 unset($this->links[$key]);
  21304.             }
  21305.         }
  21306.         // Update Form fields
  21307.         foreach ($this->form->forms as $key => $f) {
  21308.             if ($f['page'] > $end_page) {
  21309.                 $this->form->forms[$key]['page'] -= $n_tod;
  21310.             } elseif ($f['page'] < $start_page) {
  21311.                 unset($this->form->forms[$key]);
  21312.             }
  21313.         }
  21314.         /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21315.         // Update Annotations
  21316.         if (count($this->PageAnnots)) {
  21317.             $newarr = [];
  21318.             foreach ($this->PageAnnots as $p => $anno) {
  21319.                 if ($p $end_page) {
  21320.                     foreach ($anno as $o) {
  21321.                         $newarr[($p $n_tod)][] = $o;
  21322.                     }
  21323.                 } elseif ($p $start_page) {
  21324.                     $newarr[$p] = $this->PageAnnots[$p];
  21325.                 }
  21326.             }
  21327.             ksort($newarr);
  21328.             $this->PageAnnots $newarr;
  21329.         }
  21330.         /* -- END ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21331.         // Update PageNumSubstitutions
  21332.         foreach ($this->PageNumSubstitutions as $k => $v) {
  21333.             if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] > $end_page) {
  21334.                 $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] -= $n_tod;
  21335.             } elseif ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] < $start_page) {
  21336.                 unset($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]);
  21337.             }
  21338.         }
  21339.         unset($newarr);
  21340.         $this->page count($this->pages);
  21341.     }
  21342.     // ======================================================
  21343.         /* -- INDEX -- */
  21344.     // FROM class PDF_Ref == INDEX
  21345.     function IndexEntry($txt$xref '')
  21346.     {
  21347.         if ($xref) {
  21348.             $this->IndexEntrySee($txt$xref);
  21349.             return;
  21350.         }
  21351.         // Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
  21352.         $Present false;
  21353.         if ($this->keep_block_together) {
  21354.             // do nothing
  21355.         /* -- TABLES -- */ elseif ($this->kwt) {
  21356.             $size count($this->kwt_Reference);
  21357.             for ($i 0$i $size$i++) {
  21358.                 if (isset($this->kwt_Reference[$i]['t']) && $this->kwt_Reference[$i]['t'] == $txt) {
  21359.                     $Present true;
  21360.                     if ($this->page != $this->kwt_Reference[$i]['op']) {
  21361.                         $this->kwt_Reference[$i]['op'] = $this->page;
  21362.                     }
  21363.                 }
  21364.             }
  21365.             if (!$Present) { // If not found, add it
  21366.                 $this->kwt_Reference[] = ['t' => $txt'op' => $this->page];
  21367.             }
  21368.         } /* -- END TABLES -- */ else {
  21369.             $size count($this->Reference);
  21370.             for ($i 0$i $size$i++) {
  21371.                 if (isset($this->Reference[$i]['t']) && $this->Reference[$i]['t'] == $txt) {
  21372.                     $Present true;
  21373.                     if (!in_array($this->page$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
  21374.                         $this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $this->page;
  21375.                     }
  21376.                 }
  21377.             }
  21378.             if (!$Present) { // If not found, add it
  21379.                 $this->Reference[] = ['t' => $txt'p' => [$this->page]];
  21380.             }
  21381.         }
  21382.     }
  21383.     // Added function to add a reference "Elephants. See Chickens"
  21384.     function IndexEntrySee($txta$txtb)
  21385.     {
  21386.         if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { // *OTL*
  21387.             // ONLY DO THIS IF NOT IN TAGS
  21388.             if ($txta == strip_tags($txta)) {
  21389.                 $txta str_replace(':'' - '$txta); // *OTL*
  21390.             }
  21391.             if ($txtb == strip_tags($txtb)) {
  21392.                 $txtb str_replace(':'' - '$txtb); // *OTL*
  21393.             }
  21394.         } // *OTL*
  21395.         else { // *OTL*
  21396.             if ($txta == strip_tags($txta)) {
  21397.                 $txta str_replace(':'', '$txta);
  21398.             }
  21399.             if ($txtb == strip_tags($txtb)) {
  21400.                 $txtb str_replace(':'', '$txtb);
  21401.             }
  21402.         } // *OTL*
  21403.         $this->Reference[] = ['t' => $txta ' - see ' $txtb'p' => []];
  21404.     }
  21405.     private function filesInDir($directory)
  21406.     {
  21407.         $files = [];
  21408.         foreach ((new \DirectoryIterator($directory)) as $v) {
  21409.             if ($v->isDir() || $v->isDot()) {
  21410.                 continue;
  21411.             }
  21412.             $files[] = $v->getPathname();
  21413.         }
  21414.         return $files;
  21415.     }
  21416.     function InsertIndex($usedivletters 1$useLinking false$indexCollationLocale ''$indexCollationGroup '')
  21417.     {
  21418.         $size count($this->Reference);
  21419.         if ($size == 0) {
  21420.             return false;
  21421.         }
  21422.         // $spacer used after named entry
  21423.         // $sep  separates number [groups], $joiner joins numbers in range
  21424.         //  e.g. "elephant 73, 97-99"  =  elephant[$spacer]73[$sep]97[$joiner]99
  21425.         // $subEntrySeparator separates main and subentry (if $this->indexUseSubentries == false;) e.g.
  21426.         // Mammal:elephant => Mammal[$subEntrySeparator]elephant
  21427.         // $subEntryInset specifies what precedes a subentry (if $this->indexUseSubentries == true;) e.g.
  21428.         // Mammal:elephant => [$subEntryInset]elephant
  21429.         $spacer "\xc2\xa0 ";
  21430.         if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
  21431.             $sep '&#x060c; ';
  21432.             $joiner '-';
  21433.             $subEntrySeparator '&#x060c; ';
  21434.             $subEntryInset ' - ';
  21435.         } else {
  21436.             $sep ', ';
  21437.             $joiner '-';
  21438.             $subEntrySeparator ', ';
  21439.             $subEntryInset ' - ';
  21440.         }
  21441.         for ($i 0$i $size$i++) {
  21442.             $txt $this->Reference[$i]['t'];
  21443.             $txt strip_tags($txt); // mPDF 6
  21444.             $txt $this->purify_utf8($txt);
  21445.             $this->Reference[$i]['uf'] = $txt// Unformatted e.g. pure utf-8 encoded characters, no mark-up/tags
  21446.             // Used for ordering and collation
  21447.         }
  21448.         if ($usedivletters) {
  21449.             if ($indexCollationGroup && \in_array(strtolower($indexCollationGroup), array_map(function ($v) {
  21450.                     return strtolower(basename($v'.php'));
  21451.             }, $this->filesInDir(__DIR__ '/../data/collations/')))) {
  21452.                 $collation = require __DIR__ '/../data/collations/' $indexCollationGroup '.php';
  21453.             } else {
  21454.                 $collation = [];
  21455.             }
  21456.             for ($i 0$i $size$i++) {
  21457.                 if ($this->Reference[$i]['uf']) {
  21458.                     $l mb_substr($this->Reference[$i]['uf'], 01'UTF-8');
  21459.                     if (isset($indexCollationGroup) && $indexCollationGroup) {
  21460.                         $uni $this->UTF8StringToArray($l);
  21461.                         $ucode $uni[0];
  21462.                         if (isset($collation[$ucode])) {
  21463.                             $this->Reference[$i]['d'] = UtfString::code2utf($collation[$ucode]);
  21464.                         } else {
  21465.                             $this->Reference[$i]['d'] = mb_strtolower($l'UTF-8');
  21466.                         }
  21467.                     } else {
  21468.                         $this->Reference[$i]['d'] = mb_strtolower($l'UTF-8');
  21469.                     }
  21470.                 }
  21471.             }
  21472.         }
  21473.         // Alphabetic sort of the references
  21474.         $originalLocale setlocale(LC_COLLATE0);
  21475.         if ($indexCollationLocale) {
  21476.             setlocale(LC_COLLATE$indexCollationLocale);
  21477.         }
  21478.         usort($this->Reference, function ($a$b) {
  21479.             return strcoll(strtolower($a['uf']), strtolower($b['uf']));
  21480.         });
  21481.         if ($indexCollationLocale) {
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  21483.         }
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  21485.         $lett '';
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  21489.             if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']) {
  21490.                 if ($usedivletters) {
  21491.                     $lett $this->Reference[$i]['d'];
  21492.                     if ($lett != $last_lett) {
  21493.                         $html .= '<div class="mpdf_index_letter">' $lett '</div>';
  21494.                     }
  21495.                 }
  21496.                 $txt $this->Reference[$i]['t'];
  21497.                 // Sub-entries e.g. Mammals:elephant
  21498.                 // But allow for tags e.g. <b>Mammal</b>:elephants
  21499.                 $a preg_split('/(<.*?>)/'$txt, -1PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
  21500.                 $txt '';
  21501.                 $marker false;
  21502.                 foreach ($a as $k => $e) {
  21503.                     if ($k == && !$marker) {
  21504.                         if (strpos($e':') !== false) { // == SubEntry
  21505.                             if ($this->indexUseSubentries) {
  21506.                                 // If the Main entry does not have any page numbers associated with it
  21507.                                 // create and insert an entry
  21508.                                 list($txtmain$sub) = preg_split('/[:]/'$e2);
  21509.                                 if (strip_tags($txt $txtmain) != $mainentry) {
  21510.                                     $html .= '<div class="mpdf_index_entry">' $txt $txtmain '</div>';
  21511.                                     $mainentry strip_tags($txt $txtmain);
  21512.                                 }
  21513.                                 $txt $subEntryInset;
  21514.                                 $e $sub// Only replace first one
  21515.                             } else {
  21516.                                 $e preg_replace('/[:]/'$subEntrySeparator$e1); // Only replace first one
  21517.                             }
  21518.                             $marker true// Don't replace any more once the subentry marker has been found
  21519.                         }
  21520.                     }
  21521.                     $txt .= $e;
  21522.                 }
  21523.                 if (!$marker) {
  21524.                     $mainentry strip_tags($txt);
  21525.                 }
  21526.                 $html .= '<div class="mpdf_index_entry">';
  21527.                 $html .= $txt;
  21528.                 $ppp $this->Reference[$i]['p']; // = array of page numbers to point to
  21529.                 if (count($ppp)) {
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  21531.                     $newarr = [];
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  21533.                     $range_end 0;
  21534.                     $html .= $spacer;
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  21537.                             $range_end $ppp[$zi];
  21538.                         } else {
  21539.                             if ($range_end) {
  21540.                                 if ($range_end == $range_start 1) {
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  21543.                                     }
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  21566.                                 $html .= $sep;
  21567.                             }
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  21569.                             $range_end 0;
  21570.                         }
  21571.                     }
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  21580.                             }
  21581.                             $html .= $sep;
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  21584.                             }
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  21599.                         }
  21600.                         $html .= $this->docPageNum($ppp[(count($ppp) - 1)]);
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  21602.                             $html .= '</a>';
  21603.                         }
  21604.                     }
  21605.                 }
  21606.             }
  21607.             $html .= '</div>';
  21608.             $last_lett $lett;
  21609.         }
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  21616.     /* -- END INDEX -- */
  21617.     function AcceptPageBreak()
  21618.     {
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  21622.         /* -- COLUMNS -- */
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  21625.                 // Go to the next column
  21626.                 $this->CurrCol++;
  21627.                 $this->SetCol($this->CurrCol);
  21628.                 $this->$this->y0;
  21629.                 $this->ChangeColumn 1// Number (and direction) of columns changed +1, +2, -2 etc.
  21630.                 // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
  21631.                 if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
  21632.                     $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn);
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  21634.                 // Stay on the page
  21635.                 return false;
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  21637.                 // Go back to the first column - NEW PAGE
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  21642.                 $this->y0 $this->tMargin;
  21643.                 $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->NbCol 1);
  21644.                 // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
  21645.                 if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
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  21648.                 // Page break
  21649.                 return true;
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  21655.             }
  21656.             return true;
  21657.         } /* -- END TABLES -- */ else { // *COLUMNS*
  21658.             $this->ChangeColumn 0;
  21659.             return $this->autoPageBreak;
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  21661.         return $this->autoPageBreak;
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  21663.     // ----------- COLUMNS ---------------------
  21664.     /* -- COLUMNS -- */
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  21666.     {
  21667.         // NbCol = number of columns
  21668.         // Anything less than 2 turns columns off
  21669.         if ($NbCol 2) { // SET COLUMNS OFF
  21670.             if ($this->ColActive) {
  21671.                 $this->ColActive 0;
  21672.                 if (count($this->columnbuffer)) {
  21673.                     $this->printcolumnbuffer();
  21674.                 }
  21675.                 $this->NbCol 1;
  21676.                 $this->ResetMargins();
  21677.                 $this->pgwidth $this->$this->lMargin $this->rMargin;
  21678.                 $this->divwidth 0;
  21679.                 $this->Ln();
  21680.             }
  21681.             $this->ColActive 0;
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  21683.             $this->ColDetails = [];
  21684.             $this->columnLinks = [];
  21685.             $this->columnAnnots = [];
  21686.             $this->columnForms = [];
  21687.             $this->col_BMoutlines = [];
  21688.             $this->col_toc = [];
  21689.             $this->breakpoints = [];
  21690.         } else { // SET COLUMNS ON
  21691.             if ($this->ColActive) {
  21692.                 $this->ColActive 0;
  21693.                 if (count($this->columnbuffer)) {
  21694.                     $this->printcolumnbuffer();
  21695.                 }
  21696.                 $this->ResetMargins();
  21697.             }
  21698.             if (isset($this->y) && $this->$this->tMargin) {
  21699.                 $this->Ln();
  21700.             }
  21701.             $this->NbCol $NbCol;
  21702.             $this->ColGap $gap;
  21703.             $this->divwidth 0;
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  21710.             $this->columnForms = [];
  21711.             $this->col_BMoutlines = [];
  21712.             $this->col_toc = [];
  21713.             $this->breakpoints = [];
  21714.             if ((strtoupper($vAlign) == 'J') || (strtoupper($vAlign) == 'JUSTIFY')) {
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  21717.                 $vAlign '';
  21718.             }
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  21720.             // Save the ordinate
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  21726.             /* -- OTL -- */
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  21728.                 for ($i 0$i $this->NbCol$i++) {
  21729.                     $this->ColL[$i] = $absL + ($gap 2) + (($NbCol - ($i 1)) * ($PageWidth $NbCol));
  21730.                     $this->ColR[$i] = $this->ColL[$i] + $ColWidth// NB This is not R margin -> R pos
  21731.                 }
  21732.             } else {
  21733.                 /* -- END OTL -- */
  21734.                 for ($i 0$i $this->NbCol$i++) {
  21735.                     $this->ColL[$i] = $absL + ($gap 2) + ($i * ($PageWidth $NbCol) );
  21736.                     $this->ColR[$i] = $this->ColL[$i] + $ColWidth// NB This is not R margin -> R pos
  21737.                 }
  21738.             } // *OTL*
  21739.             $this->pgwidth $ColWidth;
  21740.             $this->SetCol(0);
  21741.             $this->y0 $this->y;
  21742.         }
  21743.         $this->$this->lMargin;
  21744.     }
  21745.     function SetCol($CurrCol)
  21746.     {
  21747.         // Used internally to set column by number: 0 is 1st column
  21748.         // Set position on a column
  21749.         $this->CurrCol $CurrCol;
  21750.         $x $this->ColL[$CurrCol];
  21751.         $xR $this->ColR[$CurrCol]; // NB This is not R margin -> R pos
  21752.         if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page) % == 0)) { // EVEN
  21753.             $x += $this->MarginCorrection;
  21754.             $xR += $this->MarginCorrection;
  21755.         }
  21756.         $this->SetMargins($x, ($this->$xR), $this->tMargin);
  21757.     }
  21758.     function AddColumn()
  21759.     {
  21760.         $this->NewColumn();
  21761.         $this->ColumnAdjust false// disables all column height adjustment for the page.
  21762.     }
  21763.     function NewColumn()
  21764.     {
  21765.         if ($this->ColActive == 1) {
  21766.             if ($this->CurrCol $this->NbCol 1) {
  21767.                 // Go to the next column
  21768.                 $this->CurrCol++;
  21769.                 $this->SetCol($this->CurrCol);
  21770.                 $this->$this->y0;
  21771.                 $this->ChangeColumn 1;
  21772.                 // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
  21773.                 if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
  21774.                     $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn);
  21775.                 } // *OTL*
  21776.                 // Stay on the page
  21777.             } else {
  21778.                 // Go back to the first column
  21779.                 // Page break
  21780.                 if (count($this->columnbuffer)) {
  21781.                     $this->printcolumnbuffer();
  21782.                 }
  21783.                 $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  21784.                 $this->SetCol(0);
  21785.                 $this->y0 $this->tMargin;
  21786.                 $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->NbCol 1);
  21787.                 // DIRECTIONALITY RTL
  21788.                 if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
  21789.                     $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn);
  21790.                 } // *OTL*
  21791.             }
  21792.             $this->$this->lMargin;
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  21794.             $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
  21795.         }
  21796.     }
  21797.     function printcolumnbuffer()
  21798.     {
  21799.         // Columns ended (but page not ended) -> try to match all columns - unless disabled by using a custom column-break
  21800.         if (!$this->ColActive && $this->ColumnAdjust && !$this->keepColumns) {
  21801.             // Calculate adjustment to add to each column to calculate rel_y value
  21802.             $this->ColDetails[0]['add_y'] = 0;
  21803.             $last_col 0;
  21804.             // Recursively add previous column's height
  21805.             for ($i 1$i $this->NbCol$i++) {
  21806.                 if (isset($this->ColDetails[$i]['bottom_margin']) && $this->ColDetails[$i]['bottom_margin']) { // If any entries in the column
  21807.                     $this->ColDetails[$i]['add_y'] = ($this->ColDetails[$i 1]['bottom_margin'] - $this->y0) + $this->ColDetails[$i 1]['add_y'];
  21808.                     $last_col $i;  // Last column actually printed
  21809.                 }
  21810.             }
  21811.             // Calculate value for each position sensitive entry as though for one column
  21812.             foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $key => $s) {
  21813.                 $t $s['s'];
  21814.                 if ($t == 'ACROFORM') {
  21815.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21816.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['s'] = '';
  21817.                 } elseif (preg_match('/BT \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/'$t)) {
  21818.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21819.                 } elseif (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ [\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+ re/'$t)) {
  21820.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21821.                 } elseif (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/'$t)) {
  21822.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21823.                 } elseif (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/'$t)) {
  21824.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21825.                 } elseif (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/'$t)) {
  21826.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21827.                 } elseif (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/'$t)) {
  21828.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21829.                 }
  21830.             }
  21831.             foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
  21832.                 if (is_array($f) && isset($f['col'])) {
  21833.                     $this->internallink[$key]['rel_y'] = $f['Y'] + $this->ColDetails[$f['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21834.                 }
  21835.             }
  21836.             $breaks = [];
  21837.             foreach ($this->breakpoints as $c => $bpa) {
  21838.                 foreach ($bpa as $rely) {
  21839.                     $breaks[] = $rely $this->ColDetails[$c]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
  21840.                 }
  21841.             }
  21842.             if (isset($this->ColDetails[$last_col]['bottom_margin'])) {
  21843.                 $lcbm $this->ColDetails[$last_col]['bottom_margin'];
  21844.             } else {
  21845.                 $lcbm 0;
  21846.             }
  21847.             $sum_h $this->ColDetails[$last_col]['add_y'] + $lcbm $this->y0;
  21848.             // $sum_h = max($this->ColDetails[$last_col]['add_y'] + $this->ColDetails[$last_col]['bottom_margin'] - $this->y0, end($breaks));
  21849.             $target_h = ($sum_h $this->NbCol);
  21850.             $cbr = [];
  21851.             for ($i 1$i $this->NbCol$i++) {
  21852.                 $th = ($sum_h $i $this->NbCol);
  21853.                 foreach ($breaks as $bk => $val) {
  21854.                     if ($val $th) {
  21855.                         if (!$bk || ($val $th) < ($th $breaks[$bk 1])) {
  21856.                             $cbr[$i 1] = $val;
  21857.                         } else {
  21858.                             $cbr[$i 1] = $breaks[$bk 1];
  21859.                         }
  21860.                         break;
  21861.                     }
  21862.                 }
  21863.             }
  21864.             $cbr[($this->NbCol 1)] = $sum_h;
  21865.             // mPDF 6
  21866.             // Avoid outputing with 1st column empty
  21867.             if (isset($cbr[0]) && $cbr[0] == 0) {
  21868.                 for ($i 0$i $this->NbCol 1$i++) {
  21869.                     $cbr[$i] = $cbr[$i 1];
  21870.                 }
  21871.             }
  21872.             // Now update the columns - divide into columns of approximately equal value
  21873.             $last_new_col 0;
  21874.             $yadj 0// mm
  21875.             $xadj 0;
  21876.             $last_col_bottom 0;
  21877.             $lowest_bottom_y 0;
  21878.             $block_bottom 0;
  21879.             $newcolumn 0;
  21880.             foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $key => $s) {
  21881.                 if (isset($s['rel_y'])) { // only process position sensitive data
  21882.                     if ($s['rel_y'] >= $cbr[$newcolumn]) {
  21883.                         $newcolumn++;
  21884.                     } else {
  21885.                         $newcolumn $last_new_col;
  21886.                     }
  21887.                     $block_bottom max($block_bottom, ($s['rel_y'] + $s['h']));
  21888.                     if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { // *OTL*
  21889.                         $xadj = -(($newcolumn $s['col']) * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap)); // *OTL*
  21890.                     // *OTL*
  21891.                     else { // *OTL*
  21892.                         $xadj = ($newcolumn $s['col']) * ($this->ColWidth $this->ColGap);
  21893.                     } // *OTL*
  21894.                     if ($last_new_col != $newcolumn) { // Added new column
  21895.                         $last_col_bottom $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'];
  21896.                         $block_bottom 0;
  21897.                     }
  21898.                     $yadj = ($s['rel_y'] - $s['y']) - ($last_col_bottom) + $this->y0;
  21899.                     // callback function
  21900.                     $t $s['s'];
  21901.                     // mPDF 5.7+
  21902.                     $t $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('Td'$xadj$yadj'/BT (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/'$t);
  21903.                     $t $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('re'$xadj$yadj'/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) ([\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+) re/'$t);
  21904.                     $t $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('l'$xadj$yadj'/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) l/'$t);
  21905.                     $t $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('img'$xadj$yadj'/q (\d+\.\d\d+) 0 0 (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)/'$t);
  21906.                     $t $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('draw'$xadj$yadj'/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) m/'$t);
  21907.                     $t $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('bezier'$xadj$yadj'/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) c/'$t);
  21908.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['s'] = $t;
  21909.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['newcol'] = $newcolumn;
  21910.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['newy'] = $s['y'] + $yadj;
  21911.                     $last_new_col $newcolumn;
  21912.                     $clb $s['y'] + $yadj $s['h']; // bottom_margin of current
  21913.                     if ((isset($this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom']) && $clb $this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom']) || (!isset($this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom']) && $clb)) {
  21914.                         $this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom'] = $clb;
  21915.                     }
  21916.                     if ($clb $lowest_bottom_y) {
  21917.                         $lowest_bottom_y $clb;
  21918.                     }
  21919.                     // Adjust LINKS
  21920.                     if (isset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
  21921.                         $ref $this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  21922.                         $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][0] += ($xadj Mpdf::SCALE);
  21923.                         $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][1] -= ($yadj Mpdf::SCALE);
  21924.                         unset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
  21925.                     }
  21926.                     // Adjust FORM FIELDS
  21927.                     if (isset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
  21928.                         $ref $this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  21929.                         $this->form->forms[$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
  21930.                         $this->form->forms[$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
  21931.                         unset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
  21932.                     }
  21933.                     /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21934.                     if (isset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
  21935.                         $ref $this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  21936.                         if ($this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['x'] < 0) {
  21937.                             $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['x'] -= ($xadj);
  21938.                         } else {
  21939.                             $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
  21940.                         }
  21941.                         $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['y'] += ($yadj); // unlike PageLinks, Page annots has y values from top in mm
  21942.                         unset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
  21943.                     }
  21944.                     /* -- END ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21945.                 }
  21946.             }
  21947.             /* -- BOOKMARKS -- */
  21948.             // Adjust Bookmarks
  21949.             foreach ($this->col_BMoutlines as $v) {
  21950.                 $this->BMoutlines[] = ['t' => $v['t'], 'l' => $v['l'], 'y' => $this->y0'p' => $v['p']];
  21951.             }
  21952.             /* -- END BOOKMARKS -- */
  21953.             /* -- TOC -- */
  21954.             // Adjust ToC
  21955.             foreach ($this->col_toc as $v) {
  21956.                 $this->tableOfContents->_toc[] = ['t' => $v['t'], 'l' => $v['l'], 'p' => $v['p'], 'link' => $v['link'], 'toc_id' => $v['toc_id']];
  21957.                 $this->links[$v['link']][1] = $this->y0;
  21958.             }
  21959.             /* -- END TOC -- */
  21960.             // Adjust column length to be equal
  21961.             if ($this->colvAlign == 'J') {
  21962.                 foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $key => $s) {
  21963.                     if (isset($s['rel_y'])) { // only process position sensitive data
  21964.                         // Set ratio to expand y values or heights
  21965.                         if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] != $this->y0) {
  21966.                             $ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
  21967.                         } else {
  21968.                             $ratio 1;
  21969.                         }
  21970.                         if (($ratio 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
  21971.                             $yadj = ($s['newy'] - $this->y0) * ($ratio 1);
  21972.                             // Adjust LINKS
  21973.                             if (isset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
  21974.                                 $ref $this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  21975.                                 $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][1] -= ($yadj Mpdf::SCALE); // y value
  21976.                                 $this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][3] *= $ratio// height
  21977.                                 unset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
  21978.                             }
  21979.                             // Adjust FORM FIELDS
  21980.                             if (isset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
  21981.                                 $ref $this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  21982.                                 $this->form->forms[$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
  21983.                                 $this->form->forms[$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
  21984.                                 unset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
  21985.                             }
  21986.                             /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21987.                             if (isset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
  21988.                                 $ref $this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  21989.                                 $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
  21990.                                 unset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
  21991.                             }
  21992.                             /* -- END ANNOTATIONS -- */
  21993.                         }
  21994.                     }
  21995.                 }
  21996.                 foreach ($this->internallink as $key => $f) {
  21997.                     if (is_array($f) && isset($f['col'])) {
  21998.                         $last_col_bottom 0;
  21999.                         for ($nbc 0$nbc $this->NbCol$nbc++) {
  22000.                             if ($f['rel_y'] >= $cbr[$nbc]) {
  22001.                                 $last_col_bottom $cbr[$nbc];
  22002.                             }
  22003.                         }
  22004.                         $yadj = ($f['rel_y'] - $f['Y']) - $last_col_bottom $this->y0;
  22005.                         $f['Y'] += $yadj;
  22006.                         unset($f['col']);
  22007.                         unset($f['rel_y']);
  22008.                         $this->internallink[$key] = $f;
  22009.                     }
  22010.                 }
  22011.                 $last_col = -1;
  22012.                 $trans_on false;
  22013.                 foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $key => $s) {
  22014.                     if (isset($s['rel_y'])) { // only process position sensitive data
  22015.                         // Set ratio to expand y values or heights
  22016.                         if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] != $this->y0) {
  22017.                             $ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
  22018.                         } else {
  22019.                             $ratio 1;
  22020.                         }
  22021.                         if (($ratio 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
  22022.                             // Start Transformation
  22023.                             $this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StartTransform(true) . "\n";
  22024.                             $this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->transformScale(100$ratio 100$x ''$this->y0true) . "\n";
  22025.                             $trans_on true;
  22026.                         }
  22027.                     }
  22028.                     // Now output the adjusted values
  22029.                     $this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s'] . "\n";
  22030.                     if (isset($s['rel_y']) && ($ratio 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) { // only process position sensitive data
  22031.                         // Stop Transformation
  22032.                         $this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true) . "\n";
  22033.                         $trans_on false;
  22034.                     }
  22035.                 }
  22036.                 if ($trans_on) {
  22037.                     $this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true) . "\n";
  22038.                 }
  22039.             } else { // if NOT $this->colvAlign == 'J'
  22040.                 // Now output the adjusted values
  22041.                 foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $s) {
  22042.                     $this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s'] . "\n";
  22043.                 }
  22044.             }
  22045.             if ($lowest_bottom_y 0) {
  22046.                 $this->$lowest_bottom_y;
  22047.             }
  22048.         } // Columns not ended but new page -> align columns (can leave the columns alone - just tidy up the height)
  22049.         elseif ($this->colvAlign == 'J' && $this->ColumnAdjust && !$this->keepColumns) {
  22050.             // calculate the lowest bottom margin
  22051.             $lowest_bottom_y 0;
  22052.             foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $key => $s) {
  22053.                 // Only process output data
  22054.                 $t $s['s'];
  22055.                 if ($t == 'ACROFORM' || (preg_match('/BT \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/'$t)) || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ [\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+ re/'$t)) ||
  22056.                     (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/'$t)) ||
  22057.                     (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/'$t)) ||
  22058.                     (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/'$t)) ||
  22059.                     (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/'$t))) {
  22060.                     $clb $s['y'] + $s['h'];
  22061.                     if ((isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $clb $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) || !isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'])) {
  22062.                         $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] = $clb;
  22063.                     }
  22064.                     if ($clb $lowest_bottom_y) {
  22065.                         $lowest_bottom_y $clb;
  22066.                     }
  22067.                     $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y']; // Marks position sensitive data to process later
  22068.                     if ($t == 'ACROFORM') {
  22069.                         $this->columnbuffer[$key]['s'] = '';
  22070.                     }
  22071.                 }
  22072.             }
  22073.             // Adjust column length equal
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  22075.                 // Set ratio to expand y values or heights
  22076.                 if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) {
  22077.                     $ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
  22078.                 } else {
  22079.                     $ratio 1;
  22080.                 }
  22081.                 if (($ratio 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
  22082.                     $yadj = ($s['y'] - $this->y0) * ($ratio 1);
  22083.                     // Adjust LINKS
  22084.                     if (isset($s['rel_y'])) { // only process position sensitive data
  22085.                         // otherwise triggers for all entries in column buffer (.e.g. formatting) and makes below adjustments more than once
  22086.                         if (isset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])])) {
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  22094.                             $ref $this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])];
  22095.                             $this->form->forms[$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
  22096.                             $this->form->forms[$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
  22097.                             unset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][intval($s['x'])][intval($s['y'])]);
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  22105.                         /* -- END ANNOTATIONS -- */
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  22113.             }
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  22115.             /* -- TOC -- */
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  22121.             /* -- END TOC -- */
  22122.             $trans_on false;
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  22125.                     // Set ratio to expand y values or heights
  22126.                     if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) {
  22127.                         $ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
  22128.                     } else {
  22129.                         $ratio 1;
  22130.                     }
  22131.                     if (($ratio 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
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  22138.                 // Now output the adjusted values
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  22143.                     $trans_on false;
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  22153.             // If page has not ended but height adjustment was disabled by custom column-break - adjust y
  22154.             $lowest_bottom_y 0;
  22155.             if (!$this->ColActive && (!$this->ColumnAdjust || $this->keepColumns)) {
  22156.                 // calculate the lowest bottom margin
  22157.                 foreach ($this->columnbuffer as $key => $s) {
  22158.                     // Only process output data
  22159.                     $t $s['s'];
  22160.                     if ($t === 'ACROFORM'
  22161.                             || (preg_match('/BT \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/'$t))
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  22163.                             || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/'$t))
  22164.                             || (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/'$t))
  22165.                             || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/'$t))
  22166.                             || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/'$t))) {
  22167.                         $clb $s['y'] + $s['h'];
  22168.                         if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $clb $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] || (!isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $clb)) {
  22169.                             $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] = $clb;
  22170.                         }
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  22172.                             $lowest_bottom_y $clb;
  22173.                         }
  22174.                     }
  22175.                 }
  22176.             }
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  22185.             /* -- BOOKMARKS -- */
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  22200.                 unset($this->internallink[$key]['col']);
  22201.             }
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  22215.     // mPDF 5.7+
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  22217.     {
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  22219.         if (!count($matches)) {
  22220.             return $subject;
  22221.         }
  22222.         if (!isset($matches[3])) {
  22223.             $matches[3] = 0;
  22224.         }
  22225.         if (!isset($matches[4])) {
  22226.             $matches[4] = 0;
  22227.         }
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  22230.         }
  22231.         if (!isset($matches[6])) {
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  22233.         }
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  22238.     /* -- TABLES -- */
  22239.     function printcellbuffer()
  22240.     {
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  22271.         }
  22272.     }
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  22275.     {
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  22281.                 }
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  22299.             /* -- TOC -- */
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  22347.                     $by $this->tbrot_y0 $yadj $ax $w;
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  22370.                 if ($this->table_rotate 1) { // clockwise
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  22372.                     $by $this->tbrot_y0 $yadj $ax;
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  22375.                     $by $this->tbrot_y0 $yadj $ax;
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  22377.                 if ($v['x'] < 0) {
  22378.                     $v['x'] = -$bx;
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  22380.                     $v['x'] = $bx;
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  22389.         // Adjust Bookmarks
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  22391.             $v['y'] = $this->tbrot_y0;
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  22411.      * Keep-with-table This buffers contents of h1-6 to keep on page with table
  22412.      */
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  22414.     {
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  22433.             /* -- INDEX -- */
  22434.             // Output Reference (index)
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  22439.                         $Present 1;
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  22442.                         }
  22443.                     }
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  22447.                 }
  22448.             }
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  22450.             /* -- END INDEX -- */
  22451.             /* -- BOOKMARKS -- */
  22452.             // Output Bookmarks
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  22457.             /* -- END BOOKMARKS -- */
  22458.             /* -- TOC -- */
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  22496.         /* -- ANNOTATIONS -- */
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  22499.                 $bx $this->kwt_x0 $xadj;
  22500.                 $by $this->kwt_y0 $yadj;
  22501.                 if ($v['x'] < 0) {
  22502.                     $v['x'] = -$bx;
  22503.                 } else {
  22504.                     $v['x'] = $bx;
  22505.                 }
  22506.                 $v['y'] = $by;
  22507.                 $this->PageAnnots[$p][] = $v;
  22508.             }
  22509.         }
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  22511.         /* -- BOOKMARKS -- */
  22512.         // Adjust Bookmarks
  22513.         foreach ($this->kwt_BMoutlines as $v) {
  22514.             if ($v['y'] != 0) {
  22515.                 $v['y'] += $yadj;
  22516.             }
  22517.             $this->BMoutlines[] = ['t' => $v['t'], 'l' => $v['l'], 'y' => $v['y'], 'p' => $this->page];
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  22519.         /* -- END BOOKMARKS -- */
  22520.         /* -- INDEX -- */
  22521.         // Adjust Reference (index)
  22522.         foreach ($this->kwt_Reference as $v) {
  22523.             $Present 0;
  22524.             // Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
  22525.             for ($i 0$i count($this->Reference); $i++) {
  22526.                 if ($this->Reference[$i]['t'] == $v['t']) {
  22527.                     $Present 1;
  22528.                     if (!in_array($this->page$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
  22529.                         $this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $this->page;
  22530.                     }
  22531.                 }
  22532.             }
  22533.             if ($Present == 0) {
  22534.                 $this->Reference[] = ['t' => $v['t'], 'p' => [$this->page]];
  22535.             }
  22536.         }
  22537.         /* -- END INDEX -- */
  22538.         /* -- TOC -- */
  22539.         // Adjust ToC
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  22541.             $this->tableOfContents->_toc[] = ['t' => $v['t'], 'l' => $v['l'], 'p' => $this->page'link' => $v['link'], 'toc_id' => $v['toc_id']];
  22542.             $this->links[$v['link']][0] = $this->page;
  22543.             $this->links[$v['link']][1] += $yadj;
  22544.         }
  22545.         /* -- END TOC -- */
  22546.         $this->kwt_Links = [];
  22547.         $this->kwt_Annots = [];
  22548.         $this->kwt_Reference = [];
  22549.         $this->kwt_BMoutlines = [];
  22550.         $this->kwt_toc = [];
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  22569.     {
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  22573.     {
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  22601.         // DIRECTIONALITY
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  22640.     // ====================================================
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  22643.         /* -- OTL -- */
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  22652.             // including any added from OTL tables (in PUA)
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  22666.             // NB Returned $chunk may be a shorter string (with adjusted $cOTLdata) by removal of LRE, RLE etc embedding codes.
  22667.             list($chunk$rtl_content) = $this->otl->bidiSort($unicode$chunk$dir$chunkOTLdata$useGPOS);
  22668.             return $rtl_content;
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  22673.     /* -- OTL -- */
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  22675.     {
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  22678.         }
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  22686.                 $is_strong true;
  22687.             } // contains strong character
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  22697.     function _setBidiCodes($mode 'start'$bdf '')
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  22701.             // PDF comes before PDI to close isolate-override (e.g. "LRILROPDFPDI")
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  22703.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x202C);
  22704.             } // POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING
  22705.             if (strpos($bdf'PDI') !== false) {
  22706.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x2069);
  22707.             } // POP DIRECTIONAL ISOLATE
  22708.         } elseif ($mode == 'start') {
  22709.             // LRI comes before LRO to open isolate-override (e.g. "LRILROPDFPDI")
  22710.             if (strpos($bdf'LRI') !== false) {  // U+2066 LRI
  22711.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x2066);
  22712.             } elseif (strpos($bdf'RLI') !== false) { // U+2067 RLI
  22713.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x2067);
  22714.             } elseif (strpos($bdf'FSI') !== false) { // U+2068 FSI
  22715.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x2068);
  22716.             }
  22717.             if (strpos($bdf'LRO') !== false) { // U+202D LRO
  22718.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x202D);
  22719.             } elseif (strpos($bdf'RLO') !== false) { // U+202E RLO
  22720.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x202E);
  22721.             } elseif (strpos($bdf'LRE') !== false) { // U+202A LRE
  22722.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x202A);
  22723.             } elseif (strpos($bdf'RLE') !== false) { // U+202B RLE
  22724.                 $s .= UtfString::code2utf(0x202B);
  22725.             }
  22726.         }
  22727.         return $s;
  22728.     }
  22729.     /* -- END OTL -- */
  22730.     function SetSubstitutions()
  22731.     {
  22732.         $subsarray = [];
  22733.         require __DIR__ '/../data/subs_win-1252.php';
  22734.         $this->substitute = [];
  22735.         foreach ($subsarray as $key => $val) {
  22736.             $this->substitute[UtfString::code2utf($key)] = $val;
  22737.         }
  22738.     }
  22739.     function SubstituteChars($html)
  22740.     {
  22741.         // only substitute characters between tags
  22742.         if (count($this->substitute)) {
  22743.             $a preg_split('/(<.*?>)/ms'$html, -1PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
  22744.             $html '';
  22745.             foreach ($a as $i => $e) {
  22746.                 if ($i == 0) {
  22747.                     $e strtr($e$this->substitute);
  22748.                 }
  22749.                 $html .= $e;
  22750.             }
  22751.         }
  22752.         return $html;
  22753.     }
  22754.     function SubstituteCharsSIP(&$writehtml_a, &$writehtml_i, &$writehtml_e)
  22755.     {
  22756.         if (preg_match("/^(.*?)([\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}]+)(.*)/u"$writehtml_e$m)) {
  22757.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['sipext']) && $this->CurrentFont['sipext']) {
  22758.                 $font $this->CurrentFont['sipext'];
  22759.                 if (!in_array($font$this->available_unifonts)) {
  22760.                     return 0;
  22761.                 }
  22762.                 $writehtml_a[$writehtml_i] = $writehtml_e $m[1];
  22763.                 array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, ['span style="font-family: ' $font '"'$m[2], '/span'$m[3]]);
  22764.                 $this->subPos $writehtml_i;
  22765.                 return 4;
  22766.             }
  22767.         }
  22768.         return 0;
  22769.     }
  22770.     /**
  22771.      * If core font is selected in document which is not onlyCoreFonts - substitute with non-core font
  22772.      */
  22773.     function SubstituteCharsNonCore(&$writehtml_a, &$writehtml_i, &$writehtml_e)
  22774.     {
  22775.         // Ignore if in Textarea
  22776.         if ($writehtml_i && strtolower(substr($writehtml_a[$writehtml_i 1], 08)) == 'textarea') {
  22777.             return 0;
  22778.         }
  22779.         if (mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($writehtml_e$this->mb_enc"UTF-8"), "UTF-8"$this->mb_enc) == $writehtml_e) {
  22780.             return 0;
  22781.         }
  22782.         $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
  22783.         $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($writehtml_efalse);
  22784.         $start = -1;
  22785.         $end 0;
  22786.         $flag 0;
  22787.         $ftype '';
  22788.         $u = [];
  22789.         if (!$this->subArrMB) {
  22790.             require __DIR__ '/../data/subs_core.php';
  22791.             $this->subArrMB['a'] = $aarr;
  22792.             $this->subArrMB['s'] = $sarr;
  22793.             $this->subArrMB['z'] = $zarr;
  22794.         }
  22795.         foreach ($unicode as $c => $char) {
  22796.             if (($char 127 || ($flag == && $char == 32)) && $char != 173 && (!isset($this->subArrMB['a'][$char]) || ($flag == && $char == 32)) && ($char 1536 || ($char 1791 && $char 2304) || $char 3455)) {
  22797.                 if ($flag == 0) {
  22798.                     $start $c;
  22799.                 }
  22800.                 $flag 1;
  22801.                 $u[] = $char;
  22802.             } elseif ($flag 0) {
  22803.                 $end $c 1;
  22804.                 break;
  22805.             }
  22806.         }
  22807.         if ($flag && !$end) {
  22808.             $end count($unicode) - 1;
  22809.         }
  22810.         if ($start == -1) {
  22811.             return 0;
  22812.         }
  22813.         // Try in backup subs font
  22814.         if (!is_array($this->backupSubsFont)) {
  22815.             $this->backupSubsFont = ["$this->backupSubsFont"];
  22816.         }
  22817.         foreach ($this->backupSubsFont as $bsfctr => $bsf) {
  22818.             if ($this->fonttrans[$bsf] == 'chelvetica' || $this->fonttrans[$bsf] == 'ctimes' || $this->fonttrans[$bsf] == 'ccourier') {
  22819.                 continue;
  22820.             }
  22821.             $font $bsf;
  22822.             unset($cw);
  22823.             $cw '';
  22824.             if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) {
  22825.                 $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
  22826.             } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font '.cw.dat')) {
  22827.                 $cw $this->fontCache->load($font '.cw.dat');
  22828.             } else {
  22829.                 $prevFontFamily $this->FontFamily;
  22830.                 $prevFontStyle $this->currentfontstyle;
  22831.                 $prevFontSizePt $this->FontSizePt;
  22832.                 $this->SetFont($bsf''''false);
  22833.                 $this->SetFont($prevFontFamily$prevFontStyle$prevFontSizePtfalse);
  22834.             }
  22835.             if (!$cw) {
  22836.                 continue;
  22837.             }
  22838.             $l 0;
  22839.             foreach ($u as $char) {
  22840.                 if ($char == 173 || $this->_charDefined($cw$char) || ($char 1536 && $char 1791) || ($char 2304 && $char 3455 )) {
  22841.                     $l++;
  22842.                 } else {
  22843.                     if ($l == && $bsfctr == (count($this->backupSubsFont) - 1)) { // Not found even in last backup font
  22844.                         $cont mb_substr($writehtml_e$start 1);
  22845.                         $writehtml_e mb_substr($writehtml_e0$start 1'UTF-8');
  22846.                         array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, [''$cont]);
  22847.                         $this->subPos $writehtml_i 1;
  22848.                         return 2;
  22849.                     } else {
  22850.                         break;
  22851.                     }
  22852.                 }
  22853.             }
  22854.             if ($l 0) {
  22855.                 $patt mb_substr($writehtml_e$start$l'UTF-8');
  22856.                 if (preg_match("/(.*?)(" preg_quote($patt'/') . ")(.*)/u"$writehtml_e$m)) {
  22857.                     $writehtml_e $m[1];
  22858.                     array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, ['span style="font-family: ' $font '"'$m[2], '/span'$m[3]]);
  22859.                     $this->subPos $writehtml_i 3;
  22860.                     return 4;
  22861.                 }
  22862.             }
  22863.         }
  22864.         unset($cw);
  22865.         return 0;
  22866.     }
  22867.     function SubstituteCharsMB(&$writehtml_a, &$writehtml_i, &$writehtml_e)
  22868.     {
  22869.         // Ignore if in Textarea
  22870.         if ($writehtml_i && strtolower(substr($writehtml_a[$writehtml_i 1], 08)) == 'textarea') {
  22871.             return 0;
  22872.         }
  22873.         $cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
  22874.         $unicode $this->UTF8StringToArray($writehtml_efalse);
  22875.         $start = -1;
  22876.         $end 0;
  22877.         $flag 0;
  22878.         $ftype '';
  22879.         $u = [];
  22880.         foreach ($unicode as $c => $char) {
  22881.             if (($flag == || $flag == 2) && (!$this->_charDefined($cw$char) || ($flag == && $char == 32)) && $this->checkSIP && $char 131071) {  // Unicode Plane 2 (SIP)
  22882.                 if (in_array($this->FontFamily$this->available_CJK_fonts)) {
  22883.                     return 0;
  22884.                 }
  22885.                 if ($flag == 0) {
  22886.                     $start $c;
  22887.                 }
  22888.                 $flag 2;
  22889.                 $u[] = $char;
  22890.                 // elseif (($flag == 0 || $flag==1) && $char != 173 && !$this->_charDefined($cw,$char) && ($char<1423 ||  ($char>3583 && $char < 11263))) {
  22891.             } elseif (($flag == || $flag == 1) && $char != 173 && (!$this->_charDefined($cw$char) || ($flag == && $char == 32)) && ($char 1536 || ($char 1791 && $char 2304) || $char 3455)) {
  22892.                 if ($flag == 0) {
  22893.                     $start $c;
  22894.                 }
  22895.                 $flag 1;
  22896.                 $u[] = $char;
  22897.             } elseif ($flag 0) {
  22898.                 $end $c 1;
  22899.                 break;
  22900.             }
  22901.         }
  22902.         if ($flag && !$end) {
  22903.             $end count($unicode) - 1;
  22904.         }
  22905.         if ($start == -1) {
  22906.             return 0;
  22907.         }
  22908.         if ($flag == 2) { // SIP
  22909.             // Check if current CJK font has a ext-B related font
  22910.             if (isset($this->CurrentFont['sipext']) && $this->CurrentFont['sipext']) {
  22911.                 $font $this->CurrentFont['sipext'];
  22912.                 unset($cw);
  22913.                 $cw '';
  22914.                 if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) {
  22915.                     $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
  22916.                 } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font '.cw.dat')) {
  22917.                     $cw $this->fontCache->load($font '.cw.dat');
  22918.                 } else {
  22919.                     $prevFontFamily $this->FontFamily;
  22920.                     $prevFontStyle $this->currentfontstyle;
  22921.                     $prevFontSizePt $this->FontSizePt;
  22922.                     $this->SetFont($font''''false);
  22923.                     $this->SetFont($prevFontFamily$prevFontStyle$prevFontSizePtfalse);
  22924.                 }
  22925.                 if (!$cw) {
  22926.                     return 0;
  22927.                 }
  22928.                 $l 0;
  22929.                 foreach ($u as $char) {
  22930.                     if ($this->_charDefined($cw$char) || $char 131071) {
  22931.                         $l++;
  22932.                     } else {
  22933.                         break;
  22934.                     }
  22935.                 }
  22936.                 if ($l 0) {
  22937.                     $patt mb_substr($writehtml_e$start$l);
  22938.                     if (preg_match("/(.*?)(" preg_quote($patt'/') . ")(.*)/u"$writehtml_e$m)) {
  22939.                         $writehtml_e $m[1];
  22940.                         array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, ['span style="font-family: ' $font '"'$m[2], '/span'$m[3]]);
  22941.                         $this->subPos $writehtml_i 3;
  22942.                         return 4;
  22943.                     }
  22944.                 }
  22945.             }
  22946.             // Check Backup SIP font (defined in Config\FontVariables)
  22947.             if (isset($this->backupSIPFont) && $this->backupSIPFont) {
  22948.                 if ($this->currentfontfamily != $this->backupSIPFont) {
  22949.                     $font $this->backupSIPFont;
  22950.                 } else {
  22951.                     unset($cw);
  22952.                     return 0;
  22953.                 }
  22954.                 unset($cw);
  22955.                 $cw '';
  22956.                 if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) {
  22957.                     $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
  22958.                 } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font '.cw.dat')) {
  22959.                     $cw $this->fontCache->load($font '.cw.dat');
  22960.                 } else {
  22961.                     $prevFontFamily $this->FontFamily;
  22962.                     $prevFontStyle $this->currentfontstyle;
  22963.                     $prevFontSizePt $this->FontSizePt;
  22964.                     $this->SetFont($this->backupSIPFont''''false);
  22965.                     $this->SetFont($prevFontFamily$prevFontStyle$prevFontSizePtfalse);
  22966.                 }
  22967.                 if (!$cw) {
  22968.                     return 0;
  22969.                 }
  22970.                 $l 0;
  22971.                 foreach ($u as $char) {
  22972.                     if ($this->_charDefined($cw$char) || $char 131071) {
  22973.                         $l++;
  22974.                     } else {
  22975.                         break;
  22976.                     }
  22977.                 }
  22978.                 if ($l 0) {
  22979.                     $patt mb_substr($writehtml_e$start$l);
  22980.                     if (preg_match("/(.*?)(" preg_quote($patt'/') . ")(.*)/u"$writehtml_e$m)) {
  22981.                         $writehtml_e $m[1];
  22982.                         array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, ['span style="font-family: ' $font '"'$m[2], '/span'$m[3]]);
  22983.                         $this->subPos $writehtml_i 3;
  22984.                         return 4;
  22985.                     }
  22986.                 }
  22987.             }
  22988.             return 0;
  22989.         }
  22990.         // FIRST TRY CORE FONTS (when appropriate)
  22991.         if (!$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX && !$this->biDirectional) {  // mPDF 6
  22992.             $repl = [];
  22993.             if (!$this->subArrMB) {
  22994.                 require __DIR__ '/../data/subs_core.php';
  22995.                 $this->subArrMB['a'] = $aarr;
  22996.                 $this->subArrMB['s'] = $sarr;
  22997.                 $this->subArrMB['z'] = $zarr;
  22998.             }
  22999.             if (isset($this->subArrMB['a'][$u[0]])) {
  23000.                 $font 'tta';
  23001.                 $ftype 'C';
  23002.                 foreach ($u as $char) {
  23003.                     if (isset($this->subArrMB['a'][$char])) {
  23004.                         $repl[] = $this->subArrMB['a'][$char];
  23005.                     } else {
  23006.                         break;
  23007.                     }
  23008.                 }
  23009.             } elseif (isset($this->subArrMB['z'][$u[0]])) {
  23010.                 $font 'ttz';
  23011.                 $ftype 'C';
  23012.                 foreach ($u as $char) {
  23013.                     if (isset($this->subArrMB['z'][$char])) {
  23014.                         $repl[] = $this->subArrMB['z'][$char];
  23015.                     } else {
  23016.                         break;
  23017.                     }
  23018.                 }
  23019.             } elseif (isset($this->subArrMB['s'][$u[0]])) {
  23020.                 $font 'tts';
  23021.                 $ftype 'C';
  23022.                 foreach ($u as $char) {
  23023.                     if (isset($this->subArrMB['s'][$char])) {
  23024.                         $repl[] = $this->subArrMB['s'][$char];
  23025.                     } else {
  23026.                         break;
  23027.                     }
  23028.                 }
  23029.             }
  23030.             if ($ftype == 'C') {
  23031.                 $patt mb_substr($writehtml_e$startcount($repl));
  23032.                 if (preg_match("/(.*?)(" preg_quote($patt'/') . ")(.*)/u"$writehtml_e$m)) {
  23033.                     $writehtml_e $m[1];
  23034.                     array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, [$fontimplode('|'$repl), '/' $font$m[3]]); // e.g. <tts>
  23035.                     $this->subPos $writehtml_i 3;
  23036.                     return 4;
  23037.                 }
  23038.                 return 0;
  23039.             }
  23040.         }
  23041.         // LASTLY TRY IN BACKUP SUBS FONT
  23042.         if (!is_array($this->backupSubsFont)) {
  23043.             $this->backupSubsFont = ["$this->backupSubsFont"];
  23044.         }
  23045.         foreach ($this->backupSubsFont as $bsfctr => $bsf) {
  23046.             if ($this->currentfontfamily != $bsf) {
  23047.                 $font $bsf;
  23048.             } else {
  23049.                 continue;
  23050.             }
  23051.             unset($cw);
  23052.             $cw '';
  23053.             if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) {
  23054.                 $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw'];
  23055.             } elseif ($this->fontCache->has($font '.cw.dat')) {
  23056.                 $cw $this->fontCache->load($font '.cw.dat');
  23057.             } else {
  23058.                 $prevFontFamily $this->FontFamily;
  23059.                 $prevFontStyle $this->currentfontstyle;
  23060.                 $prevFontSizePt $this->FontSizePt;
  23061.                 $this->SetFont($bsf''''false);
  23062.                 $this->SetFont($prevFontFamily$prevFontStyle$prevFontSizePtfalse);
  23063.                 if ($this->fontCache->has($font '.cw.dat')) {
  23064.                     $cw $this->fontCache->load($font '.cw.dat');
  23065.                 }
  23066.             }
  23067.             if (!$cw) {
  23068.                 continue;
  23069.             }
  23070.             $l 0;
  23071.             foreach ($u as $char) {
  23072.                 if ($char == 173 || $this->_charDefined($cw$char) || ($char 1536 && $char 1791) || ($char 2304 && $char 3455 )) {  // Arabic and Indic
  23073.                     $l++;
  23074.                 } else {
  23075.                     if ($l == && $bsfctr == (count($this->backupSubsFont) - 1)) { // Not found even in last backup font
  23076.                         $cont mb_substr($writehtml_e$start 1);
  23077.                         $writehtml_e mb_substr($writehtml_e0$start 1);
  23078.                         array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, [''$cont]);
  23079.                         $this->subPos $writehtml_i 1;
  23080.                         return 2;
  23081.                     } else {
  23082.                         break;
  23083.                     }
  23084.                 }
  23085.             }
  23086.             if ($l 0) {
  23087.                 $patt mb_substr($writehtml_e$start$l);
  23088.                 if (preg_match("/(.*?)(" preg_quote($patt'/') . ")(.*)/u"$writehtml_e$m)) {
  23089.                     $writehtml_e $m[1];
  23090.                     array_splice($writehtml_a$writehtml_i 10, ['span style="font-family: ' $font '"'$m[2], '/span'$m[3]]);
  23091.                     $this->subPos $writehtml_i 3;
  23092.                     return 4;
  23093.                 }
  23094.             }
  23095.         }
  23096.         unset($cw);
  23097.         return 0;
  23098.     }
  23099.     function setHiEntitySubstitutions()
  23100.     {
  23101.         $entarr = include __DIR__ '/../data/entity_substitutions.php';
  23102.         foreach ($entarr as $key => $val) {
  23103.             $this->entsearch[] = '&' $key ';';
  23104.             $this->entsubstitute[] = UtfString::code2utf($val);
  23105.         }
  23106.     }
  23107.     function SubstituteHiEntities($html)
  23108.     {
  23109.         // converts html_entities > ASCII 127 to unicode
  23110.         // Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
  23111.         if (count($this->entsearch)) {
  23112.             $html str_replace($this->entsearch$this->entsubstitute$html);
  23113.         }
  23114.         return $html;
  23115.     }
  23116.     /**
  23117.      * Edited v1.2 Pass by reference; option to continue if invalid UTF-8 chars
  23118.      */
  23119.     function is_utf8(&$string)
  23120.     {
  23121.         if ($string === mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string"UTF-32""UTF-8"), "UTF-8""UTF-32")) {
  23122.             return true;
  23123.         }
  23124.         if ($this->ignore_invalid_utf8) {
  23125.             $string mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string"UTF-32""UTF-8"), "UTF-8""UTF-32");
  23126.             return true;
  23127.         }
  23128.         return false;
  23129.     }
  23130.     /**
  23131.      * For HTML
  23132.      *
  23133.      * Checks string is valid UTF-8 encoded
  23134.      * converts html_entities > ASCII 127 to UTF-8
  23135.      * Only exception - leaves low ASCII entities e.g. &lt; &amp; etc.
  23136.      * Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
  23137.      */
  23138.     function purify_utf8($html$lo true)
  23139.     {
  23140.         if (!$this->is_utf8($html)) {
  23141.             while (mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($html"UTF-32""UTF-8"), "UTF-8""UTF-32") !== $html) {
  23142.                 $a = @iconv('UTF-8''UTF-8'$html);
  23143.                 $error error_get_last();
  23144.                 if ($error && $error['message'] === 'iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string') {
  23145.                     throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Invalid input characters. Did you set $mpdf->in_charset properly?');
  23146.                 }
  23147.                 $pos $start strlen($a);
  23148.                 $err '';
  23149.                 while (ord(substr($html$pos1)) > 128) {
  23150.                     $err .= '[[#' ord(substr($html$pos1)) . ']]';
  23151.                     $pos++;
  23152.                 }
  23153.                 $this->logger->error($err, ['context' => LogContext::UTF8]);
  23154.                 $html substr($html$pos);
  23155.             }
  23156.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("HTML contains invalid UTF-8 character(s). See log for further details");
  23157.         }
  23158.         $html preg_replace("/\r/"""$html);
  23159.         // converts html_entities > ASCII 127 to UTF-8
  23160.         // Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
  23161.         $html $this->SubstituteHiEntities($html);
  23162.         // converts all &#nnn; or &#xHHH; to UTF-8 multibyte
  23163.         // If $lo==true then includes ASCII < 128
  23164.         $html UtfString::strcode2utf($html$lo);
  23165.         return $html;
  23166.     }
  23167.     /**
  23168.      * For TEXT
  23169.      */
  23170.     function purify_utf8_text($txt)
  23171.     {
  23172.         // Make sure UTF-8 string of characters
  23173.         if (!$this->is_utf8($txt)) {
  23174.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException("Text contains invalid UTF-8 character(s)");
  23175.         }
  23176.         $txt preg_replace("/\r/"""$txt);
  23177.         return ($txt);
  23178.     }
  23179.     function all_entities_to_utf8($txt)
  23180.     {
  23181.         // converts txt_entities > ASCII 127 to UTF-8
  23182.         // Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
  23183.         $txt $this->SubstituteHiEntities($txt);
  23184.         // converts all &#nnn; or &#xHHH; to UTF-8 multibyte
  23185.         $txt UtfString::strcode2utf($txt);
  23186.         $txt $this->lesser_entity_decode($txt);
  23187.         return ($txt);
  23188.     }
  23189.     /* -- BARCODES -- */
  23190.     /**
  23191.      * UPC/EAN barcode
  23192.      *
  23193.      * EAN13, EAN8, UPCA, UPCE, ISBN, ISSN
  23194.      * Accepts 12 or 13 digits with or without - hyphens
  23195.      */
  23196.     function WriteBarcode($code$showtext 1$x ''$y ''$size 1$border 0$paddingL 1$paddingR 1$paddingT 2$paddingB 2$height 1$bgcol false$col false$btype 'ISBN'$supplement '0'$supplement_code ''$k 1)
  23197.     {
  23198.         if (empty($code)) {
  23199.             return;
  23200.         }
  23201.         $codestr $code;
  23202.         $code preg_replace('/\-/'''$code);
  23203.         $this->barcode = new Barcode();
  23204.         if ($btype == 'ISSN' || $btype == 'ISBN') {
  23205.             $arrcode $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code'EAN13');
  23206.         } else {
  23207.             $arrcode $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code$btype);
  23208.         }
  23209.         if ($arrcode === false) {
  23210.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Error in barcode string: ' $codestr);
  23211.         }
  23212.         if ((($btype === 'EAN13' || $btype === 'ISBN' || $btype === 'ISSN') && strlen($code) === 12)
  23213.                 || ($btype == 'UPCA' && strlen($code) === 11)
  23214.                 || ($btype == 'UPCE' && strlen($code) === 11)
  23215.                 || ($btype == 'EAN8' && strlen($code) === 7)) {
  23216.             $code .= $arrcode['checkdigit'];
  23217.             if (stristr($codestr'-')) {
  23218.                 $codestr .= '-' $arrcode['checkdigit'];
  23219.             } else {
  23220.                 $codestr .= $arrcode['checkdigit'];
  23221.             }
  23222.         }
  23223.         if ($btype === 'ISBN') {
  23224.             $codestr 'ISBN ' $codestr;
  23225.         }
  23226.         if ($btype === 'ISSN') {
  23227.             $codestr 'ISSN ' $codestr;
  23228.         }
  23229.         if (empty($x)) {
  23230.             $x $this->x;
  23231.         }
  23232.         if (empty($y)) {
  23233.             $y $this->y;
  23234.         }
  23235.         // set foreground color
  23236.         $prevDrawColor $this->DrawColor;
  23237.         $prevTextColor $this->TextColor;
  23238.         $prevFillColor $this->FillColor;
  23239.         $lw $this->LineWidth;
  23240.         $this->SetLineWidth(0.01);
  23241.         $size /= $k// in case resized in a table
  23242.         $xres $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;
  23243.         $llm $arrcode['lightmL'] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size// Left Light margin
  23244.         $rlm $arrcode['lightmR'] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size// Right Light margin
  23245.         $bcw = ($arrcode["maxw"] * $xres); // Barcode width = Should always be 31.35mm * $size
  23246.         $fbw $bcw $llm $rlm// Full barcode width incl. light margins
  23247.         $ow $fbw $paddingL $paddingR// Full overall width incl. user-defined padding
  23248.         $fbwi $fbw 2// Full barcode width incl. light margins - 2mm - for isbn string
  23249.         // cf. coding getting it right.pdf
  23250.         $num_height $size;     // Height of numerals
  23251.         $fbh $arrcode['nom-H'] * $size $height;  // Full barcode height incl. numerals
  23252.         $bch $fbh - (1.5 $size);     // Barcode height of bars     (3mm for numerals)
  23253.         if (($btype == 'EAN13' && $showtext) || $btype == 'ISSN' || $btype == 'ISBN') { // Add height for ISBN string + margin from top of bars
  23254.             $tisbnm 1.5 $size// Top margin between isbn (if shown) & bars
  23255.             $codestr_fontsize 2.1 $size;
  23256.             $paddingT += $codestr_fontsize $tisbnm;
  23257.         }
  23258.         $oh $fbh $paddingT $paddingB;  // Full overall height incl. user-defined padding
  23259.         // PRINT border background color
  23260.         $xpos $x;
  23261.         $ypos $y;
  23262.         if ($col) {
  23263.             $this->SetDColor($col);
  23264.             $this->SetTColor($col);
  23265.         } else {
  23266.             $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23267.             $this->SetTColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23268.         }
  23269.         if ($bgcol) {
  23270.             $this->SetFColor($bgcol);
  23271.         } else {
  23272.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23273.         }
  23274.         if (!$bgcol && !$col) { // fn. called directly - not via HTML
  23275.             if ($border) {
  23276.                 $fillb 'DF';
  23277.             } else {
  23278.                 $fillb 'F';
  23279.             }
  23280.             $this->Rect($xpos$ypos$ow$oh$fillb);
  23281.         }
  23282.         // PRINT BARS
  23283.         $xpos $x $paddingL $llm;
  23284.         $ypos $y $paddingT;
  23285.         if ($col) {
  23286.             $this->SetFColor($col);
  23287.         } else {
  23288.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23289.         }
  23290.         if ($arrcode !== false) {
  23291.             foreach ($arrcode["bcode"] as $v) {
  23292.                 $bw = ($v["w"] * $xres);
  23293.                 if ($v["t"]) {
  23294.                     // draw a vertical bar
  23295.                     $this->Rect($xpos$ypos$bw$bch'F');
  23296.                 }
  23297.                 $xpos += $bw;
  23298.             }
  23299.         }
  23300.         // print text
  23301.         $prevFontFamily $this->FontFamily;
  23302.         $prevFontStyle $this->FontStyle;
  23303.         $prevFontSizePt $this->FontSizePt;
  23304.         // ISBN string
  23305.         if (($btype === 'EAN13' && $showtext) || $btype === 'ISBN' || $btype === 'ISSN') {
  23306.             if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
  23307.                 $this->SetFont('chelvetica');
  23308.             } else {
  23309.                 $this->SetFont('sans');
  23310.             }
  23311.             if ($bgcol) {
  23312.                 $this->SetFColor($bgcol);
  23313.             } else {
  23314.                 $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23315.             }
  23316.             $this->$x $paddingL 1// 1mm left margin (cf. $fbwi above)
  23317.             // max width is $fbwi
  23318.             $loop 0;
  23319.             while ($loop == 0) {
  23320.                 $this->SetFontSize($codestr_fontsize 1.4 Mpdf::SCALEfalse); // don't write
  23321.                 $sz $this->GetStringWidth($codestr);
  23322.                 if ($sz $fbwi) {
  23323.                     $codestr_fontsize -= 0.1;
  23324.                 } else {
  23325.                     $loop ++;
  23326.                 }
  23327.             }
  23328.             $this->SetFont(''''$codestr_fontsize 1.4 Mpdf::SCALEtruetrue); // * 1.4 because font height is only 7/10 of given mm
  23329.             // WORD SPACING
  23330.             if ($fbwi $sz) {
  23331.                 $xtra $fbwi $sz;
  23332.                 $charspacing $xtra / (strlen($codestr) - 1);
  23333.                 if ($charspacing) {
  23334.                     $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET'$charspacing Mpdf::SCALE));
  23335.                 }
  23336.             }
  23337.             $this->$y $paddingT - ($codestr_fontsize ) - $tisbnm;
  23338.             $this->Cell($fbw$codestr_fontsize$codestr);
  23339.             if ($charspacing) {
  23340.                 $this->writer->write('BT 0 Tc ET');
  23341.             }
  23342.         }
  23343.         // Bottom NUMERALS
  23344.         // mPDF 5.7.4
  23345.         if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
  23346.             $this->SetFont('ccourier');
  23347.             $fh 1.3;
  23348.         } else {
  23349.             $this->SetFont('ocrb');
  23350.             $fh 1.06;
  23351.         }
  23352.         $charRO '';
  23353.         if ($btype === 'EAN13' || $btype === 'ISBN' || $btype === 'ISSN') {
  23354.             $outerfontsize 3// Inner fontsize = 3
  23355.             $outerp $xres 4;
  23356.             $innerp $xres 2.5;
  23357.             $textw = ($bcw 0.5) - $outerp $innerp;
  23358.             $chars 6// number of numerals in each half
  23359.             $charLO substr($code01); // Left Outer
  23360.             $charLI substr($code16); // Left Inner
  23361.             $charRI substr($code76); // Right Inner
  23362.             if (!$supplement) {
  23363.                 $charRO '>'// Right Outer
  23364.             }
  23365.         } elseif ($btype === 'UPCA') {
  23366.             $outerfontsize 2.3// Inner fontsize = 3
  23367.             $outerp $xres 10;
  23368.             $innerp $xres 2.5;
  23369.             $textw = ($bcw 0.5) - $outerp $innerp;
  23370.             $chars 5;
  23371.             $charLO substr($code01); // Left Outer
  23372.             $charLI substr($code15); // Left Inner
  23373.             $charRI substr($code65); // Right Inner
  23374.             $charRO substr($code111); // Right Outer
  23375.         } elseif ($btype === 'UPCE') {
  23376.             $outerfontsize 2.3// Inner fontsize = 3
  23377.             $outerp $xres 4;
  23378.             $innerp 0;
  23379.             $textw = ($bcw 0.5) - $outerp $innerp;
  23380.             $chars 3;
  23381.             $upce_code $arrcode['code'];
  23382.             $charLO substr($code01); // Left Outer
  23383.             $charLI substr($upce_code03); // Left Inner
  23384.             $charRI substr($upce_code33); // Right Inner
  23385.             $charRO substr($code111); // Right Outer
  23386.         } elseif ($btype === 'EAN8') {
  23387.             $outerfontsize 3// Inner fontsize = 3
  23388.             $outerp $xres 4;
  23389.             $innerp $xres 2.5;
  23390.             $textw = ($bcw 0.5) - $outerp $innerp;
  23391.             $chars 4;
  23392.             $charLO '<'// Left Outer
  23393.             $charLI substr($code04); // Left Inner
  23394.             $charRI substr($code44); // Right Inner
  23395.             if (!$supplement) {
  23396.                 $charRO '>'// Right Outer
  23397.             }
  23398.         }
  23399.         $this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize 3) * $fh $size Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
  23400.         if (!$this->usingCoreFont) { // character width at 3mm
  23401.             $cw $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'], 32) * $fh $size 1000;
  23402.         } else {
  23403.             $cw 600 $fh $size 1000;
  23404.         }
  23405.         // Outer left character
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  23408.         $this->$x $paddingL - ($cw * ($outerfontsize 3) * 0.1); // 0.1 is correction as char does not fill full width;
  23409.         $this->$y_text_outer;
  23410.         $this->Cell($cw$num_height$charLO);
  23411.         // WORD SPACING for inner chars
  23412.         $xtra $textw - ($cw $chars);
  23413.         $charspacing $xtra / ($chars 1);
  23414.         if ($charspacing) {
  23415.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET'$charspacing Mpdf::SCALE));
  23416.         }
  23417.         if ($bgcol) {
  23418.             $this->SetFColor($bgcol);
  23419.         } else {
  23420.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
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  23422.         $this->SetFontSize($fh $size Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
  23423.         // Inner left half characters
  23424.         $this->$x $paddingL $llm $outerp;
  23425.         $this->$y_text;
  23426.         $this->Cell($textw$num_height$charLI00''1);
  23427.         // Inner right half characters
  23428.         $this->$x $paddingL $llm + ($bcw 0.5) + $innerp;
  23429.         $this->$y_text;
  23430.         $this->Cell($textw$num_height$charRI00''1);
  23431.         if ($charspacing) {
  23432.             $this->writer->write('BT 0 Tc ET');
  23433.         }
  23434.         // Outer Right character
  23435.         $this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize 3) * $fh $size Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
  23436.         $this->$x $paddingL $llm $bcw $rlm - ($cw * ($outerfontsize 3) * 0.9); // 0.9 is correction as char does not fill full width
  23437.         $this->$y_text_outer;
  23438.         $this->Cell($cw * ($outerfontsize 3), $num_height$charRO00'R');
  23439.         if ($supplement) { // EAN-2 or -5 Supplement
  23440.             // PRINT BARS
  23441.             $supparrcode $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($supplement_code'EAN' $supplement);
  23442.             if ($supparrcode === false) {
  23443.                 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Error in barcode string (supplement): ' $codestr ' ' $supplement_code);
  23444.             }
  23445.             if (strlen($supplement_code) != $supplement) {
  23446.                 throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Barcode supplement incorrect: ' $supplement_code);
  23447.             }
  23448.             $llm $fbw - (($arrcode['lightmR'] - $supparrcode['sepM']) * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size); // Left Light margin
  23449.             $rlm $arrcode['lightmR'] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size// Right Light margin
  23450.             $bcw = ($supparrcode["maxw"] * $xres); // Barcode width = Should always be 31.35mm * $size
  23451.             $fbw $bcw $llm $rlm// Full barcode width incl. light margins
  23452.             $ow $fbw $paddingL $paddingR// Full overall width incl. user-defined padding
  23453.             $bch $fbh - (1.5 $size) - ($num_height 0.5);  // Barcode height of bars     (3mm for numerals)
  23454.             $xpos $x $paddingL $llm;
  23455.             $ypos $y $paddingT $num_height 0.5;
  23456.             if ($col) {
  23457.                 $this->SetFColor($col);
  23458.             } else {
  23459.                 $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23460.             }
  23461.             if ($supparrcode !== false) {
  23462.                 foreach ($supparrcode["bcode"] as $v) {
  23463.                     $bw = ($v["w"] * $xres);
  23464.                     if ($v["t"]) {
  23465.                         // draw a vertical bar
  23466.                         $this->Rect($xpos$ypos$bw$bch'F');
  23467.                     }
  23468.                     $xpos += $bw;
  23469.                 }
  23470.             }
  23471.             // Characters
  23472.             if ($bgcol) {
  23473.                 $this->SetFColor($bgcol);
  23474.             } else {
  23475.                 $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23476.             }
  23477.             $this->SetFontSize($fh $size Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
  23478.             $this->$x $paddingL $llm;
  23479.             $this->$y $paddingT;
  23480.             $this->Cell($bcw$num_height$supplement_code00'C');
  23481.             // Outer Right character (light margin)
  23482.             $this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize 3) * $fh $size Mpdf::SCALE); // 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
  23483.             $this->$x $paddingL $llm $bcw $rlm - ($cw 0.9); // 0.9 is correction as char does not fill full width
  23484.             $this->$y $paddingT;
  23485.             $this->Cell($cw * ($outerfontsize 3), $num_height'>'00'R');
  23486.         }
  23487.         // Restore **************
  23488.         $this->SetFont($prevFontFamily$prevFontStyle$prevFontSizePt);
  23489.         $this->DrawColor $prevDrawColor;
  23490.         $this->TextColor $prevTextColor;
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  23492.         $this->SetLineWidth($lw);
  23493.         $this->SetY($y);
  23494.     }
  23495.     /**
  23496.      * POSTAL and OTHER barcodes
  23497.      */
  23498.     function WriteBarcode2($code$x ''$y ''$size 1$height 1$bgcol false$col false$btype 'IMB'$print_ratio ''$k 1$quiet_zone_left null$quiet_zone_right null)
  23499.     {
  23500.         if (empty($code)) {
  23501.             return;
  23502.         }
  23503.         $this->barcode = new Barcode();
  23504.         $arrcode $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code$btype$print_ratio$quiet_zone_left$quiet_zone_right);
  23505.         if (empty($x)) {
  23506.             $x $this->x;
  23507.         }
  23508.         if (empty($y)) {
  23509.             $y $this->y;
  23510.         }
  23511.         $prevDrawColor $this->DrawColor;
  23512.         $prevTextColor $this->TextColor;
  23513.         $prevFillColor $this->FillColor;
  23514.         $lw $this->LineWidth;
  23515.         $this->SetLineWidth(0.01);
  23516.         $size /= $k// in case resized in a table
  23517.         $xres $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;
  23518.         if ($btype === 'IMB' || $btype === 'RM4SCC' || $btype === 'KIX' || $btype === 'POSTNET' || $btype === 'PLANET') {
  23519.             $llm $arrcode['quietL'] / $k// Left Quiet margin
  23520.             $rlm $arrcode['quietR'] / $k// Right Quiet margin
  23521.             $tlm $blm $arrcode['quietTB'] / $k;
  23522.             $height 1;  // Overrides
  23523.         } elseif (in_array($btype, ['C128A''C128B''C128C''C128RAW''EAN128A''EAN128B''EAN128C''C39''C39+''C39E''C39E+''S25''S25+''I25''I25+''I25B''I25B+''C93''MSI''MSI+''CODABAR''CODE11'])) {
  23524.             $llm $arrcode['lightmL'] * $xres// Left Quiet margin
  23525.             $rlm $arrcode['lightmR'] * $xres// Right Quiet margin
  23526.             $tlm $blm $arrcode['lightTB'] * $xres $height;
  23527.         }
  23528.         $bcw = ($arrcode["maxw"] * $xres);
  23529.         $fbw $bcw $llm $rlm;  // Full barcode width incl. light margins
  23530.         $bch = ($arrcode["nom-H"] * $size $height);
  23531.         $fbh $bch $tlm $blm;  // Full barcode height
  23532.         // PRINT border background color
  23533.         $xpos $x;
  23534.         $ypos $y;
  23535.         if ($col) {
  23536.             $this->SetDColor($col);
  23537.             $this->SetTColor($col);
  23538.         } else {
  23539.             $this->SetDColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23540.             $this->SetTColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23541.         }
  23542.         if ($bgcol) {
  23543.             $this->SetFColor($bgcol);
  23544.         } else {
  23545.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(255$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23546.         }
  23547.         // PRINT BARS
  23548.         if ($col) {
  23549.             $this->SetFColor($col);
  23550.         } else {
  23551.             $this->SetFColor($this->colorConverter->convert(0$this->PDFAXwarnings));
  23552.         }
  23553.         $xpos $x $llm;
  23554.         if ($arrcode !== false) {
  23555.             foreach ($arrcode["bcode"] as $v) {
  23556.                 $bw = ($v["w"] * $xres);
  23557.                 if ($v["t"]) {
  23558.                     $ypos $y $tlm + ($bch $v['p'] / $arrcode['maxh']);
  23559.                     $this->Rect($xpos$ypos$bw, ($v['h'] * $bch $arrcode['maxh']), 'F');
  23560.                 }
  23561.                 $xpos += $bw;
  23562.             }
  23563.         }
  23564.         // PRINT BEARER BARS
  23565.         if ($btype == 'I25B' || $btype == 'I25B+') {
  23566.             $this->Rect($x$y$fbw, ($arrcode['lightTB'] * $xres $height), 'F');
  23567.             $this->Rect($x$y $tlm $bch$fbw, ($arrcode['lightTB'] * $xres $height), 'F');
  23568.         }
  23569.         // Restore **************
  23570.         $this->DrawColor $prevDrawColor;
  23571.         $this->TextColor $prevTextColor;
  23572.         $this->FillColor $prevFillColor;
  23573.         $this->SetLineWidth($lw);
  23574.         $this->SetY($y);
  23575.     }
  23576.     /* -- END BARCODES -- */
  23577.     function StartTransform($returnstring false)
  23578.     {
  23579.         if ($returnstring) {
  23580.             return('q');
  23581.         } else {
  23582.             $this->writer->write('q');
  23583.         }
  23584.     }
  23585.     function StopTransform($returnstring false)
  23586.     {
  23587.         if ($returnstring) {
  23588.             return('Q');
  23589.         } else {
  23590.             $this->writer->write('Q');
  23591.         }
  23592.     }
  23593.     function transformScale($s_x$s_y$x ''$y ''$returnstring false)
  23594.     {
  23595.         if ($x === '') {
  23596.             $x $this->x;
  23597.         }
  23598.         if ($y === '') {
  23599.             $y $this->y;
  23600.         }
  23601.         if (($s_x == 0) or ( $s_y == 0)) {
  23602.             throw new \Mpdf\MpdfException('Please do not use values equal to zero for scaling');
  23603.         }
  23604.         $y = ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  23605.         $x *= Mpdf::SCALE;
  23606.         // calculate elements of transformation matrix
  23607.         $s_x /= 100;
  23608.         $s_y /= 100;
  23609.         $tm = [];
  23610.         $tm[0] = $s_x;
  23611.         $tm[1] = 0;
  23612.         $tm[2] = 0;
  23613.         $tm[3] = $s_y;
  23614.         $tm[4] = $x * ($s_x);
  23615.         $tm[5] = $y * ($s_y);
  23616.         // scale the coordinate system
  23617.         if ($returnstring) {
  23618.             return($this->_transform($tmtrue));
  23619.         } else {
  23620.             $this->_transform($tm);
  23621.         }
  23622.     }
  23623.     function transformTranslate($t_x$t_y$returnstring false)
  23624.     {
  23625.         // calculate elements of transformation matrix
  23626.         $tm = [];
  23627.         $tm[0] = 1;
  23628.         $tm[1] = 0;
  23629.         $tm[2] = 0;
  23630.         $tm[3] = 1;
  23631.         $tm[4] = $t_x Mpdf::SCALE;
  23632.         $tm[5] = -$t_y Mpdf::SCALE;
  23633.         // translate the coordinate system
  23634.         if ($returnstring) {
  23635.             return($this->_transform($tmtrue));
  23636.         } else {
  23637.             $this->_transform($tm);
  23638.         }
  23639.     }
  23640.     function transformRotate($angle$x ''$y ''$returnstring false)
  23641.     {
  23642.         if ($x === '') {
  23643.             $x $this->x;
  23644.         }
  23645.         if ($y === '') {
  23646.             $y $this->y;
  23647.         }
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  23649.         $y = ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  23650.         $x *= Mpdf::SCALE;
  23651.         // calculate elements of transformation matrix
  23652.         $tm = [];
  23653.         $tm[0] = cos(deg2rad($angle));
  23654.         $tm[1] = sin(deg2rad($angle));
  23655.         $tm[2] = -$tm[1];
  23656.         $tm[3] = $tm[0];
  23657.         $tm[4] = $x $tm[1] * $y $tm[0] * $x;
  23658.         $tm[5] = $y $tm[0] * $y $tm[1] * $x;
  23659.         // rotate the coordinate system around ($x,$y)
  23660.         if ($returnstring) {
  23661.             return $this->_transform($tmtrue);
  23662.         } else {
  23663.             $this->_transform($tm);
  23664.         }
  23665.     }
  23666.     /**
  23667.      * mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
  23668.      */
  23669.     function transformSkew($angle_x$angle_y$x ''$y ''$returnstring false)
  23670.     {
  23671.         if ($x === '') {
  23672.             $x $this->x;
  23673.         }
  23674.         if ($y === '') {
  23675.             $y $this->y;
  23676.         }
  23677.         $angle_x = -$angle_x;
  23678.         $angle_y = -$angle_y;
  23679.         $x *= Mpdf::SCALE;
  23680.         $y = ($this->$y) * Mpdf::SCALE;
  23681.         // calculate elements of transformation matrix
  23682.         $tm = [];
  23683.         $tm[0] = 1;
  23684.         $tm[1] = tan(deg2rad($angle_y));
  23685.         $tm[2] = tan(deg2rad($angle_x));
  23686.         $tm[3] = 1;
  23687.         $tm[4] = -$tm[2] * $y;
  23688.         $tm[5] = -$tm[1] * $x;
  23689.         // skew the coordinate system
  23690.         if ($returnstring) {
  23691.             return $this->_transform($tmtrue);
  23692.         } else {
  23693.             $this->_transform($tm);
  23694.         }
  23695.     }
  23696.     function _transform($tm$returnstring false)
  23697.     {
  23698.         if ($returnstring) {
  23699.             return(sprintf('%.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F cm'$tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5]));
  23700.         } else {
  23701.             $this->writer->write(sprintf('%.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F cm'$tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5]));
  23702.         }
  23703.     }
  23704.     // AUTOFONT =========================
  23705.     function markScriptToLang($html)
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  23749.                 // and scriptblock[x+1] = baseScript
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  23757.                             $end--;
  23758.                         }
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  23766.                             $s .= UtfString::code2utf($chardata[$sch][$j]['uni']);
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  23768.                         // ZZZ99 Undo lesser_entity_decode as above - but only for <>&
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  23770.                         $s str_replace("<""&lt;"$s);
  23771.                         $s str_replace(">""&gt;"$s);
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  23776.                             if (preg_match("/[" $this->scriptToLanguage->getLanguageDelimiters('sindhi') . "]/u"$s)) {
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  23786.                             } else {
  23787.                                 // Just output chars
  23788.                                 $o .= $s;
  23789.                             }
  23790.                         } elseif ($scriptblocks[$sch] > && $scriptblocks[$sch] != $this->baseScript && $this->scriptToLanguage->getLanguageByScript($scriptblocks[$sch])) { // Identify Script block if not Basescript, and mark up as language
  23791.                             // Encase in <span>
  23792.                             $o .= '<span lang="' $this->scriptToLanguage->getLanguageByScript($scriptblocks[$sch]) . '" class="lang_' $this->scriptToLanguage->getLanguageByScript($scriptblocks[$sch]) . '">';
  23793.                             $o .= $s;
  23794.                             $o .= '</span>';
  23795.                         } else {
  23796.                             // Just output chars
  23797.                             $o .= $s;
  23798.                         }
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  23811.      * Callback function from function printcolumnbuffer in mpdf
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  23820.             $a += ($xadj $k);
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  23822.             return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F'$a$b$c$d) . ' re';
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  23833.             $b -= ($yadj $k);
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  23837.             $b -= ($yadj $k);
  23838.             $c += ($xadj $k);
  23839.             $d -= ($yadj $k);
  23840.             $e += ($xadj $k);
  23841.             $f -= ($yadj $k);
  23842.             return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F'$a$b$c$d$e$f) . ' c';
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  24028.     // mPDF 5.7+
  24029.     function date_callback($matches)
  24030.     {
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  24032.     }
  24033.     // ========== OVERWRITE SEARCH STRING IN A PDF FILE ================
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  24058.         // Get xref into array
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  24118.         // Update startxref in PDF
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  24123.         // OUTPUT
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  24145.             case Destination::STRING_RETURN:
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  24147.             case Destination::DOWNLOAD// Download file
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  24217.     // JAVASCRIPT
  24218.     function _set_object_javascript($string)
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  24231.     /**
  24232.      * This function takes the last comma or dot (if any) to make a clean float, ignoring thousand separator, currency or any other letter
  24233.      *
  24234.      * @param string $num
  24235.      * @see
  24236.      * @return float
  24237.      */
  24238.     public function toFloat($num)
  24239.     {
  24240.         $dotPos strrpos($num'.');
  24241.         $commaPos strrpos($num',');
  24242.         $sep = (($dotPos $commaPos) && $dotPos) ? $dotPos : ((($commaPos $dotPos) && $commaPos) ? $commaPos false);
  24243.         if (!$sep) {
  24244.             return floatval(preg_replace('/[^0-9]/'''$num));
  24245.         }
  24246.         return floatval(
  24247.             preg_replace('/[^0-9]/'''substr($num0$sep)) . '.' .
  24248.             preg_replace('/[^0-9]/'''substr($num$sep+1strlen($num)))
  24249.         );
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  24251.     public function getFontDescriptor()
  24252.     {
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  24255.     /**
  24256.      * Temporarily return the method to preserve example 44 yearbook
  24257.      */
  24258.     public function _out($s)
  24259.     {
  24260.         $this->writer->write($s);
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  24267.      * @return string
  24268.      */
  24269.     protected function aliasReplace($html$PAGENO$NbPgGp$NbPg)
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  24279.         // Date replace
  24280.         $html preg_replace_callback('/\{DATE\s+(.*?)\}/', [$this'date_callback'], $html); // mPDF 5.7
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